Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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The missing child gets off of the bus around 3:45. Do parents go out for ice cream that close to dinner?
Sure why not? We do! Heck we have had giant ice cream sundays for dinner!! ( Ok not often!! ) lol but it has happened! but we also have food fights at the dinner table once in awhile ROFL
Can someone please explain biomoms response to the question "Why did you wait so long to speak directly to the public?

She said (paraphrase)... its been three weeks, we never thought he'd still be missing after 3 weeks.

She's married to a detective who knows only too well the stats for happy endings go down dramatically after 48 hours absence... so what's she been thinking since June 6?
Hi again, oxymoran,

Either it was a hedge answer or Desiree means that his little body is still missing. I say this because, IF she had believed that he was alive during these past three weeks, she would have been on TV and everywhere, begging for his return. I believe that LE and family have known that Terri did something to Kyron and with his body and that they need to find his body. (Sorry for being so graphic).

I think that all of these interviews today point out that, without directly saying something, much can be said.

This is my opinion. (about 9:30 MARK)

Well one thing stuck out to me out of all these videos... K&D both at the same time answered yes quickly to the question that went somehting along these lines, in your mind, do you think someone has Kyron??

Both answered it... yes ... most of the other questions Kaine or Desirre answers.. but this one BOTH did....
The missing child gets off of the bus around 3:45. Do parents go out for ice cream that close to dinner?

16230 NW SHELTERED NOOK RD 8:19 AM 146
16230 NW SHELTERED NOOK RD 3:30 PM 146

Kyron bus schedule

Kyron's home at 3:30.
And there's not a better way to celebrate a science project well-done than an ice cream outing with Mom & Dad. Forget dinner! Let's get ice cream! IMO
* Kaine cannot say for sure that his wife's story is the truth. He says "I saw him that morning, before leaving for work, and TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE he went in for a science fair to GO OVER A PROJECT ... AND THAT WAS THE LAST TIME THAT PEOPLE SAW HIM."

OUCH !!!

(I tried to get his words written down correctly. Please let me know if this wrong in any way).


MY thoughts and OPINIONS.


"I saw him that morning, before leaving for work, and TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE he went in for a science fair to GO OVER A PROJECT ... AND THAT WAS THE LAST TIME THAT PEOPLE SAW HIM."

But this is the best of his knowledge! As far as he knows, that is the last place people saw him------but since Kyron is not in the school, obviously something happened that dad does not have knowledge of.

The missing child gets off of the bus around 3:45. Do parents go out for ice cream that close to dinner?

My kids always had an after school snack. They were always starved half to death when school ended, and they'd eat big snacks. I homeschooled most of my kiddos, but two decided to attend public school, and I actually listed "Prepare after school snack" on my daily "To Do" list! It never seemed to keep them from eating their dinner!
what?? Dad says he can not comment on how Step mom is coping? what does THAT have to do with the investigation? Seems to me they can not mention or speak about Step mom at all.. Except to say " we are all working together" that IMO says a lot.. Sometimes what is NOT said says the whole story
IMO the reason Step parents really was not there is because if Step Dad was there and not Step mom ( so 3 of the 4) then the focus would be more about Step mom then Kyron. If Step mom was to be on the news it would be mostly about her and where she was and what she did and the Lie Detector test etc.
1. If they were leaving on a vacation to California for a long time, how was the missing child going to go to the doctor on the 11th of June?

2. Nobody at the school knew that the family was going on vacation for a long time? Were they on vacation at home for a week or more until school ended and then leaving for California?


Human... do you by any chance have a link for your statement about going to California for a long time...I must have missed that tidbit! Thanks
Didn't Desiree have Kyron until he was 2 yrs old and she got sick?

Depends upon which interview you read. The first (?) one was with Terri's mom and it is full of things that can't work in real time. (I am not inferring that her mother purposely lied, or that a reporter lied, it just read as a hastily thrown together article without much thought to actual times and dates and actuality regarding Terri and her life with Kaine, Desiree, and Kyron).

The Blended Family article also includes quotes from Terri's mom, and also from Terri's family and friends. Now it has gone from Kyron being raised by Terri since he was an infant to his being much older. With more people's input, this story sounds more like the truth.

To the best of my knowledge, Desiree has never spoken publicly about the stories written about her life, and the life of her son, Kyron; marriages, divorces, illnesses, nada.

I've watched and re-watched, and I guess I think they put themselves out there for whatever help it might be and did the best they could. They are not professionals when it comes to public appearances, on national television. They're probably very distraught, to make a HUGE understatement, and were trying to juggle a number of considerations, like at least a few instructions or requests from LE not to reveal investigatory stuff, yet to humanize the need to get information about Kyron's whereabouts. I think they didn't reveal much new factual information and gave the most non-inflammatory, non-revelatory explanations or answers they could on the touchy issues, like polygraphs, Sauvie Island, etc. I didn't expect much other than a personal appeal from the parents.
1. If they were leaving on a vacation to California for a long time, how was the missing child going to go to the doctor on the 11th of June?

2. Nobody at the school knew that the family was going on vacation for a long time? Were they on vacation at home for a week or more until school ended and then leaving for California?

3. There was a lot of video of the missing child in a program where he was not the star or alone. I wonder why neither parent went to the talent show?

I say "missing child" because I don't want my comments to come up in a search engine.

1. No worries. Easily verifiable by LE via doctor.

2. Final day of school was June 15th.

3. I wish I knew too, but, IMO, likely there's a reason that makes sense. I can think of 10 reasons just sitting here. We don't know if K y r * n had a solo or a group role for the talent show. We know nothing about it.

p.s. I just realized that because I commented on your post, your post was then subject to coming up in a K search engine. :crazy: So I fixed it. But not sure everyone will realize this when they quote your posts...
1. They didn't clear themselves either, did they?
2. Dad didn't go to the talent show either. We also don't know how small of a part Kyron would be nor do we know if it was open to parents or just for the school.
3. If you were to look at photos of my family you wouldn't know I was a part of it. I'm the one behind the camera. Doesn't mean I don't love my family or harm them. Just means I like taking pictures of them and I am the one taking the photos.

And if I were the Bio-mom and had any thoughts or indication that the SM had anything to do with my son's disappearance there's no way in hell I would be able to contain myself no matter what LE says.

Well, maybe not, wvjules,

But, we don't know what Desiree knows. Terri could be very unstable right now. If they rock the boat they may not get the answers they are looking for.

This is my opinion.
1. If they were leaving on a vacation to California for a long time, how was the missing child going to go to the doctor on the 11th of June?

2. Nobody at the school knew that the family was going on vacation for a long time? Were they on vacation at home for a week or more until school ended and then leaving for California?

3. There was a lot of video of the missing child in a program where he was not the star or alone. I wonder why neither parent went to the talent show?

I say "missing child" because I don't want my comments to come up in a search engine.

Good points for #1 and #2. It's pretty late in the school year to be going for a long vacation. Another coincidence that Kyron disappears right before a long vacation, which would have made Kyron absent from school for awhile. So Kyron was going to be pulled from school for awhile regardless and now he's just disappeared. Very, very strange.
Human... do you by any chance have a link for your statement about going to California for a long time...I must have missed that tidbit! Thanks

I believe what was mentioned by DY was that there was a family vacation at Lake Shasta on a house boat this summer that had been planned for a "long" time...
What do we know about Kaine and Terri's living status right now? I get the feeling from some of Kaine's responses that they're not living together currently. ("I believe she's committed.. to finding Kyron".) If they're not, that would speak volumes to me.
he looks just like his mommy. She's beautiful and he is such a cuttie.
Which interview? There were 3 separate ones this morning.

It seemed as though they both were adamant that it happened as TH said. They seem to trust her, but on the other hand, Mom was quick to correct the misinformation out there that she knew Terri before Kyron was born, the answer was a firm NO.
Good points for #1 and #2. It's pretty late in the school year to be going for a long vacation. Another coincidence that Kyron disappears right before a long vacation, which would have made Kyron absent from school for awhile. So Kyron was going to be pulled from school for awhile regardless and now he's just disappeared. Very, very strange.

Did Kaine say when they were leaving for the CA vacation? That it was to be before the end of the school year?
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