Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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I'm not criticizing you for saying that, I think it's a logical train of thought.

I personally still disagree with it. I've said before that although his actions and words seem baffling to many people I don't think they suggest any complicity in the actual crime, nor knowledge of the cover-up. I do believe he truly wanted to find Lucas, and maybe he did con himself (with the help of others) that Lucas might still be alive.

In the NG yesterday JH talked about his dreams being disturbing at this time, and the one he chose to share was one about searching for Lucas in his dreams. I think that's a strong sign that for all these months he has really felt the pain of Lucas being missing, and *missing* is how he's perceived it. I don't think these dreams would be consistent with him having knowledge of EG hiding the body.

If he did have anything to do with causing Lucas to die, I don't think either he or EG were aware of that. By the time EG was talking to DM and talking about this alleged concussion, if that had been caused by JH that would have been a perfect opportunity to throw him under the bus, but she chose not to and instead used words that implied she was the only one with fault.

I also remember some of the things JO said in her radio interview, and JH's words and behavior seem very consistent with the things JO said about him. Then there's what DM said to EG on the tapes when he said something about EG not wanting to open up in front of JH out of fear of JH's response. And DM said that in his opinion he thought she was afraid for no reason and he didn't think JH would do anything. I think JH is showing us that DM is probably quite right...even after he was angry about the Olive Garden, disgusted and angry about her hiding Lucas' body, all that he's done is to calm down to the point where he'll allow her in the house, text with her, talk with her, and try to get her to open up more about what exactly did transpire before she dumped the body, because he needed to know how his son died and exactly what part she had in it, despite his head not wanting to go there of its own accord, I think he still needed to know.

I agree his responses are baffling, and maybe only 1% of people would react the way he does to things, and we as humans are trained to see these anomalies as suspicious, we look for anomalies like this to try to ascertain guilt. But I don't think they're inconsistent with his inner nature, and I still can't see anything that shouts to me that he was complicit in the actual crime or that he had knowledge after the fact. I have been looking for signs of those things, but I can't see them.

I agree there is no set way that everyone will act that has to deal with what has transpired but certain things just keep running through my head. JO statement that EG must have something on JH and it must be big, him saying he was waiting for autopsy to see if she did anything other than hide Lucas body, staying in the same house with her on and off at least (IMO he was there full time, he contradicts himself on that a couple times), in his interviews he covers for EG in several different ways still, the comment about I am MH only surviving parent now so I have to stay in town, which to me means if EG was still around he wouldn't have a problem with MH being with EG. To me these are not signs of a man who was just wanting answers and putting on a show. EG is gone she can't give him answers and he is still covering for her.
thank you cl, I'm crying right now. Anyway, this is not about me, point is I'm so disgusted by this and my hinky meter has not rested. I think EG might have been blackmailing him, moo. Either that, or he's the dumbest most emotionally mentally messed up codependent man on the planet. Moo. Love you guys. BARF!

As I've stated before, whatever she might have had on him must be substantial AND provable.

BBM -- that's more like my thoughts, and I think that's fairly close to what JO said about JH in her radio interview. I do understand why other people are feeling that the other options are more likely.
Fair enough.

So I can see him keeping her close to get more information as to what happened (which he stated iirc); however, it’s the comment about “I couldn’t just let her be on the street” which bothers me immensely.

I need to go back to the transcript you posted of it, I want to examine that closer.
I agree there is no set way that everyone will act that has to deal with what has transpired but certain things just keep running through my head. JO statement that EG must have something on JH and it must be big, him saying he was waiting for autopsy to see if she did anything other than hide Lucas body, staying in the same house with her on and off at least (IMO he was there full time, he contradicts himself on that a couple times), in his interviews he covers for EG in several different ways still, the comment about I am MH only surviving parent now so I have to stay in town, which to me means if EG was still around he wouldn't have a problem with MH being with EG. To me these are not signs of a man who was just wanting answers and putting on a show. EG is gone she can't give him answers and he is still covering for her.

But it's also a statement of fact that he's now MH's only surviving parent? And if EG was still around, wouldn't that mean that none of this ever happened and Lucas wasn't dead? And then he wouldn't have known about the abuse (in his own mind) and therefore would still be working away from home?

I'm having to think about it to understand why you're interpreting it that mean that if EG hadn't killed herself but was still guilty of what she did to Lucas? I don't know that he meant it that way?
Wait a minute, and I think this was mentioned earlier:

So let’s say he believes it was an accident. Does he think it’s acceptable or whatever to just dump his son’s body in the middle of nowhere and rot?
I know he didn’t say this, but oh I couldn’t put her on the street, my butt. When my man “accidentally” struck the little one I was envisioning taking a baseball bat to his knees. I’m not kidding.

So IF an accident occurred I’d still be like “you tell me where my boy is you (insert expletive)”

So he feels sorry or whatever for this woman who dumped his son’s body like trash, accident or not? And held out on revealing the location knowing my it would be killing JH?? Give me a break.
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But it's also a statement of fact that he's now MH's only surviving parent? And if EG was still around, wouldn't that mean that none of this ever happened and Lucas wasn't dead? And then he wouldn't have known about the abuse (in his own mind) and therefore would still be working away from home?

I'm having to think about it to understand why you're interpreting it that mean that if EG hadn't killed herself but was still guilty of what she did to Lucas? I don't know that he meant it that way?

Yes I took it as if EG hadn't killed herself he would be ok with MH being with her even though she disposed of Lucas body. The fact that he even mentioned being the only surviving parent doesn't make sense to me - because getting MH should of been his priority regardless. His logic of he couldn't just kick EG out because he didnt know if she only disposed of Lucas - was he gonna say well I don't want to take MH from EG if she only disposed of Lucas body but didn't kill him?
Wait a minute, and I think this was mentioned earlier:

So let’s say he believes it was an accident. Does he think it’s acceptable or whatever to just dump his son’s body in the middle of nowhere and rot?
I know he didn’t say this, but oh I couldn’t put her on the street, my butt. When my man “accidentally” hurt the little one I was envisioning taking a baseball bat to his knees. I’m not kidding.

So IF an accident occurred I’d still be like “you tell me where my boy is you (insert expletive)”

So he feels sorry or whatever for this woman who dumped his sons body like trash, accident or not? Give me a break.

You said it much better than I. He comes across as well if she just hid his body its ok she got scared and didn't know what to do.
Catching up/bringing fwd msm for reference (I'll take lonetraveler's advice and pass on the podcast if it's worse than a colonoscopy....thanks everyone for the updates.)

Father of Lucas Hernandez talks about the night he found Emily Glass dead

"She got my gun case out of my closet and took it into that back room with her," Johnathan told Grace. "The gun (a rifle) was laying next to her... She shot herself in the head."


"Johnathan also said why he allowed Glass to continue living at the home in the 600 block of South Edgemoor.

Nancy Grace: "Why was she still there?"

Johnathan Hernandez: "She had nowhere else to go. After she led Marshburn to Lucas, her family was, you know, pretty upset with her, felt betrayed a little bit by, by her."

Nancy Grace: "So, even though you believed she had a hand in Lucas' death, you allowed her to still stay in the home."

Johnathan Hernandez: "Yes, ma'am."

Nancy Grace: "Why?"

Johnathan Hernandez: "Until the autopsy was gonna come back and whatever it said, I mean, it's still up in the air as far as if she did or if she didn't do anything other than hide his body. And so I wasn't, I wasn't going to just kick her out on the street. I mean, I wasn't staying there, so she was, you know, welcome to stay there as long as she needed.""

I think it's hard to interpret what he's really saying there. And that seems to be a common thing when he speaks, as he seems to speak in surface statements without illuminating what's behind them, and that tends to lend itself to people doing their own interpretation.

Why was she at the house on Edgemoor? She had nowhere else to go.

So does that mean that if she had had somewhere else to go he would have preferred her to be somewhere else?

Why did he allow her to stay there? The autopsy results weren't back and it was up in the air whether she'd done more than hide the body

So what is the implication of that for him? Does he see it as a possible chance that she didn't do more than hide the body or does he see her not having anywhere else to go as an opportunity for him to try to get more info from her on what did really happen? And he did say in another part of the interview with NG that he was trying to get extra info from her and trying different tactics to get that info from her, from being combative to trying to lull her into a false sense of safety.

I wasn't staying there, so she was welcome to stay as long as she needed

I don't know if JH had gone back to work after Lucas was found, it wasn't long after Lucas was found so he might not have done. So it's possible he was generally staying over with other people, and on this night he'd stayed at his friend's until 1 am or so and didn't want to disturb anyone else by going back to someone else's place that late at night?

I think it's hard to tell, when you break down the words, if he felt sorry for her or if it's just JH pragmatism? He might be saying that she might as well be in the house at Edgemoor as he doesn't particularly want to be there, the rent's being paid so someone might as well be there. Someone else has suggested that maybe his things were still there so he'd maybe go back for a shower and a change of clothes in between being at friends' houses or spending time with JO to discuss funeral plans? He does sound overly chitty-chatty with EG, but I do think that's possibly mostly about trying to get info from her on what happened to Lucas. Unlike a lot of you here, I am finding his pain over Lucas to be the strongest theme in his mind, even though it's not the theme with most words applied to it in this interview.
I know we are absolutely not allowed to sleuth family. Is it a legal question to ask if JH has any siblings, just yes or no? Flagging this post for a mod to address. If this post is in violation please delete, and my sincere apologies. Please wait for a mod to weigh in before replying. (Not trying to be bossy, ykwim.)
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If I 100% knew, with absolutely no doubt, that my spouse was totally innocent of abusing and then killing my child and had ONLY stuffed him under a bridge like a freakin piece of trash there is no way I’d give a **** about whether said spouse was out on the street or not. As a matter of fact I’d have kicked the sorry SOB out myself. I really think that’s a normal reaction, not letting them live there and carrying on light text conversations and showing up for goodness knows what at night. I sure hope JH doesn’t get custody of his daughter. She is far better off without him.
“I wasn't staying there, so she was welcome to stay as long as she needed..”

Well isn’t that nice. “Welcome to stay there as long as she needed”..I’m never big on statement analysis but this quote kills me. The only thing that’s missing is “grab a beer, help yourself to anything you want in the fridge, make yourself comfortable and feel free to take a dip in the pool.”

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