Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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Unfortunately I too am leaning towards premeditation...but still on the fence about it as I don't really want to go there in my head. But the indications of her mounting discontent and the markers of her total lack of caring, as evidenced by leaving Lucas home alone while she went to OG, have me beginning to go down that dark rabbit hole
I've seen it too many times, that monstrous type of anger that grows and grows until it lashes out.
In my experience with people like EG, they lack a moral compass, a true center of any type and they actually change masks to suit the audience. They don't have to be book-smart, just conniving.
They are users, devoid of true feelings for others, and have the traits that mark the anti-social being that they are.
Now EG's mask has slipped and her true self has been revealed to those of us who choose to see it for what it is. She does not like this one bit and her "groupies" are keeping her happy and cheered up for now which makes me want to wretch.
She's finally the one cornered now. Instead of little Lucas. And that suits me just fine.
What she actually did on Valentine's day is such a enigma that it just has to be sleuthed.
If it weren't for Pandora I'd have probably lost it by now...
jmo and all that

I know people like I think EG is. Their deep self centeredness and satisfaction with hate and revenge is revolting. They feel justified in their acts against others and even proud of themselves.They refuse to see themselves as the evil they are. They are void of a conscience. If she is one as I am describing then she needs to never be set free. Not ever. And if she is as I described then it points more to premeditation imo.
My husband and I had two children together before we were married and no paternity test was needed, we just both signed the birth certificates. I’m in Virginia though.

After you’re married the husband is automatically on the bc and even if you’re separated and know someone else is the father a paternity test has to be done (source a close friend who went through the process.) I have no idea how this would work with a common law marriage if that was actually JH and EG’s situation.

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It must work the same way where I live in Canada, too.
My parents weren't married when my brother was born and no paternity test was needed either.
My stepdad was listed as H's father at the time of his birth, regardless of my parents' marital status.
It may have been different if he wasn't present at the time of the birth or my parents weren't together, though.
I know people like I think EG is. Their deep self centeredness and satisfaction with hate and revenge is revolting. They feel justified in their acts against others and even proud of themselves.They refuse to see themselves as the evil they are. They are void of a conscience. If she is one as I am describing then she needs to never be set free. Not ever.
Yes there's the old saying about the the "Guff" or something where devoid souls come from.
Just saying....
I don't know...:moo:
Yes there's the old saying about the the "Guff" or something where devoid souls come from.
Just saying....
I don't know...:moo:

Haven't heard of the "Guff".
I'm feeling that premeditation is making more sense than not at this point. At first I thought she just lost it and that last wallop did him in. Now I'm leaning towards premeditation with all the information we've gathered. She most certainly didn't care about Lucas's welfare. It sounds like he was underweight, beaten, verbally abused, and neglected in every way by his main caretaker, that being EG. Was she just hoping he would just unintentionally harm himself being left alone? How long was this absolute neglect going on? Did she treat him differently when JH was home, just 10 days a month? How much was JH unaware of? Did he just not believe Lucas when he told? Did he just believe EG that it would never happen again or that her "discipline" was in Lucas's best interest? These are just some of my thoughts. I have more coming! :scared:
trivial, worthless, or insolent talk or ideas.
I honestly don't understand. Her pregnancy should of made her a happy person, smoking pot should of made her a happy person...So why wasn't she a happy person? Something is off with her.

MH, before they deleted their pages I seen pictures of her...she looks like Lucas.

I wish she would just come clean with what happened to Lucas. But she's not talking so that tells me something sinister happened. And she's banking on no one finding out so she can get out and go back to having her perfect little family.

I know I sound like a broken record but E.g. is the worst kind of monster and I hope she rots in prison.
I honestly don't understand. Her pregnancy should of made her a happy person, smoking pot should of made her a happy person...So why wasn't she a happy person? Something is off with her.

MH, before they deleted their pages I seen pictures of her...she looks like Lucas.

I wish she would just come clean with what happened to Lucas. But she's not talking so that tells me something sinister happened. And she's banking on no one finding out so she can get out and go back to having her perfect little family.

I know I sound like a broken record but E.g. is the worst kind of monster and I hope she rots in prison.

We just might be looking at the ugly green monster.....jealousy!
I had this long string of posts to reply to but I gave up.

I kept expecting Mariah Woods' mom was going to turn up pregnant by that monster of a boyfriend, but I did not see this coming for EG.

I'm assuming she found out at the jail. If we had known she was pregnant I wouldn't have questioned a daily nap. I totally uncharacteristicly started falling asleep during my son's noon nap, in the middle of reading, before I knew I was pregnant with #3.

I must be the only one who thinks maybe it wasn't planned due to the pregnancy. But the hormones could have made her seriously more angry and irritable for no good reason. We struggled a bit to carry #2. I was put on oral progesterone. My kids' dad called them my Satan pills. I still think that was a jerk thing for him to say, but maybe not entirely without merit.

She's feeling sick and tired and pissed off, but blames external circumstances. And if by some chance it isn't J's baby, then she's already got one foot partially out the door, wishing JH and Lucas as an extension would just go away, maybe.

I could see her delivering a worse beating than usual "unintentionally" killing him. I don't want to go there exactly but the idea of break with reality isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility...well, for the fatal blow itself, but the hiding the body and lies show she knew what she did was wrong, imo.
Pregnant women may also suffer from anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and eating disorders. While it is rare for women to experience first-onset psychoses during pregnancy, relapse rates are high for women previously diagnosed with some form of psychosis.

But, otoh, it sure does seem like she was planning something with the JO vday lie and maybe even the OG stuff followed by the missing report 24 hours or so later.

I'm so glad I missed the body found stuff at the time...I had my heart in my throat 2ce already in this case. That's some emotional stuff! I can't imagine how hard it is for the family.

I hope there are real answers to be had for those who love Lucas, sooner rather than later.

I'll be here, watching and waiting for news.
I've wondered about where Lucas slept in the apartment. I've also wondered if he had a bed at the new home and if LE took his sheets. Do you know/can you say if Lucas had his own bed? It makes me so sad to wonder if he even had a bed. Geesh! :tears:


It would be SP to take the sheets, moo.
Good morning everyone. I'm hoping that Lucas is found today like I hope every day. The sun is strong today in Topeka. I hope it's shining strong in Wichita too.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I think I finally fell asleep at about 6am. The bright side, I got to feel the earthquake that hit at a 4.3 magnitude. Fun fun. The downside, aside from only getting 2 hours of sleep, is that I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas, wondering what he was going through. Thinking about his sweet little face and his angels voice and my heart broke a thousand times.

But I also had alot of time to think about this premeditated stuff. I kept thinking that EG isn't stupid. She may have hoped afterwards that she would get away with it but she had to of known that she might not. So what did she have to gain by planning out Lucas's... I'm just going to say disappearance? If she wanted JH all to herself, did she not think that she could lose everything if she got caught? I think she would have had a better chance in talking JH into letting a family member take care of Lucas permanently. She could have said, hey, I'm pregnant, I don't think I will be able to handle taking care of Lucas, MH, the baby and possibly my other son's while you're away at work so maybe one of your family members could take care of him. That would have also taken care of Jamie because if Lucas was with someone else she would have no need to contact JH. Now, she is in jail, she will hopefully soon be charged with Lucas's disappearance, she has probably lost any chance of ever having any kind of custody of her boys, her daughter and now this new baby. It seems to me like a risky plan. Which brings me to think that she just went too far. She didn't plan it but covered it up hoping she wouldn't get caught. I also think it's possible she wasn't in her right state of mind. And that doesn't necessarily mean drugs other than marijuana. She could have been drinking.

Sorry for the book. Had to get the thoughts out of my head.
Haven't heard of the "Guff".
Here hon : Guf (גּוּף, also transliterated Guph or even Gup) is a Hebrew word, meaning "body". In Jewish mysticism the Chamber of Guf, also called the Otzar (הָאוֹצָר, Hebrew for "treasury"), is the Treasury of Souls, located in the Seventh Heaven.Guf - Wikipedia

And here: the guf becomes empty&f=false

It's just rabbinical lore basically and for reading purposes only. The 2nd link deals with the Guf becoming "empty of souls".
Now back to this world and Finding Lucas

EG has a history of being physically violent with others, her ex, ex-boyfriends, JH, Lucas and maybe JO. I would bet Lucas was too bruised up to take him out in public for at least the last couple of days or have JH face time with him. Hence the lie of JO taking him on VD and why he was left home alone on the 16th. I wonder if the LL noticed any bruising. Of course if Lucas was just barely peeking thru some curtains or blinds he might not have been able to tell. If Lucas told EG the LL came over and he saw him peeking she might have blown a gasket because her story was blown and his abuse might have been noticeable.
Those two phone calls while she was away from the house.......who were they to? Does it tie into any of this?
Clearly I am out of the loop?! EG is pregnant ?!!! When did this info come out?
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