Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #17 *Arrest*

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I do think EG told JH as soon as she could. But when did she find jail? And, I do think JH believes he is the father. To him, they were a family, EG watching his son and daughter, he out earning a living, doing whatever it takes. People have a tendency to see things from their own point of reference, sometimes thru rose colored glasses. He seems to believe her about everything else, why wouldn't he believe her that he is the father, that she never cheated while he was gone?

It took me a minute but I finally found an article about the alleged "sexual assault" that EG and JH were fighting about. I think that JH knew that EG was cheating on him. I think he just put up with it because he was all in love and stuff. There have been a couple of people who claim that JH wasn't aware of EG being pregnant. That makes me think that she didn't find out until she was put in jail. Because I think that she would have jumped at the chance to tell him if she knew before. I wish that someone from MSM would try to get some facts on it. Anyways, everything IMO and here's the link..
I'm sorry but I just can't get past the thought, that somebody is hoping to raise bail money by Monday the 16th.

I’ve thought that since then got brought to light. I didn’t want to say it and make it seem I was questioning JH’s involvement but I can’t help but think that this money won’t be used for Lucas. It will be used on EG. I don’t believe JH cares about finding him honestly. IMO
Jumping off your post, there's no guarantee that any money raised will actually be used for the stated purpose, right? The account holder can withdraw/use funds at any time for any purpose as I understand it. There's no accountability. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

You are correct. A kid who lives in our town set up a account to allegedly help a family that lost their home and belongings in a fire. He bought himself a shiny new car with the cash. Someone he knew had a bad feeling about it and went and asked the family if they got the money- they were stunned to hear about the money and said they never got a penny. He was recently arrested for fraudulent activity of the funds, after they found out he did indeed, pay cash for his nice new car.
I’ve thought that since then got brought to light. I didn’t want to say it and make it seem I was questioning JH’s involvement but I can’t help but think that this money won’t be used for Lucas. It will be used on EG. I don’t believe JH cares about finding him honestly. IMO
I tend to agree with you, and I hate that! Not because of you, but because of what it means regarding LH. I have racked my brain wondering why JH seemed to be behaving and responding to Lucas and EG like he has. Was JH just believing whatever EG told him, never mind any discrepancy between what he was told vs. what he could observe or what Lucas told him? Was he more concerned about having someone (EG) there to watch his kids while he was far away at work? Why not move closer to his work? Is he being willfully obtuse?

Sounds like Billie Jean Dunn (Hailey Dunn's mother). She was famously quoted after Hailey disappeared as saying, "Every day they don't find Hailey is a good day for me."

Hailey was eventually found, deceased, but to this day no one has been arrested for her murder.
I’ve thought that since then got brought to light. I didn’t want to say it and make it seem I was questioning JH’s involvement but I can’t help but think that this money won’t be used for Lucas. It will be used on EG. I don’t believe JH cares about finding him honestly. IMO

Honestly? The timing of this is very suspect. They tried before with other 's to help bail her out- no one donated. So, let's try another tactic here......
Is there any wondering if JH knew prior to when EG called the police re Lucas missing? And therefore knows a lot more than we've suspected?
Is there any wondering if JH knew prior to when EG called the police re Lucas missing? And therefore knows a lot more than we've suspected?
~raises hand~Now I'll go to numb-hand corner 'cause the bench is full.
False alarm, it's a different case. I'm sorry for the side-track.

However, it's interesting in that case the the mom is with the rest of the kids while the dad is in jail. In this case, the...EG... is in jail and the other kid is in state custody. Makes you wonder...

Okay everyone, I spoke with Tricia and we are going to allow some sleuthing of JH. Given the events of the past day or so in particular, with the and the conflicting statements from JH to the media, it is time to delve a little deeper into JH's past.

I want to be very clear that we are not going to allow general maligning of JH's character and we are not going to allow anyone to accuse JH of disappearing Lucas. The police have not indicated that JH is a suspect in Lucas' disappearance.

What we will allow is discussion of JH's statements to the media, speculation about why he is behaving and acting as he is (e.g., saying that he will take EG back if she gets out of jail, stating shortly after Lucas disappeared that his family shouldn't be bringing up abuse, leaving his son with a woman who lost custody of her own sons due to abuse allegations, etc.). We will also allow discussion of the affidavit released pertaining to the alleged abuse JH perpetrated against EG's sons with her ex. If JH has a criminal record that may also be sleuthed (with links).

Please do not veer into wild speculation and please use links wherever possible.

If you have further questions, please message me or another moderator and we'll be happy to help.
I think JH Should come on here himself to clarify things. It certainly would be in Lucas' best interest. That's the bottom line utmost important part of all this. Lucas.
Not what JH thinks everybody thinks, Not Emily, Not anyone but Lucas.
His son is missing for Christ Sake, and all HE'S worried about is being POed about abuse allegations, and his Precious Emily.
Now we can't get a straight answer on the .
Poor Sweet Lucas.
Quoting myself to ask @liltexans or @tricia if we're allowed to sleuth this guy, since the case he's associated with hasn't been announced.

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Hi flute :) What is the potential significance of this guy? Not seeing a relation, sorry if Ive missed something. Tia. :wave:

Eta: just saw this:

False alarm, it's a different case. I'm sorry for the side-track.
I think JH Should come on here himself to clarify things. It certainly would be in Lucas' best interest. That's the bottom line utmost important part of all this. Lucas.
Not what JH thinks everybody thinks, Not Emily, Not anyone but Lucas.
His son is missing for Christ Sake, and all HE'S worried about is being POed about abuse allegations, and his Precious Emily.
Now we can't get a straight answer on the .
Poor Sweet Lucas.
A song comes to mind. Magic.
I think JH Should come on here himself to clarify things. It certainly would be in Lucas' best interest. That's the bottom line utmost important part of all this. Lucas.
Not what JH thinks everybody thinks, Not Emily, Not anyone but Lucas.
His son is missing for Christ Sake, and all HE'S worried about is being POed about abuse allegations, and his Precious Emily.
Now we can't get a straight answer on the .
Poor Sweet Lucas.

I don't want him here, sorry.........
I wish someone would make it clear to him, assuming it is true, that the only way for him to be a daddy to that new baby is to sever all ties with EG. I feel like he's maybe not thinking clearly due to the idea of her carrying his child. But that's probably giving him too much credit.

In other thoughts...along the lines of obvious things we are missing.

The white SUV. I briefly had a friend who would visit w/ the exact same vehicle as I had. There is a couple up the road w/ black SUVs and their daughters also have black SUVs.

Smoking man. When we discussed him earlier we didn't know when JH left or when they moved in.

EG and young child out front. Neighbors odd quote about a little brother. Is it worth entertaining that another child was at the home?

no no no no no! He stayed with a woman who he knows abused his son, who left his son alone the night before he disappeared, she was under the influence of something she smoked multiple bowls of when she took THEIR baby out to OG to stuff her face, then his son disappears shortly after, under her watch. He has abuse charges against him recently filed by EG's ex. He has had the cops called on him at least twice that we know of, involving domestic violence with EG.

You think this man deserves his little girl and future child in his life?

no no no no no..........
Just to be clear and not defending JC in ANY way, she is not the one who botched the first . She is, however, friends with the person who did.

Who is JC? (Sorry if I'm having a brainfart)
Mexico would be more dangerous. So yeah, give up our little Luke and then by all means, head on out to Mexico with your chump change. I'm not bitter. jmo

Actually, Mexico isn't as dangerous as some may think. In the entire time I lived there, I loved it. Rent is dirt cheap. And the exchange rate is super high right now. With $10,000 you could live ok for a couple of years. That wouldn't be punishment for them unless they walked straight into the arms of the drug cartel.
Who is JC? (Sorry if I'm having a brainfart)

JC is the person who is involved in all of this /PI mess. She's the one who signed the "contract", set up the and is using her bank account for the funds.
This is so heartbreaking. IF they are planning on using the on bailing her out I'm going to have a wtf moment. WHY ??? She hurt your child and she will not say where he is!! The thing that should of been done in the first place was to side with your child and get the heck away from her. Now she has done something horrible to him and only concerned with getting her out... Lucas was failed and continues to be failed on so many levels.
Course I'm assuming what JH may do, but this is boggling my mind. When is LUCAS and what that poor baby went through going to matter?!
We've started a numb-hands club. You're welcome to join, just bring a snack. Chex Mix sounds good. ;)


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