Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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We don't know where in the house the LL saw Lucas, do we?

Nope, PB specified peeking out a window, but also specified that she didn't know which one.

I guess I'm not POSITIVE there hasn't been a revelation since then.
I know we have that in a lot of cities. But maybe not in some towns yet. I am not sure if Wichita PD uses that technology or not.

Wichita is the largest city in Kansas so I pretty sure they would have this up to date system. Plus they sit right next to a major interstate. Not that this really matters in the scheme of all this. Just my 2 Cents :twocents:
What if she had left Lucas alone that Saturday and when LL came by and knocked on door and saw Lucas, and then knocked on door harder knowing someone was home just not answering door and Lucas got scared. Could he have gone out back door thinking this person he didn't now was trying to get in house. He wasn't familiar with neighborhood could of easily gotten lost crawled in some small space to hide when it started getting dark. I know people say well someone would of seen him, but the more cases I read here, the more I realize people do see a young child walking down a road and don't stop and don't alert police.

She comes home Lucas is gone she doesn't want to tell police she left him alone so she makes up the showering and nap story.

this is a really interesting theory.

my only two conflicts are:

1. LE said Lucas didnt just walk out the door.
2. it seems unlikely the LL wouldnt notice this. I am open to scenario the LL was at the house for a short time and left thinking Lucas was safe in the home and thought the parents were in the house somewhere/avoiding him (as opposed to calling EG or JH to alert them he saw Lucas alone) but i think if he were knocking loudly/trying to get attn AND saw Lucas, it seems odd he wouldn't notice if he scared him.
But the timeframe she left him alone, and the time she claims he walked out the door is 24 hours apart. So that still doesn't explain why she would wait 24 hours to report him missing.

Just thinking out loud...

she could have still been high/intoxicated/drugged and didnt want to call the cops in that state/needed to sober up? not necessarily applying that to just this theory but since our VIs have advised us to focus starting with late hours on friday, in addition to needing a plan another reason for a delayed report could be she wanted to report him missing in a state of mind where she appeared like a good, distraught mother.
But the timeframe she left him alone, and the time she claims he walked out the door is 24 hours apart. So that still doesn't explain why she would wait 24 hours to report him missing.

Just thinking out loud...

I think she left it 24 hours to make sure she had covered her tracks - e.g. make sure he was hidden well enough. Which worries me, as it doesn't appear that she thought there was a risk of him being found by others before she reported him as missing so, where the hell has she left him?
I think she left it 24 hours to make sure she had covered her tracks - e.g. make sure he was hidden well enough. Which worries me, as it doesn't appear that she thought there was a risk of him being found by others before she reported him as missing so, where the hell has she left him?
That I can agree with. But the original comment I replied to was speculation that he did actually leave the house while she was gone, and she came home to him not being there. I don't think she would have waited 24 hours if he went missing on his own because she would have been afraid he would be approached by someone, or seen, and she'd be questioned as to how she didn't report him missing.

Just thinking out loud...
That I can agree with. But the original comment I replied to was speculation that he did actually leave the house while she was gone, and she came home to him not being there. I don't think she would have waited 24 hours if he went missing on his own because she would have been afraid he would be approached by someone, or seen, and she'd be questioned as to how she didn't report him missing.

Just thinking out loud...

Oh I concur, Wildcat. Sorry, I didn't read back through the trail. Just adding my 2cents! :blushing:
For what it's worth, I thought I should explain my comment upthread about EG's actions not lining up with someone genuinely trying to get her boys back and my jump from that to her having a child with JH. The connection between the two is that I no longer think she wanted to get back at JH for possibly ruining her chances with visitation. I think her motive all along had to do with Jaime and feeling like she had to compete for JH attention. Based on VI comment that LH and JO had a very loving relationship, I'm sure that spilled over into their own home every day. Innocent comments could have been made by darling little Lucas at mealtimes about how his mommy would make a certain meal that he liked. Comments like these could be an explanation for EG saying bruises could come when in the kitchen. I am speculating that mention of JO came up regularly in the home in a loving way by Lucas and JH didn't stop it because why would he. Maybe this enraged EG because even after having a child with JH she could have still felt like an outsider. Maybe this would have changed as their daughter got older but logistics aren't the problem, her mind is IMO. I hope this is making sense. Jealousy is the simplest possible motive after financial gain and that didn't happen here. Occam's razor says keep it simple which eliminates other people and him being far away. If he was placed in a dumpster that would have been quick and easy for her. I've heard nothing come out about where she was and what she did after OG. This IMO is why we've been told to focus on that timeframe for finding Lucas. IMO she knew the jig was up when JH found out she left Lucas alone and the way he would have known this is Lucas peeking out the window while she was known to be at OG. She may have gotten away with lies before this one but how would she explain this to JH. Her after being caught explanation is he was sleeping and not feeling well. If that's true then any reasonable person wouldn't go to OG. How can you go eat and leave a child home and think that's okay? She knew it wasn't okay so that lie being exposed could have done her in. There's a reason LE let us in on the 2 outgoing calls from her phone in the vicinity of OG. I still think one or both were to JH or one could have been returning a missed call from the LL. I'm speculating again but it seems to me JH was quite the catch for her. All JMO of course.

I just wanted to point out that LE didn't really "come out and tell us" about the Olive Garden info. That info was in court documents that supported her arrest on child endangerment charges, and was obtained by a media source under the Freedom of Information Act. So LE wasn't dropping hints.
and her backstory to her alleged nursing degree. ik it was verified that she is not a nurse but where did she even get the idea to post this on linkedin? did she start nursing school? apply and get rejected? aspire to be one? are one of her parents a nurse? aka is there some exposure to medicine where she is "good" at doses, for example drugging a child to keep them quiet regularly and going too far one time....

She never said she had a degree, just that she went to school there. Maybe she did, and took some pre-requisite classes (or attempted to) hoping to eventually get into Nursing School.

I listed Nursing as my major back when I was only doing pre-reqs, because that was my degree plan.

Then again, she's a lying liar who lies, and thought it sounded cool.
I was on twitter this morning. There was a tweet regarding another missing little boy. In that case, they were asking hunters to check their hunting cameras left behind in wooded areas to see if there were any images of the boy. Might be something that could be asked here.
I never had any faith in Dad to lose. He admitted right from go that relatives had advised him of abuse, and we see how he responded to that.

I think I agree with you... I was being way too diplomatic.
I think she left it 24 hours to make sure she had covered her tracks - e.g. make sure he was hidden well enough. Which worries me, as it doesn't appear that she thought there was a risk of him being found by others before she reported him as missing so, where the hell has she left him?
Morning Ana:loveyou:
I agree that she probably did. It's just driving me almost mad wondering where EG left little Lucas.
Hoping as always that this is the day for Lucas and that someone gives the vital tip that LE so desperately needs.
Morning Ana:loveyou:
I agree that she probably did. It's just driving me almost mad wondering where EG left little Lucas.
Hoping as always that this is the day for Lucas and that someone gives the vital tip that LE so desperately needs.

Good morning Chi!

Everyday is a day closer.

Enjoy your Friday.
Ah there are things we believe to be true, based on prevalence of information indicating that they are. I remember a time when the luxury of this ideal was within reach.

Murder is risky when:
1. Surroundings are such that death & signs of death inherently stand out;
2. One is visibly shaken or unable to behave/reciprocate in a manner as officers expect of normal individuals, or an officer familiar with individual/s recognizes their behaviour as out of place or odd;
3. A group involved is not equipped to deal with a fatality, planned or unplanned...

-At no point has Wichita PD shown that there was any reason to suspect EG for anything prior to her calling Lucas in as missing Saturday, February 16th.

-Her limited license is hardly grounds for searching or impounding the vehicle (typically ticketed, doors locked up, driver calls another to find some other way home/remove vehicle).

-She was not on their radar as a person of interest, and she could rest assured in her game face playing things into her hands, right up unto the point of being outed for the scam she ran (oh shock of shocks, that anyone should not believe her!).

When society continually throws suspicious characters a lifeline to avoid dealing with duplicitous, negligent and criminal behaviour, unfortunately, murder becomes 'less risky'.
As much as I hate to say it, we have here such a character who's been enabled her entire life, rewarded for refining an act, and entitled by lenience into this very category.

As always, seeking evidence to the contrary of EG directly removing Lucas from this life- often as not, it is maddeningly elusive in light of what was done long before and up till the stage His voice and light ceased to be seen. This was not overnight and it was not especially risky.

Where is the evidence that EG has been "enabled her entire life"? Do you have a link for that or is that an assumption?
I don't currently have a link stating that EG was "enabled all of her life" but this post by FLA seems to show that she is certainly being supported :gaah: while she is in jaill:

Verified Family - Lucas Allen Hernandez

Join DateFeb 2018Posts189​

Originally Posted by Blef
I know they will be monitoring her jail contact with others (phone conversations etc) but I wish they could get JH or her family to start putting pressure on her. Am I right in thinking that she can just refuse to talk to LE? Why doesn’t JH start demanding answers? I know if it were my child missing I would be?

I respectfully disagree. I think all family and JH need to totally cut contact. She seems to like attention. She likes to talk. If they cut contact, I think she'll turn to either inmates or LE to talk to. Whether she tells the truth or not is a different story, though.

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On one hand I think it’s very possibe that EG left Lucas home alone on VD. People are creatures of habit, and she definitely engages in habitual behavior like drugs. We know she had no problem leaving him home alone. My only question with this theory is baby girl. If she left Lucas home alone to be able to do what she wanted..would baby girl not interfere with plans either? Or could it be that the issue was Lucas was of the age to talk about what he sees whereas baby girl is not...just thinking out loud..
i think the baby daughter was too young to be problematic, so it was easy for EG to use her as a display of what a great mommy she was. Basically, using the baby as a tool.

Also, I suspect the baby was very snuggly so fulfilled EGs need for intimacy somewhat, but not completely. She's probably the type of woman that prefers babies. After they turn 3 or so she's ready for a new baby and the now toddler is just a nuisance.

Bottom line, the baby was useful to EG in multiple ways. Lucas was nothing more than a burden.
<jmo> i think the baby daughter was too young to be problematic, so it was east for EG to use her as a display of what a great mommy she was. Basically, using the baby as a tool.

Also, I suspect the baby was very snuggly so fulfilled EGs need for intimacy somewhat, but not completely. She's probably the type of woman that prefers babies. After they turn 3 or so she's ready for a new baby and the now toddler is just a nuisance.

Bottom line, the baby was useful to Eat in multiple ways. Lucas was nothing more than a burden. </jmo>

BBM. Ugh, that reminds me of Louise Turpin. She used that baby (the only healthy looking child) to show what a "wonderful" mother she is :gaah:
BBM. Ugh, that reminds me of Louise Turpin. She used that baby (the only healthy looking child) to show what a "wonderful" mother she is :gaah:
Another horrible woman.
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