Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #6 *Arrest*

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If you put a 5 yr old down for a 3 hour nap at 3 pm, what time will they go to bed that night? Midnight?

I'd never want my 5 yr old to take a late afternoon nap.
I wouldn't even put my 2 yo down at this time for 3 hours because she would not be going to bed at all that night!
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I'm trying to upload a new picture of Lucas. It looks to have been taken around January 28th (when the pictures of him on the couch with the black hat were taken).


Bringing this forward again.. sorry if I seem repetitive.

I can not stop thinking about this picture. His jaw looks swollen to me, too. Not just his nose. And is it just me or do his teeth look different in this picture? I know we have combed over his teeth dozens of times. But it looks like some of his silver teeth are missing or out of place here??

I think this picture is VERY telling of the abuse he went through on a daily basis. If Emily cared for Lucas like her own son — he would not be in this condition. Even if it “wasn’t her” hurting him she would have stopped this pain if she had any motherly instincts towards him.

I could be looking too much into this. I just can’t imagine hurting any child.. let alone my own. They are just innocent soul that turns to you for love and protection.. how can you smash in their face like this?

She is so evil it makes my skin crawl. Not that any of us were questioning it...

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Depends on how much he was given (speculating only)

Right, but what I meant was that giving Benadryl to someone who takes ADHD meds doesn't kill them - the person I was replying to said it would kill him to mix those meds. Excluding an overdose, that's incorrect.
I wouldn't even put my 2 yo down at this time for 3 hours because she would not be going to bed at all that night!

I totally agree, if we’ve been out at the park or something for lunch with friends and mine (the little ones are 3 & 5) start looking sleepy in the afternoon we get them up and doing something or else they’re off their sleep schedule for days.

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I really don't think Benadryl killed him. I think her violence killed him
Hi all - Ten year member, very infrequent poster.....but like all of you, cannot stop thinking about poor Lucas.

Some things that seem so peculiar to me.....
1) In all other cases I've followed, there has been lengthy police presence at the home where the disappearance occurred (especially of a child), with media footage of detectives and CSI removing evidence in bags, computers, etc.....all captured on video......often with the family removed from the home for some period of time until allowed back. I realize there is so much that goes on behind the scenes, but for there to be virtually no news coverage of this seems very odd. No cars being removed via flat-bed tow trucks, etc.

2) Regarding the physical deterioration of Lucas......please bear with me as I use this example.....I am currently on weight watchers. I have lost around 15 pounds. Those who see me every day seem to not really notice. When I bump into an old friend at the grocery, they immediately comment "wow, you look skinnier!" or when I would only see my parents 2-3 times per year (versus daily).....I would note how quickly they were aging, yet my sister who lived nearby hardly noticed the difference. I guess my point is that anyone in Lucas' life (ie. dad who worked out of town extensively) would have easily noticed how drastically he was changing for the worse.....and not just his horrible bruises that seem to be in every picture, but his weight and overall appearance. I showed my husband several photos and he could not even believe that one of the last ones with the baseball cap was even the same kid.

3) It is ridiculous that EG is giving an interview now, when she wouldn't step forward when he was first reported missing. Sad she is getting attention and airtime now. Wish the media would tell her, "sorry.....too little, too late....b**ch"

4) I am also surprised that there has been no video surveillance released. In so many cases where police want tips from the public, they will show some snippets and ask for more information. Remember Mickey Schunick and the damn white truck? And Hannah Graham on video? I feel like if LE had more than enough to make their case right now, EG would have been charged with more than one child endangerment charge.....and at least something related to Lucas. Why not charge her with SOMETHING related to Lucas.....unless they don't feel they can back up any charges at this point.....which really scares me!

5) I get the distinct impression that at least part of the reason EG finally gave this interview is because she has gained confidence. Yes, confidence! As the days go by, she is waiting and watching how and where the searches are happening....and, IMO, know that investigators and searchers are getting colder, and colder, and she thinks "hell, why not, they are never going to pin this on me!!!"

I agree....and I wonder if she studied the ways of felon ca.
If you put a 5 yr old down for a 3 hour nap at 3 pm, what time will they go to bed that night? Midnight?

I'd never want my 5 yr old to take a late afternoon nap.

i don't have kids (not ready for that yet) so feel free to poke holes in this: even without kids, i understand the logic of what you are saying. sooooo what if in the type of home-life EG was providing Lucas, she didn't care if he was up at midnight. maybe it was easier if he was up super late and then he slept late in the morning so she could sleep in? we know she wasn't working and that combined with a 1 year old who i'd imagine doesn't sleep through the night and her alleged drug use, maybe she prioritized all those things above a healthy sleep schedule for him? its prob not directly related to his disappearance but its another speculation on how lucas wasn't given what he deserved in life.

also i want clarify, i dont necessarily believe she put him down for a nap, just pointing out that if she did OR if she inserted into her version of events, maybe its because theres some truth in him taking late afteroon naps/naps at time that accommodate EG
Concerning changing "little" details like "saw him in his room" vs "put him down for a nap":
[From the book Practical Aspects of Interview and Interrogation]
"Besides pinning themselves down to a specific story whose details can be checked for accuracy, with fabricated lies subjects must tell the same account each time or face discovery. This task is much more difficult than it first sounds".
"With a fabricated lie, the tale is linked in only two places, the beginning and the end."
"..the untruthful suspect has difficulty keeping the story in order. Details emerge, disappear and change as the subject struggles to retell the story in an order not considered before".
I can't imagine that being away from someone that often, for long periods of time, helps a volatile relationship like that to grow. I would imagine she MAY (my own speculation only) have just been with him for the money. I mean, how easy... you sit at home, do whatever you want (because he isn't around), and live off of his money... super easy. I don't think EG really gives a crap about anyone but EG.

It can be extremely isolating and lonely as well. It's hard work raising children properly while basically alone. For an unstable person, it is one of the worst environments for both that person and innocent children, imo.
Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'

The stepmother of Lucas Hernandez talks to Eyewitness News in an exclusive interview Wednesday afternoon.

Police say Emily Glass may be the last person to see Lucas on Feb. 17.

She was charged earlier this week with child endangerment in a case not involving Lucas but a 1-year-old child.

From the Sedgwick County jail, Glass said she does not know where Lucas is but asks anyone with information to come forward.

She said the day Lucas disappeared, she put him down for a nap like she always does. She said he was wearing a Pull-up because sometimes he has accidents when he sleeps.

Glass also talked about the bruises Lucas had in many pictures that have been circulating social media. She said he would often play rough with other boys and the majority of the time he wasn't in her care when he got those bruises.

Glass cried when asked directly if she hurt Lucas.

"I did not," she said. "I would never hurt my son."

Glass also said there were two people who were acting strangely outside of the home a few days before Lucas disappeared.

Lucas has been missing for 11 days. Wichita police and the public have searched five area parks in hopes of finding in new evidence that might lead them to Lucas.

Anyone who knows where he might be is asked to call 316-383-4661.

Ah, so now it's "she put him down for a nap like always". Before, it was she left him in his room playing while she took a shower and then took a nap. Emily, nice try. A lie you can never remember, the truth, you can always tell.
I had a student one time whose mom didn't care what time he went to bed. Sometimes it would be around midnight, sometimes even later. His sleep schedule was so out of whack. And his mom was an ex-addict.

Here, though, I get the impression that she likes "her" time. I wonder how much time he actually spent in his room or down for naps just so he would be out of her way.
I had a student one time whose mom didn't care what time he went to bed. Sometimes it would be around midnight, sometimes even later. His sleep schedule was so out of whack. And his mom was an ex-addict.

Here, though, I get the impression that she likes "her" time. I wonder how much time he actually spent in his room or down for naps just so he would be out of her way.

Sorry, I meant to quote the above post but clicked the wrong button. Hands and eyes aren't working today.
Who takes a picture like that? For what reason? (Unless of course it was taken by someone who did not do that to him and they wanted it as evidence). Were they proud of it? Or did they just not care?

This was one of several pictures taken while Lucas was over visiting. It was from Emily's side of the family. These pictures are the ones her family put out when he was reported missing.

My theory is that it was normal to them. Since Lucas always looked beaten, why wouldn't you take pictures? It's normal.

I haven’t caught up reading and this may have been asked, so forgive me if it has, but I know that I, as a daycare provider and mandated reporter, have to document anytime a child comes into my home with any sort of bruising or abrasion on them and how/when it occurred, not only to protect myself, but also to have for records. Did the school/teachers provide records like this? I cannot imagine that they wouldn’t have to have a log of this as well and if so, does anyone know if the school ever reported any suspicions to DCF? By going off of photos, I as a provider, would have because I know how rough and rowdy boys get (I have 2 myself), yet these were way beyond the regular tumbles and falls and happened so often.

This is one thing I've wondered about too. I can understand DCFS not taking family seriously because they could have a grudge. (Still not acceptable.) However, you'd think a teacher or a doctor would be taken more seriously.

How is it possible none ever reported it? I'm especially intrigued by this since we KNOW he had a teacher, she's spoken out and confirmed that.

They missed his boo boos. I mean by alot.

If that's a bandaid there is likely a bigger more serious injury underneath.

Though I agree that it's more likely to be a bad quality picture than edited.

I think if these people knew enough to edit the pictures they would know enough to hide the pictures.

I think they thought it was normal.

.@KWCHDevon just finished a jailhouse interview with Emily Glass, the stepmom of missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez. Hear what she told @KWCH12 - at noon.

Oh snap....

I don't even know why they're going to interview her. She's not going to talk and give up where Lucas is. She's going to cry victim and have a woe is me attitude. I'm surprised her lawyer, if she even has one right now, is allowing this.

Maybe she has a lawyer and they didn't allow it... she strikes me as that type.

She stated that he played rough with other boys, but most of the bruises happened while not in her care. Pull-ups because sometimes he had accidents while he slept. Two people acting strangely a few days before outside the house.

At least she explained the freaking pull ups! Glad someone finally did.

My children stopped napping when they were 3 - 3 1/2 I couldn't even get them to nap at 5 years.

This is the norm. Very few kids still nap at 5 years old.

If you put a 5 yr old down for a 3 hour nap at 3 pm, what time will they go to bed that night? Midnight?

I'd never want my 5 yr old to take a late afternoon nap.

My 2.5 year old can only take a 1 hour nap if he falls asleep after 3pm.
Otherwise he's up till 2am.
IF Lucas was actually napping he was sick or something.
Especially because FLA has said he didn't nap while he was with her.

Pull ups don't concern me, it is not odd for a 5 year old to still have accidents while sleeping.
If it's not true, she was probably just too lazy to clean up messes.
Pull ups were safer for Lucas anyway, so he wouldn't get punished for accidents.
I really don't think Benadryl killed him. I think her violence killed him

My god, I sure appreciate your honestly Blef. It's refreshing.

By the way, I don't know if we ever crossed paths on your old account, but welcome back.
I’m assuming curse words are forbidden, so I’ll say them out loud while I type!!!

IMO, Emily is a textbook borderline personality. Her interview is exactly what would be expected. I’ll be interested to see the other interviews this evening. I’m hoping she digs herself further into a hole where she should spend the rest of her life.

FLA: in your time with Lucas was he known to be a “napper”?

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I’m assuming curse words are forbidden, so I’ll say them out loud while I type!!!

IMO, Emily is a textbook borderline personality. Her interview is exactly what would be expected. I’ll be interested to see the other interviews this evening. I’m hoping she digs herself further into a hole where she should spend the rest of her life.

FLA: in your time with Lucas was he known to be a “napper”?

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I'm pretty sure that FLA said they didn't know him to nap while he was with them.
We don't know when Lucas was last seen in a classroom.
Or if the teacher/school knew he was moving, whether out of this school or not.
This bugs me to no end.
I guess if napping was a daily occurrence at 3pm, he must have attended MORNING Pre-K classes, otherwise a 3pm nap every day wouldn't be possible, would it?

I would be very interested to see what her usual weekend routines were. Did she have friends? Other moms? Family? Run errands on the weekends? Was she strict about always sticking to that 3pm nap time and correlating her schedule around that daily 3pm nap?

I'm guessing no, but that's JMO.
This was one of several pictures taken while Lucas was over visiting. It was from Emily's side of the family. These pictures are the ones her family put out when he was reported missing.

My theory is that it was normal to them. Since Lucas always looked beaten, why wouldn't you take pictures? It's normal.

This is one thing I've wondered about too. I can understand DCFS not taking family seriously because they could have a grudge. (Still not acceptable.) However, you'd think a teacher or a doctor would be taken more seriously.

How is it possible none ever reported it? I'm especially intrigued by this since we KNOW he had a teacher, she's spoken out and confirmed that.

If that's a bandaid there is likely a bigger more serious injury underneath.

Though I agree that it's more likely to be a bad quality picture than edited.

I think if these people knew enough to edit the pictures they would know enough to hide the pictures.

I think they thought it was normal.

Oh snap....

Maybe she has a lawyer and they didn't allow it... she strikes me as that type.

At least she explained the freaking pull ups! Glad someone finally did.

This is the norm. Very few kids still nap at 5 years old.

My 2.5 year old can only take a 1 hour nap if he falls asleep after 3pm.
Otherwise he's up till 2am.
IF Lucas was actually napping he was sick or something.
Especially because FLA has said he didn't nap while he was with her.

Pull ups don't concern me, it is not odd for a 5 year old to still have accidents while sleeping.
If it's not true, she was probably just too lazy to clean up messes.
Pull ups were safer for Lucas anyway, so he wouldn't get punished for accidents.

I can understand having "quiet time" when a 5yo plays quietly in his room in the afternoon while baby sister naps. I can't understand that happening for THREE HOURS however. No way. (And a 3-hour nap in the afternoon for a 5yo is also unbelievable....didn't happen, imo.)

We don't know when Lucas was last seen in a classroom.
Or if the teacher/school knew he was moving, whether out of this school or not.
This bugs me to no end.

Bugs the heckoutta me too.

I wish we knew when he was last at school.

(Whatever day it was, I hope it was a nice day at school. :( )

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