Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #17 *Arrest*

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JC is the person who is involved in all of this /PI mess. She's the one who signed the "contract", set up the and is using her bank account for the funds.


So whom does she know directly as related to this case, and in what capacity? Tia.
I think JH Should come on here himself to clarify things. It certainly would be in Lucas' best interest. That's the bottom line utmost important part of all this. Lucas.
Not what JH thinks everybody thinks, Not Emily, Not anyone but Lucas.
His son is missing for Christ Sake, and all HE'S worried about is being POed about abuse allegations, and his Precious Emily.
Now we can't get a straight answer on the .
Poor Sweet Lucas.

If he came here, I don't know that I could be convinced that any posts were actually made by him. Since the was set up, his FB comments are suspect to me already. I have been watching the timing, wording, punctuation, etc. It's all off. JMO
Appearance - public perception? For JH. No comment on his "assistants". But honestly I think the chances of a successful campaign are very low.

What do we think a PI will bring to the case at this point? This is not a cold case; it's an open and active investigation. One person is already in jail in connection to this case. We have no reason to think that LE has stopped looking for Lucas. Texas Equusearch has said they plan to return to Wichita if needed.

I'm not against the idea of a PI, but I don't understand why now is the time to hire one. LE isn't going to be able to share much at this point since the investigation is open and active.
no no no no no! He stayed with a woman who he knows abused his son, who left his son alone the night before he disappeared, she was under the influence of something she smoked multiple bowls of when she took THEIR baby out to OG to stuff her face, then his son disappears under her watch. He has abuse charges against him recently filed by EG's ex. He has had the cops called on him at least twice that we know of, involving domestic violence with EG.

You think this man deserves his little girl and future child in his life?

no no no no no..........

I sort of qualified my statement later. Do I personally think he should? No. Do I think the courts will agree with me based on the cop calls and marks and leaving the child with EG, who was an unsubstantiated abuser of Lucas in the courts eyes at the time? Not necessarily. If he cut all ties with her and was found to have no knowledge of Lucas's disappearance and threw himself at the mercy of family court they might let him keep his rights and earn back parenting time. But I also didn't realize JH was open to speculation when I said it either, nor did I fully grasp the chaos currently happening.

Poor Lucas. I hope he is found, and soon.

Poor baby M and poor baby to be. I hope they find themselves in good homes. At least they have a chance now.
Honestly? The timing of this is very suspect. They tried before with other 's to help bail her out- no one donated. So, let's try another tactic here......

There were other campaigns? So let me get this straight; we have two currently active ones from searchers looking to be compensated for personal money they spent searching for Lucas, one campaign fraudulently posing as JH and asking for 28k and other campaigns that were removed?

I'm so confused! Is JC the person posing as JH? Can her full name be named? Also I can't figure out why the fund is still up since people have reported it and it clearly breaks policy. I feel like fundraising sites have become free for all sites, with people scrambling to get money for no legitimate reason.
I believe Klein requires $25,000 up front. My guess is the rest is to cover fees and what-not.

The firm that is hired or may be hired to look only for Lucas....would like them to say exactly how much money they want upfront to start the investigation. So far it’s father saying they need $28,000.00....but what does the investigating firm say?
Welcome to Kansas. We're cool like that. :heartbeat:

And I agree that the WS response has been phenomenal. I truly believe there's a special place for truly good-hearted folks.

Yeah, there are plenty of sketchy accounts out there. From what I've seen of Klein (Deorr Kunz, Michael Chambers), I've been impressed. IMO, it seems like maybe Klein has been contacted by these people associated with JH, but there's uncertainty regarding Klein actually being hired if/when the money is raised. I agree with others, this could've been handled much better, if that's the intended outcome. Whatev, there's been enough sketchiness and doubt about JH, IMO, and he ain't gettin' a dime from me. IMO, JH put EG before LH, to LH's detriment. I've been following LH's threads from the start and have been impressed at how not only the WS "community" has come together for LH, but how the locals have banded together to search and locate him, and even WSers far away have contributed their skills and knowledge to help. Your efforts are admired and appreciated. To LH's family and friends: you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope LH is found as soon as possible, and that you find some measure of peace.
Are they JH groupies, though, or *LH Case* groupies?

Exactly the feeling I get. You can clearly tell he has his few "groupies" defending him but they are doing so in a childish manner. If they were honest and professional, they would respond only to those serious questions with a legitimate answer with FACTS. Instead it's "wth" and "what do you know". Yep, makes me want to contribute a TON of money (rolling my eyes as hard as possible here).

JH's decisions clearly are NOT the best and the latest article/comments clearly confirm that. I would love a PI to get involved, if only to have a second/third/fourth set of eyes. I can't imagine they wouldn't unconver much more than PD at this point, but if people are willing to put up the $ to hire them, then I'm all for it. I'm NOT all for it with "groupies" running it who clearly have a horrible track record and comments/screenshots on the KAKE FB post clearly show that. (I swear my eyes are going to stick from rolling them so much these days)
I think JH feels like he's being torn in all directions, being told what to think, what to do, what to say, criticized for everything at every step.

I think he's vulnerable at this time to someone who approaches him and asks how *he* is doing, how *he* is holding up, someone he feels isn't attacking him. If he's already been gaslighted by EG, he's possibly vulnerable to someone else faking concern for him and Lucas for their own kicks, or maybe for their own monetary benefit.

I think it's a horrible place to be in when it feels like everyone is telling you what to think, and every single thing has absolute certainty, but they each conflict with the others. So I think it might create vulnerability for someone savvy to approach him and appear that they are above and outside the 'circus' and that they'll help him not feel like he's on this crazy merry-go-round over which he has no control but he's being thrown around in this direction and that like he's on a crazy bumper car (sorry for the mixing of the funfair metaphors!)

In some ways I think he was right when he said about finding Lucas and then deal with the child abuse allegations. He might not be right from 'our' perspective as we see it being crucial to understanding Emily's part in this, but I think from his perspective he wanted the focus to be on Lucas' disappearance, not on allegations from the past. Maybe it is indicative that he wants the two things to be totally separate and not connected.

I think he wants his son found, and he wants some semblance of sanity, and right now he has neither. He thinks he has found someone outside of the circus, someone he can trust, and instead he gets attacked from even more directions, maybe he snaps back, he gets attacked even more...making him even more vulnerable to a clever manipulative person who's offering to be his friend in this trying time.

I don't know if any of this is the case, but I can see how it could be.

I can see how discussing EG might help understand what happened and maybe get insight into her mind for where Lucas is. I can't really see much benefit in doing that with JH. He might have valuable insight and observations that he isn't aware he has. I don't see any benefit in giving him more pushes into a place of distrust of everyone (possibly excepting a few people and they might be bad choices).
��literally what I was going to say- I have a feeling I wouldn’t, and many others wouldn’t have much nice things to say... so probably better off he doesn’t drop in with his BS!

I do want him here... To influence him about EG and put some sense in his head. Somebody needs to and so far it doesn't appear anyone is having success. I would like to know what the heck he is thinking! Maybe then he could better help in finding his son, once we give him some clarity.
Are they JH groupies, though, or *LH Case* groupies?

I honestly don't know how to answer that one as I haven't been really watching FB comments other than the ones on the article. But....the way they were defending JH AND JH responding to them positively.....I go with JH groupies........
I do want him here... To influence him about EG and put some sense in his head. Somebody needs to and so far it doesn't appear anyone is having success. I would like to know what the heck he is thinking! Maybe then he could help in finding his son! That's what this is all about!

When the OG incident and LL incident was brought to the spot light and realized EG had left Lucas home alone- at age 5, if that didn’t put some sense into him I have no hope for him. Or him “welcoming her home”. Nah- zero sense!
I do want him here... To influence him about EG and put some sense in his head. Somebody needs to and so far it doesn't appear anyone is having success. I would like to know what the heck he is thinking! Maybe then he could better help in finding his son, once we give him some clarity.
TO be fair, we don't really know what is in his head. He may have an agenda, he may not. We really can only speculate.
Generally speaking, it's always a good idea to thoroughly research a theory. :lookingitup:

I honestly don't know how to answer that one as I haven't been really watching FB comments other than the ones on the article. But....the way they were defending JH AND JH responding to them positively.....I go with JH groupies........
Generally speaking, it's always a good idea to thoroughly research a theory. :lookingitup:

I'm having a blonde moment and I guess I'm not catching on to what you are saying because I'm not registering why it would matter either way based on what I said??? Their comments are that they (JC and a few others that clearly were backing each other) support JH and are backing HIM on the and having nothing to do with LH's disappearance. Those were the only ones I was referring to. I didn't feel like my comment needed research other than what I was reading so I'm lost :O I did try to connect the dots some but didn't have any luck. I'm not in any LH FB groups...
Sorry, I was feeling like I needed to be vague to comply with TOS, but I was probably too vague. :( I was referring to whether the "groupies" were JH or the case in general. I'll try to find a legitimate link that contains relevant information.

I'm having a blonde moment and I guess I'm not catching on to what you are saying because I'm not registering why it would matter either way based on what I said??? Their comments are that they (JC and a few others that clearly were backing each other) support JH and are backing HIM on the and having nothing to do with LH's disappearance. Those were the only ones I was referring to. I didn't feel like my comment needed research other than what I was reading so I'm lost :O I did try to connect the dots some but didn't have any luck. I'm not in any LH FB groups...
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