Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:

Anyone else?

In today's interview, per Kaine, Terri begins acting strangely in 2005 including her alcohol problems and her arrest for DUI. And that year she was losing 40? lbs in 4 months for the "show". :eek: Was Kaine rooting for her in her passion, her discipline and her acheivement? :thumb: Oh, too bad, reporter forgot to ask. But Kaine offers that was when she probably started acting weird. :doh:

The years pass, Kaine has no idea what Terri does all day or where she goes, had no reason to know until now. :doh: She does her thing and he works. :treadmill: He doesn't really know her friends, including Dede, who was maybe an every 6 month type visitor and participated in giving Terri the 40th birthday party. :birthday:

He guesses now that Terri has been drinking herself to sleep for some time. :martini: . She might still be on some kind of PPD medication too :waitasec:- at least she was - but only her doctor knows for sure. :doh: Other people say the liquor goes missing when Terri visits. :rolleyes: However, he's never noticed the liquor disappearing around his house. *shrug*

BabyK is now a changed child. :baby: What a relief for the baby to have no mommy now. :sunshine: Desiree agrees "ya ya, she's (baby) totally changed." :dance:

Kaine mediated the difficulties between Terri & her older son, disciplined and provided rules & structure for Terri's 16 year old son. :whipper: Desiree understands, you see, Terri had a different parenting style than Kane. (Whoa - there's a big hint.) Terri's older son told him he will come live with Kaine whenever in the future he may need to.

Oh, and Kaine can see how strange Terri's behavior was now, in hindsight. :doh:

Reporter: Shame on you. Way to drop the ball buddy. Such lost opportunities. :trout: No questions about how Terri & Kyron got along? A few questions how Terri & her own son got along? None about Terri & baby? Kaine & Desiree practially THREW him the question - about the baby doing better - but no follow up. No- What do you see different in the baby? How is she doing better than before? Huh? Why? :slap:

Okay maybe once again, the questions were submitted in advance approved & rehearsed?

JMHO, Terri taking care of 3 kids, throwing weird signals out all over the place - including signs of depression. And these other two parents not really caring much about how the caregiver is doing. Both are busy working. One is busy holding permanent grudges and trying not to show it. :innocent: Were neither interested in Terri as a person playing the highly critical care giving role within the family unit?

I am sure Kaine and Desiree have no idea how shallow their ongoing selective and regularly changing storytelling makes them come across. And I realize they both very much believe they have reason to feel angry towards Terri. Desiree's has built up 8 years of bitterness - I can't imagine how she feels now. But frankly, this interview about how Terri deteriorated before their very eyes and so they are sure she's done this to Kyron - it's all her fault ... comes across as almost vicious - a bit beyond the pale...and makes Kaine & Terri both look self-serving and wholly insensitive toward the person they entrusted for 7 years to help raise their child. I'm sorry. That's not a marriage. That's a live-in nanny service.

Oh, and nothing like marriage counseling by National Media proxy, and (how convenient) without the problem spouse participating. What a great idea. :Jumpie: Why didn't I think of that?

Moo Moo Moo (no more smilies allowed).

I'm tellin' ya, ah needs some sugar!!

You and mtn hit the nail(s) on the head.

But I think it's pretty clear why the reporter didn't ask the tough questions. He doesn't want to be benched, doncha know...
Did anyone catch the snickers by both KH and DY when the talent show was mentioned? Sure wish that was expanded upon.
Well afetr listening to the interview, I understand DY's antipathy towards TH. These people certainly have had a strange relationship. For DY, the rage must be barely containable, I imagine. For KH, his guilt must be overwhelming.

According to them (KH and DY), KH and TMH had an affair while DY was pregnant with Kyron. All the stories of TH and DY being good friends are not true. KH never "hired" Terri to help him raise Kyron. He and DY had already made their own arrangements for his care.

This is totally opposite what has been printed about these people. Everything prior to this told about TH and DY being good friends, even best friends. WHat woman is best friends with the woman who is bedding her husband while she is pregnant, no less.

KH alluded to TH's drinking, stating that friends had mentioned that their liquor bottles were noticeably lower after TH visited. The PPD has not been verified..TH told KH that the doctor diagnosed her with it.

I'm sure that a lot more dirt will begin to emerge now. Sadly,I don't think it will help find Kyron.
TH's attorney has definitely told her to not say a word to anyone. If she does, the atty may drop as her atty. I gues when you go in and study someone's life under a microscope like TH's, you can look guilty of alot. I just cant get pst the doctor's appt and KH being marked absent. I get that she was supposed to p/u the science project but maybe she was tired with a baby and just put it off. THen I come back to the Dr's appt. its driving me nuts. sorry for the rambling. I just pray everyday that KH well on his way of being found alive.
True on the muscle wasting. But they do frequently cause mood swings aka, roid rage.

In my experience, it's not the same. Both from dealing with those to whom I administer the drugs (I give these on nearly a daily basis, can't remember the last day I didn't have at least one person taking this form of steroid), and --- unfortunately --- from taking them myself. The mood alteration seems to primarily be a 'high', feel-good (and I mean really feel good), almost manic state. Not of the same type you'd see with anabolics.
Wow, we have totally different experiences!
Steroid pulses make me uncomfortable, completely unable to sleep, achey as all get-out....and irritable (according to my better half. ;) )

No experience with the anabolics, though.

ETA: perhaps it relates more to the underlying condition being treated. The kids I know (on chemo mostly- pred usually) very typically are described by their parents as perfectly angelic one minute, raging demons the next. The kids all think they're level as can be though....
I have been on steroids (prednisone) off and on since the 60's and they don't help you lose weight.

Totally different kind of steroids. Body builders often use steroids (which are illegal because the side effects are bad) to build muscle and lose fat. While Kaine has no proof that she used steroids of this sort, I think it is a pretty good guess that she didn't lose 60 lbs of fat and gain all that muscle just by taking too much aspirin!
Alcohol is something I'm too familiar with. My mom was an alcoholic and when I was still at home, I knew she was drinking. When I moved out, I couldn't say she was drinking every day because I wasn't there but would find the bottles when I'd come to visit. Silly me marries an alcoholic and I was with him every day. There is absolutely no way that I didn't know if he was drinking because I was in that house and could smell it. Believe me, if you're in that same house every day with that person, you know. Thank God I'm living alone and my dogs don't drink.

Kitties don't either, thank God.
In solidarity...
Why doesn't Terri respond tho?

If I was her I'd be out there making denials.

I don't know how I'd come across - but I'd be saying something.

She was apparently very vocal to friends and family about her predicament - why not to the public?

If she's guilty - then of course the smart thing to do would be to "remain silent" - especially to the press - so as not to have anything recorded - but that would involve great restraint - it's hard not to talk I think.

Maybe Kaine and Desiree are trying to bait her into talking after all?

Terri's attorney is listening to all of this, I guarantee it. The more talking that others do, the more ammunition Mr. Houze will have if/when this ever gets to trial. There were numerous contradictions that came out in the audio interview from what has been said publicly in previous interviews. The more these players talk the more likely they are to trip themselves up and forget what they've said before. Give 'em enough rope.... jmo
I see alot of "baggage" and "issues" being used to make TH look guilty. She may be, I'm stayin' on the fence, but "baggage" and "issues" don't make you a murderer.

Yeah - and I think some things have to be taken with a grain of salt. Keep in mind that all of this is coming from people who believe that TH took their son. Given the situation I'd be shocked if Kaine came out and said that Baby K was crying for her mommy every night, or that he had a lousy relationship with J. And for the life of me, I can't imagine how Desiree would have any real idea of his relationship with either J or the baby.

If J does come out and say it, then I'll believe it. Otherwise, I'm not convinced.

Then again... it's always possible that some of this is being said to "bait" TH into talking...
Terri's attorney is listening to all of this, I guarantee it. The more talking that others do, the more ammunition Mr. Houze will have if/when this ever gets to trial. There were numerous contradictions that came out in the audio interview from what has been said publicly in previous interviews. The more these players talk the more likely they are to trip themselves up and forget what they've said before. Give 'em enough rope.... jmo

As they say, when you point the finger, you have three pointing back at you!
My dad drank himself to sleep every night. He didn't act drunk (stumbling, slurring, angry, etc.), just drank copious amounts of fortified wine and watched TV until he went to bed. And he didn't have that "walking distillery" smell I associate with long-term alcoholics. He also eventually quit cold turkey without intervention.

An old school friend got married. I attended the wedding, and the minute they left for their honeymoon, her close friends explained how they found his bottles hidden *everywhere* and how he was a serious alcoholic. My friend never mentioned her husband's drinking, even after they divorced. Denial is a powerful thing...

If I get a chance to talk to my friend who was a drug and alcohol counselor, I'll see what else I can learn about spouses being unaware of an SO's drinking.

It's not just chronic alcoholics who smell stinky after drinking. But in the interest of full disclosure, I do have a good sense of smell.

One day as I was driving down our street, I smelled natural gas. I called the gas company and told them they had a leak somewhere outside. Guy brought his instruments out and couldn't find any sign of a leak, and he didn't smell it although I insisted I still did.

That night, around 3 am or so, I was awakened to backhoes and such digging up our street in front of the house 2 doors down. There was an underground break in the gas line.
I suspect in a week or two baby K is going to be a very different child, and not in a good way. I have seen friends' children (these friends are mothers, and have to travel for a week or two at a time for their jobs) act angelically when teh mothers are gone not because their moms are a bad influence, but because they trust their mothers, trust them enough to show them their worst behavior. So when mom gets home, there is some bad behavior and then back to normal. I am guessing that babyK is on her best behavior right now as she does not trust this situation, the situation that keeps changing. I could easily be wrong, and probably am. I would just be interested to see if this keeps up.

I'm wondering would Kaine Horman even notice if this baby wasn't okay?
It was interesting that Kaine knew nothing about Terri drinking herself to sleep every night for 6 months. How could anyone not know their other half is not drinking. The infamous "good-night" kiss would be a give-a-way as well as other moments. :crazy:

I am not a drinker, but I understand that vodka leaves no tell tale liquor breath. My father was an alcoholic. I know ALL the tricks.
Would be interesting to know if Terri had a friend who got her into the body building thing or if it was a competition thing with someone.
Re: Kaine's lack of awareness of what was going on in his home...

I don't know how we can expect him to be much more aware than he is. If he asks his wife how her day is going and she says, "Fine," what is he supposed to suspect? They both play WOW, apparently -- my husband plays and many times he's up long after I go to bed. This isn't unusual for us. In the case of the Hormans, I bet Kaine went to bed early -- not long after the kids -- and Terri stayed up late late late playing WOW and drinking.

If Terri was indeed on some sort of medication for depression, that interacts with alcohol and it wouldn't take much at all for her to become intoxicated. She might not smell like alcohol. I don't know how any other drugs (for competition, recreation, or benign things like allergies) might have interacted with alcohol, but perhaps she didn't need to drink a ton in order to be buzzed.

On the other hand, "Drinking herself to sleep" could be his dramatic way of saying, "She was drinking a beer or two pretty much every evening, which isn't my style."

I agreed with the posters above who thought the comment about Baby K might have been calculated to mess with Terri. I don't believe she's changed for the better -- that seems unrealistic to me.
I find myself really liking Desiree. She's sharp, she's straightforward, she seems to be very easy with Kaine and you can just tell she spent a lot of time grieving that marriage and then put it away to move on with her life.

I keep thinking, man, I bet KH wishes he never divorced her. She comes across as a great person.
IMO, for Kyron's family, it's a damned if you do or damned if you don't type situation. Everyone complained when they didn't come out and address the media and now that they are addressing the media, everyone is complaining because they have changed their stories, they are on a witchhunt, etc., etc., etc.
I just mail ordered a big box of compassion. I was running low, and this case requires copious amounts daily.

How in the world did Kyron navigate all this crap?

Kyron, get down here.
Here, color this.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Kyron, watch your sister.

I wonder if the 5 e-mail daily photo reports to Desiree were all smiling lies too.

By the way - is that a weird relationship?
To document stuff daily for the non-custodial parent and e-mail 5 x daily.

I've never thought about it. No blended family experience.

It seems very considerate when you think about it. But if you think about it a little more - that frequency - it seems almost needy on Terri's part?

I guess it could be a norm of blended family communication between mom & stepmom - in this day and age with e-mail and digital pix and texting and all that good stuff?

Wondered what those with experience thought of Desiree's descriptions of the frequency of e-mail communication with Terri?

I missed the window with mine - there was no e-mailing or/texting babysitters from work back in my babies' day...
Why does everything have to be black or white? What happened to shades of gray? I'm dismayed, again.
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