Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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Hello all!

I remember him mentioning that they drove at least 30 times over the bridges, so then he (DM) decided to just start at the first bridge, and that is where he found Lucas. I believe that is what I read in his statement in the article.

Has the autopsy been completed? I don't think I saw anything in the last 100 plus posts I've read since yesterday. I would believe that the DA would need that to charge her with murder.... or they just going to go with the obstruction/interference with LE charge for this arraignment??

BUT - just in case it IS today - here's what I have:

Tuesday, May 29th:
*Arraignment Hearing (@ CT) – KS – Lucas Allen Hernandez (5) (missing Feb. 17, 2018; found May 24, 2018) – Emily Ann-Marie Glass (27) ( arrested & booked (5/24/18) with 1 count felony obstruction/interference with LE. $250K bond. Booked into Harvey County jail & transferred to Sedgwick County.
Originally arrested (2/21/18) for 2 counts of child endangerment. 5/16/18: A six-person jury delivered the not guilty verdict after deliberating for less than an hour Wednesday morning.
Judge O’Connor said he will it leave up to another judge who is handing a child-in-need-of-care case involving the 1-year-old whether Glass can have contact with that child. 4/27/18: The stepmother and caregiver of a 5-year-old Wichita boy missing for more than two months lost custody of her 1-year-old daughter on Friday. Sedgwick County juvenile court Judge Kevin Smith found that Emily Glass’ daughter is, under state law, a “child in need of care.” The designation puts the girl in the custody of the secretary for the Kansas Department for Children and Families. The agency will decide where the child will live. The girl had already been placed in police protective custody.


I will be surprised if murder is in charging documents today.

Whatever the status of the autopsy might be I believe a broad toxicology report takes up to 6 weeks. I would assume the Coroner will have access and test for any substance possible.

In the meantime as before I believe LE need all the time they can get to investigate. And it seems likely based in LE comments they are aware there are additional witnesses.

Now that Lucas has been found it might be easier for witnesses to come forward.

And as soon as she is charged with more serious charges the clock starts ticking on discovery and right to a speedy trial.

I expect them to move forward with the obstruction and at least wait until tox results are complete.
Reminder: Do not discuss (or even mention) former WS members on the open forum, please. It's a TOS violation to do so. If someone is a former VI, then that means former. We have one VI in this case and that is FindLucasAllen. Any VI questions should be respectfully asked of FindLucasAllen and if FindLucasAllen chooses not to answer, or does not know the answer, that should also be respected.

Thank you!
I was just thinking about the placement of Lucas body. Hopefully being put where he was protected more from the elements than being out in the sun, wind, and rain. I hope it preserved his little body to make autopsy more clear as to what happened to him. jmo
Jan. 22, 2018: Lucas came to Beech Elementary School with nine abrasions and bruises, according to an interview of the school nurse by a DCF social worker on Feb. 20, three days after his stepmother reported him missing.

Lucas and his stepmother said he had fallen off monkey bars, but the school nurse said, “It looked like he had been in a fight.”

The nurse measured the abrasions or bruises on his left elbow, right knee, forehead, left upper eyelid, left eyebrow, left cheek, right eyelid, right cheek and nose. The bruises on his cheek and right eyelid were swelling. The largest injury — the scrape on his nose — was about 3 inches long.

Jan. 23, 2018: The day after the school nurse saw the injuries, Lucas came to her office with a stomachache. The school nurse called Glass, who picked up Lucas, and he returned to school two days later with a note from a pediatric nurse practitioner at GraceMed Jardine Clinic. The note stated, ‘Patient’s injuries are consistent with a fall."
Horrific new details emerge in court document about missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez

Note: There’s only one nurse practitioner at the clinic:
Jardine Family Clinic

I really doubt all those injuries come from a single incident. Some looked in different stages of healing in the photo where the nose abrasion is visible. I do wonder if one set of injuries might be from a fall, though?

I hope that with the nurse taking notes on the locations and dimensions of the bruises/abrasions that it might be possible for experts to piece together how they might have happened.

I'm also wondering how come the nurse did take such notes? From reading this forum I have noticed people who are mandated reporters say that where there's suspected abuse that they are often told to check a child, head to toe, for new bruises each time they see the child. So would those notes be normal practise for a teacher of a five-year old child, or is it that she is making notes for a deeper reason, that she is already suspecting abuse?
I really doubt all those injuries come from a single incident. Some looked in different stages of healing in the photo where the nose abrasion is visible. I do wonder if one set of injuries might be from a fall, though?

I hope that with the nurse taking notes on the locations and dimensions of the bruises/abrasions that it might be possible for experts to piece together how they might have happened.

I'm also wondering how come the nurse did take such notes? From reading this forum I have noticed people who are mandated reporters say that where there's suspected abuse that they are often told to check a child, head to toe, for new bruises each time they see the child. So would those notes be normal practise for a teacher of a five-year old child, or is it that she is making notes for a deeper reason, that she is already suspecting abuse?
It depends where you work at. When I was a first grade teacher,we had accident reports if something happened on school grounds. If I suspected something happening at home,I reported it to my principal and then started detailed notes on a school computer. In the case of one child,the teacher ended up calling in another teacher to witness what she observed. It then was reported and finally the police were called in.
When I worked at the daycare,we examined them on a daily basis as soon as they were dropped off by a parent. We always started from the feet up to the head and had to check off stuff on the report. The child was questioned if a new bruise appeared. If spotting something when changing a diaper or in the bathroom,a supervisor was called and the teacher/teacher's aide, and supervisor all filled out a report.
I really doubt all those injuries come from a single incident. Some looked in different stages of healing in the photo where the nose abrasion is visible. I do wonder if one set of injuries might be from a fall, though?

I hope that with the nurse taking notes on the locations and dimensions of the bruises/abrasions that it might be possible for experts to piece together how they might have happened.

I'm also wondering how come the nurse did take such notes? From reading this forum I have noticed people who are mandated reporters say that where there's suspected abuse that they are often told to check a child, head to toe, for new bruises each time they see the child. So would those notes be normal practise for a teacher of a five-year old child, or is it that she is making notes for a deeper reason, that she is already suspecting abuse?

great points. another reason i have always doubted his injuries came from one instance or EGs version of "rough play" with older kids/Lucas being clumsy is because if EG were telling the truth, how come Lucas' "extra -mischievous/clumsy" side only came out under EGs care, either directly or indirectly (re her cousins etc).

if Lucas were one of those kids that climbed trees way too high, did acrobatics on the monkey bars and liked to play w the big kids, wouldnt JO and JHs extended family have noticed this too?? since we know both JO and JHs family had concerns about abuse, i find it extremely unlikely both families were united on this rather than some people in the JH/JO family mix or school teachers going "ok but Lucas does climb this or jump from that".

maybe, as you mention, a few of those bruises are from normal child play but it has always been way too suspicious to me that the clumsy/accident side only occurred with EG and everyone (well besides JH) found it off. regardless of the exact reasons, whether it was normal practice or alarm, i think the school was noting it bc it was alarming enough that they deemed it worth documenting (like you im also wondering what the exact protocol etc was) but nonetheless i think like Lucas' extended family, they found it off.
Short clip but I think That’s JH f or a brief moment
Balloon release for Lucas Hernandez
Thank you for posting. Lucas will not be forgotten.

It was touching. Five years is what he had and perhaps his legacy will extend far longer. Hopefully this tragedy will force changes to an ineffective system and he will be the last child to suffer abuse and die.

It’s heartbreaking and tragic that we have to think in those terms. Sad for everyone.
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Hey WS peeps.
Been reading many threads here for a couple years, and have read every post about Lucas. Finally posting because I have a couple bits of input.

First of all, I'm so glad dear Lucas was found. It was only possible through all the effort put in by EVERYONE. The searchers, LE, and I guess especially DM. My mind was blown when he found Lucas after 2 days in town.

I'm super curious as to how he did that btw. I think he could not have done it if EG was not willing. Someone said it a while back, forget who, but sounds like EG confessed to where he was, and if so, that's the one good thing she's done.

But like I said, it's such a good thing he was found. And that EG was directly involved in locating him, that is something that was meant to happen. I'm not religious, but I do believe things happen for a reason. I don't understand why such horrible things happen to innocent people, young pure kids even, idk, there's a lot of evil but there's lots of good in this world too. I think naturally the universe makes things happen to try and balance the good and evil. EG did something evil, and now justice can be served for that. Wouldn't be quite the same if someone else had found Lucas without her "help".

I don't think Zofran/ondansetron is a huge cause for concern. It's in my house always. My roommate and her son both have prescriptions. It's good for treating morning sickness (how far along is EG anyway?) and relieving nausea/upset tummy/vomiting. Pill dosages are basically the same for adults and children, just break a pill in half for a little person. When i had the stomach flu my roomie gave me a zofran, it really helps to stop vomiting. Also in my experience, it's given in small amounts at a time. Like 10 count 4mg pills, no auto refills. Idk if this info is helpful at all, I'm just familiar with it.

This past winter, I remember getting the flu, my roommate got it, her 3yo son got it....there were kids in hospitals, a number of children died from it. My then 2yo tiny roommate had a fever of 102+ it was very scary. Lucas was sick for quite a while it sounds, and I'll bet he had that killer flu. I've always leaned more towards that, rather than a violent death. Maybe physical abuse was a factor, maybe I am wrong, but I know that flu was definitely going around. Found an article: 2 children die from the flu at Wichita hospital

Okay, next, in the affadavit about JH and supposed abuse of EG's son, there is a Park City address that is mapped as 17 mins away from where Lucas was found. Not sure where all EG has lived, but she def knew the area. And Valley Center is boring af, sometimes all there is to do is country cruise.
Anybody heard of Theorosa's bridge?

This is getting really long, sorry. I'll stop there for now.
At one point I interacted with a VI. It was very briefly discussed that if it were my relative I would advise JH to seek legal counsel. The Vi Said he was going to to that.

My guess is that if he did, just after he was arraigned/charged, his attorney would be telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Then there’s the issue of abuse in the home.

Some men grew up with it and some men are emotionally embarrassed by the fact his significant other is physically violent with him. Although I suspect it might be a small amount of the first, I think it’s mostly the fact that he was in love with an abusive woman. It’s not Macho to use a term I really dislike. But it happens.

I think that while he did party, he felt an obligation to his 2 children, and possibly the one on the way. JH had a good job and they had just moved into a nicer home. JH DID THAT FOR his family.

I’m EGs part was to care for the kids and home. I don’t don’t understand what happened inside the family structure for it to become so out of control, but it did. And it appears it happened over the course of a year. We may learn it at trial, or we may never know the truth. But violence and toxic behavior became a way of life.

I’ve seen it, as a child lived it, and found a way to break out of it. My kids were disciplined but loved cared for and as far from abused as you can be. But I moved 4,000 miles away to get away from it.

I think the cold hard facts have begun to settle in with JH. I THINK JH believed EG because he had to. This was the mother of MH. Her Excuses for the bruises had just enough viability that it was easier to believe her.

And honestly she may have given him an ultimatum WHO YOU GOING TO BELIEVE, me or them? He chose not to upend his entire life by splitting up everything he had worked for.

I know now that I’m older my neighbors, friends and family from home constantly tell me they are so sorry for what I went through as a child. ABUSE NEVER STOPS. if I saw my mother today at age 80 she would start it up again. But she is professional at hiding it and rarely let anyone witness it.

Monsters hide. They look normal but their not. They lie cheat steal your childhood and can make their side of it believeable. Monsters appear mostly when its you two alone.

I can completely understand and have argued for this point of view more than once. I can understand how the mere idea of EG harming or disappearing Lucas challenged his strong beliefs in the contrary.
I believe I recall that he did get a lawyer, at least at one point.
However, he did talk in this case involving EG's son. While I know there are always two or more sides to a story, the photo evidence backed up the boy's statement. In the quoted comment, my point was that I think JH would have been better to admit the boy's account was correct and that the "accident" was that he didn't intend to be that forceful -- and willingly offer a sincere apology to the boy, his brother & father, and agree to be out of the house with Lucas on future visits when he was in town or whatever. Instead he changed the story and placed blame on the boy, saying he accidentally hit him with the Febreeze bottle when he was trying to take the bottle from a noncompliant child--which contradicted the evidence.
He lied and blame-shifted -- like someone else we know. Doing this also contradicted the character he's tried to put out to the public as someone who doesn't need to lie -- reading this was a defining moment for me because he is not entirely who I thought he was before. MOO.
Hey WS peeps.
Been reading many threads here for a couple years, and have read every post about Lucas. Finally posting because I have a couple bits of input.

First of all, I'm so glad dear Lucas was found. It was only possible through all the effort put in by EVERYONE. The searchers, LE, and I guess especially DM. My mind was blown when he found Lucas after 2 days in town.

I'm super curious as to how he did that btw. I think he could not have done it if EG was not willing. Someone said it a while back, forget who, but sounds like EG confessed to where he was, and if so, that's the one good thing she's done.

But like I said, it's such a good thing he was found. And that EG was directly involved in locating him, that is something that was meant to happen. I'm not religious, but I do believe things happen for a reason. I don't understand why such horrible things happen to innocent people, young pure kids even, idk, there's a lot of evil but there's lots of good in this world too. I think naturally the universe makes things happen to try and balance the good and evil. EG did something evil, and now justice can be served for that. Wouldn't be quite the same if someone else had found Lucas without her "help".

I don't think Zofran/ondansetron is a huge cause for concern. It's in my house always. My roommate and her son both have prescriptions. It's good for treating morning sickness (how far along is EG anyway?) and relieving nausea/upset tummy/vomiting. Pill dosages are basically the same for adults and children, just break a pill in half for a little person. When i had the stomach flu my roomie gave me a zofran, it really helps to stop vomiting. Also in my experience, it's given in small amounts at a time. Like 10 count 4mg pills, no auto refills. Idk if this info is helpful at all, I'm just familiar with it.

This past winter, I remember getting the flu, my roommate got it, her 3yo son got it....there were kids in hospitals, a number of children died from it. My then 2yo tiny roommate had a fever of 102+ it was very scary. Lucas was sick for quite a while it sounds, and I'll bet he had that killer flu. I've always leaned more towards that, rather than a violent death. Maybe physical abuse was a factor, maybe I am wrong, but I know that flu was definitely going around. Found an article: 2 children die from the flu at Wichita hospital

Okay, next, in the affadavit about JH and supposed abuse of EG's son, there is a Park City address that is mapped as 17 mins away from where Lucas was found. Not sure where all EG has lived, but she def knew the area. And Valley Center is boring af, sometimes all there is to do is country cruise.
Anybody heard of Theorosa's bridge?

This is getting really long, sorry. I'll stop there for now.

Thank you for awesome first post and welcome to WS!
Are you guys all ready for all the details to come out, and all the lies to follow? As NG says, Bombshell! It should all get very interesting in the coming days and weeks, and I can't wait for her trial. This will be the first case I've followed after a missing person has been found, and the first I've followed through trial. EG is a poor excuse for a human being, and no punishment will be too harsh for that woman. She's a horrible, horrible person! I want to watch her life crumble before her very own eyes.
Are you guys all ready for all the details to come out, and all the lies to follow? As NG says, Bombshell! It should all get very interesting in the coming days and weeks, and I can't wait for her trial. This will be the first case I've followed after a missing person has been found, and the first I've followed through trial. EG is a poor excuse for a human being, and no punishment will be too harsh for that woman. She's a horrible, horrible person! I want to watch her life crumble before her very own eyes.
It will be interesting to hear the spins put on her story. I am ready to hear the details that the prosecution presents, sad as I expect them to be.
Are you guys all ready for all the details to come out, and all the lies to follow? As NG says, Bombshell! It should all get very interesting in the coming days and weeks, and I can't wait for her trial. This will be the first case I've followed after a missing person has been found, and the first I've followed through trial. EG is a poor excuse for a human being, and no punishment will be too harsh for that woman. She's a horrible, horrible person! I want to watch her life crumble before her very own eyes.
I just hope she doesn't decide to plea. I hate to say it I would like to see everything you said happen. I would enjoy seeing her crumble, if that is possible.
I just wonder what all evidence they do have on her.
I think we will be shocked at how much they do have. I know when I have watched a trial I am totally surprised at all of the evidence that is shown. Phone records, text, emails, all of the sm stuff. Surveillance video's and things taken from the house and car. Trials are very interesting.
Is there a transcript of the podcast? If so, can you point me to it please? I haven’t been able to listen. I’m mostly deaf and when I tried listening I had a really hard time understanding anything that was said. I’m sorry if I missed the link, I’ve been out of town and was just able to catch up yesterday on our long drive home.
It's not a transcript like we're used to seeing because it was hard to follow, but @PommyMommy & @enw10110 took some detailed notes -- start at beginning of thread 22 if you want to see the discussion right after it aired.
enw10110 notes
PommyMommy notes
The local officials conducting the forensic exams are highly competent and highly respected individuals. It is not beneficial IMO to have unfounded and unfair disparaging remarks made regarding their abilities or reputations. While Dr. Jan Garavaglia may have had an interesting and "dramatized" television show, she has been retired for a number of years, as has Dr Wecht ( I believe for over 10 years since the multiple criminal charges were filed against him Pathologist Accused of Profiting From Office). I also do not believe that either of them are now or ever have been licensed to practice in the state of Kansas. That would not eliminate them from serving as corroborating or dissenting expert witnesses, but at this point there is no reason at all to assume there is or will be any question regarding the results of the exams and tests being performed.

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