Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #21 *Arrest*

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If this is true, why in God's name didn't they call the cops? So the neighbor or landlord whoever it was, just walked away without a thought for Lucas' safety?

If this is true it confirms the documents that stated he was seen at the front door of the home.
( the CINC document I believe it was).
The one where the judge let the news see it and was then going to seal it.
If the neighbor (LL) spoke with Lucas, knowing he was left home alone, did he watch over the house to make sure Lucas was ok? I still don't think we have this full story because if I knew of a little one home alone I wouldn't just leave. I would call EG or the police even. But I wouldn't leave until someone was there to watch over him. I wonder if this was the 5:43 phone call.
Glass’ attorney, Leth-Perez, mentioned in her questioning that Glass had twice requested an attorney during the interviewing.
Also, Leth-Perez said, a recording shows that her client said, “I want to go be with my family now,” “I’m scared. That’s why I want a lawyer,” and that she knew that she was a suspect.

If this is correct and they kept questioning her after asking for a lawyer, that may turn out to be a problem.

This is where we need an attorney to chime in. If I am remembering correctly, LE are required to get you an attorney or let you get one if you request it, but they are not required to stop talking to you. It is your choice whether or not you continue to talk after asking for an attorney.
Thanks to the posters who posted the docket, tweets, and latest article! From the latest article /snip"Glass also was falling asleep during the sessions with detectives and said she was mentally and emotionally exhausted, the defense attorney said.Glass consented to a polygraph test after the third interview." /snip. Hmmm. Verrrrry interesting. I wonder if there were maybe other reasons she was "falling asleep". Plus, if she consented to a polygraph, was one actually done?

If a polygraph was done (they said she consented to one so I think it was) then they know she harmed him or not. (of course she did) This is why they aren't letting her out on a misdemeanor.
If the neighbor (LL) spoke with Lucas, knowing he was left home alone, did he watch over the house to make sure Lucas was ok? I still don't think we have this full story because if I knew of a little one home alone I wouldn't just leave. I would call EG or the police even. But I wouldn't leave until someone was there to watch over him. I wonder if this was the 5:43 phone call.

I'm not sure if I am more angry or suspicious of this little story. We don't even know if the neighbor is a different person from the landlord and how long Lucas was really left alone.

Oh and how coincidental that the neighbor and/or landlord sees he is alone (and does crap about it) and Lucas just so happens to disappear the next day.

gggggrrrrrrrr ggggggggggrrrrrrrrr gggggggggrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

If that was me, I'd have done one of two things- either called the cops or stayed with Lucas until she came home and confronted her. Not that either choice would have mattered I am sure- she'd have just blamed poor Lucas for her neglect anyway.
If this is true, why in God's name didn't they call the cops? So the neighbor or landlord whoever it was, just walked away without a thought for Lucas' safety?

100% speculation, but maybe she assured the person that she was on her way back and would be right there. Hopefully they at least stayed there until she got back. I still cannot fathom how a person could be so cruel to leave a 5 yo child at home while they take another out to dinner. I wonder if EG told Lucas that she was going to OG and if he relayed that to the visitor?
Actually, these are not facts. She had/has a license. The only thing she can not do is drive her 2 biological sons around due to a family court order.
Actually, I believe it has been confirmed by PB that she had a restricted license, which at least in my state means you can only drive for certain things or at certain times of the day, or with another licensed driver in the vehicle. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - and also maybe a KS local can clarify exactly what a restricted license means in that state?
If the neighbor (LL) spoke with Lucas, knowing he was left home alone, did he watch over the house to make sure Lucas was ok? I still don't think we have this full story because if I knew of a little one home alone I wouldn't just leave. I would call EG or the police even. But I wouldn't leave until someone was there to watch over him. I wonder if this was the 5:43 phone call.
I agree, we don't know the full story yet, so don't think it's time to make judgements. Were there 2 separate people that saw Lucas? What did they do/not do after seeing him? (Not asking you to answer, kkdj, just agreeing and posting what needs clarification)
Glass’ attorney, Leth-Perez, mentioned in her questioning that Glass had twice requested an attorney during the interviewing.
Also, Leth-Perez said, a recording shows that her client said, “I want to go be with my family now,” “I’m scared. That’s why I want a lawyer,” and that she knew that she was a suspect.

If this is correct and they kept questioning her after asking for a lawyer, that may turn out to be a problem.

I dont think they are obligated to provide an attorney for her before she is arrested, and if she kept coming back on her own volition to be interviewed without an attorney, I dont' think that counts. At least I hope not.
This is where we need an attorney to chime in. If I am remembering correctly, LE are required to get you an attorney or let you get one if you request it, but they are not required to stop talking to you. It is your choice whether or not you continue to talk after asking for an attorney.
I’m not sure if she is still a member or not but Gitana is a verified attorney that I’ve seen on threads before.
I dont think they are obligated to provide an attorney for her before she is arrested, and if she kept coming back on her own volition to be interviewed without an attorney, I dont' think that counts. At least I hope not.

And when is it required that a person be read their rights? The article specifically mentions that on her first interview and third interview she was read her rights. I thought that was only done once someone has been arrested?

The first police interview of Glass occurred on Feb. 18, with Schomaker and an FBI agent. After Glass was read her rights, and part way into the interview about Lucas, she said she didn’t want to talk anymore and left the interview room, Schomaker recalled.

A third interview occurred on Feb. 20, and Glass again said she was willing to talk after being read her rights, Schomaker said. The investigators asked Glass to write down “every step” she took beginning at noon the day before she reported Lucas missing until she discovered him gone and called 911. She would end up writing six pages of notes on a tablet.
Glass’ attorney, Leth-Perez, mentioned in her questioning that Glass had twice requested an attorney during the interviewing.
Also, Leth-Perez said, a recording shows that her client said, “I want to go be with my family now,” “I’m scared. That’s why I want a lawyer,” and that she knew that she was a suspect.

If this is correct and they kept questioning her after asking for a lawyer, that may turn out to be a problem.

Well, if she wanted a lawyer, why didn't she hire one? She went to jail and didn't have one, and if memory serves me correctly, didn't she refuse a court appointed lawyer before her first appearance?

[FONT=&quot]The judge said he will have to review a three hour interview between Glass and investigators, and he will issue his ruling next Friday. [/FONT]

I'm scratching my brain trying to remember how it goes when somebody says I want a lawyer and then they leave to go home. And then they come back and get interviewed another time and they are read their rights again. Does it revert to I want a lawyer? Or does it start all over?

"Also, Leth-Perez said, a recording shows that her client said, “I want to go be with my family now,” “I’m scared. That’s why I want a lawyer,” and that she knew that she was a suspect."
The missing pieces lady was very informative on the podcast. I was surprised to hear about putting tattoos over bruises! Did I miss this before???

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So...EG showed no emotion throughout 4 interviews and was falling asleep in one of said interviews.

Seriously, how do you fall asleep when being interviewed by LE unless you are on serious drugs?

My gosh...
Miranda rights just state that the person has a right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. She can say she wants one but if she keeps talking, it doesn't matter, I'm almost certain. I studied criminal justice but I haven't been in school in over a decade and haven't worked in the field. She also would have the right to not speak. She would be allowed to leave unless arrested/charged.
The missing pieces lady was very informative on the podcast. I was surprised to hear about putting tattoos over bruises! Did I miss this before???

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Yes, that was mentioned here in WS in some of the Lucas threads.....I'm not sure if it was PB or FLA, or both, who stated/confirmed.
I agree, we don't know the full story yet, so don't think it's time to make judgements. Were there 2 separate people that saw Lucas? What did they do/not do after seeing him? (Not asking you to answer, kkdj, just agreeing and posting what needs clarification)

I wonder if a neighbor spoke to Lucas and called the landlord to report he was home alone. That might be why the landlord went there and saw Lucas peeking.
The missing pieces lady was very informative on the podcast. I was surprised to hear about putting tattoos over bruises! Did I miss this before???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's an article about it from 4/13/2018: /snip " March 2017: Someone saw Lucas with “temporary tattoos that were hiding bruises.” Lucas was reported to have been covered “from head to toe in bruises,” according to a report to the Kansas Department for Children and Families on Feb. 19, two days after Glass told police he had disappeared. The person said Lucas had a bruise on his bottom “that looked like the shape of a clothes iron. … Lucas reportedly stated (Glass) had caused the bruises,” the document says.". /snip
If the neighbor (LL) spoke with Lucas, knowing he was left home alone, did he watch over the house to make sure Lucas was ok? I still don't think we have this full story because if I knew of a little one home alone I wouldn't just leave. I would call EG or the police even. But I wouldn't leave until someone was there to watch over him. I wonder if this was the 5:43 phone call.

I am betting both calls were the LL and she ignored both, but decided to check her voicemail after the 2nd one. This is all just speculation, but that how it goes in my mind. Especially since there was the 5:43pm call and she gets home at 6pm. She probably got in the car, and was like "what does he/she want?", checks voicemail, oh crap! Races home. She is lucky they didnt call the police, but I wish they had.
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