Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #6 *Arrest*

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I would be interested to see those medical records. I'm sure they will be gathered by law enforcement. (Though I admit if I was Jamie I'd want my own copy.)

If he was being seen fairly regularly I would question why the doctor didn't report abuse. (Or maybe they did and like with Sherin, they were ignored as well.) If he didn't have a regular doctor and was just taken to urgent care for regular care, that'd be another red flag she was hiding something.

My kids have had the same Pediatrician since my oldest was a year old. She told me the other day when I was in there that the forehead bruises don't alarm her. She said if a kid comes in without at least one they worry the kid isn't being allowed to play.

The other injuries of course are another story. :thinking:

I agree, I do like the emoticons as well. I try not to use too many though so people don't take it the wrong way. :facepalm:

I would guess he didn’t go to the doctor at all-not even when “he fell out of the back of a pickup that could have resulted in a concussion” .

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This: ""I keep thinking and I keep thinking what could have happened, you know. And I keep thinking back to these two people that were outside of my house a few days prior. A black man and white woman," Glass said." strangely reminds me of this: " he was attacked by three male intruders, one black and two white. A fourth intruder, described as a white female with long blonde hair and wearing high heeled boots and a white floppy hat partially covering her face,".'s_account

(O/T, I am reminded of a few cases, off the top of my head, Susan Smith:

"Smith caused a stir in 1994, when she told South Carolina police an unidentified black man stole her car with her 3-year-old son, Michael, and 14-month-old son, Alex, inside. She made a tearful plea on TV for her boys to come home during a frantic nine-day search."

Then there was a other one, where "2 Hispanic men" were claimed...but I can't remember for the life of me which one that was! )
I don't think the move to general population has anything to do with the interview or searching parks.
I think she was detoxing for a week and now she's been put in general.
It totally makes sense that she spent a week in the clinic. Not at all strange.

I do wonder if she's actually in general population or if they have a section of the most hated inmates?
I'm not sure how this jail does that, if they separate out by charge.
Normally someone could simply lie but her case is way too public for that.

I talked to a friend who is a nurse at the jail and she said that the only people kept in the medical clinic for an extended amount of time are the ones on suicide watch. The others detox on their own in their cells. If every inmate who was detoxing was in the clinic then no one would be in the pods. She said it’s rarer to have someone who isn’t coming off something then someone who is.

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I talked to a friend who is a nurse at the jail and she said that the only people kept in the medical clinic for an extended amount of time are the ones on suicide watch. The others detox on their own in their cells. If every inmate who was detoxing was in the clinic then no one would be in the pods. She said it’s rarer to have someone who isn’t coming off something then someone who is.

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Good to know, I wonder why she's no longer a suicide risk?
Maybe it was a concern while she was detoxing and now it's not?
Seems odd otherwise, her circumstances haven't changed other than sobering up.
Off topic, I apologize,.. I had a step-mother for 9 years. From the age of 3 to nearly 12. Even at a very young age, I did not call her 'mom'. She was physically abusive to me when no adults were around. I learned to be very compliant and submissive outwardly, so that she wouldn't hit me. Maybe. But hit me she did. I was the scapegoat child. When my younger siblings came along, I often took the blame for things to spare them the wrath. I did not call her by her name (she would have beat me silly for that.). I was always uncomfortable speaking to her, because I didn't know what to call her. I simple spoke. I would wait inside my room for her to go to the basement or to the bathroom before I would come out of the room and begin some chore or other. Young kids, they know if you care for them or if you don't. But they're helpless, and they know it. I did. Speaking out? Gets you beaten even worse when everyone goes home. People blaming the dad, the dad who is absent a lot? Likely he knew her temper, and hoped like heck she was telling the truth when she told him she never hits that child. My own father couldn't look that deeply, otherwise he'd have done something, and he just couldn't. Thank god for loving grandparents. I know there are wonderful step-parents out in the world, they are just not my experience. Back now to topic.

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LucyRay, I’m very sorry you had to experience that. :heartbeat: Thank you for sharing.
The last interview KWCH did was via video call and I assume this is what they did with Emily.

They only do video calls now except for professional visits with attorney’s or social workers. Those interviews are done in these really tiny rooms where the guards can see everything but can’t hear what is being said due to privacy issues.

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I am finally done with my 13 hour work day.

Gah. So tired.

But now I can't stay away. Between DeOrr, the Turpins, and this thread... I have a LOT of catching up to do. Maybe I can pull an all nighter...?
Well another day without any sign of Lucas or any new reason to hope :tantrum:
Will keep the candle burning for this sweetheart :candle:.
Goodnight little prince wherever you are.
I thought the exact same thing!!! That is why the descriptive comment about the pull up is so off. That tells me either he was only wearing the pull up, or there is more to this pull up situation that she seems defensive about. I go back to my initial question.......Who would stand to gain the most out of Lucas being gone?? Seems to me in comments here and there she may not like being alone all the time? Maybe a reason for someone to be around more so the perp doesn’t come back for their daughter? Just thoughts

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I think he was probably wearing a pull up because it was actually during the night when whatever happened, happened. Either right before bed, during the night, or first thing in the morning.

The reason it all feels off is because we all know she's lying about putting a 5 year old down for a nap at 3 pm. Therefore we know she didn't have him in a pull up at 3 pm. Since she's described him as wearing a pull up, it gives us context: when was he REALLY wearing a pull up? The night before.

I don't think trying to figure out who has the most to gain if Lucas is gone will work here. I don't think she killed him on purpose. I think he died as a result of her abuse. Based on the many photos we've seen with facial bruising, she obviously liked to hit him in the face and head. Somehow she went too far and he ended up with a fatal head injury. We also know she liked to use objects to hit people.

There are always pieces of truth in lies. The pull up is a piece of the truth, but when he was supposedly wearing it is most likely a lie.
I think he was probably wearing a pull up because it was actually during the night when whatever happened, happened. Either right before bed, during the night, or first thing in the morning.

The reason it all feels off is because we all know she's lying about putting a 5 year old down for a nap at 3 pm. Therefore we know she didn't have him in a pull up at 3 pm. Since she's described him as wearing a pull up, it gives us context: when was he REALLY wearing a pull up? The night before.

I don't think trying to figure out who has the most to gain if Lucas is gone will work here. I don't think she killed him on purpose. I think he died as a result of her abuse. Based on the many photos we've seen with facial bruising, she obviously liked to hit him in the face and head. Somehow she went too far and he ended up with a fatal head injury. We also know she liked to use objects to hit people.

There are always pieces of truth in lies. The pull up is a piece of the truth, but when he was supposedly wearing it is most likely a lie.

This. The timing of the pull-up. My thoughts exactly. I think we will find out a lot more about the time frame and it will corroborate the pull-up situation. Poor buddy [emoji20]

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I am still looking for a strategic reason why LE would withhold the information on why it was so focused on parks. If it had a tip that Lucas was in a park, why not get everyone out to every park to start looking?

They have said they have plenty of resources for searching. They want the searches to be LE only if possible, in order to ensure any possible evidence is preserved.

If they had actually believed at the start that Lucas had really wandered off or been abducted, I think they would have asked for help searching and been putting it out on the news for people to search their garages, sheds, etc.

I think it's been clear to them since the beginning that EG is lying and since they know that, they know the integrity of any crime scene must be maintained which means not letting the general public in on searches.
I agree this should be checked. This looks like it would be easy to do a quick drop.
I also think the abandoned amusement park should be checked.

I am not at all concerned that she would go anywhere near or's in horrible condition, it would take considerable effort to carry, climb and crawl through holes in fences, tall brush grown up everywhere, and DANGEROUS since anything could fall down at any minute. Not to mention that it is a hangout for vagrants and a camping place for homeless supposedly.
Thanks so she would definitely be driving? It would be obvious if she was carrying a child? Too difficult to stroller a child down that street on a Friday afternoon between 4 and 6?

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The child endangerment charges are related to this 4-6 pm timeline. Based on the fact that they originally included a 2nd charge for Lucas, it would seem that LE still thinks he was alive at that time.

It seems the timeline we're looking at is 6pm Friday to 6:15pm Saturday...and I think many of us agree that it's more like 6 pm Friday to 3 pm Saturday.
I am not at all concerned that she would go anywhere near or's in horrible condition, it would take considerable effort to carry, climb and crawl through holes in fences, tall brush grown up everywhere, and DANGEROUS since anything could fall down at any minute. Not to mention that it is a hangout for vagrants and a camping place for homeless supposedly.

O/T: What is it with creepy abandoned amusement parks called Joyland? There was one in the city where I went to grad school. It was so sad to look at, like something out of a movie, all over-grown with weeds, old amusement rides fallen down and rusted, even the "J" in the Joyland sign over-hanging the entrance was upside down and hanging on for dear life. Oh...and the sounds that came outta that place at night, I'm convinced it was built on ancient tribal land or something.
I disagree- he didn’t want to answer questions about the abuse because he knows he was neglectful about EG’s violence and he could have stopped it and didn’t and NOW, now, his poor son is missing !

Possible there is more to this....
The girlfriend proved that she could not be trusted to keep her temper.

Lucas' great aunt and others knew he was in danger-- but both EG and JH refused them access to him after they'd (concerned family members) reported his injuries.

So sad for those who truly loved this little guy.
I talked to a friend who is a nurse at the jail and she said that the only people kept in the medical clinic for an extended amount of time are the ones on suicide watch. The others detox on their own in their cells. If every inmate who was detoxing was in the clinic then no one would be in the pods. She said it’s rarer to have someone who isn’t coming off something then someone who is.

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Is this a nurse at the jail where EG is?

I've been a jail nurse in several jails and all of them do things differently when it comes to detoxing.
(O/T, I am reminded of a few cases, off the top of my head, Susan Smith:

"Smith caused a stir in 1994, when she told South Carolina police an unidentified black man stole her car with her 3-year-old son, Michael, and 14-month-old son, Alex, inside. She made a tearful plea on TV for her boys to come home during a frantic nine-day search."

Then there was a other one, where "2 Hispanic men" were claimed...but I can't remember for the life of me which one that was! )

There was also the Delano Wilson case where dad claimed an hispanic woman and a white male snatched baby Delano from his arms. CCTV cameras showed dad but no baby, no suspects and no suspects' car. IOW it was a lie. The sketches ended up looking like characters from the game Grand Theft Auto. He went to trial without LE finding Delano and was found not guilty.

Glass and Lucas' dad sat on this supposed new information and said not one word to the public about them? Dad was upset about disparaging comments on sm being posted about him and Glass yet he said nothing about possible kidnappers?

Whenever I see/hear someone investing more energy into defending their reputation and making sure the public knows "their side of the story" than into getting the word out about the missing child my hinky meter spins out of control.

And seriously, the "suspicious minority person" story is getting old. If Glass spoke to them why hasn't a sketch been released? IMO LE knows why... :liar:
O/T: What is it with creepy abandoned amusement parks called Joyland? There was one in the city where I went to grad school. It was so sad to look at, like something out of a movie, all over-grown with weeds, old amusement rides fallen down and rusted, even the "J" in the Joyland sign over-hanging the entrance was upside down and hanging on for dear life. Oh...and the sounds that came outta that place at night, I'm convinced it was built on ancient tribal land or something.

There was one in Topeka KS also. Stephen King even has a book called Joyland! It's not as horror filled as you might think, though. More of a novel with a touch of paranormal and thriller in it.
O/T: What is it with creepy abandoned amusement parks called Joyland? There was one in the city where I went to grad school. It was so sad to look at, like something out of a movie, all over-grown with weeds, old amusement rides fallen down and rusted, even the "J" in the Joyland sign over-hanging the entrance was upside down and hanging on for dear life. Oh...and the sounds that came outta that place at night, I'm convinced it was built on ancient tribal land or something.

This one tried valiantly to stay open but closed once in about 2004, then it opened again for a short time and closed down quickly after that. Liability was probably astronomical----I only ever went in a few times on end of school year field trips. It was terrifying to be responsible for even a small group of 4/5 kids and I always prayed for rain on field trip day. ;)
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