Kyron's doctors appointment

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that's why i hate video reports. the reporter can't put quotes if there actually is a statement to quote.

hmmm. i hope this makes sense:eek:

That makes sense. But the written story had the quotes placed just as you see in my cut and paste job. I can only hope someone edited them with care. (Often a vain hope!)

ETA It's just occurred to me that this probably is not Ms. Holm quoting her son quoting what his teacher said the day Kyron went missing. I think she is directly quoting the teacher because why would the teacher say "I thought he left with his mom" during the school day BEFORE anyone knew Kyron was missing?
“And the teacher said, ‘I thought he left with his mom,’ because they thought they had a doctor appointment,” Holm said “
I am really hoping this focus on the dr. appointment is another LE leak to remind Terri about one of her lies. In my mind, I want Terri to have information that will lead LE to Kyron. That's about the only way I think he can be found, and found alive.
That makes sense. But the written story had the quotes placed just as you see in my cut and paste job. I can only hope someone edited them with care. (Often a vain hope!)

ETA It's just occurred to me that this probably is not Ms. Holm quoting her son quoting his teacher. I think she is directly quoting the teacher because why would the teacher say "I thought he left with his mom" during the school day BEFORE anyone knew Kyron was missing?

oh. i didn't see the written report. going to read it now......thank you!

edit: the only quote i see in the article is from the school spokesman......Portland Public Schools spokesperson Matt Shelby told KATU News, "Two teachers were the last school staff to see Kyron at Skyline. His own teacher and another teacher saw him inside the school with his stepmother, and there didn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary.”

imo,everything else in the story is not properly attributed to someone making a statement to this reporter.
1. As a teacher, if a parent comes in and tells me that the child is going to the doctor, I believe the parent. I do not ask them to give me a note saying that.

What schools are looking at are unexcused absences. That is why a note is asked for. If a child is absent for too many unexcused absences, a red flag goes up. That is the point of a note. Not just to have a note in order to have a note. I note the reason for the absence on a computer generated absence log.

Skyline did have the strange policy of not calling for absences if the child is not at school. Our school system did not do this either years ago. It was instituted when a girl did not come to school and it turned out that she was killed by an older neighbor boy.

2. There may be 2 appts. Maybe there was an actual appointment on the 11th that required paperwork.

But just maybe, TH told the teacher that they were going to an appt on the 4th. A TOTALLY different appt that did not exist. Therein lies the she said, he said problem, but hopefully others heard it.

I think the 11th appt with paperwork is irrelevant.
Well even the written reports about this don't make much sense because of the circularity.

Fake Interview:

Teacher: Kyron had an appointment so I marked him absent because he was with his stepmother.
Q: Who told you he had an appointment?
Teacher: The stepmother
Q: In writing?
Teacher: No - I just assumed . . .

Kid: I knew Kyron had an appointment.
Q: Who told you?
Kid: The teacher
Mother of Kid: Yes, that's what he said - the teacher told my son that Terri told her

Terri Horman: I never said that - the appointment is next Friday
Terri Horman: I saw him go into the classroom
Terri Horman: I waited for the school bus (and why would I do that if I had taken him for an appointment?)

School: No one signed Kyron out because the Science Fair was before official school hours
School: Whoops - we don't know anything about anything


Was it just rumor or is it confirmed that his teacher is hearing impaired?
Was it just rumor or is it confirmed that his teacher is hearing impaired?

Rumor so far; only Terri's friend is quote to have said that, as far as I know, which would indicate that Terri told her that.
I do see what you mean, but Kim Holm doesn't say her son quoted the teacher to her. However, even if it was Holm's son who said he understood that Kyron had an appointment, how would he just happen to mention this bit of information on the afternoon of the day Kyron went missing if he had not heard it at school?

I don't think the newspaper is making things up and then claiming it came from sources, either.

Maybe the child heard adults talking. Maybe his mom embellished. Who knows? I just don't know until I hear from the people who were involved - Miss Porter and Terri.

I don't think reporters are making things up out of whole cloth in this case. I think they're embellishing and enhancing and speculating and insinuating, because they see that so many people will accept that lower standard of journalism, and this level of journalism still brings them ratings and website hits. They have no motivation to do better. And they won't get that motivation unless and until we let them know that we want them to adhere to a higher standard.

I want good, solid, reliable, credible information from journalists for these cases. I deserve it, you deserve it, and God knows, most importantly, these children and their families deserve it.
I don't mind anonymous sources, but then there should always be actual quotes used if they are saying a source told them something or opinion only. Otherwise, the unnamed source plus vague statements attributed to them add up to supposition for me.
Maybe the child heard adults talking. Maybe his mom embellished. Who knows? I just don't know until I hear from the people who were involved - Miss Porter and Terri.

I don't think reporters are making things up out of whole cloth in this case. I think they're embellishing and enhancing and speculating and insinuating, because they see that so many people will accept that lower standard of journalism, and this level of journalism still brings them ratings and website hits. They have no motivation to do better. And they won't get that motivation unless and until we let them know that we want them to adhere to a higher standard.

I want good, solid, reliable, credible information from journalists for these cases. I deserve it, you deserve it, and God knows, most importantly, these children and their families deserve it.

Using unnamed sources is not a low standard of journalism. In fact, most of the best, most important stories in journalism have broken as a result of unnamed sources, who are often the people most in the know but who cannot be named because of their positions. The question of low standards comes in when the sources aren't reliable and the newspaper doesn't vet the information thoroughly or reports it inaccurately. We don't know at this point whether the standards have been lowered here or that any information has been exaggerated or embellished.

Just for example, here are the standards for using unnamed sources used by the Cincinnati Enquirer as reported in the American Journalism Review.
Using unnamed sources is not a low standard of journalism. In fact, most of the best, most important stories in journalism have broken as a result of unnamed sources, who are often the people most in the know but who cannot be named because of their positions. The question of low standards comes in when the sources aren't reliable and the newspaper doesn't vet the information thoroughly or reports it inaccurately. We don't know at this point whether the standards have been lowered here or that any information has been exaggerated or embellished.

Just for example, here are the standards for using unnamed sources used by the Cincinnati Enquirer as reported in the American Journalism Review.

I disagree. I just this morning had a reporter from the Oregonian contact *me* for an interview. What in God's name could I possibly offer? I know none of the people in this case, and I live on the other side of the country. I'm an anonymous person on the internet.

So, when you see those unnamed sources, keep me in mind, and ask yourself if you really want the info on this case from me. :)
I disagree. I just this morning had a reporter from the Oregonian contact *me* for an interview. What in God's name could I possibly offer? I know none of the people in this case, and I live on the other side of the country. I'm an anonymous person on the internet.

So, when you see those unnamed sources, keep me in mind, and ask yourself if you really want the info on this case from me. :)


But why?!
I disagree. I just this morning had a reporter from the Oregonian contact *me* for an interview. What in God's name could I possibly offer? I know none of the people in this case, and I live on the other side of the country. I'm an anonymous person on the internet.

So, when you see those unnamed sources, keep me in mind, and ask yourself if you really want the info on this case from me. :)

Well, I consider you a reliable source, BeanE!:blowkiss:

But that does make me fear that one of those articles talking about "internet blogging" (as they seem to always call what we do) is about to come out.
I can't stop laughing about it. They're *really* scraping the bottom of the barrel now lmao.

Don't see yourself short! You actually have quite a grasp on the fact and the fiction in this case. I think they should be interested in your analytical skills...
I disagree. I just this morning had a reporter from the Oregonian contact *me* for an interview. What in God's name could I possibly offer? I know none of the people in this case, and I live on the other side of the country. I'm an anonymous person on the internet.

So, when you see those unnamed sources, keep me in mind, and ask yourself if you really want the info on this case from me. :)

I don't know BeanE, maybe they should be coming to you for information :dance:
I can't stop laughing about it. They're *really* scraping the bottom of the barrel now lmao.

I did not mean offense. I was just terrified. :blushing:

As far as your knowledge of the case, here on WS you seem to have it down pat!
I did not mean offense. I was just terrified. :blushing:

As far as your knowledge of the case, here on WS you seem to have it down pat!

No offense taken at all, merc! I'm horrified that they even considered contacting me. I know nothing about this case except what I've read in the news articles and court documents. It's mind boggling.

My response to the reporter suggested how she might better spend her time if she wants to do something that would actually help Kyron. ;)
No offense taken at all, merc! I'm horrified that they even considered contacting me. I know nothing about this case except what I've read in the news articles and court documents. It's mind boggling.

My response to the reporter suggested how she might better spend her time if she wants to do something that would actually help Kyron. ;)

If they were contacting you for information about case details, then I agree with you. But if they were contacting you for a story about people who post about the case, then you would be a very credible source of information.
If they called you "BeanE," would that be considered an unnamed source or a named source? :waitasec: (Unless your name happens to be Bean E., like Sheila E.)
If they were contacting you for information about case details, then I agree with you. But if they were contacting you for a story about people who post about the case, then you would be a very credible source of information.
If they called you "BeanE," would that be considered an unnamed source or a named source? :waitasec: (Unless your name happens to be Bean E., like Sheila E.)

I would tell them to just call me Deep Throat. :)
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