Kyron's Fate ***POLL***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What do you think is the most likely scenario for Kyron's disappearance?

  • Kyron had a fatal accident or other health issue that is being covered up

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Kyron was murdered by Terri or an accomplice and his body has been hidden

    Votes: 173 62.9%
  • Kyron was abducted by Terri and/or an accomplice and his whereabouts are unknown

    Votes: 36 13.1%
  • Kyron was abducted from Skyline by a stranger, later killed, and his body hidden

    Votes: 19 6.9%
  • Kyron left Skyline willingly with Terri and is being held at a secret location

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • Kyron was sold to a family who wanted a son

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Kyron was sold in exchange for drugs and/or sexual purposes

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Kyron wandered away from Skyline School by himself and met with foul play

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Kyron's disappearance is related to a family custody issue

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 8.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
OT alert.....Cluciano, lots of times malware can slow a computer down big time...lots of computers (even new) come with excess "crap" that is not needed....the only time WS is slow for me is when something big is happening on the board....I am a big fan of computer protection and Malwarebytes is a great free tool to use...all my programs are need to pay for what you can get for free,lol. Avira is my antivirus program. HTH:innocent:

Thanks-I had all of that stuff taken off though before I brought it home...and it is running super fast on other sites...oh well...
My scenario, in which I believe Kyron is dead:

Terri planned this scheme, and enlisted people to help her but lied to them what they helped her with. ..

She knew the school would be busy that day. She probably even knew about the guy cutting the soccer field grass too. She came up with the doctor's appointment and made confusion at the school to place the blame on them. She lured Kyron out of that school and into the truck where no one could see him or wonder what was going on. I think she gave him a treat that drugged him, and then she hid him under a blanket in the back seat so no one could see him in her truck.

Then, she went about getting her alibi by running through Starbucks at one location and talking to someone she knew from the gym, plus the other store. I think after that she killed him by choking him, or just simply smothering him. Either way, it wasn't messy, and she buried him at a pre-planned place. She covered this, she thought, by driving around on backroads after burying Kyron just so she could say that she was driving around for the achy baby. She thought the school and some local perp would get the blame, and she'd be the sympathetic stepmother and wouldn't even be looked at.

Only she knows where Kyron is, and is probably not going to tell. Hopefully, those she lied to are starting to put the pieces together and realize what really happened. If they are still believing her, that means it'll be even longer until Kyron is found...

I think sadly you may be precisely right, but I'm hanging onto the hope that he was handed off to loons and taken to Mexico. Have you guys seen the pics on TH's FB account? There's a link still to pictures she took one year ago - Sept 2009 - so spooky really! and he's playing soccer and she comments on him playing. He looked SO happy and you can really see just how slight a build he has. He's just tiny! But here's the weird thing - her comments, TH, they seemed so genuine, like "this was a great day for him (paraphrasing)" and when he was out ahead with the ball "he's in the lead now!" Like lots of pics of him with her sweet comments.

Here's the thing I don't get...what happened to her from Sept 2009 to Sept 2010 that she would harm this very timid, sweet, slender boy that she truly seemed to care about? I mean quite frankly it's obscene. I do not think she faked her comments. I think if she disliked Kyron or his dad, she would not take his picture let alone post cute comments. I sure wouldn't.

Anyways, that's why I keep this hope - this prayer - that she handed him off to someone because I cannot envision her putting her hands on him and killing him - I just can't. As somebody pointed out, it would be crueler than Ted Bundy. Even Ted Bundy wouldn't care a child for years, work on a science project with him the night before, take his beaming smiling picture in front of it, then take this trusting, defenseless little guy and murder him.

If this turns out to be, she ranks as the cruelest )(*#$# on the planet.
This is what i think happened
I think she wanted out of the marriage (weather it be divorce or murder) but she knew that kyron wasnt her bio son but was attatched to him from being in his life from day1 so she hired a hit on hubby and had planned to hide kyron and people would just look for him a little and they would just pass it off as a kidnapped possibly murdered child by some stranger that had been in the school that day she took him to a location (im suspecting underground in a cellar/well type deal) where she could go and feed him and take care of him until she got hubby out of the picture and then she would take both the children and move far far away i know this sounds far fetched but this is where it goes wrong the hitman came forward she became nothing but a cloud of suspision and could not get away to feed him and take care of him and this might be where her crazy friend dede came into the picture i have even thought maybe there was a romance involving her and dede and dede will never tell in my opinion he died because she was being looked at and under surveilance and didnt get to him anymore and now he is in heaven ..........i truely hope this little boy is alive but the odds are he isnt and reality sucks ...i just hope for the family that his remains are found and all those involved are held accontable
OT alert.....Cluciano, lots of times malware can slow a computer down big time...lots of computers (even new) come with excess "crap" that is not needed....the only time WS is slow for me is when something big is happening on the board....I am a big fan of computer protection and Malwarebytes is a great free tool to use...all my programs are need to pay for what you can get for free,lol. Avira is my antivirus program. HTH:innocent:

I too am using Avira and Malwarebytes. I've had a few trojan infections, and after the last one bought the paid version of Maywarbytes. I haven't had a problems since, and I'm amazed how often I get a pop-up from Malwarebytes saying "a malicious website was blocked." The paid version offers real-time protection. :)
I'm just not getting this "handed off" theory, Desiree believes this, others seem to believe this...I just have not been able to wrap my mind around a group of people being involved in this and no one has cracked.
Dede's twitter on 6/4 rang true for me, when she wrote something about her friend's little boy is the one missing and that she knows him. She did not elaborate or go into some long twisted thing about how she had not seen him in ages or anything
that might be over-explaining. It just sounded like she had just heard about it and posted it.
I don't see how a suburban housewife meets up with any or all of the underworld characters she would have had to meet up with in order for this hand-off. How does that happen? Did she frequent downtown Portland with baby in tow?

No, I'm still stuck on a one-person crime. Just not postive who that person is, and I guess LE is not quite positive either.
Ugh, I so did not want to vote in the poll! It is HARD to even check a box! My heart aches for little Kyron. I voted he is gone and Terri planned it and did it (I am paraphrasing).

I wish I could in my heart think that he is being hidden, I tried believing it for a while, but it doesn't make sense, he is too old, unless I can go the way of Jaycee D. or something, which I can't. I really believe that is the exception. I just hurt for his parents. I saw a pic of Kaine the other day and he was SO SO SO THIN!

BBM. I'm truly sorry if I've offended you, or anyone else, with my poll. I guess I'm being realistic that, given the amount of time that has passed, most of us have begun to seriously consider what has happened to this beloved little boy. I'm sure that none of us want to think the worst, but we also know that statistics tell us otherwise. Let us keep Kyron and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

I think these polls are hard, I am sure it was hard to create (not the tech stuff) but the thought behind it. It is a fact of life though, in these cases. kwim?

When Kyron first disappeared, I simply could not believe anyone in the family, including TH, had anything to do with it. As we've learned more about Terri, I've very sadly changed my mind. I do believe she, and she alone, knows the truth about what happened to Kyron. I believe he will one day be brought home again, by the grace of God. I dont' believe Terri will ever tell the complete truth.

Aedry's theory is as good as any I've read. With a very heavy heart, I must agree with her.

Said better than I ever could.
Terri had an accomplice, her buddy DEDE and yes the child was murdered. Remember, Terri was very strong, (body building) so one hit could have killed him. She had her friend DEDE help bury him.
I'm just not getting this "handed off" theory, Desiree believes this, others seem to believe this...I just have not been able to wrap my mind around a group of people being involved in this and no one has cracked.
Dede's twitter on 6/4 rang true for me, when she wrote something about her friend's little boy is the one missing and that she knows him. She did not elaborate or go into some long twisted thing about how she had not seen him in ages or anything
that might be over-explaining. It just sounded like she had just heard about it and posted it.
I don't see how a suburban housewife meets up with any or all of the underworld characters she would have had to meet up with in order for this hand-off. How does that happen? Did she frequent downtown Portland with baby in tow?

No, I'm still stuck on a one-person crime. Just not postive who that person is, and I guess LE is not quite positive either.

BBM. To be fair, twitter only allows you 140 characters per tweet. That's not very many.
I thought similar in that at first I assumed it was my 2yr old laptop that was causing the ridiculously slow to load, Infact sooooo slow most times that it will completely "time out" and kick me off the WS server.. So, I had just purchased my son a brand new Apple Mac Laptop and decided I'd use it on occasion to avoid this irritating slow load of my Gateway laptop.. Immediately realized that it infact was not my Gateway laptop because the wonderful, brand new Mac laptop ONLY ON WS encountered the exact same issues with the same amount of frequency of the problem happening..

Does anyone know by chance what is causing this? I am aware that when an extra heavy flow of traffic at one time can cause such problems and the "crashing" as well. But I know for me personally it happens very frequently[as in even when the board is not packed with traffic from members/guests combined]...

Anyone know?

ETA~ I also on several occasions log onto WS from my Iphone that has an awesome "app" called "TapaTalk"[it really is great for anyone who has an Iphone it is a must get!!] The "TapaTalk" is extremely fast loading and cuts out allot of the probs and bugs that you can have when using a regular browser to load onto Social Media sites and Message Boards, but with WS it is STILL A VERY BIG PROBLEM of slow load, sometimes NO LOAD, timed out, and more than once has completely crashed the entire app.. No other site has ever had any of the problems, NOT EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST!!!??? So, I really do wonder what on earth could be causing such a problem that is occurring to so very many of us and seemingly more frequently now more than ever????

One thing I did that really speeded up this site for me was to go into my user Setting & Options and under Thread Display unchecked the show signature feature. Some of the sigs have so many graphics that it can really weight your system down I think, anyway it really worked for me, much much faster.
It has been reported that DeDe and Terri have no more contact with one another. I'll take it with a grain of salt, of course. But it was reported.

And all we know about Terri manipulating people has come from only two people: Kaine and Desiree, who believe her to be guilty of taking their child. I'll take that with a grain of salt, also.

I think that there are valuable reasons why we must link to news sources with concrete reports.

With that said, I also believe there is a LOT of local information from people at Skyline, and other places that know Terri personally, that may not be released to the public - that give credence to the manipulation.

The other thing that bothers me, is no one except online people (and a few talking heads on TV) who don't actually know her, are defending Terri anymore.
I too am using Avira and Malwarebytes. I've had a few trojan infections, and after the last one bought the paid version of Maywarbytes. I haven't had a problems since, and I'm amazed how often I get a pop-up from Malwarebytes saying "a malicious website was blocked." The paid version offers real-time protection. :)

Try Avast, good and its free, just download it.
avast is great! been using it for years, and FREE.
Sometimes if I have trouble connecting in WS on my PC with Windows,
I press the control, alt, delete keyes all at the same time which brings up my Task Master on a separate screen where I can view the programs running or slowing down my WS. I have found that when this PC Dock program is running it interferes with WS so I always stop that from running from the Task Master at those times. Hope that helps.
Thanks-I had all of that stuff taken off though before I brought it home...and it is running super fast on other sites...oh well...

cluciano - did you see my suggestions in post #54 re: speeding up the loading of ws pages?
Try Avast, good and its free, just download it.

Please forgive me for going O/T but this is really something I need to understand and have no idea where else to ask, so I am thankful this came up on this thread!

Do you have to un-install a current Norton subscription if you want to use Avast?

Do you guys recommend something like Avast over Norton? (I was talked into buying Norton at BB when I bought my laptop 2 years ago and had no clue.) I was recently told "Eusing" is good but had problems downloading it. Anyone ever heard of that before?

I have something on my laptop for maleware (sp) but have no idea what it is. How do I find out what I'm currently using for it now?

Thanks for any input....I'm the furthest thing from a techno-genius, obviously!

Getting back on topic, I hate to say this but I have sadly felt that Kyron was no longer with us since the day he disappeared. I vote "murdered by Terri>" I really hope I'm wrong.
AEDRYS: You always say you think he was buried in some kind of container, do you think this is why the dogs have not hit on his scent, the container is watertight or something? I am just curious, I think you could be right about that. She would have probably have bought it awhile back so police could not
trace her to a recent purchase of this container.(Premeditated) And it couldn't have been something they had had for awhile cos Kaine would notice it missing. Maybe she bought it and had it hidden away, maybe she had DeDe keep it at her house, which would be one thing DeDe knows about Terri that could be incriminating...


I was just thinking about the container in the water theory.. It is a good theory but it can't be watertight or it would float.. He disn't weigh enough to sink it.
Holes would have had to be made in it for it to sink.

For my theory that Kyron was sold or handed off I realize they can keep quiet and not be worried because this was arranged in some undetectable way. Now I'm stumped by my own theory.

I could see this theory actually working but only if Kyron is out of the Country... Which seems to happen a lot with abducted children. It is very very scary.
Please forgive me for going O/T but this is really something I need to understand and have no idea where else to ask, so I am thankful this came up on this thread!

Thanks for any input....I'm the furthest thing from a techno-genius, obviously!

Getting back on topic, I hate to say this but I have sadly felt that Kyron was no longer with us since the day he disappeared. I vote "murdered by Terri>" I really hope I'm wrong.

Respectfully edited. I found that disabling signatures helped to speed up loading of WS pages. I don't like to disable avatars, though, because I tend to identify posts/posters by these special "signs" :D
Do you have to un-install a current Norton subscription if you want to use Avast?

Getting back on topic, I hate to say this but I have sadly felt that Kyron was no longer with us since the day he disappeared. I vote "murdered by Terri>" I really hope I'm wrong.


blondie - i pm'ed you info about your norton. i hope you don't mind. jade.

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