Kyron's doctors appointment

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I know you or maybe others have posted that before. But I've watched that vid a number of times and listened to the reporter and, maybe they are wrong, but it seems clear to me that they are referring to the re-grouping after the fact. Even assuming that I am wrong about that, or they are, why would the parent-helper *leave* after the bathroom/water comment if it was at the beginning. Wouldn't she just take the kids and start the tour. Or maybe that's what TP meant. She didn't leave the building, she just left the class with the rest of her group? idk. I'm going to bed in a second. I'll have to watch the vid and listen to the voiceover again tomorrow.:banghead:

Yes--I think that is what TP meant. He wouldn't have said that was the last time he saw Kyron if Kyron had come back to the classroom to assemble for the tour. Kyron walked down the stairs before class started, right after SM waved goodbye, and that was the last time he saw Kyron. That's what TP said.
Besides ADD/ADHD, young children can go to the doctor for other mental health issues or issues that appear on the surface to be physical disorders, but are eventually diagnosed as emotional/mental health problems from child abuse.

Children that are physically or mentally abused can exhibit many behavior problems that affect their school behavior. These symptoms can be regression, fearfulness, depression, eating disorders, withdrawal, neurotic behavior, phobias, aggression, passiveness, self-depreciation, and ect...

(There is no evidence in this case that suggests there was child abuse occurring at KH's home. I am only providing information.)

Man, I would love to hear LE confirm or deny this. These 'sources' drive me nuts!

If true (which I am leaning towards to be honest) this screams premeditation to me and that makes my heart sink even further if that's possible. I SO hope I'm wrong, but I just don't believe TH would hand off a live Kyron to anyone, I just don't see a purpose nor an endgame for her in that. :(
After what I've been thru with 3 boys with ADD, no one is ever going to convince me that boys who are shy, quiet, well behaved, and only have had an occasional problem with listening or obeying have this disorder, lol. I hope we eventually learn if there was paperwork and if it was for this issue. I'd like to know if the teacher was the one harping about getting kids on meds, if Terri was going to fake seeing a doctor to shut the school up, if Kaine demanded it, or if someone wanted to get their hands on stimulants for some reason. Also, being labeled ADD would provide an extra excuse for a child wandering away or getting hurt since injuries are common in kids with ADD according to stuff I've read.
In all of this talk about TP and the believability of his statement, don't forget that in the most recent story about the doctor's appointment that another of Kyron's friends knew about his doc appointment:

Kyron's other good friend had a very different take.

From his mother: "And then I got a call at 4:30ish, saying he didn’t get off the bus, I guess. And Kurtis said, ‘Oh yeah, I knew he was already gone all day Mom.’”

I had missed this one, so thanks, rosiebean. I find this "witness" statement more believable, from somewhere within the "reasoning paths" of my brain.
I have ADD and OCD, so it's interesting when I try to sort out facts or explain something to someone and I end up feeling like I've missed the whole point and people must think I'm getting senile. The bad part is my thoughts do not follow a sensible path, ideas collide, and I cannot write in paragraphs. :confused:
July 22, 2010 Fox News
Where Is Kyron Horman?
Search for Oregon boy continues


I wish I could understand why they're reporting this as 'new' information. We've known this appointment stuff for some time, haven't we?

The appointment stuff was just one anonymous comment plus a third-hand report from one of Terri's friends. Now the media has named people who confirm that they knew Terri had mentioned an appointment for Kyron and that the understanding at the time was that the appointment was for the day Kyron went missing. I think it's very significant.
The appointment stuff was just one anonymous comment plus a third-hand report from one of Terri's friends. Now the media has named people who confirm that they knew Terri had mentioned an appointment for Kyron and that the understanding at the time was that the appointment was for the day Kyron went missing. I think it's very significant.

I missed that! Who? What are their names?
Miss Porter (Kyron's teacher) and Kim Holm.

i would call the statements attributed to Miss porter and holms by this reporter unsubstantiated. He never said he spoke to them.

This reporter also says Terri told school officials....blah blah blah,,,,appt

Terri has not made a statement re: appt and school officials have not said Terri said anything about an appt.
i would call the statements attributed to Miss porter and holms by this reporter unsubstantiated. He never said he spoke to them.

This reporter also says Terri told school officials....blah blah blah,,,,appt

Terri has not made a statement re: appt and school officials have not said Terri said anything about an appt.

He directly quoted Ms. Holm, so I'd say he talked to her. And she directly quoted Miss Porter.
Miss Porter (Kyron's teacher) and Kim Holm.

So Kim Holm said that her child said that an unnamed teacher said...

As opposed to a reporter says that Terri's friend says... hmmm... actually, the friend doesn't say who says IIRC...

So, a third hand report from a child's parent, as opposed to a third hand report from a friend of Terri is better how?

And I don't see Miss Porter saying anything in that article. Did I miss it?

And who are the named people who confirm that they knew Terri had mentioned an appointment? I still don't see that.

See, this is why this isn't new to me. It's all somebody says that somebody says that somebody said that somebody said. We have nothing from the people actually involved, and actually there, and who actually heard anything. Which is what we already had.
He directly quoted Ms. Holm, so I'd say he talked to her. And she directly quoted Miss Porter.

Looks to me like she's retelling what she claims her son told her:

Kim Holm’s son, K, who Terri Horman photographed with his science project around the time she took a picture of Kyron that morning, said her son knew about the appointment too.

And Miss Porter isn't mentioned - just some unnamed teacher. Not that that matters (to me). It would still be Kim Holm saying what she claims her son said that he claims Miss Porter said. See what I mean?

Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman’s stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

According to sources, investigators believe Terri Horman was vague about which Friday she was referring to when she gave notice to the school Kyron would be gone and only after he was missing did she clarify that the doctor’s appointment was on June 11, the Friday after the science fair

Here's the thing - these wouldn't be unsubstantiated if there had actually been a note from home saying that there was an appointment on that specific Friday. What makes me crazy is that it has become the teacher's word against Terri's, who said after the fact that the appointment was the following Friday instead.

From the beginning this has been a problem.

Did anyone else in the family think the appointment was that day? Is it marked on a calendar or something? I'm incredulous that we still don't know about this!

Speculation: Did Terri get confused and take Kyron with her for his appointment only to discover later that there was no Dr.'s appointment that day?

Or was the teacher the one confused and she should have sounded the alarm that Kyron was missing right away?

ETA: This is exactly why I blamed the school at first instead of Terri. They should have known where that child was and where he was supposed to be. If he was there in the morning, then he should have been signed out by an official parent before leaving campus. Terri should have at least written them a note explaining where he was going or it wouldn't have counted as an excused absence. Ugh - this drives me crazy!
He directly quoted Ms. Holm, so I'd say he talked to her. And she directly quoted Miss Porter.

that's why i hate video reports. the reporter can't put quotes if there actually is a statement to quote.

hmmm. i hope this makes sense:eek:
that's why i hate video reports. the reporter can't put quotes if there actually is a statement to quote.

hmmm. i hope this makes sense:eek:

Well even the written reports about this don't make much sense because of the circularity.

Fake Interview:

Teacher: Kyron had an appointment so I marked him absent because he was with his stepmother.
Q: Who told you he had an appointment?
Teacher: The stepmother
Q: In writing?
Teacher: No - I just assumed . . .

Kid: I knew Kyron had an appointment.
Q: Who told you?
Kid: The teacher
Mother of Kid: Yes, that's what he said - the teacher told my son that Terri told her

Terri Horman: I never said that - the appointment is next Friday
Terri Horman: I saw him go into the classroom
Terri Horman: I waited for the school bus (and why would I do that if I had taken him for an appointment?)

School: No one signed Kyron out because the Science Fair was before official school hours
School: Whoops - we don't know anything about anything

Looks to me like she's retelling what she claims her son told her:

Kim Holm’s son, K, who Terri Horman photographed with his science project around the time she took a picture of Kyron that morning, said her son knew about the appointment too.

And Miss Porter isn't mentioned - just some unnamed teacher. Not that that matters (to me). It would still be Kim Holm saying what she claims her son said that he claims Miss Porter said. See what I mean?

I do see what you mean, but Kim Holm doesn't say her son quoted the teacher to her. However, even if it was Holm's son who said he understood that Kyron had an appointment, how would he just happen to mention this bit of information on the afternoon of the day Kyron went missing if he had not heard it at school?

I don't think the newspaper is making things up and then claiming it came from sources, either.
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