LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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No kidding about the number 3. I went out this evening, so I'm not completely up to speed. Do we know if he spoke with family or friends that day? I'm wondering if 3pm was the earliest hour that he could claim to have been stabbed because perhaps he had spoken on the phone with someone earlier in the afternoon and didn't mention "the stabbing". But say the injuries were sustained earlier, like in the morning, he might be smart enough to know that the doctors would discern the wounds weren't fresh. So he had to push the clock back, so to speak, but no earlier than 3pm.
Good point! Also, he wouldn't want to say the wounds were inflicted any earlier, possibly tying them too close to around the time Mickey would have been expected home.
I've been mulling this over for some time now...

When traveling on I-10 from Lafayette towards BR/NO, there are several exits between Lafayette and Whiskey Bay.

1) Breaux Bridge...lots of gas stations, lots of lighted areas, lots of people.

2) Henderson...same as Breaux Bridge, but you CAN get to the levee quite easily from this exit.

3) Butte LaRose...there is a rest stop at this exit and this is where the Atchafalaya Basin begins. Right next to the rest stop is a narrow, swampy, densely wooded, lightly-traveled road several miles long that leads to the levee (and eventually to the teeny-weeny town of Catahoula where I grew up). Butte LaRose is the last exit before Whiskey Bay.

If I were an evil RSO traveling east on I-10 with a body inside my vehicle and a bike in the truck bed, which would I dispose of first, the bike or the body? Would I dispose of them in the same location?

...I might have to activate 'Team Cajun Nosey-Kazozy' and go check out the Butte LaRose road.

It has been a while since I traveled either, but, I am thinking if he connected to 90 at WB and drove into NOLA that way, there are more secluded areas he could hide evidence. It has been a while since I have driven either so, what is your thought?
maybe he was trying to set alibi's and that is why he went here and there?
I still find it hard to believe that such a narcissistic man (IMO) would consider scarring himself, particularly at a point when as far as he knew noone suspected him or was missing Mickey yet. I believe Mickey was smart and tough enough to fight back and inflict that damage. Also, maybe BSL had been drinking and wasn't as alert as he could have been at that hour.

I agree with this... Especially knowing that he's gonna have to make up a story about how he got the wounds and knowing that he has to report new identifying marks for RSO status (Scars/tattoos) IMO (And I'm also assuming they have to report these things... although they aren't included on his current RSO status registry page thing)
Yup Louisiana licenses are plastic, and you can get a new one immediately at the DMV. When we moved to Houston I was dumbfounded that they gave us a paper one while waiting for the real one to come in the mail! Apparently Louisiana is one of the few states that still do plastic though.

Part of the license is also holographic.
Due to BSL dumping MS's bike at whiskey bay. His deflective & calculative nature. Would he have possibly used DTL or the Jennings serial killer's MO & locations for the body dump?

Since DTL, is locked up. This would indicate a possible copycat and terrorize the community all over again..

The Jennings serial killer hasn't been identified. This would also terrorize the community creating the illusion that he is active again after a brief sabatical...

As BSL's dominoes continue to fall, guess, time will tell, huh?
I brought this up yesterday. It's a bit of a stretch, but if you want to go with that line of thought, considering BSL ended up in the ER at Ochsner on Jefferson Hwy (back of the hospital faces River Rd), I'd take a look at the murders committed by New Orleans area SK Russell Ellwood. (Of 26 murders, he was found guilty for two of them, but is a very likely suspect in the others),1614018
It has been a while since I traveled either, but, I am thinking if he connected to 90 at WB and drove into NOLA that way, there are more secluded areas he could hide evidence. It has been a while since I have driven either so, what is your thought?

Your guess is as good as mine, Froggy.

I was thinking that he would have disposed of the body prior to disposing the bike and that the Butte LaRose exit/road, with its trees and little traffic, would have been a likely spot.
The swampy road to Butte LaRose is very secluded...very thick with trees on both sides of the road, so thick that some parts of the road are dark even in the daytime.

*bring Mickey home now*
I've been mulling this over for some time now...

When traveling on I-10 from Lafayette towards BR/NO, there are several exits between Lafayette and Whiskey Bay.

1) Breaux Bridge...lots of gas stations, lots of lighted areas, lots of people.

2) Henderson...same as Breaux Bridge, but you CAN get to the levee quite easily from this exit.

3) Butte LaRose...there is a rest stop at this exit and this is where the Atchafalaya Basin begins. Right next to the rest stop is a narrow, swampy, densely wooded, lightly-traveled road several miles long that leads to the levee (and eventually to the teeny-weeny town of Catahoula where I grew up). Butte LaRose is the last exit before Whiskey Bay.

If I were an evil RSO traveling east on I-10 with a body inside my vehicle and a bike in the truck bed, which would I dispose of first, the bike or the body? Would I dispose of them in the same location?

...I might have to activate 'Team Cajun Nosey-Kazozy' and go check out the Butte LaRose road.

I think he must've been pretty damn confident as to where he was hiding/going to hide the body bc he was so careless with the placement of the bike. Two fishermen found it right? As in "in plain sight"? Like they didn't randomly hook into to and pull it up? Living in the area he has to know that people fish those waters every day! He would've done better hiding it in some woods somewhere. Probably would've bought him some more time at least.
FWIW - I'm guessing BSL finally caught onto the fact that his GPS could incriminate him, so he turned it off or messed it up (or Mickey kicked it in).
Perhaps he did actually get lost after driving to some isolated spot that he was unfamiliar with, in order to dispose of the body. So, perhaps his convoluted story to the police at Ocshner Hospital actually contained an element of truth? Perhaps he did get mugged by mister gold teeth by a stroke of divine payback!
Truth is stranger than fiction and in BSL's case, we've got a big heap of both. JMO :twocents:
I feel the need to share this...
BSL's arrest hit me like a ton of bricks...I have been following cases on WS for a while now...but seems like their have been very few arrest's and not many bodies found in so many cases I follow...I realize, sadly, that I have become accustomed to that. The cases that I have followed that have had bodies or arrests, it usually happens within days of my following and thus I have not yet made an emotional connection to the people/person. Mickey is different...I love her smile! I love the fact she was an anthro major (so was I). I love that she loved animals...and was close with her sister and family and friends...I love that she was bold and confident and fun and funky...I felt connected to every little thing I have learned about her. She could have been a friend I would have had 20 years ago. And with the arrest of BSL for murder...I realize MS is not coming back...and it makes me very sad. I can barely stand the details...I hate the fact that Mickey had to fight to the end, it does not make me feel better.
I feel exactly the same way. :(
No they can't turn you down but if it is non life threatning they will transport to a charity healthcare system such as Tulane/LSU if the patient does not have insurance.

Most hospitals do not do this for injuries such as what BSL would have presented with. It is also not commonly done with broken bones, the flu, etc. The risk for liability is just too high. You "stabilize" and tell the patient to take a hike to LSU/charity, they walk out the door and collapse, and you have to prove it was unrelated to what you saw them for. Or, you "transport" them to a charity hospital and incur a transport expense that you have to cover. Transport isn't cheap, and often times, it's just as expensive as simply treating minor illnesses and injuries on site. You will see transfers done more if someone comes in, is stabilized, and has a long hospitalization ahead of them with no insurance. You don't see it with the treats and releases.

I know for a fact Ochsner does not transport low trauma level patients out of their ER.

While we're on the subject, it is important to note that private non-profit hospitals are required to render a certain amount of charity care every year to keep their non-profit status. And they are reimbursed for it, both at the State and Federal level. And, with Bobby Jindal's changes to the charity health system and reimbursement methodologies, private institutions such as Ochsner are actually expected to pick up a large brunt of the charity care.

As far as how BSL could have flown under the radar at Ochsner. It would be quite easy. He had no license, could have provided any address, and that's all they needed from him and that's all they would have gotten from him. If they'd asked for his insurance information and he declined, that would have been the end of that transaction. A self-pay bill would have been sent to the address he provided, and if they didn't get payment back within 6 months they would have sent him off to a collection agency for them to track him down.
I think he must've been pretty damn confident as to where he was hiding/going to hide the body bc he was so careless with the placement of the bike. Two fishermen found it right? As in "in plain sight"? Like they didn't randomly hook into to and pull it up? Living in the area he has to know that people fish those waters every day! He would've done better hiding it in some woods somewhere. Probably would've bought him some more time at least.

My Cajunnet sources tell me that the bike was found in/on a big junk pile at WB...the junk pile has been there for a long time, so a bike probably didn't look 'out of place'...that is, until MS was reported missing and a description of the bike was released and some awesome, eagle-eyed fishermen found it.
Well if you want an alibi, why not just go to New Orleans and go in a bar or a Wal-Mart and get a receipt?
He also needed an alibi for his wounds, and possibly really did feel they needed medical attention.
It would be great if we could find out when BSL arrived in the New Orleans Metro area. I find it very strange he chose Ochsner Jefferson Highway as his hospital of choice, unless that's where he was sent for Workers Comp related injuries in association with the job with the Gretna address. Why not choose Ochsner Kenner, the first hospital he'd reach off of I-10 once getting into the NOLA area? Or Tulane Lakeside, which he'd see from I-10, especially when getting off to go to Ochsner. They're both at the same exit from I-10--Causeway, but Tulane Lakeside would be right there.

I'm think it's most likely Mickey was dumped before NOLA, and very possibly even before the bike. But given his cross-Gulf State trek to cover things up, I'm not ruling out that he drove right through NOLA out of LA to Mississippi and/or Alabama and disposed of evidence (a body?) there, and hit NOLA and Ochsner on his way back.
FWIW Going back to BSL's story about his attacker - I'm no expert on this, but I've honestly never seen a white man with gold teeth. Have any of you? Still, after googling just now, I found some reference to gang violence, *white chocolate*, and this story out of San Antonio from May 2011:

A couple driving a blue truck loaded with lawn equipment say they pulled into the Target store to shop. They said after they went into the store, a man pulled up to the truck and began to steal a weed-eater from the back of the truck.

That's when an off-duty Alamo Colleges police officer spotted the alleged thief. The officer says he identified himself as law enforcement and instructed the suspect to stop.

The officer then allegedly pulled out his weapon and shot at the suspect's black Camaro. Police say the suspect then tried to run down the officer.

At this time, police are searching for the suspect, who is described as a White man with gold teeth.

Police have ID'd the suspect, who, they think may have been injured by gunfire.

The officer is said to be in good condition.
I think it was Gingersnap who made an interesting point yesterday when she said that Mickey's bike was black (like the alleged mugger's cap) with gold sparkly hand grips (like the alleged mugger's teeth). Although sometimes truth is stranger than fiction...
I am behind today but....My thoughts.....

LPD has found blood somewhere.....either the house or the burned vehicle.....and
added to the fact that Mickey is not around, feel that he has taken her life. I hope that
they have found mixed DNA at either location.

There is another desolate location (other than Whiskey Bay) that is larger and known
to be a place where evidence is also discarded. It is the I-55/51 bridge between I-12 and I-10.

By the way, I think BSL played football when he was in school.....wonder what his number was....maybe 24???

The length of the Causeway bridge across Lake Pontchartrain.....24 miles???....and it is a straight shot down Causeway Blvd. to Jefferson Highway and Ochsner Foundation Hospital.

Hope to catch up before the day is over. Sorry if these areas have already
been discussed.
You can drive all the way from Baton Rouge to New Orleans on River Road. Have no reason to think he did or didn't, just know that you can. That's a lot of river.
so bl had more injuries than the one on his neck? If so Good Job MS, she fought like heck!
should have could have, I wished the police that took that report in the hospital would have gone out to his TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take a look inside, you know!
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