Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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Man arrested for walking down California street carrying AR-15 rifle
DM warned him that EG might harm herself so JH leaves an AR15 and ammunition in the house that she is staying at doesn't make alot of sense if he wanted EG to stick around so Lucas could get justice. I know he never thought she would harm herself just like he never believed EG was abusing Lucas, even though he was told both situations were likely. Sorry not buying it for one minute.

It is very well possible that he had set her up by leaving her alone in the house and with the gun. Anyone with an ounce of common sense, wouldn't have left a suspected murderer, who has mental issues...home with a gun.
JH appeared totally detached from Lucas' death. He only seemed emotional when it pertained to his own discomfort at being scrutinized by people. He appears to me to be more affected by EG's death than Lucas' death.

I do think that he was living there with EG. What bothered me the most I think is when he is describing that he and EG were talking about all the drama going on about Lucas' and would be glad when it calmed down. DRAMA? He and EG are actually insulted and aggravated with all the DRAMA right now with Lucas' death. This statement made me have to leave the thread for a little while.

I believe he made sure he had a weapon at the house in case he and EG had to protect themselves from possible harm from one of the angry people who is so upset over Lucas' death and disposal.

I truly hope that JH does not get to just walk away.
I'm glad the AR-15 was finally talked about by JH to the press. EG's own father mentioned her having it (and threatening him with it) on social media months ago. It does seem strange, however, that DM supposedly searched the property and didn't find it before. Presumably EG knew where it was being kept. Perhaps it has been hidden ever since the police were called in for Lucas' disappearance. Perhaps it was stored away with the drug paraphernalia the cops never found.

I don't know what to say about JH's interview. For some reason it doesn't make me any more sympathetic towards him. In fact, I think it's making me angry all over again that he kept giving EG the benefit of the doubt, especially after she led them to poor Lucas' body. If only he'd shared more concern over his own son's emotional and physical well being before it was too late.

Every time he claims he didn't have a clue about Lucas being mistreated by EG, I call foul. Even EG's own sons had claimed all was not well in the household in terms of the behavior of both of the adults.

Nancy Grace conveniently did not ask the hard questions about the domestic abuse incidents, his own charges of battery against a minor and so on. I'm very disappointed about her angle on this story.

I do hope that MH has a safer, happier life, loved by people who truly will protect her, free from all of this ongoing drama. She deserves that. I don't know if she'll get it if she goes back to JH.
I snip the quote for focus, thank you.

I am so mad. So mad. Every time I even start to have sympathy for JH something like this comes out of his mouth. Really, seriously? His own words were he wasn't going to just kick her out? She had no where to go? What about Lucas! Why would a father care about a person that harmed his son!

What did that sweet little boy go through? It makes me sick.

No one is that sympathetic and understanding to someone they shacked up with when their kid goes missing and then is found dead and the person knew where their body was. NO ONE. This guy was not and is not some living saint. His reactions to the situation, continuously excusing and defending EG just speak to something MUCH deeper going on here.

Have you ever seen someone defend and protect someone who killed their child like this when they didn't play a role in it??
This is such crap and I am beginning to wonder if he had a hand in Lucas' death after all. Lucas might not have died when he was home, but he could have abused him just before he left for work, and Lucas died after. Maybe he really did die in his sleep after all, due to injuries from abuse. He left marks on EG's son that were still visible in the morning.

Just my opinion, but I don't think he's innocent of any wrong doing. If anything, his protection of Emily makes me think that maybe she protected him (perhaps she was afraid of him) or they both abused him and were covering for each other.
This is such crap and I am beginning to wonder if he had a hand in Lucas' death after all. Lucas might not have died when he was home, but he could have abused him just before he left for work, and Lucas died after. Maybe he really did die in his sleep after all, due to injuries from abuse. He left marks on EG's son that were still visible in the morning.

Just my opinion, but I don't think he's innocent of any wrong doing. If anything, his protection of Emily makes me think that maybe she protected him (perhaps she was afraid of him) or they both abused him and were covering for each other.

I do wonder if EG and JH got in a fight and he got injuried in the process or if JH struck Lucas and he died from those injuries and that is why he protected her. We know from her ex court documents that baby MH was possibly hurt in one of their altercations. We know police were called out for domestic violence several times how many times did an altercation occur and neighbors didn't call police.
I'm sure that my following statement/query will be met with anger, but here goes..
Is it at all possible that JH is not mentally capable of facing all that has transpired, since that 911 call on February 17th? Is there a shrink on the board here that could comment? (No offense meant by 'shrink')
I had a stepmom much like Gizmos mom..whew! I learned how to take care of myself very young. Learned to be tough, lived in Detroit, buried my brother to an overdose of heroin when I was 19.. I made his funeral arrangements, picked out and paid for took me three years. So, tough I happen to know. Or thought I did. In 2005, my husband of 24 years died. Not unexpectedly, cancer..When the undertaker removed my husband from our home, the wind went right out of my sails. I could not function, and it took me near to two years to quit being a fragile mess.

My point is, not to bore anyone, but to say something mental could be going on in JH. I would not have ever believed that possible, but now , based on my own experience, I think it's possible.

Just my thoughts today. (Denial?)
It shows a human side of JH. Her family probably kicked her out after that. Although it was a great “show of unity”? When they picked her up from jail. Her family has been very quiet. Perhaps they have concern that they knew her history all to well and have significant guilt not to have done something all the years before and avoided her drug escalation. Maybe they had done everything humanly possible and had hope that she had stopped lying and the drug use. The CINC documents are pretty damming evidence. Her drug use violence and temper issues existed with her ex which had to be at least 3.5 years ago.

As a mother I would never give up on my child regardless of age. I would pay for rehab as many times as it took. I would even kept a child with me 24 hours a day to kick a bad habit. I would never have stopped trying. Never.

But they had to know and even left their bio grand daughter in her care knowing full well she had a problem. We don’t know her background enough to make many judgements, but they had to have experienced her temper and violent traits. She stole her sisters car at one point. JH was gone 20 days out of the month, but I’m going to assume her family, having lived with her, had to have seen the toxic behavior.

I just don’t understand so much if this case and seemingly understand less as more is known.
RSBM. I believe that, and I believe I would -- but to a certain point. Rehab? Ok. Counseling? Ok. Parenting classes? Ok. Always having my door open? That depends. Is it helping her or enabling her? To what cost will this generosity extend me? Will it damage relationships with other children or family members or anyone else in her path available to rob, pillage, manipulate, and abuse? I cannot judge her family for having a final straw.
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