Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #3 *Arrest*

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Lucas is one of the cutest children I have ever seen. The photos with the bruises just breaks my heart. My husband and I are unable to have children. I would give anything to have a little boy like Lucas
And ALLLLL the Batman stuff he can get his hands on. The bruises in those new pictures were taken last May. I truly believe the only reason we even got to see him that day covered in bruises was because it was his great grandfather's memorial. Those two pictures don't show anywhere near how bad it actually was.

:( :( :( :stormingmad: :furious:

(No words.)

(Eta: I want to step away bc I'm getting so angry and upset and sick, and then I'm like if FLA can be here, then so can I!)
Lucas is one of the cutest children I have ever seen. The photos with the bruises just breaks my heart. My husband and I are unable to have children. I would give anything to have a little boy like Lucas

^^^This...I have a relative who can not bare children & knowing that this little boy could be loved by truly caring people, but got this lot instead, is just painful.
I’m sorry Squishified (((hugs)))

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And ALLLLL the Batman stuff he can get his hands on. The bruises in those new pictures were taken last May. I truly believe the only reason we even got to see him that day covered in bruises was because it was his great grandfather's memorial. Those two pictures don't show anywhere near how bad it actually was.

We have a Batman-loving 5yr old next door. He’s the reason we have the rule, “No science experiments in the upstairs bathrooms with playdoh and water.” He’s an absolute hoot and everything is an adventure for him.
I hope you have more pictures for your personal viewing of Lucas unmarked and happy. I really love his school pics - such a sweet smile.
:( :( :( :stormingmad: :furious:

(No words.)

(Eta: I want to step away bc I'm getting so angry and upset and sick, and then I'm like if FLA can be here, then so can I!)

I'm only here because we can only get updates from the internet and Facebook is full of the most vicious people I've ever seen. I've had to step away quite a few times because the discussion can be intense (but like I said, don't hold back! you guys are my main source of information right now).
I think Kansas still has common law marriage. Could that be why they are referring to EG as the stepmom?
Hare to ask this, but is their a verified PreK teacher on here? Would this even be a need? Because I would do it. Have been doing it for over 30 years. Started with the Migrants in Homestead Fla. And now here in N C.

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Not sure what you're asking but ALL teachers are mandated by law to report any suspected abuse.

I taught in Canada but I believe these laws are applicable in the USA as well.
Poor little boy [emoji22][emoji174]

Edit: I was replying to the pics of abuse but I don’t know how to work this reply system yet.
Well if your using tapatalk just hit reply under the post.

ETA I think it is the boxes next to the arrow. Single and Multi quote.
Gone most of the day and finally caught up. Gotta love multi quote.
So glad Emily has been arrested.


"We hope that we are able to find Lucas," Seiler said.

I do not like that. It reminds me of other cases where they knew they were in a landfill. :thinking:

Wonder what has them thinking this?
"Lucas has not been located yet, but officers expressed hope he will be found alive in a press conference Wednesday afternoon."

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I think it's completely wrong for them to get people's hopes up. Even I had hope as I read that. They shouldn't say that.

That's my line of thinking too....except haven't they stopped the park searches? False tip?

If we're feeling frustrated, imagine LE. Well, maybe they have coping skills....but not being able to find a little boy must weigh on them, especially since one vital piece of information could let them find him. Someone has that info and isn't telling, which is so cruel to so many people.


It is cruel. It's similar to those who falsely accuse someone of a crime, then don't tell the truth as they sit in jail. I will never understand the type of mind that can do this. Keeping a secret that could free someone from jail or bring a loved one back to their family. I just don't get it.

Just a thought please delete if need be. What about the possibly of a family member of the bio mom, dad or SM knowing the abuse is happening and knowing that

dcf isn't doing anything. So this person (maybe even a family friend) couldn't take knowing he was being abused and took him not realizing she would call the

cops so fast and they are panicking. Or maybe they stopped by to confront the SM about abuse, got there and saw that he had very recently been abused

freaked out and took him.

I'm reaching at theories because i want this sweet angel to be alive.

I so wish someone had done just that. Scoop up Lucas and take him to the nearest hospital to have it all documented, call the police and make a report, file for custody of Lucas. I'm not sure if that would have prevented his disappearance but I like to think it would have.

I wouldn't call it "unsettling" more like curious. It almost sounds like he's addressing someone directly, telling them "this is serious, time to stop playing games, return my boy..."

I thought this might be a reference to people maybe thinking this was a custody thing. Like "a stranger took my kid, not family, this is serious." I don't know though.

Little Sherin’s adoptive parents were charged with child endangerment. Correct me if I’m wrong, Sleuthers....

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Absolutely. He was charged with child endangerment for leaving her outside under a tree and she was charged with abandoning a child for admitting they left Sherin home alone to go to dinner. Later they were upgraded.

They have some proof or they could not have arrested her. I wonder if she confessed and this is the beginning of the charges.

I think her admitting to not seeing him for 3 hours constitutes endangerment. If they have more information then that is just added proof for the charge.

In case you missed it yes the stepmom can be discussed.

She has been arrested.

Has anyone ever heard of law enforcement not mentioning the name of a person arrested for a crime?

I don't understand it either.

The only thing I can think of is similar to the mass shooters, where they don't want to give them their 15 seconds? Maybe this officer just does not want to speak her name. Perhaps he's so disgusted with her that he won't utter it. I have no idea, just a thought.

Tell her she's not going to see her daughter again if she doesn't tell them where Lucas is. That should do it imo

Nope. Didn't work for Terri Horman. She gave up her daughter to avoid answering questions about Kyron's disappearance. Apparently her daughter didn't mean anything to her either.

But the Dad might have been fooled by her. She was convincing and told him the boy fell at the park or was rough housing with the older boys---and he believed her? If so, he might have been angry that his family called CPS, when they doubted him and his explanations.

I am not sure that he knew that his girlfriend was being abusive.

I think he did. If it was just bruises it would be different.

However, Lucas actually told people he was being hurt and who was hurting him. There wasn't really a "boys will be boys" defense here. Lucas said that Dad's girlfriend was hurting him. Dad should have left immediately. He should face endangerment charges as well.

How long have Dad and EG been together? I recall that she has raised Lucas for some time now.

3 years this month I believe.

Suicide watch or drug/alcohol detox...I’m thinking one or the other.

Or perhaps both.

Is the woman in the stocking cap Emily?


No, she stayed in the car at the vigil.

Earlier today I implied that he wouldn't be found in water. I couldn't say it then, I can now. She knew also that he was afraid of water. I don't think even her cold heart would put him in water.

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I am utterly terrified that is exactly what her cold heart did. I just hope he wasn't aware of it. I have had some seriously scary nightmares about what she may have done to him. I hope they are all incorrect.

They were supposed to pick up Lucas from school and the school called mom to let her know. Mom hauled it to the school, but when she got there, Emily yanked Lucas out of mom's arms and put him in her car. She screamed at mom that she had no business being there. I know that dad wasn't there when Emily showed up to pick him up because I was at mom's house when she got back to town and called dad to make sure dad was at least home with Lucas and not home alone with Emily.

Did law enforcement get informed of this? Or the courts for the custody? Or was this just so typical of Emily that it was blown off?

The saddest part here is that the bio mom gave up custody because she couldn't care for herself and a child at the time (per our VI), but from outward appearances, she still would have been a much more suitable option to care for this boy. She did the right thing, and I'm sure that's killing her now.

So much like Kyron. Both were doing what they thought was best at the time. Then, after they were capable of taking their boys back... they didn't want to uproot them so they didn't.

Have you been in an abusive relationship with children and your custody of them on the line?

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No I haven't. However, Lucas had other family who would have loved to care for him. If I felt the need to stay in that relationship to protect my daughter from her mother, I certainly would not allow her mother to babysit my son.

I would have my son go with his mother and her family while I was out of town. Then retrieve him when I could be there to supervise.

What we are hearing and seeing in pictures is inexcusable. It's a failure to protect a little boy who had already been through enough in his life. He just deserved loving, caring, gentle people and that isn't what he got.

I understand Dad wasn’t around when whatever happened to poor Lucas happened, but he knew the nature and history of the woman he left his child with (who HE personally had full custody of) they were not married, mom did not ever relinquish parental rights.

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Yes, he should have sent Lucas with Mom's family instead of leaving him with stepmother. No question about it. This Dad had other options available to him.

Yep. That's the kind of proof I look for. I've seen one too many lives ruined because of unfounded accusations of abuse that end up taking on a life of their own because they spread around with no other proof then "someone told me."

I adore you for this. It is so true. People rotting in jails based on one person's word, even when there is clear evidence the accuser is lying. It's sickening.

Must be some drugs that he's currently using, if he's that delusional. JMO

Denial is very powerful....


Looks like it. Wonder if he'd started spending time with his dad in that photo ? Very sad for this little one.

Was Lucas in someone else's custody between Mom and Dad?
I was under the impression that Mom lost custody when Lucas was 6 months old.
Did he not go straight to Dad? I'm confused now.

Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd that he refused to be on camera for the interview? “We agreed not to show his face” is one of the first things the reporter says.
It’s not like he wanted to remain anonymous because they used several pictures of him on rotation while he spoke.
Was he trying to conceal something? Marks, bruises, emotions, facial expressions....

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I simply cannot figure out a reason for this. I'm flabbergasted.

What if Lucas IS alive and is WATCHING that interview?
Wouldn't you want to talk directly to your child, or their abductor?
Plead for them to bring him back, let him know how much you love him?
I don't get it. At all.
Only time I've seen this is when someone was an informant. Even then, his identity is out there already.

And I don't understand how he can claim that 'the issue' of physical abuse is a separate issue from his child being missing.

Hey Dad, Guess What---SAME ISSUE....your child was being physically assaulted....and now he is missing....SAME ISSUE.

He was being abused. Abuse is a pretty big risk factor for murder. If he had been in someone else's care when he disappeared it would be a separate issue. However, since his reported abuser was in charge when he disappeared? Same issue - escalation.

And ALLLLL the Batman stuff he can get his hands on. The bruises in those new pictures were taken last May. I truly believe the only reason we even got to see him that day covered in bruises was because it was his great grandfather's memorial. Those two pictures don't show anywhere near how bad it actually was.

Was there no opportunity to call 911 or sneak Lucas out to a hospital? With that hand print on the arm I think it may have been taken seriously.

I think I would have not been able to restrain myself from reporting it. I would be too worried about unseen injuries, broken bones or internal injuries. Sometimes my medical knowledge makes it difficult to remain calm.
Not sure what you're asking but ALL teachers are mandated by law to report any suspected abuse.

I taught in Canada but I believe these laws are applicable in the USA as well.

Stunned is asking to become a Verified Insider for Websleuths :)

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I'm only here because we can only get updates from the internet and Facebook is full of the most vicious people I've ever seen. I've had to step away quite a few times because the discussion can be intense (but like I said, don't hold back! you guys are my main source of information right now).


(Eta: Alright I'll pull it together then....usually I put myself in a "self imposed timeout" when I get too emotional and I always say one of the greatest skills a websleuther can have is to know when to step away. But since you are here...I'll go eat a legal medicinal brownie (or three) and come back.)
Not sure what you're asking but ALL teachers are mandated by law to report any suspected abuse.

I taught in Canada but I believe these laws are applicable in the USA as well.

She was referring to being verified by Websleuths as a pre-k teacher.
Hare to ask this, but is their a verified PreK teacher on here? Would this even be a need? Because I would do it. Have been doing it for over 30 years. Started with the Migrants in Homestead Fla. And now here in N C.

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You really should :) MOO

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Hare to ask this, but is their a verified PreK teacher on here? Would this even be a need? Because I would do it. Have been doing it for over 30 years. Started with the Migrants in Homestead Fla. And now here in N C.

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YES. Get verified as a Pre-K expert. We could use one.

This must just break your heart to see these pictures of adorable sweet Lucas, all bruised and battered. :cry:
I really don't think her endangerment charges stem from her taking a nap while both children were in the house. Technically most people do that every night when they go to bed at night with their children in the house.
I doubt if dad knows what she did to occur those charges. He will find out at her hearing. I bet when he does he is going to be more pissed than he was in his interview tonight.
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