Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #29

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The interview was over, though, when she got the report about the autopsies. Maybe she couldn't get a hold of JH for a response, or maybe he didn't want to discuss it, if he did know anything about it? Just guessing, but she was done talking to him when that came in.

Maybe JH told NG in confidence, not expecting her to report it since the interview portion was already over? I doubt it, but you never know.
O/T but I also had hair like this after giving birth for at least a year until it grew out.. That's what I first thought of when I seen her hair like that
Plus, tweakers give themselves janky haircuts and tweeze their eyebrows into oblivion (She kept up on the brows even in jail, they're like little apostrophes above her eyes).
Ok so I have to wonder. This part has stuck out at me since the podcast. DM has info he could’ve only gotten from LE. Did LE already know the timeline was wayyyy off? Because he said she invited the man into her home to stay the night AFTER Lucas disappeared. Well. After she reported him missing 2/17, LE and JH were there sooooo it had to be before that, right? And then she was arrested on 2/21. Which already had the timeline thrown right out the window.

jumping off this, this article struck me as interesting because it says just BEFORE she reported him missing.
Recordings on 'Nancy Grace' reveal how investigator persuaded Lucas' stepmom to talk

-this wording struck me as odd, almost as if LE knew she waited to report him. its not worded as "the day before Lucas disappeared" or something else that reads as a sense of urgency on EGs part to report her child missing. i suppose since Lucas' body had already been recovered by the time these podcasts and articles took place, it was obvious he wasnt kidnapped. but was it also obvious to LE she also didnt dispose of him on the 17th but did so much earlier? did they know this for awhile somehow?

-primarily, i had interpreted this as Feb 16/just before the 17th. as we know with msm recently though, it could have been a few nights earlier, depending on how we are defining "just before"

-about what time is this in the podcast? trying to find it myself but don't remember what part/time its mentioned but the word after is interesting also. another implication that the 17th wasnt a big role in Lucas' death or disposal, but just the day she reported him.
I still am thinking there are some secrets that cause them to stand by one another. I don't think he knew she had killed Lucas, but c'mon, he had to have suspected it. This thing about him trusting her so much is bunk. No way did he not know she was doing drugs, no way did he not know she was smacking Lucas around a bit. He would have to be a complete idiot. And apparently he thinks others are. Something is being hidden here.
On top of all of that,he's still speaking to her even after she had an overnight guest.
Come on...

I think the first example may not be a contradiction, as his first response is to whether the latch is something Lucas could reach, not if there was a latch or not.

The 2nd .... pfft. I guess we'd have to know what the heck 'in his own way' means. I'd sure be interested to know what that is.

Yes, I think you are correct about #1
I love all the brainstorming about the bathroom!

Things that stand out from them to me. NG intimated that Lucas died in the bathroom, not just body placed in the bathroom after death.

I like the idea of sending a forensic team back to match carpet fibers that might be inside a deathly wound, or perhaps in the mouth or on the lips?

I like the idea of the post-mortem banding on hair and perhaps looking for that in drains/traps.

tnith seems to be suggesting there might have been presence of kitty litter in the bathroom in an attempt by EG to cover up post-mortem smell.

The shape of faucets or shower head matching to a wound is also something they couldn't have checked before the body was found.

Lucas was found on his back in just an inch or two of water. It's unlikely that water in that environment could have compromised the findings in any lung tissue present. I still think there's a chance of finding water with surfactants (from bubble bath or shampoo), death by drowning, and maybe finger prints on the back of the neck or arms that show someone held Lucas face down in water, and then perhaps he was left face down for enough time for livor mortis to develop on the front of his body.

With all these options, EG is going to find it hard to throw out another story to fit what the ME has found that also make EG look as innocent as finding Lucas passed in his sleep.

Great analysis, thanks for the ideas.
IMO people that do drugs themselves and are around the drug lifestyle know when someone else is doing drugs. Don't buy for one minute he didn't know. IMO he slipped up about the drug use in the NG podcast - in fact he slipped up a few times and still covered for EG.
Wichita police identify homeless man killed in hit-and-run
Here it is. Homeless man who spent the night with E.G. killed in hit and run.
Eyebrows raised yet?
So this article states the vehicle was travelling east-bound. This eliminates the access road in front of the VA as mentioned earlier because that is a west-bound road. It still does not tell us the exact address, just the block as all prior articles, so we do not know if it was on the lower-speed access road with stoplights and crosswalks or the highway below.
This close to the intersection, I believe on the above access road near the Kwik Shop & neighborhood because this is a newer construction area of the highway with walls and not much room for anyone to safely hang out. This is not a bridge I would pick to sleep or even walk under because you would only be separated from traffic by a painted line.
Just because LE has not confirmed that there have not been any sightings of Lucas after the 11th does not mean they're aren't any. LE doesn't have to confirm anything during an active investigation.
The LL is also wise not to answer any calls from Crimeonline.
Crimeonline can't confirm any sightings after the 11th but that doesn't mean that LE can't.

A few neighbors told CrimeOnline they they never saw Lucas at all during the week prior to his reported disappearance on February 17. Despite claims that the landlord spotted Lucas peeking through on a window in the home on February 16, authorities haven’t confirmed the information to be accurate. CrimeOnline reached out to the landlord several times, but the calls remain unreturned.
When did Lucas Hernandez die? No reported confirmed sightings of the 5-yr-old since Feb. 11, a week before reported missing
Our VI, FLA, also said as far as she knows there was no confirmed contact with LH by anyone after the 11th too. I trust her more than media because she's the victim's family.
But, not being seen by anyone doesn't necessarily mean you are dead, either.
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