LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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This guy got 10 yrs for oral sex for one girl. I hope Jerry Sandusky gets life.
Haha totally agree with you jenn! But i don't understand why people think that there is a conspiracy within the LE department and they believe MS was run over/hit but never admitted it? I'm not omitting this scenario in fact I'm not omitting any scenario until it is ruled out but at the same time in my mind I cannot justify the conspiracy behind the LE department. Maybe someone can clear this up for me, explain?

The only reason I can think of is that there are some issues going on with the LPD and LCG, some officers employed have sued Jim Craft and others recently. It's a big black eye as far as accountability goes in trusting our officials
Haha totally agree with you jenn! But i don't understand why people think that there is a conspiracy within the LE department and they believe MS was run over/hit but never admitted it? I'm not omitting this scenario in fact I'm not omitting any scenario until it is ruled out but at the same time in my mind I cannot justify the conspiracy behind the LE department. Maybe someone can clear this up for me, explain?

I don't think it's a "conspiracy" I think it is evidence they won't elaborate on. If they even know for sure what they have. It's also possible that other experts did not analyze the digital information as closely as others have. All I can glean professionally from that image is that is her bike light under the nose of that truck. I can't make out a bicycle or Mickey anywhere in that still. However, deductive reasoning leads me to believe it is still attached to the bike in that position and that to me means the bike is under the truck and at one point Mickey was on that same bike. So..if she is not anymore.. is she in the truck, or under it? I think so. That's my professional opinion. If I am wrong...I hope there is DNA evidence or other video they haven't admitted to having on St. Landry even a block down the road showing her riding her bike or him taking her as this photo to me suggests. If not..well I think the DA will have a hard time with just circumstantial.
Ma, I agree with you. This was a night gone all kinds of wrong. We know he hit her and he hit her hard. Hard enough to badly damage that back rim. That baby was hurt. And his truck was worse. He had to get rid of her and the truck then. I think he strangled that poor baby and thats why his hands and arms were all clawed up. She did not go without a fight. I think he put her right there in the WB and took those back roads home. I think those boys at the station saw the whole darned thing take place. We all know that LCG place has all kinds of video. They cannot release that video because then we'de all know. Now y'all know about all those videos down St.Landry. The Police checked those first thing. She did not get that far on down.

I dont think it would take as much to bend the rim.
No way do I believe Mickey fought that hard without making a sound.

I think he went back to ditch the bike after her bike photo was released .

I think he burnt the truck after the truck photo was released.

I dont think he did he stop and pitch that bike with a body in his truck and no way would he have taken time to walk it down to where he pushed it in if Mickey was still alive in his truck. He wanted Mickey right then he wasnt going to stop and play arround with hiding a bike in the dark.

His timeline shows us he takes his evidence far away. That he only reacts to what is happening and plans arround it. Girlfriends family catching on and his responce is to ask her to marry him.

1. reporting the truck stole the day the photo was released. Replacing it with a DWT.

He plans but after the fact and when he has to. He doesnt care if they think he did it either ,he is going to make them prove it. I believe this because of his burnt down homes and his truck being burnt.

Most people would be worried that people would think they did it (guilty and innocent ) not him ,he knows they will think it is him and doesnt care. which is why he bought another DWT. Prove it , he thinks in his head.

All my personal opinion .
Haha totally agree with you jenn! But i don't understand why people think that there is a conspiracy within the LE department and they believe MS was run over/hit but never admitted it? I'm not omitting this scenario in fact I'm not omitting any scenario until it is ruled out but at the same time in my mind I cannot justify the conspiracy behind the LE department. Maybe someone can clear this up for me, explain?

In the Sierra Lemar case LE stated that they tracked her scent to the end of the driveway.

In essence they did not lie.

What they did not state is that after they tracked her to the end of the driveway, they tracked her further approximately 1/2 block further up.

You have no idea now many of us went OMG, we fell for it. This is only one example.

There is as well issues within LPD which may/may not be affecting how LE is acting.

In this case I do not believe LPD is calling the shots.
I think you may be mis-reading some things you've seen here. Most of the discussion regarding "_____ didn't happen in front of the Circle K" has been centered on the idea voiced here by a handful that MS was hit by the truck on camera in front of the Circle K. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that she was hit from behind and thrown backward. These are the things which most here have asserted simply did not happen, for a plethora of reasons which have been aired repeatedly.

As to your suggestion: it's possible that she was taken on camera, sure. But by the same token, Chief Craft's own statements indicate that they believe she was taken several blocks west of where she is shown in the LCG/Circle K screencaps.

Without exact timestamp information (down to the second), it's impossible to know. It is possible that he passed her up, as you suggest, shortly thereafter; and then subsequently, he either circled the block or stopped to allow her to pass him further down St. Landry. Or there was simply a significant enough gap in between the time she passed by LCG and the time he passed that same spot, to allow her to bike further down St. Landry, into the more desolate areas.

Very possible.

Numerous possibilities come to mind. First one that comes to my mind is that perhaps there's a distinguishing characteristic of the truck they wished to not let the perp know they had captured on video.


Hun, I got some pictures to share with you. See, when I was a wee teen I was hit by a truck, rear ended, nonetheless by my very own brother that wasn't paying attention. Well my little pink bicycle went right under that truck and I ended up *advertiser censored** first into that windshield. I got the scars to prove it. And so does he ;) Now there are some physics for y'all. My daddy has been in law enforcement since he left home as a boy. He is all but an expert and he says almost ALL rear end bicycle accidents end up with the rider on top of that vehicle. My daddy does not play around with the truth.



Now we know as it has been confirmed time and time again that little Mickey passed that station at 1:47 am and Brandon passed at 1:48 am. Let us not turn fact back into fiction. Now I want y'all to <modsnip>tell me how a little girl on a bike and a big ole truck passed within one minute, give or take a few seconds, of each other in that exact same spot and y'all say it is not possible they coincided there at the same time. There is a possibility that they ended up in that very same spot within the same couple of seconds that would have allowed for them to collide. At the very most, it was slightly over one minute.

Y'all have not dicounted this theory yet. And I am going to figure out how to post these pictures for y'all <modsnip>.


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1. Taking the bike apart, but doesn't hide it very well or take into consideration lowering water levels.

2. We don't know he took the battery out or the water, destroyed that ability.

3. Wood Group has an office in Houston. Likely with his lead mechanic position he went there for his job.

4. Burned truck is found, he buys another exactly like the old one, and tries to block out his RSO status with white out raising instant red flags.

5. with white out raising instant red flags and likely why he was caught

6. Body in WB may never be found..

7. Any purposeful legal, license, police activity, by an already listed RSO with a prison record and owns 2011 white Silverado Z71 is NOT thinking.. at all. In my opinion. Why draw attention to yourself?

Re: #5: I think it was a tip, likely from the poster at Tiger Droppings.
I can understand LE not giving all evidence away, so they don't scare the perp off and catch them off guard. However in MS case why would they charge him with kidnapping if they have video footage of him running her over? And then the charge with murder, wouldn't it e another charge like its involving a vehicle or something?
I don't think it would take 47 days to make an arrest if this scenario was captured on surveillance

Y'all can see something on a video and not know who the perpetrator is. Hence this is why the police released the picture of this truck. Then police cannot arrest someone without being able to prove this was their vehicle. I am quite certain he did not have his name written on the side of the truck. I kid y'all on that.
Re: #5: I think it was a tip, likely from the poster at Tiger Droppings.

A pOster on this board, friend was the one to tip LE with the white out RSO on BSL DL. I think june 4th or 14th? This was at a car dealership
Y'all can see something on a video and not know who the perpetrator is. Hence this is why the police released the picture of this truck. Then police cannot arrest someone without being able to prove this was their vehicle. I am quite certain he did not have his name written on the side of the truck. I kid y'all on that.

Thank you I am quiet aware that the truck didn't have his name on it. But why wouldn't LE say that she was hit/run over they have no need to hide this information. And y'all didn't answer my question if this is your inside information or your personal opinion?
New here... This may have been addressed, but how does BSL get his vehicle to San Jacinto to disposed/burn the vehicle and get back to wherever without assistance? How far from "civilization" was the vehicle found? Did he bike/motorcycle out to wherever? Just wondering.....
Why did LE not state maybe she went away for a few days?

Why did LE not state she may of been in an accident and might be injured?

Instead LE issued this statement on May 22nd which told me they knew something we did not know:

"Right now, we're still treating it as a missing person," said Cpl. Paul Mouton, spokesman for the Lafayette Police Department. "But obviously we're not ruling out any foul play. Our main concern is being able to follow up those leads that we're seeing in getting any evidence on when and where she went missing."
New here... This may have been addressed, but how does BSL get his vehicle to San Jacinto to disposed/burn the vehicle and get back to wherever without assistance? How far from "civilization" was the vehicle found? Did he bike/motorcycle out to wherever? Just wondering.....

We are unsure of these details. LE is not commenting on them. There has been much discussion that either someone helped him eg his Gf/friend etc. he also is known to have friends in tx so that is another possibility. Also the possibility of a taxi/cab
New here... This may have been addressed, but how does BSL get his vehicle to San Jacinto to disposed/burn the vehicle and get back to wherever without assistance? How far from "civilization" was the vehicle found? Did he bike/motorcycle out to wherever? Just wondering.....

Great question !!!

Originally posted by Danzn16
I never said he did not hit Mickey. We know for a fact that he did hit Mickey. We do know however that he did not hit Mickey IN FRONT OF THE CIRCLE K IN THE PICTURES THAT WERE RELEASED. That's were all the confusion stems from. LE released that Mickey's hit and kidnapping happened between St Landry and St Mary intersection and Blackham Coliseum. That was well down below the Circle K. Therefore she nor her bike can not be under the truck in those pictures that were released. Also LE has multiple pics of the truck cruising around town looking for a victim, which is why they have multiple pics of the DWT. I believe the only picture they have of Mickey and bike in his truck is the one they got just recently from the Advertiser when he was on Bertrand drive when he was making his exit out of town, which was probably more evidence that led to him being arrested since that was handed over on the day of his arrest.

And no I do not have inside information. I have just been following the case from day one and I have listened to what LE have released. And I do not believe LE would ever release a picture of Mickey getting ran over, and that is re-enforced by them saying seeing was kidnapped from an entirely different location."

From Island Hopper: Not picking on you Danz16... I am 100% for people to post their opinions but please state it as that. Or please back up your statements as facts with a link or a quote. Newer members or those that don't go back to check fact may see your post as fact when it is not.

It is your opinion she was not hit in front of the Circle K, it is not a fact. Nowhere and in no link has it ever been stated as a fact. In the press conference the Chief gave a range of where this may have happened and he never said the word intersection at any point. It is not a fact that there are multiple pics of BSL riding around in his truck.

Most of us have been following the case from day one. The fact is, none of us know where Mickey is, we do not know where BSL grabbed her...we know approximately where. We all have opinions on how and where this happened but no one knows this as fact.

No one is able to discount or prove any theory based on what LE has or will release. Their objective is not to us but to Mickey.

It is very important that opinions are stated as so.
Everything anyone posts in here without a link is their opinion. No one has to post IMO after every single post. Notice that I said I believe, etc in my posts. That is obviously of my own opinion and said LE said when it was fact. I know you strongly believe in the bike/mickey in the circle k pics. Thats fine. I do not and I think LE have evidence to support that and I think they released enough to end that suspicion.

However I have misinterpreted the press conference and posts here by saying they have multiple pics of him driving around looking for a victim. They did not say this. They said based on video and evidence that bsl was seen in area and thought to be driving around looking for a victim. I either just remembered that as oh they have pics of him and thats how they know or I have also seen multiple posts of others stating the same thing I thought and I remembered their post as fact. I have read every single post from day one so I apologize for remembering something wrong. Thanks for correcting me.

Oh and all of this is IMO. I guess thats why some people have IMO as a signature? Sheesh

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I as well have read every post from the beginning. I have taken the liberty to bold a section of your earliest post. I don't know and y'all don't know this to be fact. And this is taking our Chief's words out of context and used to prove what is considered a personal opinion.

There have always been posters that get all bent up when someone takes an opinion and states it as fact. It does cause much confusion in later threads.
I can understand LE not giving all evidence away, so they don't scare the perp off and catch them off guard. However in MS case why would they charge him with kidnapping if they have video footage of him running her over? And then the charge with murder, wouldn't it e another charge like its involving a vehicle or something?

If you are LE and this is the only evidence you have and you don't know on May 25th who's driving that truck, would you release the details if they aren't obvious? I wouldn't. I personally as an investigator would blur out anything I did not want revealed for later discovery purposes. You know how they keep evidence close to the vest that only the perp would know. Color of shirt, how they disposed of the body etc. Except I think imaging editor forgot that light...or they actually didn't catch it and the video still is as distorted as we see it. You also sometimes want the perp, who you know is watching the news reports to "think" you don't have evidence, so you don't scare him into hiding or disposing of evidence. Problem is BSL knows the details of what went down in that photo. THAT is what I think sent him into ditch everything, burn everything and dispose of it far away mode the day that still at that exact moment showed up on the news. At the risk of getting caught too. But, to ID that truck..and it's driver, LE had to release the only good image they had with specific cosmetic markings to distinguish it from a million other white trucks on the road! It was the only way, I don't think they wanted to. But, they needed public help. If they hadn't, bike under it or not, do you think he BSL would have been arrested? That DWT has been the smoking gun from day one.

As far as charging him for murder instead of vehicular homicide. <modsnip>. Her bike was in WB. So.. they don't have evidence of her dying there or from that hit. They don't know if he strangled her, stabbed her or drowned her. You have to go with kidnapping because she isn't there, and murder one automatically goes with aggravated kidnapping and not knowing how she died exactly. But, they are charging him with murder, so they have to believe that is exactly what he did and have evidence of that or they are not likely to convict him.
New here... This may have been addressed, but how does BSL get his vehicle to San Jacinto to disposed/burn the vehicle and get back to wherever without assistance? How far from "civilization" was the vehicle found? Did he bike/motorcycle out to wherever? Just wondering.....

I am still scouring newspapers and such to find out

Where the truck was reported stolen, where the truck was found burned.

An earlier poster today said they looked up his rental agreement at work and he rented a red chevy aveo a day or so after he reported his truck stolen. It was returned on the 4th of June. Still waiting to hear where he returned it but I believe they said he rented it in Spring, TX? I could be wrong on that.
I hear you, IMO there are quite a few issues in those pictures. It is of the opinion of some that LE would not release a picture of that sort. I have seen many pictures of crimes that took place. Thousands saw President J.F. Kennedy shot. The main issue is even if it wasn't probable it could be possible. However, each and every one of us are entitled to our own opinion right or wrong.

Now that will depend on how desperate they all are. They will use what they have. In this case they need to identify that boys truck and they only have one picture of it that provides a good look then they will use it. I have to laugh when y'all say those police will not show a picture if a crime is on it. Y'all must not know any police. They all have families and they want those same answers y'all do. If they have to fuzz up a photo to get the word out there then that is what they will do. Our fine city has a darned good police force.
From gut instincts and JMO this isn't even the start of what we have heard about bsl. Changing the skirting boards in his house is weird seeming he rents the property don't owners normally do that?

I think he owns this property. My cousin lives in this area and he said that it was bought or given to him by family. Now this is not a certain fact.
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