Found Deceased KY - Shadow McClaine, 25, Clarksville, 2 Sept 2016 *Arrests*

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The construction workers noticed it on Labor Day that one reporter said. It got multiple tickets then it was finally booted.

I should have read all posts before commenting. Someone in another group mentioned construction workers seeing it on Labor Day, but I didn't realize it had been ticketed. Never saw this news report. Was it ticketed by Metro LE, or Premier? (Not sure how that works).

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Good thoughts, Gardener! "Nashville native who knew it wasn't very well monitored" crossed my mind driving home yesterday.... only 'cos I was thinking about the empty lots. Thought maybe I should tell my marital unit (aka hubby of 36 yrs) where we could probably park free (in an effort to persuade him we need to get out and have some fun, ha) if we ventured out for a night on the town.

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This really makes me wonder how often those lots are checked. I want to hear from more Nashville natives if it is some sort of open secret that they can park there for a few hours/few days without being towed. Every city I have ever lived in the lots like that have tow truck companies that keep a close watch. I also want to know the dates and times of the tickets that were on the windshield. How much time passed before the boot was put on the car? And why wasn't it noticed sooner? Was a BOLO issued for Shadow's car in TN? (Not asking you specifically, just in general/anyone who knows the answer)
This really makes me wonder how often those lots are checked. I want to hear from more Nashville natives if it is some sort of open secret that they can park there for a few hours/few days without being towed. Every city I have ever lived in the lots like that have tow truck companies that keep a close watch. I also want to know the dates and times of the tickets that were on the windshield. How much time passed before the boot was put on the car? And why wasn't it noticed sooner? Was a BOLO issued for Shadow's car in TN? (Not asking you specifically, just in general/anyone who knows the answer)

I was thinking booted meant towed, but now I realize that you're talking about the wheel locker things. What I gathered from Wiki is that private companies cannot use boots legally.

These departments write parking tickets.

  • Metropolitan Police Department
  • Park Police
  • Airport Authority
  • Public Works Traffic Enforcement
  • Vanderbilt Police
  • Metro Property Guards
Would the Public Works Enforcement or Metro Guards have information put out by LE about a missing person? I'm trying to figure out how her car could sit there that long getting tickets without raising some concerns.

"Published: September 14, 2016, 4:50 pm Updated: September 15, 2016, 9:07 am"

"Construction workers in the area told News 2 McClaine’s car was parked in the lot for more than a week." (Snipped by me as it is a short article.)

So her car received multiple tickets then it was "booted".

Also in the video the reporter mentions that the construction workers saw the car around Labor Day.

Good video if anyone has a chance to watch.

Bringing my post forward about the link and video of the construction workers seeing Shadow's car; the multiple tickets; and the booting.
Bringing my post forward about the link and video of the construction workers seeing Shadow's car; the multiple tickets; and the booting.

Thanks Treelights. I just wish we had more specific dates for when the car was put there. If it is true that only the city can boot the car they should have run the plates and caught a BOLO then. How long would it sit with a boot on it before being impounded? (if nobody noticed it was her car)

So the rough timeline we have is:

Sept 2 around 7 PM last text to her mother that she was driving

Sept 5 (Labor Day) Construction workers noticed her car in the Premiere lot in Nashville

Sept 6 Shadow did not report for duty and was declared AWOL

Sept 13 her car was found in the lot with tickets and a boot on it

Any other important dates/events so far?
Thanks Treelights. I just wish we had more specific dates for when the car was put there. If it is true that only the city can boot the car they should have run the plates and caught a BOLO then. How long would it sit with a boot on it before being impounded? (if nobody noticed it was her car)

So the rough timeline we have is:

Sept 2 around 7 PM last text to her mother that she was driving

Sept 5 (Labor Day) Construction workers noticed her car in the Premiere lot in Nashville

Sept 6 Shadow did not report for duty and was declared AWOL

Sept 13 her car was found in the lot with tickets and a boot on it

Any other important dates/events so far?

I thought I had heard another video,before I had heard this one, that the parking lot attendant called the police, as she? thought it was Shadow's car, as this attendant had heard about her being missing. I can try to find that video. When I heard this video about the construction workers, it didn't mention the parking lot attendant.

Thanks Treelights. I just wish we had more specific dates for when the car was put there. If it is true that only the city can boot the car they should have run the plates and caught a BOLO then. How long would it sit with a boot on it before being impounded? (if nobody noticed it was her car)

So the rough timeline we have is:

Sept 2 around 7 PM last text to her mother that she was driving

Sept 5 (Labor Day) Construction workers noticed her car in the Premiere lot in Nashville

Sept 6 Shadow did not report for duty and was declared AWOL

Sept 13 her car was found in the lot with tickets and a boot on it

Any other important dates/events so far?

Yes, a warrant issued on September 7, 2016 for Shadow missing a court date.

"McClaine failed to appear in court Sept. 6 on charges of stalking, according to Montgomery County court documents obtained by The Leaf-Chronicle."
Did I read that there was video footage on September 2 of someone driving her vehicle? Do we know when it was, where it was, and if it was Shadow or someone else? I can't find those postings now. Thanks.
Did I read that there was video footage on September 2 of someone driving her vehicle? Do we know when it was, where it was, and if it was Shadow or someone else? I can't find those postings now. Thanks.

I did not read that.
Did I read that there was video footage on September 2 of someone driving her vehicle? Do we know when it was, where it was, and if it was Shadow or someone else? I can't find those postings now. Thanks.

There was a vague mention of this on the find Shadow FB page but I could not tell if there really was a video or not. The comment was along the lines of "of course we would like to see the grainy video of the person driving her car" (my paraphrase) but it was in a long complaint post about people reporting their page and harassing the family. There was something about needing a warrant and lawyer to see the video (and needing money for those things). It was not clear to me if LE has a video they won't show to family without being compelled to by a lawyer OR if someone else has contacted the family claiming there is a video but the party in possession of said video won't give it up without a warrant. Both scenarios make very little sense to me.
I don't know if LE is leading searches or now, but I know the family is. They have groups meet at Oak Grove Walmart but you apparently have to be "in the know" to find out when they're meeting, and they will not tell anyone outside of that group of people where they've searched.

I wonder if the family is keeping things close to the vest because whoever took Shadow may be close, VERY close. Not someone in the family but someone in the Fort Campbell area who would be VERY interested in knowing where they are searching....just MOO....
I am wondering what her relationships were like at work? There is all this personal chaos with the ex and girlfriend but perhaps the key to her missing has something to do with someone at Fort Campbell. Wasn't the ex a soldier, also? After reading all the threads, gas lighting to me seems unlikely but you never know, that would be a lot of effort on someone's part to cause her problems and drive her crazy which it would, eventually. Disappearing because of her legal problems seems unlikely also to me because she was very involved with SM, close to her mom and there is no activity on her financial accounts. Since she was arrested with stalking, impersonating, harassing the ex and his girlfriend, I assume there was substance to the charges. That is a dangerous game to play and quite frankly, I think she is dead but hope I'm wrong.Parking the car where it would be easily found could be staging to make it seem like she went AWOL. JMO
It's very possible Shadow's charges are true, since they made it all the way to court. And based on the way her behavior seemed to be escalating, it's even possible she was planning to sneak around a bit and she found herself in a situation that caused her own accidental death (or she got caught sneaking around and someone took the opportunity to disappear her).
It's very possible Shadow's charges are true, since they made it all the way to court. And based on the way her behavior seemed to be escalating, it's even possible she was planning to sneak around a bit and she found herself in a situation that caused her own accidental death (or she got caught sneaking around and someone took the opportunity to disappear her).

Sadly, I tend to agree. She is facing multiple charges -"She has open court cases on the charges of stalking, criminal impersonation and contempt of court." (source: Any or all of these charges could have been dismissed at any point if deemed baseless by LE/prosecutor.

Add to this (Thanks, Treelights, for bringing the Dateline article forward; I never noticed the following comment from Shadow's mom before):
"Shadow had been facing charges of stalking and contempt of court. Shadow's mother told Dateline the charges are in relation to her daughter's divorce.

'The situation is tumultuous, I'll say that,' London told Dateline. 'She's not totally innocent in all this, but it is not all her either. And she's been trying to clean herself from it. The people posting don't have all the facts, and are trying to paint my daughter as a villain.'" (BBM)

Also, about Shadow's brake lines being cut back in May, did Shadow file a report with the police at any point? Her mom has said no one knows who did it, so I assume that no arrest has been made (source: Or did Shadow simply decide not to bother as she laments in some of her FB posts that LE won't be believe anything she says anymore?

I have been researching Shadow's case this morning and have come across a couple of posts made to by someone claiming to be Shadow that I had never seen bofore. I am not going to put a link to the specific page within the site, as I am not sure if that is allowed (I don't think there really is a way to verify the poster's identity, even though personally, I have no reason to believe that the poster is not Shadow, based on what s/he says -it's virtually the same exact argument Shadow makes on her own FB page in reference to her arrests, only even more convoluted; basically, the poster explains "Shadow's" side of the story-).

Though I am taking what I found with a grain of salt, if the comments were indeed left by Shadow, I am very, very concerned about her state of mind (somewhat in the similar vein as poor Taleka Patrick). Of course, the possibility still exists that this is all due to a "conspiracy" being perpetrated against Shadow by her ex and his girlfriend, and to a degree, LE, who may have been duped by them, and that in effect, Shadow is indeed being "gas-lighted."

I really, really hope that authorities have much more information than they are releasing as to Shadow's movements before her disappearance. Based on what we know so far, I am really stumped as to where she could possibly be, and she really needs to be found as soon as possible.
According to the Veterans National Recovery Center FB page/post - "Shadow's brake lines to her vehicle were cut shortly before her disappearance. A person of interest has a connection to a brake repair shop."
I would think that Shadow would know that there would be a warrant out for her for missing that court date on September 6th. She had two previous warrants as well, so having a warrant out on her, would not be the first or second time.

Coupled with she was being chaptered out of the Army, NOT retired as I have seen on some social media missing posters.

With the delay of her chaptering out on October 11th, ( that date of October 11 was written on her google account) I wonder if she was worried that there would be a courts-martial for bad conduct charges or what have you, due to the upcoming September 6th court charges.

Courts-Martial could possibly lead to a dishonorable discharge, and who knows what forfeiture of benefits. She was a PFC but had been in the Army since 2011. She must have been busted in rank, in my opinion. Maybe she felt everything was stacked against her, whether it was her own doing, or partial doing, or undoing.
Would she also have had to spend time in jail or the stockade? Would this be more so now if she is alive and apprehended and left on her own free will?

Being AWOL and being a deserter are two different things and I hope she will come back soon and not be deemed a deserter if she goes under a courts-martial.

Then again, something could have happened to her period, whether that be by someone else, or herself.

The backstory of her history of her arrests does not help. Did she want to disappear to make it look like someone disappeared her, to go along with a thought process of hers perhaps?

Did someone disappear her?

Did she commit suicide?

Did she leave on her own and is in hiding?

There have been soldiers that do go AWOL that don't tell anybody then they do turn themselves in.

I hope if that is the case, that Shadow does come back and face reality of what has also transpired of missing the Sept. 6 court date and going AWOL.

The stress of everything at that moment could possibly have made her feel she needed to flee.

OR something could have happened to her that is also totally unrelated to her court date.

The longer time passes, particularly if past the October 11th date of when she would have chaptered out, if the chapter packet was not on hold, concerns me.

At that point, my thinking would possibly go to that she is no longer alive.


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