Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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Again, as usual, wondering if she was seeing someone else.
I think if she was it had little to do with romance and everything to do with convenience of companionship (loneliness), affordability to obtain drugs, or extreme arousal due to drug use -- or more likely a combination of 2 or more. IMO.
Well I’m not saying it’s not true but I will wait for conformation from LE and the date someone had a question and answer session with Lucas about where Emily was.
I believe it was stated in the latest pod cast that JH is currently living in the house....any catch the statement when he says..."I have a hard time even taking shower".......Maybe because he knows Lucas was killed in there or placed in there. JMO
I believe it was stated in the latest pod cast that JH is currently living in the house....any catch the statement when he says..."I have a hard time even taking shower".......Maybe because he knows Lucas was killed in there or placed in there. JMO
Woooah, really? I might have to break down and listen to this colonoscopodcast for myself.
Well gah had a whole post typed out and lost it due to auto refresh and logout...I’ll try again, in progress, going to hit post and edit slowly so I don’t lose it:

So, I’m still trying to work this out in my head...let’s say hypothetically JH is defending/protecting (whatever you want to call it) EG for reasons more than denial, shock, dumbness, everlasting love, how might the whole conversation(s) between him and EG have gone down re this...meaning, did she threaten to throw him under the bus if he didn’t stand by her...meaning, is it in his best interest for some reason to go with an accidental death and why, because technically, he could very well throw her under the bus and completely blame everything on her now that she’s gone, so IF he had any part or liability, why isn’t he doing this? Infinite loyalty? Still not buying it. There’s possibly a big piece missing here (or not), IMO.

Hope this makes sense, I’m confused myself by this.

Let me think backwards:

So, hypothetically let’s say it’s in his best interest to show support for EG (until the autopsy comes back).

Maybe newsjunkie could be on to something as needing to appear this way because someone else who knows something is still alive? Maybe someone who is also loyal to EG for whatever reasons.

Also, again maybe overthinking this, but IF she had been planning to kill herself for a while, maybe she had some kind of “insurance” in place...again, this would possibly require a third party. And if this is even the case, wHy would she care if she was dead and the sole guilty one?

Maybe it has to do with MH...
My head hurts. I think I might be over analyzing.

I feel like some of this needs splitting up and clarifying.

JH does seem to have stood by EG prior to DM coming on the scene. He seems to have been in disbelief that EG was involved. That may or may not have been in combination with episodes of "what if she did..."

But after DM and the discovery of Lucas' body, JH has not explicitly stated support for EG. He has not said that he buys the story of her just coming upon a natural death scene and panicking. He has said he doesn't understand it, and I think he's said that he wanted to find out the true story (paraphrasing, but I think a fair paraphrase).

His behavior, both before and after, has made people get suspicious feelings. But I think we need to separate out the before and after, and be clear on where he's been explicit and where it's more about our impressions and conclusions based on his words or behavior.

For instance, I never heard him say that she "only" moved the body, therefore that's okay. We might think he's saying that by allowing her to stay in the house, but I don't think it's a given, only a possibility from personal interpretation of baffling behavior. And that possibility does go against his own words....which might not be 100% forthcoming. He might have more than one reason for letting her stay there.

He might not have the time and space to explain all his feelings and thoughts in a quick answer to NG that's going out to thousands of strangers to dissect his every word. I think that part might be in part why some of his attitude sounds distanced and a bit cold. I don't want to be sexist, but this exists in some women too, but a lot of men feel that emotions should be kept inside and not made too public, and I think a lot of boys are brought up that way (boys don't cry), so there might be a bit of that in the way he comes over and appears relatively calm and collected on the outside even when he's talking about finding EG in that condition that night or about his son being found. I think these things have affected him far deeper on the inside than he's really letting out to NG on the radio.

Regarding EG going back to the house on Edgemoor and JH saying that her relatives no longer wanted her back after she led DM to Lucas' body.... Do you remember that after EG was released the final time that the news reporters said they followed the car with EG and her attorney to the offices of the public defenders? Could that have been to discuss where she was going to stay? Could someone have phoned JH and said she really doesn't have anywhere to stay, is there any chance she can stay in the house in Edgemoor if you don't want to stay there...if not we're afraid she'll go on the streets, dangers for her there....and then when JH is asked he explains it that he didn't want her to end up on the street and she might as well stay there as he wasn't really living there?
So can anyone here comment on his overall level of intelligence/IQ? Seriously. I’m asking this. How smart do you think this guy is in your opinions?
(I mean duh we all know he left his child with EG, and didn’t see the abuse, etc but I’m talking strictly intellect, IQ, mental capacity, not related to emotion and aside from him leaving Lucas with EG, etc. In other words, is he smart in any way? Any chance there is some dishonesty and manipulation going in here, or is he not capable of being smart enough to fool others, etc?

I don't perceive any IQ problems in him.

But IQ does not equal EQ. And the two of them can even be relatively high in a person and that person can still be a psychological mess inside. Some of them are functioning okay, some appear to be functioning on the outside but are still a mess inside, and sometimes it comes out, and sometimes maybe people manage to keep it all inside except from those closest to them who will just examples of negative behavior that ultimately does emanate from psychological problems/damage.

I don't think you need a particularly high IQ to fool people or to lie. You also don't need to lie to make people think you're lying.

To my eyes he doesn't stink of lying and manipulation the way EG did. But we have a lot of good reasons to question everything he says.
So LE says JH has been “absolutely cooperative” (of course it’s still an open investigation), and NG didn’t reem him a new one... this makes me feel insecure about some things. Maybe everything is all just as it is. He was in an abusive, disfunctional relationship, he’s a total dumbass and in denial, shock, love and should have protected Lucas but he didn’t want to see it or a chance accept he abuse, EG didn’t want to go to jail, end of story. How much of my life’s hours am I going to ponder all this lol.

You probably all guessed by now that that's a good summation of my thinking of the matter.

But it's not acceptable, because people want to know why he didn't/couldn't open his eyes and his mind to Lucas being abused by EG, even with all the evidence. And he was/is a "dumbass" in that respect isn't a good enough answer when that is the question that you're asking. It's not satisfactory because it let Lucas down so very badly.

But it could still be the truth. The truth doesn't come with a guarantee of satisfaction.
I feel like some of this needs splitting up and clarifying.

JH does seem to have stood by EG prior to DM coming on the scene. He seems to have been in disbelief that EG was involved. That may or may not have been in combination with episodes of "what if she did..."

But after DM and the discovery of Lucas' body, JH has not explicitly stated support for EG. He has not said that he buys the story of her just coming upon a natural death scene and panicking. He has said he doesn't understand it, and I think he's said that he wanted to find out the true story (paraphrasing, but I think a fair paraphrase).

His behavior, both before and after, has made people get suspicious feelings. But I think we need to separate out the before and after, and be clear on where he's been explicit and where it's more about our impressions and conclusions based on his words or behavior.

For instance, I never heard him say that she "only" moved the body, therefore that's okay. We might think he's saying that by allowing her to stay in the house, but I don't think it's a given, only a possibility from personal interpretation of baffling behavior. And that possibility does go against his own words....which might not be 100% forthcoming. He might have more than one reason for letting her stay there.

He might not have the time and space to explain all his feelings and thoughts in a quick answer to NG that's going out to thousands of strangers to dissect his every word. I think that part might be in part why some of his attitude sounds distanced and a bit cold. I don't want to be sexist, but this exists in some women too, but a lot of men feel that emotions should be kept inside and not made too public, and I think a lot of boys are brought up that way (boys don't cry), so there might be a bit of that in the way he comes over and appears relatively calm and collected on the outside even when he's talking about finding EG in that condition that night or about his son being found. I think these things have affected him far deeper on the inside than he's really letting out to NG on the radio.

Regarding EG going back to the house on Edgemoor and JH saying that her relatives no longer wanted her back after she led DM to Lucas' body.... Do you remember that after EG was released the final time that the news reporters said they followed the car with EG and her attorney to the offices of the public defenders? Could that have been to discuss where she was going to stay? Could someone have phoned JH and said she really doesn't have anywhere to stay, is there any chance she can stay in the house in Edgemoor if you don't want to stay there...if not we're afraid she'll go on the streets, dangers for her there....and then when JH is asked he explains it that he didn't want her to end up on the street and she might as well stay there as he wasn't really living there?

Tech diffs here so abbreviating post and marking to pick Up when resolved, requires a thorough response, good post.

You are absolutely right about a lot of this, imo. Honestly I think I should have just broken down and watched the thing before posting because maybe I wouldn’t be so, uh, whatever the word is, judgmental (or maybe I would, idk something just seems off logically somewhere, could be totally wrong). I am maybe jumping the gun (or not).

Also, sometimes the waaaay someone says something also makes a difference. I know that I have seen transcriptions of PCs and the statements were in fact there, but definitely interpretive due to inflection, context, etc. (However I’m not sure inflection, etc would make a difference here. I have to take the content of the words at face value, a seeming empathy...

Now, do know I hear ya, especially after watching the link I just posted, the headlining statement by the reporter was along the lines of “EG says this but JH says he doesn’t believe this..”
Tech diffs, trying heree

I think a lot of what he is “not saying” (from what I read) bothers me too.

Thank you again for this post. All of these posts are so thick including my own and moving fast it’s hard to absorb everything right away.

I’m afraid tech diffs have gotten too much to post completely, darn (flagging). I do want to fully respond to this.
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"It seems like it's about something else" - Meaning -
1. I can't believe my family is making this about their thoughts and feelings and looking for ways to get their names in the paper when the most important thing right now is finding Lucas.
2. They're behind this and they're spreading lies about Emily so when Lucas is found where ever they hid him, they'll try to keep him.

"It's not happening now" -- Meaning --
1. It was happening and I handled it -- it's in the past. Whatever happened in the past is not the priority today, which is finding my missing son.
2. This is all made-up family drama -- never happened, isn't happening, and this is a distraction from finding Lucas.

What do you all think?

"Now, if you want to bring that up later that's fine. That's a whole separate issue."
Later when? When Lucas is found alive? Or dead?
Is it ok to bring up now? Why isn't NG in particular pushing it? No one local can bring it up now because it's too polarizing -- they will be accused of attacking a grieving father.

He's opened himself up to having that conversation, so IMO if he keeps showing up for interviews, it's time to have it. What did you think was happening? Ultimately, what do you think happened?

I think that's excellent analysis.

I would just suggest a sight adaptation to option 1 for "It seems like it's about something else". What if to him (because of EG's manipulation techniques) he thinks it seems like even now, with Lucas missing, their priority is to try to cause ructions between him and EG?

I was also asking myself why NG isn't asking some of the tougher questions that are being asked here, and my only conclusion was that she might think it sounds too much like attacking a grieving father and that when you've asked someone and they've said they are suffering inside, that screaming at them that however much pain they're in it's not enough... Personally when I'm in a hating myself phase, people going on about all my faults and saying how I'm a failure in so many ways, it might be true but it doesn't help me, it just sends me into an even more negative spiral. NG might be sensitive to something like that and be scared of putting that much onto someone's shoulders just in case he is telling the truth and he is suffering major guilt inside, and compounded with the loss of his son, what EG did, that he saw it, that her final action was in one way slamming the door in his face when he's knocking on that door begging her for answers. They say that moving home can be a major stressor in people's lives...JH has had items from that list of major stressors piling on him for the past three months, starting two days after he moved house. And what I suggested in that paragraph maybe influences my nature to tend to empathize with the awful things JH is going through and make me more reticent to want to rub his face in all the things he's done wrong?
I don't perceive any IQ problems in him.

But IQ does not equal EQ. And the two of them can even be relatively high in a person and that person can still be a psychological mess inside. Some of them are functioning okay, some appear to be functioning on the outside but are still a mess inside, and sometimes it comes out, and sometimes maybe people manage to keep it all inside except from those closest to them who will just examples of negative behavior that ultimately does emanate from psychological problems/damage.

I don't think you need a particularly high IQ to fool people or to lie. You also don't need to lie to make people think you're lying.

To my eyes he doesn't stink of lying and manipulation the way EG did. But we have a lot of good reasons to question everything he says.

“I don't perceive any IQ problems in him.”

Me neither so far...other than the obvious, of course haha...

Curious what your opinions were. Forensic psychology has always been fascinating to me.
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NG asked why he allowed EG to stay there - response starting around 5:19

Until autopsy is gonna come back whatever it said is still up in the air as far as if she did or didn't do anything other than hide his body. So I wasn't just gonna kick her out on the street, I mean I wasn't staying there so she was welcomed to stay there as long as she needed

I might of missed a few words while trying to transcribing
Posts by: Nancy Grace, Publisher
You probably all guessed by now that that's a good summation of my thinking of the matter.

But it's not acceptable, because people want to know why he didn't/couldn't open his eyes and his mind to Lucas being abused by EG, even with all the evidence. And he was/is a "dumbass" in that respect isn't a good enough answer when that is the question that you're asking. It's not satisfactory because it let Lucas down so very badly.

But it could still be the truth. The truth doesn't come with a guarantee of satisfaction.
Good stuff, Amonet. Very logically stated.
NG asked why he allowed EG to stay there - response starting around 5:19

Until autopsy is gonna come back whatever it said is still up in the air as far as if she did or didn't do anything other than hide his body. So I wasn't just gonna kick her out on the street, I mean I wasn't staying there so she was welcomed to stay there as long as she needed

I might of missed a few words while trying to transcribing
Posts by: Nancy Grace, Publisher

Sigh...hard to get past this, isn’t it?
I’ve hit a wall. Like I said, “grab a beer, make yourself comfortable...”
“I wasn't staying there, so she was welcome to stay as long as she needed..”

Well isn’t that nice. “Welcome to stay there as long as she needed”..I’m never big on statement analysis but this quote kills me. The only thing that’s missing is “grab a beer, help yourself to anything you want in the fridge, make yourself comfortable and feel free to take a dip in the pool.”

kinda of like how Emily invited that couple into her house,because you know it was cold outside
That is exactly where I am at, I can not come up with any other explanation of his statement, to me what he is saying is pretty darn clear.

Yep, this was the quote that was the deal breaker for me in how I viewed him and his responsibility in the situation. If someone tells you your child disappeared and they have no idea where they are. And then only months later leads a PI to their dead body...well I don't need an autopsy to be what clarifies how I feel about the situation. She BLEEPING lied to him about his son being DEAD and HID his BODY for months! What the since he does not otherwise appear to have the same IQ as an apple pie something else is going on there.

And again, the man is known to have been violent to EG and her son. He's not some super tolerant ever patient man. I'm married to one of those and it doesn't equal stupid either. "I know you might have killed my son and definitely hid his body and lied about it for months. But I wouldn't want you to have to go out of your way and find somewhere else to stay so feel free to crash at my house for a while." Right......
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