Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #33

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I don’t find that terribly unusual to have several firearms in a home. It wasn’t like an arsenal or anything and
Oh my goodness this site is so glitchy! Anyway to finish my thought. I was raised in Kansas and my dads gunrack with his guns hung over my bed growing up so I think it’s just part of a certain part of the culture.
I’m not too bothered by the bruise on her arm. I guess because I have unexplained bruises on my own body all the time. Like this morning i woke up and found a bruise on my tummy while getting dressed and have no clue what I did to get it.
I bruise easily too -- when I find them they are usually small and dark though like I bumped into something or leaned on something too long.

I have a certain image in my head that could cause 3 bruises in those locations (if I'm picturing them correctly) and it's because I don't know where the arm bruise is combined with the description of the size and color of the bruises. They seem fresh to me by description. The one with the abrasion I can see occurring with the kickback of the gun at the time the trigger was pulled because it could have created friction on the skin -- if I'm picturing it in the right place. Yet, if she was instantly dead, would it have bruised -- @AlwaysHopeToHelp am I understanding your above post correctly that injury simultaneous with death wouldn't bruise?

I keep saying I'm going to let it go and I really need to -- I'm not trying to make EG into the victim here, but I am trying to get to the bottom of what was occurring in her world between being released the 2nd time and her death. If she was threatened or assaulted, I would want to know when and who -- especially if it was "an unknown perpetrator" or the those with "their story to tell."

I feel lost and spinning here and hope LE and DA share more down the line, especially with all the timeline confusion. DA did say EG was POI and witness, and I keep wondering if they doubted her direct hand in things while knowing she had all the answers -- hence the issues with keeping her in jail or bringing other charges. If they had witnesses to Lucas being left home alone, why not proceed with CE for him? I don't think they avoided it to avoid looking like bad guys or even for lack of evidence (given what happened in MH CE case with no drug testing) -- I think it's because they knew he wasn't left home alone on that day.

True, EG lies -- but what if some of her lies actually showed LE she could not have done been responsible for certain components -- she was incorrect or mistaken about key evidence but she was just talking and talking trying to cover up other aspects of her week?
( :lurk: ...was really hard to read Lucas' autopsy report wasn't it? :( I so applaud all of you guys for looking for him, but that was the kind of thing I was warning you guys to be prepared to find, which I don't think there is ever such a thing.

In short, surprised by no trauma found to certain bnes (and surprised EG did not have meth or other hard drugs in her system. You guys were right about her not being pregnant. And you called the hyoid bone thing. Back to intermittent lurking. Need some time after reading the autopsy. )

Yea she most likely used the pregnancy story to get sympathy and that lie was going to eventually come out because she would never have a new baby coming.

This made me think back to the one court appearance where both of them were present and the decision was that MH would need to go elsewhere.

I struggle about that because it appeared to me he wasnt that upset about that.

Which then makes me wonder about his reaction to LH disappearance and how he stuck by EG even after finding out she hid him under a bridge.

I know everyone is different but his reactions have been unusual to me through the whole ordeal.
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Strange yes, but what words would I choose during a call to report a suicide? I don’t know and probably won’t until I’m called upon to do so. Especially considering everything that had happened since February 17.

I had to call 911 once for something not nearly as important and it is a very nerve racking thing to do. So I tend to keep that in mind as people do get very nervous.

A couple things I found strange on his 911 call is right at the beginning I almost thought I heard crying like maybe he was crying or trying to cry and then that stopped as soon as person on other line asked tough questions.

The other thing that struck me as strange was him knowing her car was in the garage. How would he know for sure unless he saw it in there before he found her.

Maybe he had to come through the garage to get into the home. Not sure but he seemed very positive her car was in there when asked about it on the 911 call.
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Yea she most likely used the pregnancy story to get sympathy and that lie was going to eventually come out because she would never have a new baby coming.

This made me think back to the one court appearance where both of them were present and the decision was that MH would need to go elsewhere.

I struggle about that because it appeared to me he wasnt that upset about that.

Which then makes me wonder about his reaction to LH disappearance and how he stuck by EG even after finding out she hid him under a bridge.

I know everyone is different but his reactions have been unusual to me through the whole ordeal.

With the way EG has lied about so much and admitting to having strangers over while he was gone, is there any chance at all that LH may not have been his biological son and could that explain some of his reactions?
I think LH is JH's son -- JO and her family along with JH and his family have never said anything to suggest LH isn't his.

I think JH's behavior comes down to 1 of 3 things:
1) Disbelief/anger/resentment/confusion -- innocent and unaware of the circumstances and just nearly numb and exhausted and wondering when the storm is going to pass
2) Complicit and dealing with his own guilt for his abuse of Lucas and aware that he & EG are probably stuck together for life because between the two of them they ruined everything
3) Aware enough of some unsavory characters in EG's life (or previous life) that he's doubtful she's responsible and hopes the truth will come out but isn't about to say anything that will endanger her, him, or their children & families. Sounds crazy until I think about all the ancillary stuff -- too many coincidences in this case.

I will tell you this about EG's 911 call -- we know how we feel, but if EG was brand new to us you can almost believe she has nothing to hid -- I can imagine JH fell for that kind of routine, hook line and sinker, regularly -- especially if he was gone 20 days out of the month
The gun EG shot herself with was the shotgun that was in the closet.

If he hadn't been to the house in 3 weeks I doubt that he went there for a bit of "how's your father" as some people had been wondering. It is a hellacious coincidence that the one night he decided to go back to the house to crash was the night that she had just done this...
I don't think so. I think she shot herself with the AR 15 and there was also a shotgun in the closet. LE stated it was an AR, not a shotgun, and JH says it was a rifle during the 911 call.
I had to call 911 once for something not nearly as important and it is a very nerve racking thing to do. So I tend to keep that in mind as people do get very nervous.

A couple things I found strange on his 911 call is right at the beginning I almost thought I heard crying like maybe he was crying or trying to cry and then that stopped as soon as person on other line asked tough questions.

The other thing that struck me as strange was him knowing her car was in the garage. How would he know for sure unless he saw it in there before he found her.

That doesn’t strike me as strange considering he did say she didn’t answer his text. I thought it was normal to first see if the vehicle was there before going into the house.
I think LH is JH's son -- JO and her family along with JH and his family have never said anything to suggest LH isn't his.

I think JH's behavior comes down to 1 of 3 things:
1) Disbelief/anger/resentment/confusion -- innocent and unaware of the circumstances and just nearly numb and exhausted and wondering when the storm is going to pass
2) Complicit and dealing with his own guilt for his abuse of Lucas and aware that he & EG are probably stuck together for life because between the two of them they ruined everything
3) Aware enough of some unsavory characters in EG's life (or previous life) that he's doubtful she's responsible and hopes the truth will come out but isn't about to say anything that will endanger her, him, or their children & families. Sounds crazy until I think about all the ancillary stuff -- too many coincidences in this case.

I will tell you this about EG's 911 call -- we know how we feel, but if EG was brand new to us you can almost believe she has nothing to hid -- I can imagine JH fell for that kind of routine, hook line and sinker, regularly -- especially if he was gone 20 days out of the month

Yea thanks. I got myself confused again in this case. LOL
I had forgotton that EG wasnt LH bio mom. I removed that part of my post so it doesnt confuse anyone.

This case has a tendency to confuse me often. :)
Even if any of us think that JH knew anything regarding his son or not, I doubt it will ever come out if it’s something that will imply that he was negligent or abusive, because he wants custody of his daughter, MH. If anything it will jeopardize any chance he might have to get full custody. He already lost one child, I don’t think he wants to lose the other too.

Edited to add: maybe that’s why he’s so careful with his words.
Hi! First time writer, long time lurker. I haven't gone through all of these comments yet to know if this was mentioned but I really want to make this point.

That 911 call JH placed for EG seemed odd to me. I have no backup for this except intuition and previous stories - but when you call 911 and give an explanation before the actual problem that is a red flag. In any normal emergency you call and immediately say what's going on. Whenever someone explains themselves before being asked and saying the thought (this is in any situation not just 911 calls) I take that as a lie as it usually is.

I also feel like JH told a few variations as to how/why he went to the house to see EG, correct? That's fishy also.

Listen, I think EG is guilty as hell, but JH REALLY rubs me the wrong way and I think he is seriously hiding something. What that is, I'm not too sure. But his actions and comments during this whole situation have been extremely sketchy. I can't believe how easy NG is letting him off too, she literally is praising the dude it seems. I just do not like him nor trust everything he has said.
Hi! First time writer, long time lurker. I haven't gone through all of these comments yet to know if this was mentioned but I really want to make this point.

That 911 call JH placed for EG seemed odd to me. I have no backup for this except intuition and previous stories - but when you call 911 and give an explanation before the actual problem that is a red flag. In any normal emergency you call and immediately say what's going on. Whenever someone explains themselves before being asked and saying the thought (this is in any situation not just 911 calls) I take that as a lie as it usually is.

I also feel like JH told a few variations as to how/why he went to the house to see EG, correct? That's fishy also.

Listen, I think EG is guilty as hell, but JH REALLY rubs me the wrong way and I think he is seriously hiding something. What that is, I'm not too sure. But his actions and comments during this whole situation have been extremely sketchy. I can't believe how easy NG is letting him off too, she literally is praising the dude it seems. I just do not like him nor trust everything he has said.


Many share similar feelings.
Are some of you implying that there was some sort of struggle with the gun in EG’s hand and somebody was there, hence the bruising on the arm before the trigger? Was the shot meant for someone else? Just asking.
I don't think so. I think she shot herself with the AR 15 and there was also a shotgun in the closet. LE stated it was an AR, not a shotgun, and JH says it was a rifle during the 911 call.
Agreed. He said she shot herself with the AR but there was also a shotgun in the closet. So there was a total of two weapons in the home. It almost sounds as if there was a case as well, my curiosity is whether that case was a locking case and she had the code or the key.
If necessary I can go back and look for the interview with DM when he stated he wanted to know how she got the gun because it was pretty much cleared there were no guns in the house. He knew she was at the Edgemoor house when she died so to me that implies that the Edgemoor house was checked for guns not the Aunts house.
There have been so many lies told in this case and we have found out some of them came from parties not even directly involved but attached themselves to family etc - we have been told the pregnancy story did not come from JH - I am not even sure EG ever said she was pregnant or if that was just another story someone told who said they were in the "know".
I can't make up my mind whether MH is crying or giggling near the end of the call. I wondered if EG might have been tickling her to make her giggle, because she didn't want to upset MH with her act.

To me it definitely sounds like MH is giggling. MH was there and if only she could talk what would she say?

Seeing the "EG 911 SHOW" was probably different than just "hearing" it.

And the Oscar for best actress goes to ..... Emily Glass ... accepting the award for her is JH ....

I don't believe MH was scared during the call ... maybe rambunctious and needing deserved attention.

The Usual Moo.
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