Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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Catching up/bringing fwd msm for reference (I'll take lonetraveler's advice and pass on the podcast if it's worse than a colonoscopy....thanks everyone for the updates.)

Father of Lucas Hernandez talks about the night he found Emily Glass dead

"She got my gun case out of my closet and took it into that back room with her," Johnathan told Grace. "The gun (a rifle) was laying next to her... She shot herself in the head."


"Johnathan also said why he allowed Glass to continue living at the home in the 600 block of South Edgemoor.

Nancy Grace: "Why was she still there?"

Johnathan Hernandez: "She had nowhere else to go. After she led Marshburn to Lucas, her family was, you know, pretty upset with her, felt betrayed a little bit by, by her."

Nancy Grace: "So, even though you believed she had a hand in Lucas' death, you allowed her to still stay in the home."

Johnathan Hernandez: "Yes, ma'am."

Nancy Grace: "Why?"

Johnathan Hernandez: "Until the autopsy was gonna come back and whatever it said, I mean, it's still up in the air as far as if she did or if she didn't do anything other than hide his body. And so I wasn't, I wasn't going to just kick her out on the street. I mean, I wasn't staying there, so she was, you know, welcome to stay there as long as she needed.""
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When a parent favors or supports a significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, or stepparent over his/her own child, something is seriously mixed-up In their brains!

In cases I have personally seen, I call it the “Me Factor”. The adult thinks their need for the opposite sex in their life overrides their career, their family life, the common sense they are known for, etc.

In JH and EG case, they were heavily into the “ME Factor”. Each one was seeking something for themselves. While it can be said JH saw EG as a sitter for his son, a caring father would not put up with the abuse he saw on Lucas! There had to be feelings or other reasons that JH kept EG around even when relatives were complaining of abuse.

We are seeing too many cases of a parent’s significant other abusing or killing children!
When a parent favors or supports a significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, or stepparent over his/her own child, something is seriously mixed-up In their brains!

In cases I have personally seen, I call it the “Me Factor”. The adult thinks their need for the opposite sex in their life overrides their career, their family life, the common sense they are known for, etc.

In JH and EG case, they were heavily into the “ME Factor”. Each one was seeking something for themselves. While it can be said JH saw EG as a sitter for his son, a caring father would not put up with the abuse he saw on Lucas! There had to be feelings or other reasons that JH kept EG around even when relatives were complaining of abuse.

We are seeing too many cases of a parent’s significant other abusing or killing children!

sing it, sister
rsbm. I think he still loved her and was conflicted about his feelings. He knew he should hate her, but...???

I've got to say this. Something happened in my life which gives me a type of personal reference here. Post in progress (sigh, was not wanting go here...)

There was a man I loved (do I still? I can't anymore, even if wanted to, which I don't, anyway....)

He "accidentally" struck a little one in my household. The little one is okay THANK Gooooodness, but he very welL could not have been.

Post in progress (ugh I'm getting sick talking about this, but I have to say it):

Ugh I can't talk about it right now, sorry o/t, point is I let him go, I haaaaad to. I would never again look at him the same way or the trust him as gentle, and if anything ever happened again to the little one, well SHAME ON ME for not protecting him. Thank goodness I've been a member here long enough to know these things and not let myself be deluded. But sometimes it's not so easy when they tell you one thing and you want to believe them...because you LOVE them...and if they're master manipulators...

But accident or not I could never take that chance again. I will NEVER choose a mate over such a thing. Never. And I have proven this. As hard as it was to let him go believe it or not. YOU have to see past yourseeeelffff and do the right thing, there is no in between. Have some SELF RESPECT....gosh I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror if I stayed with that guy!! The narcissist and manipulator so easily said "accident" and even though I wanted to believe him, I just could'nt deep in my heart. If I were to stay with him, something would have been seriously wrong with with ME.

So, while I know what it's like like to love someone who miiiight have done something get my drift...
I'm trying not to be judgmental here because I've been in a similar place....but his reaction is really, really making me suspicious here.

I'm really wondering, as we discussed before, what EG might have had on him. Something else was going on in that house. I'm not buying him doubting her innocence and having this deep true everlasting love, something is off here, moo.

:banghead: (I'm still going to talk in old school emoji code if that's alright with you guys)

Furthermore, "I couldn't just kick her out on the street" have to make a choice buddy just like I did (He obviously made his choice, and it was NOT LUCAS)
Do you know the awful thoughts I had about what I wanted to do this man for touching one hair on my little man's head?! Wth is wrong with JH. Somethings up.
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I've got to say this. Something happened in my life which gives me a type of personal reference here. Post in progress (sigh, was not wanting go here...)

There was a man I loved (do I still? I can't anymore, even if wanted to, which I don't, anyway....)

He "accidentally" struck a little one in my household. The little one is okay THANK Gooodness, but he very well might not have been.

Post in progress (ugh I'm getting sick talking about this, but I have to say it):

Ugh I can't talk about it ri b t now, sorry o/t, point is I let him go, I haaaaad to. I would never again look at him the same way or the trust him as gentle, and if anything ever happened again to the little one, well SHAME ON me for not protecting him. Thank goodness I've been a member here long enough to know these things and not led myself be deluded.

So accident or not I could never take that chance. I will NEVER choose a mate over such a thing. Never. And I have proven thid.

The narcissist and manipulator so easily said "accident" and even thothough I wanted to believe him, I just could'nt deep in my heart. If I were to stay with him, something would have been seriously wrong with with ME.

So, while I know what it's like like to love someone who miiiight have done something get my drift. I'm trying not to be judgmental here because I've been in a similar place....but his reaction is really, really ms king me suspicious here. )

and that is why I love and respect you so much, Marg!
Getting caught up, sorry if msm repost:

5-year-old Lucas Hernandez's dad tells Nancy Grace about the night Emily Glass died

"Jonathan Hernandez, in his latest interview with former prosecutor and legal commentator Nancy Grace, described the night he came home to the rental house he shared with Glass, Lucas and the couple's young daughter to find her shot to death. He told Grace the rifle that Wichita police have said publicly was at her feet was his AR-15 assault rifle. He kept the gun in a case in his closet at the home, 655 S. Edgemoor, he said in the interview."


"It asked that the ring be given to the couple's 1-year-old daughter when she was older, Jonathan Hernandez said he was told. He said he doesn't know what the other two said or where police found them."


""The way everything look, it looked like she had thought about it," Hernandez told Grace."

Ooooookay. So, JH, you're still undecided if EG was abusing your son, yet you can be the first person to discover the mother of your other child dead of a GSW and draw conclusions based on that shocking scene?!?! Really? How stupid do you think we, the public, are? And, yes, you're being judged on what you say, or don't, and on how you act. The more I see, the lower my opinion goes, and I honestly didn't think that was possible. Now I'm going to the voluntary time-out corner and sit on my hands before I get in real trouble, unless it's too late.
I don’t believe it was confirmed by LE. I’m still sticking with the initial timeline until we hear otherwise. I think she struck him Friday after Olive Garden and hid him that night. I think she drove by the next morning to make sure he couldn’t be seen. The two minute stop that DM mentioned on NG never made sense to me. That just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get LH down to the culvert, placed and back to the car.

I’m afraid we’ll never know the te

Also, DM said he had Emily's phone records, but never mentioned the date when he talked about the 2 minute stop.
That was the only mention of the phone records. He never said she was in that area on another date, another time.
and that is why I love and respect you so much, Marg!

thank you cl, I'm crying right now. Anyway, this is not about me, point is I'm so disgusted by this and my hinky meter has not rested. I think EG might have been blackmailing him, moo. Either that, or he's the dumbest most emotionally mentally messed up codependent man on the planet. Moo. Love you guys. BARF!

As I've stated before, whatever she might have had on him must be substantial AND provable.
Ooooookay. So, JH, you're still undecided if EG was abusing your son, yet you can be the first person to discover the mother of your other child dead of a GSW and draw conclusions based on that shocking scene?!?! Really? How stupid do you think we, the public, are? And, yes, you're being judged on what you say, or don't, and on how you act. The more I see, the lower my opinion goes, and I honestly didn't think that was possible. Now I'm going to the voluntary time-out corner and sit on my hands before I get in real trouble, unless it's too late.

(For real!!! I'll join you amount of wacky tobacky can calm me here...)
When a parent favors or supports a significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, or stepparent over his/her own child, something is seriously mixed-up In their brains!

In cases I have personally seen, I call it the “Me Factor”. The adult thinks their need for the opposite sex in their life overrides their career, their family life, the common sense they are known for, etc.

In JH and EG case, they were heavily into the “ME Factor”. Each one was seeking something for themselves. While it can be said JH saw EG as a sitter for his son, a caring father would not put up with the abuse he saw on Lucas! There had to be feelings or other reasons that JH kept EG around even when relatives were complaining of abuse.

We are seeing too many cases of a parent’s significant other abusing or killing children!
Yes I see this every day! Look at Evan Brewer , heck even my own child was choosing a man over her baby. Another reason why she doesn’t have that baby anymore. But this is a on going issue it’s got to stop.
(O/T, who is the MP in your avatar? It's blurry.)
(Eta: now that Lucas has been found, I've removed my "Chisholm Park bird" avatar. Had he not been found, I don't think I would have ever changed it back to Dobby, the baby giraffe.)

I tried many times to get a clear picture to the format. I will have to ask my kids for help.
My son came home and told me helicopters were down at the bridge because it was suspected that someone jumped off committing suicide.

This is Sarah Stern, an intelligent, beautiful 19 year old girl from my town that went missing. Her car was found unoccupied on a local bridge, in the early morning hours of December, 2016. Two months later, two 19 year old classmates that she knew from kindergarten through high school were arrested and charged in connection with her murder. Her body has not been found. This is how I found Websleuths.

Deceased/Not Found - NJ - Sarah Stern, 19, Neptune City, 2 Dec 2016 *Arrests* #2
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This is such crap and I am beginning to wonder if he had a hand in Lucas' death after all. Lucas might not have died when he was home, but he could have abused him just before he left for work, and Lucas died after. Maybe he really did die in his sleep after all, due to injuries from abuse. He left marks on EG's son that were still visible in the morning.

Just my opinion, but I don't think he's innocent of any wrong doing. If anything, his protection of Emily makes me think that maybe she protected him (perhaps she was afraid of him) or they both abused him and were covering for each other.

I'm not criticizing you for saying that, I think it's a logical train of thought.

I personally still disagree with it. I've said before that although his actions and words seem baffling to many people I don't think they suggest any complicity in the actual crime, nor knowledge of the cover-up. I do believe he truly wanted to find Lucas, and maybe he did con himself (with the help of others) that Lucas might still be alive.

In the NG yesterday JH talked about his dreams being disturbing at this time, and the one he chose to share was one about searching for Lucas in his dreams. I think that's a strong sign that for all these months he has really felt the pain of Lucas being missing, and *missing* is how he's perceived it. I don't think these dreams would be consistent with him having knowledge of EG hiding the body.

If he did have anything to do with causing Lucas to die, I don't think either he or EG were aware of that. By the time EG was talking to DM and talking about this alleged concussion, if that had been caused by JH that would have been a perfect opportunity to throw him under the bus, but she chose not to and instead used words that implied she was the only one with fault.

I also remember some of the things JO said in her radio interview, and JH's words and behavior seem very consistent with the things JO said about him. Then there's what DM said to EG on the tapes when he said something about EG not wanting to open up in front of JH out of fear of JH's response. And DM said that in his opinion he thought she was afraid for no reason and he didn't think JH would do anything. I think JH is showing us that DM is probably quite right...even after he was angry about the Olive Garden, disgusted and angry about her hiding Lucas' body, all that he's done is to calm down to the point where he'll allow her in the house, text with her, talk with her, and try to get her to open up more about what exactly did transpire before she dumped the body, because he needed to know how his son died and exactly what part she had in it, despite his head not wanting to go there of its own accord, I think he still needed to know.

I agree his responses are baffling, and maybe only 1% of people would react the way he does to things, and we as humans are trained to see these anomalies as suspicious, we look for anomalies like this to try to ascertain guilt. But I don't think they're inconsistent with his inner nature, and I still can't see anything that shouts to me that he was complicit in the actual crime or that he had knowledge after the fact. I have been looking for signs of those things, but I can't see them.
So, has JH stated what heeeeeeee thinks is the COD? How does heeeeeeee seem to think Lucas died? He just mysteriously woke up dead one day?

I don't know if it was in yesterday's podcast or an earlier one with him on NG, but he said something like "little children don't just die [like that/for no reason]" as if he was not buying EG's assertion that she just got up one morning and found Lucas dead.
So, what did EG tell JH as far as why she felt the need to hide and dump his body? I'm getting angry now (delayed reaction, I know). That's sometimes the case with me. Her #$/@^ must be made of gold or something. EVEN THEN!

That was in the first interview with JH on NG, he said she wouldn't tell him anything other than what she'd told DM about finding Lucas dead, and I think he said that she wouldn't explain why she decided to hide the body, and he said that was something that was incomprehensible to him.
I don't know if it was in yesterday's podcast or an earlier one with him on NG, but he said something like "little children don't just die [like that/for no reason]" as if he was not buying EG's assertion that she just got up one morning and found Lucas dead.

Thanks for the reply. So he has never stated once what he thinks might have happened?
That was in the first interview with JH on NG, he said she wouldn't tell him anything other than what she'd told DM about finding Lucas dead, and I think he said that she wouldn't explain why she decided to hide the body, and he said that was something that was incomprehensible to him.

Fair enough.

So I can see him keeping her close to get more information as to what happened (which he stated iirc); however, it’s the comment about “I couldn’t just let her be on the street” which bothers me immensely. And that he’s had all this contact with EG yet nothing was revealed as to why Lucas just mysteriously woke up dead?

Maybe she tried to blame it on meth or something which he may have been privy to, involved in, moo. I just don’t know anymore. All I know is I hope he doesn’t get ML back. That would be a travesty, moo. Simply based on negligence and stupidity if anything. Having meth heads around your kids.

Im not convinced he can not have some other bimbo around again. Moo.
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