Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #29

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I’m curious if anyone believes DM’s tape would be admitted in court. I know we’re a long way off from a trial but I’ve been thinking about this aspect. Can a Defense Atty successfully argue to keep it out?
They were recorded legally, so they could be admissible. But, I've definitely seen some evidence that gets thrown out that friends who are defense attorneys are even surprised by. So, I wouldn't commit an answer to this either way. But, I will bet the defense team tries it at least.
I'm just so confused about this bleached hair business. Has it actually been confirmed one way or another if it was just a strip of hair bleached out from exposure to the sun, or if his hair had actually been chemically bleached?
OMG. This would explain that really chopped whacked spot in her bangs. She got bleach in her hair . Had to chop it off.
Out damn Spot. Literally.
This makes me wonder if the couple EG says she saw and took the photo of were actually people that had been doing drugs with her and she took a picture of them leaving in case anyone had seen them come in or out. She obviously didn't feel threatened enough to call the police.
I like this thinking. Given the time of day ("early") and year (Feb, so probably dark out), it can't be a great quality photo, which is unfortunate since it likely makes it useless. And she knows that.
I like this thinking. Given the time of day ("early") and year (Feb, so probably dark out), it can't be a great quality photo, which is unfortunate since it likely makes it useless. And she knows that.

IMO LE have probably seen the photo. I agree Emily likely snapped drug friends as they were leaving. I think she was concerned that word would get back to JH about comings sand goings at all hours. Add to that her need to set up a kidnap scenario. I’m sure she insisted to LE she had no clue who these people were. Dead end.
Here is the whole bit of the recording between DM and EG that was played during the podcast.
I HIGHLY recommend listening to it. The tone of voice is telling, both to EG's personality and DM's handling of her. It beings right around 31:00 (not exact)

DM “Now, I don’t know what Lucas looked like, when he passed away, was he on his back, did he throw up, did he choke on his own vomit, did, um, was he just, dead in his bed? On the couch? Huh? He was on the bed? “

EG “He was just there”

DM "On the couch?”

EG “On the bed” (She’s fake crying like a *advertiser censored*, Jackeee!)

DM: “On his side, or on his back”

EG: “on his back”

DM: “So then you think he vomited and… choked on his vomit.”

EG: “No, I didn’t see no vomit”

DM: “You didn’t. Now, they’re probably going to charge you with obstruction. That means you lied to em. Well. That’s not going to stick. Obstruction never sticks anyway. So, that’s neither here nor there. That don’t even carry a bond. Like, they don’t have a ah, a bond they put you on, it’ll be together with the concealment of a death. It’s a fifty thousand maximum bond, you can not get a million dollar bond, that’s against constitutional right. The 8th amendment of the United States says everybody has the right to affordable bond, affordable bail.”

EG: “I didn’t”

DM: “Yes, you did! 50 thousand was right for that charge you had.”

EG: “No it wasn’t”

DM: “Yes it was,

EG: “I was told that...”

DM: “I read up on it, it was the max. And you know I could’ve bonded you on it, and I told Jonathan I would. When I got up here and you weren’t released yet. I would’ve bonded you, but you were already released. So that was fine. He said ‘we don’t have the 5 thousand’ I said ‘You don’t need a dime’.”

EG: “Well of course you have to release me, ‘cause you want to find Lucas!” (OMG!!!!!!)

DM: “Do I?”

EG: “I mean it makes sense to why you’d release me, to find Lucas. I get it.”

DM: “No, I wouldn’t. I had to talk to you. I wasn’t going to go to the jail to talk to you and let them hear it, and then they’d hit you with murder! What the f&*k, do I look stupid? I am a smart mother f&*ker, you know that? So I’m making sure my s%^ts right. Now, Cathy looked up your sister, and your sisters, fine, to have MH… is it MH (pronounced one way) or MH (pronounced another way)?

EG: “MH.”

DM: “MH. So...That’s in the works, and I just don’t know what else to tell you, Lucas is the trade off. So, I don’t know, what you want to do on that, because we have to have Lucas. I have an idea about where Lucas is, and, if everything’s correct, about 4, 4:30, we should be bringing him back to… we should be bringing him back. But, I said, you won’t be in handcuffs, they’re not going to handcuff you, they’re not going to arrest you, and they will (go down there? I don’t know), you’ll do an interview, but just make sure, the story you tell this, this time, is exactly… what we talked about.”
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Towards the end of our relationship, my Sociopath boyfriend started dealing coke. He had people coming and out in at all hours. Our next door neighbor was a retired police Lieutenant!!! That’s when I finally left for good.
Here is the whole bit of the recording between DM and EG that was played during the podcast.
I HIGHLY recommend listening to it. The tone of voice is telling, both to EG's personality and DM's handling of her. It beings right around 31:00 (not exact)


DM: “MH. So...That’s in the works, and I just don’t know what else to tell you, Lucas is the trade off. So, I don’t know, what you want to do on that, because we have to have Lucas. I have an idea about where Lucas is, and, if everything’s correct, about 4, 4:30, we should be bringing him back to… we should be bringing him back. But, I said, you won’t be in handcuffs, they’re not going to handcuff you, they’re not going to arrest you, and they will (go down there? I don’t know), you’ll do an interview, but just make sure, the story you tell this, this time, is exactly… what we talked about.”
What the heck does this mean?
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What the heck does this mean?

I can only make guesses but perhaps one of two things:

1. There is more recordings of her giving the actual details about what happened (or they spoke privately, and it was not recorded)


2. In his "playing her like a fiddle/I'm here to help YOU" approach, saying that would somehow solidify (in her mind) that he was indeed on her side and that she was safe if she kept her story that she had told him straight

I'm not really sure. It is a bit odd but I'm thinking it was simply him trying to make her feel safe and that he was a person she could trust.
I can only make guesses but perhaps one of two things:

1. There is more recordings of her giving the actual details about what happened (or they spoke privately, and it was not recorded)


2. In his "playing her like a fiddle/I'm here to help YOU" approach, saying that would somehow solidify (in her mind) that he was indeed on her side and that she was safe if she kept her story that she had told him straight

I'm not really sure. It is a bit odd but I'm thinking it was simply him trying to make her feel safe and that he was a person she could trust.
Maybe he knew from LE a lot more than she was telling and just wanted her to tell LE another lie because lying is more evidence of guilt.
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