Kyron's doctors appointment

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Um, have you forgotten about the sexting and batphones? That screams attention to me. She may have been muzzled by Houze, but she's been talking to her friends and sex interests anyway. Sounds like an attention seeker to me if she can't stay off the phone and internet and is looking sex romps at probably the most inappropriate time to do so.

Yep. And also in reading her Facebook it was very very clear to me who wanted the attention (eek, I cannot remember if we can chat about FB or not? I get confused lol)

Honestly, I keep waiting for TH to bring LE to Universal Studios to see if Kyron might be there. :angel:
Um, have you forgotten about the sexting and batphones? That screams attention to me. She may have been muzzled by Houze, but she's been talking to her friends and sex interests anyway. Sounds like an attention seeker to me if she can't stay off the phone and internet and is looking for sex romps at probably the most inappropriate time to do so.

She was not sexting on June 5 when she wrote this email being discussed.
My son and myself both suffered from benign focal point epilepsy. Mine was actually dx after my sons. His pre-school teacher was the one who actually brought it to my attention. I had assumed he was just off in day dream land when he would stare off like deep in thought. But then, she noticed it one day and yelled his name and he didn't hear her. She waved her hand in front of his face - nothing. Then he came out of it. I went to the pediatrician with him and right off the bat, he said this could be seizures. It took several weeks to get EEG's ect. done. I had also done this as a child and in my teen years, I would actually lose consciousness and fall forward. I have the scar to prove it! LOL The danger is just that - a loss of consciousness leading to a fall, or drowning if in water. Most people outgrow this by adulthood. I know that my EEG done after the busting of my chin and my son's EEG both showed a mild abnormality of the temporal lobe. My point is not all "seizures" are ER emergencies and the workup can take a week or two.
This post is for informational purposes only. Personally every parent unit in this case hits me as being deceptive in one way or another! Could be the manner in which LE has directed the flow of information but I do get a sense they are all holding something back. I am baffled by TH movements and activities, but having gone through this, I don't find this as hinky as just about everything else!
if she looked up symtoms, LE would find those on her computer JMO

Yep but I would be more surprised if Kyron WAS having seizures and Terri had NOT looked them up. If those episodes she noticed were real, LE should find a string of searches on her computer for "staring and forgetfulness" or "episode of memory loss in children" or similar as an innocent Terri would have tried to figure out what was wrong with Kyron after noticing such "weird" behavior.
Your doc had a complete history though?

I don't have any experience with ADD. I do know when my grandson was diagnosed autistic, the docs did extensive testing and evaluation to include ruling out organic causes. That's what I was going by ...

The questions that a neuro-psych or a neurologist wants are not the same pieces of information that a pediatrician has on file.

It's stuff like: did mom take prenatal vitamins to how was labor, did mom work, when/what was first word, walk, sit-up, current school stuff & personality.

These questionaires are quite comprehensive...I dont' know for sure why, but my guess is so that it can determine a scope of problems, not jist if the child meets a certain set of criteria - like ADHD...but also dyslexia, autism, aspergers, gifted, etc. etc.

Our neurologist can diagnose the full range, plus more organic type issues like seizures, HOWEVER a neuro-psych can diagnose those plus emotional/behavioral type issues but NOT organic type.

They will both require these sets of questionaires to be completed by the parents as well as the teachers.

Hope that helps.
Hi gliving...for a pregnancy history wouldn't Desiree be the one interviewed? If all this about Kyron is true, my guess is that bio mom would know all about it. moo

Also, I bet Kaine and Desiree released Kyron's medical records so they could look for discrepancies in what they were told regarding Kyron and what was documented. Maybe that's where the info about the bee sting came from. They seemed mad about it. all my opinion

Right, Desiree would need to sign a release of records for her prenatal records to be forwarded to Kyron's physician. This might explain the delay in the appointment.

ETA: I'm not saying Desiree is the hold up, it's that getting the medical records from the hospital and doctor can take forever.
Right, Desiree would need to sign a release of records for her prenatal records to be forwarded to Kyron's physician. This might explain the delay in the appointment.

I'm also thinking that Desiree and Kaine could obtain a copy of Kyron's medical records so they could review the documentation. I've always had the sense that mom and dad were angry about something regarding Kyron's medical treatment.

An additional thought: I think if Desiree told LE about Kyron's symptoms and possible petit mal seizures, it may have changed the way the search went. all my thoughts and opinions.
Except she has sought no attention from day 1, outside of the care and concern of her family who shunned her and her friends.

Except she was sexting a man in the days after Kyron went missing that was not her husband. That is attention seeking, and shows just how all about her this really is.

The neurologists would be looking for things like:

Prenatal: pregnancy induced hypertension, diabetes, toxin issues (from either oral ingestion or issues with kidneys/liver of mother not filtering the blood from baby/mother adequately)
Peri-natal: issues with blood flow to the baby (e.g. cord wrap, breech birth, delay in initial breathing), extended stress on baby (long labor, difficult labor, drugs used during labor, et cetera)
Post natal: any unusual issues just after birth to about 4 weeks - apnea, APGAR scale scores, physiological things like heart murmurs.

Those would have to come from the ob/gyn that DY used, as they are not necessarily part of Kyron's records (although there is a lot of cross-over during post-natal). DY would have to sign a release, get the release back to the Dr., the Dr. would have to pull the file from storage, copy it, and get it to Kyron's pediatrician, who would then forward it to the neurologist.

Even with fax capability, all that takes a lot of time.

Information would be needed from everyone who cared for Kyron - both parents, teachers, even babysitters. Anecdotal evidence such as drifting thoughts, staring episodes, 'day dreams', and so on. And all that would take time to get together, too.

And then, of course, EEGs. They may, or may not, show issues with brain patterns. Some seizure disorders can be easily spotted simply from patterns of brain waves, even while not having a seizure. However, most seizures (like focal/absence) cannot easily be spotted if the person is not having a seizure while hooked up. They are transient, and often, labeled as idiopathic in nature; we joke in nursing school about "idiopathic means the Dr. is an idiot and can't find the reason", although that's not true (about the Dr. being an idiot...sometimes, there really is "no" reason that is identifiable...things do sometimes "just happen" and we don't know why).

Lastly, some of the less "dramatic" seizures do not require hospitalization care; indeed, some are not even noticed. And, if noticed, it's only after a larger seizure, and then in hindsight it's identified that the patient has been having seizures for a while.

It is not at all beyond the realm of probability that the Dr. said "meh, unless it's bad, let's get all the paperwork together, and then we'll take a look at him and set him up for tests. However, if he has a "big" seizure, take him to the ER immediately. In the meantime, stop by for the (really big package) paperwork, and we'll get started."

I've seen it happen that way; as a matter of fact, I took care of a patient in peds that was having mild seizures, and even knowing what I was looking for, it was hard to spot.

Herding Cats
It will be interesting to hear what DY and KH say about the potential seizures the next time they address questions directly. If they do again.
what gets me is the "for the past 2 weeks" portion of her e-mail. My son suffers from familial tremors (seizure like), and after the very first episode he was at his ped, who referred to a neuro, who ordered an EEG. All was done within 72 hours. Then everyone under the sun was notified of the prognosis.

2 weeks my arss (sorry to be snarky). But if you think you're child is having seizures, you don't wait 2 weeks. And with KH's insurance at Intel, I'm sure he could have gone anywhere at anytime to see a Dr.


I'm not sure who pays Kyron's health insurance. Also in this day, you have to get pre-approval for almost all procedures except emergencies. Gone are the days where all you need is a referral from your doctor. The insurance companies now decide what treatments they will cover. Especially preexisting conditions.
Dr. appoint #1 with baby K/per email: easy enough to confirm by LE.. however.. seems she was at grocery stores and the gym working out. (right).. bottom line, I don't believe the baby was sick and I don't believe the baby had a dr appointment. I think she made it up.:twocents:

Dr. appointment #2: for the following friday for Kyron. Also easy enough to confirm. As for all the paperwork.. everyone here is correct... and DY would have had to know about it... however, at the last family presser it seems they "weren't clear" on it... to include Kaine! So, again, I don't believe it. And I also don't buy her "something was wrong with Kyron" stuff either :twocents:

I see these emails as tracks covering and a$$ covering. they were sent on June 5th! While SAR was out looking for a little boy who could have wandered out of the school building, etc... Terri is already explaining away everything... and concerned about HERSELF.

She jumped around in those emails... back and forth... they didn't flow.. and I think each thing that had an elaborate detail was a point of her story in which she was trying to conceal the truth.


eta: also if she left the school at nine... how was she checking out of FM 12 minutes later?????
I'm not sure who pays Kyron's health insurance. Also in this day, you have to get pre-approval for almost all procedures except emergencies. Gone are the days where all you need is a referral from your doctor. The insurance companies now decide what treatments they will cover. Especially preexisting conditions.

Hi Gliving,

Good question. I assume it's Intel, as they have great health insurance (like my company did). I've been thru so many surgeries I've literally lost count. These days all it takes is a phone call to the insurance company and you're in (or you're out). We also don't know if Kyron had these episodes before, but it doesn't sound like it -- since TH said she called the dr. to describe the symptoms, then made an appointment to get him checked out. So IMHO the process was in the early stages, and they didn't even have a diagnosis.

I guess I've been pretty blessed with my coverage, and have never been denied. I can't imagine a health insurance co denying a child for seizure like symptoms.


The email seems defensive and not of a concerned parent regardless of blood relation. The doctor that told Terry this information should be able to verify it. The Dad of Kyron should be able to verify it.

In all honestly, it looks like she was CHA. I think she looked it up on Web MD. Scheduled an appoint for Kyron while being deliberately disleading, out right lying to his teacher about when the appointment was. I think she probably did go to the store for "reciepts to prove where she was". I think her friend signed in at the gym for her to give her an albi. I think she did this the same reason why Scott Peterson did this to his wife, to start a new life. She probably had some sort of affair.
I haven't read all the posts yet so I want to just put in my two cents. First of all I am a nurse so I have a little more knowledge although I haven't worked in awhile due to back surgery...anyway....if my child started acting "weird" I would call the Dr and WOULD NOT wait a week to have him seen. Most Dr.'s will want to see a child sooner as children are sometimes hard to diagnose and also they can just change in the blink of an eye. Now I lived in a small town so maybe I was able to get Dr's appts sooner but I know if its a real concern then a Dr will see that child. TH is just playing CYA right now. MOO. Also I don't know if Kaine knew about it or not? I would certainly let my husband know for sure and yes I'm a stepmom and if my stepson doesn't feel good or "acts weird" I tell my hubby immediately. Don't spouses share info regarding children?
Dr. appoint #1 with baby K/per email: easy enough to confirm by LE.. however.. seems she was at grocery stores and the gym working out. (right).. bottom line, I don't believe the baby was sick and I don't believe the baby had a dr appointment. I think she made it up.:twocents:

Dr. appointment #2: for the following friday for Kyron. Also easy enough to confirm. As for all the paperwork.. everyone here is correct... and DY would have had to know about it... however, at the last family presser it seems they "weren't clear" on it... to include Kaine! So, again, I don't believe it. And I also don't buy her "something was wrong with Kyron" stuff either :twocents:

I see these emails as tracks covering and a$$ covering. they were sent on June 5th! While SAR was out looking for a little boy who could have wandered out of the school building, etc... Terri is already explaining away everything... and concerned about HERSELF.

She jumped around in those emails... back and forth... they didn't flow.. and I think each thing that had an elaborate detail was a point of her story in which she was trying to conceal the truth.


eta: also if she left the school at nine... how was she checking out of FM 12 minutes later?????

I don't think there was a dr appt for baby K: Here is what TH said:
"The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt. I said I was going to look at other exhibits – how do you mess that up?"

I also think we got snippets of her email(s) and not in any particular order which could be why they jump around and don't flow right.

I also think she bought something at that first FM to create an alibi. Why doesn't she mention the receipt from the second FM with the time on it?
And would a physician send pre-appointment paperwork for a teacher to fill out about seizures?

As a nurse, my answer to this question would be NO.

Teachers input is needed for medication evaluation for kids who have ADHD or things like autism, etc that require the teachers input on how well the meds are working for the childs behaviior and ability to "focus".

JMO as a nurse and grandmother of 1 grandkid ADHD and 1 grandkid with mild autism....
Maybe, to ask if the teacher ever noticed them during the day while Kyron was at school, how many, how often, what duration, etc. Things that Terri would probably have already asked the teacher when she started noticing them at home. Or if she wanted people to think she was noticing them at home. Either way.

But she claimed she called the doctor on Thursday, June 3rd the day before Kyron disappeared and the appointment was scheduled for the next Friday, June 11.. So when did she get the forms for the teacher to fill out? Did she go to the dr.s office on June 3rd and give them to the teacher that day or did she give them to the teacher the morning of the 4th? JMO
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