Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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Imvho delirium or some sort of psychosis could have set in based on his meds, bp & sugar levels which could sporadically change throughout the day & night. If he spent the day before at Chuck-E-Cheese then maybe he could have overdone it a little. Idk just thinking maybe...

At one point there were comments here and on FB clarifying that he was not on any meds other than as needed anti-inflammatories.
At one point there were comments here and on FB clarifying that he was not on any meds other than as needed anti-inflammatories.

Thank you. I wonder if that can be verified. Are anti inflammatories detrimental to his safety? Usually if a person is missing and considered endangered due to needed meds, those meds are related to bp or diabetes or something like that.
I just had two knees replaced, and the pain meds were non-addicting, nor did they make me loopy. At the rate knees and hips are done here in Louisville, we'd ALL be addicts if this was a possibility! So I doubt the drugs were an issue, just from personal experience. I still think we are all trying to solve the case without all the facts given.
Would be interesting to see the source of this. No one in the neighborhood was aware until 3 weeks after missing... when crime scene truck showed up. And even then, neighbors were told it was a "personal matter" only, not even that he was mssing. And certainly no flyers were distributed in the neighborhood, nor search was performed.

About a week after he went missing, those of us in his hometown found out, but had absolutely no details whatsoever. Then at the roughly three-week mark, a photo of a flyer started circulating on Facebook, but there was no information on it besides his name, a picture, his height and weight, and a phone number. I was told his parents made that flyer but I don't know if that's true for sure.

From what you're saying and everything else I've heard, nothing was done until he was gone for three weeks.
The flyers in Louisville were distributed by the church where Mike and his wife attend, and his wife went one afternoon to help with that. That was the only time that any neighbors, friends, or fellow church members saw her make an appearance or effort on Mike's behalf.

Does anyone know if his wife attended church during the time he was missing (but before news reports)? While this church has a weekly attendance of approx 22,000 (per wiki), and obviously all the members couldn't possibly know each other, I'm sure there were some that knew the Kimsey's... and would likely ask "Where's Mike today?" IF she attended without him. Would be interesting to know her reply IF this occurred.

I'm curious as to whether his wife has continued her typical/routine activities since her husband vanished. Is it likely that no one (church member nor neighbor) noticed they had not seen Mike and she was never asked about him???

** Do you think family members relayed the "personal situations" to LE when they were notified he was missing? I guess none of us understands why it took LE so long to search the property.

Thanks RR for your info on this case :)
Does anyone know if his wife attended church during the time he was missing (but before news reports)? While this church has a weekly attendance of approx 22,000 (per wiki), and obviously all the members couldn't possibly know each other, I'm sure there were some that knew the Kimsey's... and would likely ask "Where's Mike today?" IF she attended without him. Would be interesting to know her reply IF this occurred.

I'm curious as to whether his wife has continued her typical/routine activities since her husband vanished. Is it likely that no one (church member nor neighbor) noticed they had not seen Mike and she was never asked about him???

** Do you think family members relayed the "personal situations" to LE when they were notified he was missing? I guess none of us understands why it took LE so long to search the property.

Thanks RR for your info on this case :)

It is believed that the wife and child stayed with her parents, for the first 6-7 weeks after Mike went missing, and during that time, she did not communicate with anyone that has spoken about it. There was one woman on FB that fiercely defended the wife's name, claiming that no one was mentioning her name in their comments of concern or prayer. She stated that the public was accusing Mike's wife, merely by not mentioning her name and including her. This seemed to trigger defensiveness from Mike's neighbors and friends who felt this was trying to turn attention to his wife, rather than keep the attention on Mike's disappearance. It also made it clear that his wife had not shared any marriage problems with her friend. There is not much information being relayed about his wife's routine since, other than she enrolled their son for the school year and he is attending school. It seems that LE should now be aware of any issues within the marriage and/or any animosity from his wife toward Mike's family. Her actions make that pretty clear, as well.
Rocky Road - I am NOT QUESTIONING your information, but if the wife & son were not living in the home for 6-7 weeks after he disappeared, how would she/anyone even know if he had come back? That seems odd to me, I would think I would want to stay where he would come home to if he were to come back. I might want people to stay there with me, but being a pilot's wife, she must be accustomed to staying alone overnight I would think. Did she just not want to be there IF he came home?!? Seems odd that even if there was a fight the night he disappeared (this has been speculated/confirmed) that she would be comfortable going to bed with him in the house, but afraid to stay in it with him gone?
I also can't imagine NOT TALKING to my friends during arguably what has to have been the most difficult time in her life. Outside of family, close, trusted friends are who I would rally around me. Would the police have asked her to leave the house?
This case is so frustrating! There is so much that doesn't make sense. I would think that if I was the wife in a situation like that, I would have reached out to the neighbors immediately. I'm my area, we all keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. But I know too, there are a few neighbors who won't even say "Hi" if we are both outside at the same time. Let's hope there are some developments soon!
Rocky Road - I am NOT QUESTIONING your information, but if the wife & son were not living in the home for 6-7 weeks after he disappeared, how would she/anyone even know if he had come back? That seems odd to me, I would think I would want to stay where he would come home to if he were to come back. I might want people to stay there with me, but being a pilot's wife, she must be accustomed to staying alone overnight I would think. Did she just not want to be there IF he came home?!? Seems odd that even if there was a fight the night he disappeared (this has been speculated/confirmed) that she would be comfortable going to bed with him in the house, but afraid to stay in it with him gone?
I also can't imagine NOT TALKING to my friends during arguably what has to have been the most difficult time in her life. Outside of family, close, trusted friends are who I would rally around me. Would the police have asked her to leave the house?

Several neighbors have mentioned that she came back to the house about 4 weeks ago, and her father is living in the house with her and the little boy. Also, there was a locksmith van parked in her driveway just after she returned to the house, and it has since been shared that the locks on the house were changed. Yes, she would have been accustomed to being home alone with her son with Mike flying for UPS. Not sure what to make of these decisions on her part. If he left voluntarily, why leave or change the locks? If he was taken against his will, was there a fear this could happen to another one of the family in the home? Has there been a threat of some sort? Not sure what the fear was, and/or if that fear is no longer a concern. Seems odd that if there is a fear for her life or her child's life, why is she leaving him at school each day now? So many things that make no sense, but leaving the home right away doesn't make sense either, unless, as you say, LE told her to leave and considered the home a crime scene. But, was the home a crime scene for 7-8 weeks while she was away? Just not sure which direction this leads.
This case is so frustrating! There is so much that doesn't make sense. I would think that if I was the wife in a situation like that, I would have reached out to the neighbors immediately. I'm my area, we all keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. But I know too, there are a few neighbors who won't even say "Hi" if we are both outside at the same time. Let's hope there are some developments soon!

Not only would I have gone running to neighbors immediately, I would have also called the family in Tennessee, not to mention aggravating LMPD every single. At this point and time, I would also be contacting national media and even a psychic! I'm afraid it will go into the cold case file.
You have a walking talking human who has disappeared. To make someone vanish--leave his son, and home, SOMETHING had to happen to him --against his will in my opinion. To stop a functioning body from protesting and fighting, someone had to do something to harm him. Possibly permanently. Moving a body is NOT easy, but in the confines of behind closed doors and the attached garage, all you need is one trusted friend/relative and a good dumping ground. The poisoning, or whatever could have occurred at anytime after he was seen at Chuck E. Cheeses. His wife gave it a four day window. And we all the know LE does not tell all they know. They might be waiting for someone to slip up, or a body to be found. Shame on them if they investigated for a few days and then closed their investigation. Someone knows something.

Those are my thoughts exactly, Anchorage. Dayum if I'd be waiting for someone to slip up. It seems if someone knows something, they would be making a move - WHY the eait?
Not only would I have gone running to neighbors immediately, I would have also called the family in Tennessee, not to mention aggravating LMPD every single. At this point and time, I would also be contacting national media and even a psychic! I'm afraid it will go into the cold case file.

When my Best Friend died in my house the 28th of last month, I never even thought of going to a neighbor. I was too busy with 911, applying first aid, etc. I know the circumstances are different, but everyone is unique, and react in different ways. You really don't know what you would do, until it happens.
Rocky Road - I am NOT QUESTIONING your information, but if the wife & son were not living in the home for 6-7 weeks after he disappeared, how would she/anyone even know if he had come back? That seems odd to me, I would think I would want to stay where he would come home to if he were to come back. I might want people to stay there with me, but being a pilot's wife, she must be accustomed to staying alone overnight I would think. Did she just not want to be there IF he came home?!? Seems odd that even if there was a fight the night he disappeared (this has been speculated/confirmed) that she would be comfortable going to bed with him in the house, but afraid to stay in it with him gone?
I also can't imagine NOT TALKING to my friends during arguably what has to have been the most difficult time in her life. Outside of family, close, trusted friends are who I would rally around me. Would the police have asked her to leave the house?

Did you say a fight was confirmed? Would it be considered a crime scene since he "just disappeared"? :(
I am so sorry for the loss of your best friend. How traumatic that must have been for you. I pray for peace and comfort as you grieve.
i'm convinced that Mike's body is buried in the crawl space or is somewhere in an attic or something.
When my Best Friend died in my house the 28th of last month, I never even thought of going to a neighbor. I was too busy with 911, applying first aid, etc. I know the circumstances are different, but everyone is unique, and react in different ways. You really don't know what you would do, until it happens.

So sorry for your loss Tulessa!
I want to share a very personal story with you. After years of struggling in our marriage - a large part in due to my husband's depression - a little over a month ago I told him I would be contacting an attorney to end our marriage. He had said that he was done living this way, so I agreed and told him that I would be the bad guy and I would contact the attorney to start the process. After I said this, he left our home. He went up on the mountain and stayed the night. The next day, I received a phone call, and I had to pick him up from the police station. My husband of over 20 years had been picked up for a DUI. Mind you, he does not drink or do drugs. However, he had taken his nighttime prescribed medication called Ambien sometime during the morning hours and it had made him drive erratically. After getting him home and letting him sleep it off, feeding him dinner, sleeping a little more, he disappeared again. This time I was unable to find him and I was worried. He did still have a job and he didn't show up or call in. Even though we had decided on divorce, I still love him as the father of my children. I contacted a LE friend and he started a search for my husband. He actually did try to commit suicide by shooting himself while on the mountain again. Somehow though, he found the strength to live and drove himself to the hospital with a gunshot wound to his face.

My point in this story is that you never know how a person is feeling on the inside. After a month of therapy I have found out that the work related injury my husband had which had left him on light-duty at work had left him feeling helpless. He didn't like the way that his work treated him because of the injury. He was upset over our marriage. The topper to it all was the prescribed medications he had been taking. He had not overdosed on them, but they had altered his way of thinking and had left him much more depressed than we realized.

Mental illness is largely misunderstood and is still taboo. I do not think it is a stretch to believe that this man may have committed suicide. Possibly he left the home with the intent of leaving his wife. This is not something she has to share with the public. Possibly that is why she didn't look for him immediately. She wouldn't have to if they were on their way to separation, right? Just something to consider in this scenario. Noone would have suspected my husband of a suicide attempt either, but it happened.

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