Kyron Horman's mom's civil suit against Terri Horman

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Kaine Horman: The divorce part of this was to help get more information. ... It can wait as long as it needs to.

Please tell me that Kaine did not really say this and that the statement is the reporter's interpretation of what Mr. Horman said. :waitasec:

Yes, Kaine said that.

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According to the lawyer on the show, nothing will come out of the suit. And even they win money, they will never see it. "Saying that she didn't like the kid isn't enough"

Thanks. The lawyer said Desiree would have a better chance of winning if she sued Skyline Elementary.
Thanks. The lawyer said Desiree would have a better chance of winning if she sued Skyline Elementary.

I wondered about that. But it might depend on if Terri can find a witness that says they saw Kyron at the school AFTER Terri left the premises.
According to the lawyer on the show, nothing will come out of the suit. And even they win money, they will never see it. "Saying that she didn't like the kid isn't enough"

Pat Brown: "LE doesn't have any physical evidence. They just have their suspicions."

The lawyers have no more idea than we do what the evidence actually is. LE has evidence that has made them certain of her guilt, and we don't know what that evidence is. Desiree and Kaine have seen evidence we haven't seen, and it has made them certain. Desiree's lawyer wants to subpoena more information, Kaine has just said more friends have given information that adds more pieces to the puzzle.... so this attorney is only talking about what has been released publicly. I'm not worried about that part.

Thanks. The lawyer said Desiree would have a better chance of winning if she sued Skyline Elementary.

But what earthly good would that do? Desiree was very clear: she does not want Terri's money - she wants Terri to tell her where Kyron is. What good would suing the school do? The school doesn't know where his body is. This isn't about the money except - as they clearly stated - to stick Terri Horman in a bad place, with the intent to get information from her.

I'm not even sure why they're talking about suing Skyline when they've been clear that this is not a financial issue, but one of compelling Terri Horman to give them their son (or his remains) back. Skyline has nothing to do with that.
Kaine Horman: The divorce part of this was to help get more information. ... It can wait as long as it needs to.

Please tell me that Kaine did not really say this and that the statement is the reporter's interpretation of what Mr. Horman said. :waitasec:

In the context of what they were talking about that makes perfect sense to me. They were talking about using a civil suit to extract information in the absence of a criminal court proceeding. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time Kaine has said he's willing to wait if that's what it takes not to jeopardize the future criminal case. And who would feel any differently in his position?

Terri is out of his and baby K's lives, they are safe, she is under investigation and the divorce as a civil case WAS being used in part as a means of uncovering information. Doesn't mean he wants to be married to her, but if it helps find Kyron or bring his killer(s) to justice in criminal court, who wouldn't wait? Makes perfect sense to me.
Thanks for the transcripts from the tv news programs. I've only had time to read the King 5 article that I found online earlier today. Very interesting developments. Personally, I think she should sue both Terri *and* the school, but that's just my opinion.
The lawyers have no more idea than we do what the evidence actually is. LE has evidence that has made them certain of her guilt, and we don't know what that evidence is. Desiree and Kaine have seen evidence we haven't seen, and it has made them certain. Desiree's lawyer wants to subpoena more information, Kaine has just said more friends have given information that adds more pieces to the puzzle.... so this attorney is only talking about what has been released publicly. I'm not worried about that part.

How do you know that LE will allow this evidence---which they have kept secret for two years---in court?
How do you know that LE will allow this evidence---which they have kept secret for two years---in court?

Desiree's attorney said he would use the suit to subpoena email and text messages for himself.
Thank you for posting one of the many wonderful photos of Kyron. This one is so heartbreaking...we all know why. :heartbeat: :sigh:

If nothing else, this civil suit gets Kyron back in the media.

I'm surprised that Kaine didn't know about the suit.

My heart breaks for Desiree, Kaine, and everyone else who loves Kyron...
Desiree starting to cry during her second sentence, as she talks about Kyron as a special person. She says she believes Terri knows where Kyron is and is responsible for what happened to Kyron. It's time for Terri to tell where Kyron is.
She believes eventually the criminal justice system will take action against Terri. She wants to use the court case to make Terri tell what happened to Kyron and to get money from Terri. Desiree won't keep any of Terri's money, she doesn't want Terri's money. The money will go to help people with missing children. She will pursue Terri and anyone who helped Terri.

This is making me cry and I don't cry easily.

Lawyer...lawsuit asserts that Terri kidnapped Kyron. Says Des believes there will eventually be criminal action but for now they will use civil court tools to peel away mystery of what happened. Will be able to issue subpeonas to compell testimony and discover things like text and e-mail messages in a public trial. Seeks an injunction to compell Terri to return Kyron or tell where he is if deceased. Seeking 10 million dollars. Will also target other people who were involved.

Hi, I found myself driving thru downtown traffic when I heard Desiree and just broke down crying feeling her sincerity, hoping beyond hope Kyron will at least be found.

Evidently next Monday is the last day this lawsuit could be filed. I also saw a little promo about Desiree's lawyer and how he won a famous case years ago and thinks his experience in that case will help him in discovering what happened to Kyron and where he is. I guess those answers will come thru testimony in this suit. Boy, I sure hope so. ;}

PS: I haven't read all the posts here yet so if I don't read the info about her attny I'll go find it and post it here.
I'm not someone who believes TH is responsible for Kyron being missing, so I will be very interested to see how this lawsuit goes. I think they have a very steep hill to climb. If they find something that is real proof rather than just more mud to sling then more power to them. I hope, either way, this lawsuit will give Desiree a little bit of closure even if it isn't the closure she wants/needs.
Attorney impressive. Mentions previous case as comparison and his success in that case. I look forward to reading the docments. I wonder how soon we'll hear from TH's legal team?

Why don't they mike reporters so we can hear questions? :maddening:

Hi BDE, ITA and think he seems an equal to TH's attny. They seem to be both HELLO lawyers and among Oregon's best IMO. I think it is interesting Desiree had the foresight to chose a civil rights lawyer.

The 2008 case that Mr Elden Rosenthal became so noted for can be read here:

'Lessons From Mulugeta Seraw's Beating Death Changed Portland' Nov 14, 2008
Desiree's attorney said he would use the suit to subpoena email and text messages for himself.

We did get an idea of her perverted texts to her boyfriend while everyone was searching for Kyron.

More power to Terri I hope they find Kyron. She probably has been told things we are not privy to. She is married to a LE officer. JMO!
I'm not someone who believes TH is responsible for Kyron being missing, so I will be very interested to see how this lawsuit goes. I think they have a very steep hill to climb. If they find something that is real proof rather than just more mud to sling then more power to them. I hope, either way, this lawsuit will give Desiree a little bit of closure even if it isn't the closure she wants/needs.

Hi Jack, I've read here tonight there has been new info come to light from some of Terri's friends/acquaintances acc to Kaine. I don't think this primo attny would take a civil rights case if he didn't believe Kyron's CR's were violated. And the basis for that acc to what I heard on Channel 6 News, is they believe TH kidnapped him, taking away his civil rights.

IMO there must be evidence that now relates to that, don't you think? I can't imagine filing a $10 Million CR case without real proof. Maybe I just want it to be true so the truth will come out about what happened to Kyron and where he is now.
Hi Jack, I've read here tonight there has been new info come to light from some of Terri's friends/acquaintances acc to Kaine. I don't think this primo attny would take a civil rights case if he didn't believe Kyron's CR's were violated. And the basis for that acc to what I heard on Channel 6 News, is they believe TH kidnapped him, taking away his civil rights.

IMO there must be evidence that now relates to that, don't you think? I can't imagine filing a $10 Million CR case without real proof. Maybe I just want it to be true so the truth will come out about what happened to Kyron and where he is now.

I am not one of the Terry is guilty crowd either. Why are these friends just now coming forward to give new info? As for the school, Ms Porter should answer for her lax attitude about where was Kyron after the SF tour, In the bathroom...a drink of water...???
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