Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #6 *Arrest*

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I know it’s been beaten to death but my stepmom was wonderful, we did argue once or twice when I was a teen. I’ve always called her by her first name. Her boys are my brothers. She is not my mom. My stepdad was a complete jerk to my sister and I while never abusive, he wasn’t nice to us and I never called him dad. He is Grandpa *** to my kids, I have a sister by him and he will always be family.

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There was also the Delano Wilson case where dad claimed an hispanic woman and a white male snatched baby Delano from his arms. CCTV cameras showed dad but no baby, no suspects and no suspects' car. IOW it was a lie. The sketches ended up looking like characters from the game Grand Theft Auto. He went to trial without LE finding Delano and was found not guilty.

Glass and Lucas' dad sat on this supposed new information and said not one word to the public about them? Dad was upset about disparaging comments on sm being posted about him and Glass yet he said nothing about possible kidnappers?

Whenever I see/hear someone investing more energy into defending their reputation and making sure the public knows "their side of the story" than into getting the word out about the missing child my hinky meter spins out of control.

And seriously, the "suspicious minority person" story is getting old. If Glass spoke to them why hasn't a sketch been released? IMO LE knows why... :liar:

One would think that story would've been released in the first minutes of Lucas' disappearance....
But we know for a fact that LE do not believe he was abducted.

One would think that story would've been released in the first minutes of Lucas' disappearance....
But we know for a fact that LE do not believe he was abducted.

Of course he wasn't abducted! EG is scared and also thinking she can pull off a Casey Anthony!
Is this a nurse at the jail where EG is?

I've been a jail nurse in several jails and all of them do things differently when it comes to detoxing.

Yes, the Sedgwick County Jail

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I really think Lucas's dad was naive and bamboozled by EG. I think he's having a hard time wrapping his head around all of this and all of the accusations. He might not have ever believed the accusations of abuse from his ex's camp. I've known ex's to fabricate all kinds of things and make seemingly innocent things into something terrible! Not saying they did, but it's a common mindset with the opposing party to think they are. But I do pause with him knowing she did not have custody of her sons, just like his ex did not have custody of Lucas. Makes me think this guy has a broken picker!
You know, I also remember being 26 years old. I had a child myself. But I was still young. If my husband had been absent for long periods of time I probably would have established my own life absent of him. At 26 I was in no way all settled down, still a bit wild and frisky! My hubby was there to help live that with me. If he wasn't ................and I was never into drugs. That's how I'm seeing things with this. She was still young, tied down with an absent mate, taking care of his child while he was also out doing who knows what, had an infant, no help. Add to it a move.....
No stone unturned: local woman leaves reminders of Lucas’ search



To help find Lucas, Ortiz and her family have painted rocks to remind people how important it is to bring him home safe.

“On this specific rock, the batman rock, I got that from one of Lucas’ pictures. He was wearing a Batman backpack.”

Each unique rock shares a message about Lucas, as well as the tip line to contact police.

“It’s not just a rock,” said Ortiz. “It’s it’s just like a missing person’s flyer, except for you’re going to leave these in parks, grocery stores, gas stations.”

The 'story' about two people acting strangely the day Lucas went missing sounds like more regurgitated BS.

Yes -The smoking people. The female identified as her by the neighbor.
This just keeps getting more bizarre, As angry as the interview made me, I am glad she is talking because at some point she is going to get her lies confused and hopefully finally get around to telling the truth IMO.

Now I may have missed it,but I don't think so. She never used his name- depersonalizing the victim.
Pink..... girl, you know if I was closer I would be searching with you! But these sleuth missions will be something yall talk about for years to come!!

Finding Lucas---- I just saw the picture you uploaded of sweet boy and it made me literally gasp. I am so hopeful that Texas Equisearch will help get answers. I am so sorry for what yall are going through.

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One would think that story would've been released in the first minutes of Lucas' disappearance....
But we know for a fact that LE do not believe he was abducted.

And any time that you find someone over-explaining themselves, something is up. There is a motive behind that need to go into detail.

ETA: overjoyed that Tim Miller and TES are coming to join the search. Really hopeful.

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My ex telling the truth: "I went to the store."

My ex telling a lie: "I walked the whole way to the store even though my foot hurt. I had to stop once and sit under a tree. When I got there it was so packed. It took me forever to find what I went for then I had to choose if I wanted regular Cheetos or hot ones. Sometimes the hot ones make me sick but I haven't had them in forever. After waiting in line for like ten minutes while the lady counted out pennies, I realized I'd forgotten a drink. I went and picked out a green Gatorade since that's Jon's favorite and I thought I'd share with him. By the time I got to the register, the guy was changing out the drawer and I had to wait for him to count all the money. I finally got my chips and drink. NOW let me tell you every detail about my walk home."

Every.single.time.he.lied. Dead giveaway
I think he was probably wearing a pull up because it was actually during the night when whatever happened, happened. Either right before bed, during the night, or first thing in the morning.

The reason it all feels off is because we all know she's lying about putting a 5 year old down for a nap at 3 pm. Therefore we know she didn't have him in a pull up at 3 pm. Since she's described him as wearing a pull up, it gives us context: when was he REALLY wearing a pull up? The night before.

I don't think trying to figure out who has the most to gain if Lucas is gone will work here. I don't think she killed him on purpose. I think he died as a result of her abuse. Based on the many photos we've seen with facial bruising, she obviously liked to hit him in the face and head. Somehow she went too far and he ended up with a fatal head injury. We also know she liked to use objects to hit people.

There are always pieces of truth in lies. The pull up is a piece of the truth, but when he was supposedly wearing it is most likely a lie.

Then why not just say; We all went to bed last night, at x, and I got up this morning, and he was gone. I've searched everywhere and can't find him. He is wearing black sweats, a pull up, white socks and a gray shirt with a bear on it.

Why make up all of that other stuff?
Then why not just say; We all went to bed last night, at x, and I got up this morning, and he was gone. I've searched everywhere and can't find him. He is wearing black sweats, a pull up, white socks and a gray shirt with a bear on it.

Why make up all of that other stuff?

Because she doesn't want the focus on that night? Maybe that's when it really happened and she doesn't want people trying to remember anything about it? Since she didn't go anywhere during the supposed time, she's not worried about people having seen her?
Because she doesn't want the focus on that night? Maybe that's when it really happened and she doesn't want people trying to remember anything about it? Since she didn't go anywhere during the supposed time, she's not worried about people having seen her?

And there you have it. I think you are right about this!
She said that her cousin had him a lot and bruises were on him when he would come back from cousins house

If he had injuries every time he returned from her cousins, why did she keep sending him there?
If he had injuries every time he returned from her cousins, why did she keep sending him there?

Or why didn’t she explain that when the family started asking questions about those bruises? If it was truly boy roughhousing then why get mad and cut off all communication with that side of the family? Her defensiveness and extreme punitive actions toward the family who truly loves him and is concerned for him says so much. My thought is, as a mother and a stepmother myself, is someone brings to my attention bruises and injuries that I know I did not cause, I’d want to make sure I find out who did. This did happen to me as a matter of fact. Someone came to me concerned for my 14 year old daughter because of injuries and bruises on her body. I didn’t put them there......her dad definitely did not put them there....turns out she was sexually assaulted by a family friend’s son. If I would have gotten defensive and shut that person out of my life, I’d never have known what happened. But the difference between how I handled that and the way EG reacted is I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. I focused my energy, emotions and actions towards the person who hurt my daughter. I thank my lucky stars I have people in my life who love my kids that much to come to me with their concerns.

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

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Then why not just say; We all went to bed last night, at x, and I got up this morning, and he was gone. I've searched everywhere and can't find him. He is wearing black sweats, a pull up, white socks and a gray shirt with a bear on it.

Why make up all of that other stuff?

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If he had injuries every time he returned from her cousins, why did she keep sending him there?

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