LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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Given that level of journalistic integrity, perhaps TheInd will hire them.

:floorlaugh: It's an Independent-worthy tactic to get your scoop from Gannett. I always say that the Ind reminds me of the yellow journalism tactics of old. Heck, it even reads like a salacious rag most of the time. I think it's by blind, stupid luck that they occasionally get something right.

My sis, who is former LE says she believes he intended to keep her at his home, and may have done just that...

Perhaps that the reason for all the "evidence" that linked him to the crime and gives LE the thought that she is "gone".


LE does't "think" she's deceased. They know it.

I think I mentioned this before...The only way that LE would have pursued a 1st degree murder conviction on Mickey was if (a) they found evidence of HER blood in such quantities that life would not be possible, and/or (b) remnants of parts of her body were found which indicated an injury which could not have been survived, i.e., brain matter, intestinal villi, certain body parts (such as esophageal or tonsillar tissue) or strips of heart tissue. Just finding her ID, purse, shoes, or even her hair in the mobile home wouldn't be enough. A murder indictment without corpus delicti? That's hard to do unless you have something more than circumstantial evidence.

That Craft described BSL's mobile home as a "major crime scene" says volumes. You have to read between the lines with him. What was found in that mobile home was damaging and damning enough for a grand jury to indict within hours. It was also enough to keep CID busy in there for two days. Personally, I'd love to know how much Luminol they used in there.

Cluciano, I find my own thoughts mirroring yours. I think BSL spent many nights just driving around, looking. Unfortunately, this time he spotted Mickey and circled her until he found the right time and place. I do think he got more of a fight than he anticipated and Mickey hurt him. At that time, he has to get rid of the big pieces of evidence and jumped on I10 and went straight to Whiskey Bay where he dumped the bike. Personally, I have the same feeling Tim Miller has, that he also dumped Mickey in the basin there somewhere as well. I think he then jumped on State Route 975 and took that up to 190 and back home.

At that point, if he did keep any "trophies", he hid those, he tried to take care of his injuries, but realized that they needed medical attention but knew he couldn't go anywhere locally. He then has the long drive to New Orleans to come up with his "mugging" story. After giving LE a statement there, he probably went away feeling fairly confident he covered his tracks. He got rid of major evidence, he confronted LE with no major problems and up to this time, there was no news of a missing Mickey. That probably changed a short time later. He probably got interviewed by LE, as an RSO, and pictures of the DWT were released, sending him into a moment of panic where he decides to burn his DWT. Of course that is all just my opinion and only time will tell.

I have several thoughts on this: some are speculation, some rooted in what I've heard from sources and read. [SPECULATION] First, the bike dump reeks of a spur-of-the-moment drop. Yes, the water was deeper when he dumped it, and the drought in June lowered levels sufficiently for the bike to be found...However, the removed handlebar grips appear to me (note: rabid speculations follows) a way for him to try to remove both identifying markers (gold grips), and to remove his fingerprints from a place which was not easily wiped with a cloth. He was sloppy; he could have easily driven a mile up or down the levee, flung the bike or just the grips into the water, and it would have never been found. He got rid of that evidence hastily, and after the family started advertising the bike (remember, they kept saying it was distinctive due to the gold grips). However, I would think that Mickey would have either (a) been incapacitated or (b) already dead at this point. I do not think she was placed in WB. If anything, I'd lay my bets on either the Sabine River or in a wooded river right off of a major intersection where cars almost never stop. I'm betting there's some spot in Swords or CP where the soil is consistent with having had a decomposing body lying there at one point. Again, rampant speculation on my part, but I fully believe Mickey was moved after an initial dump. Too much evidence can be garnered from an original crime scene and it would be consistent with his ghoulish way of scattering evidence.
At a glance that looks like a Ram. And BSL has never owned a Dodge pickup, or at least not registered in his name.

A.C.I., do you have a list of the vehicles that BSL has owned in the last 15 years or so? If you can share, of course..
You know, I've gone back today and read the threads from before the arrest and the day of. I think you are exactly right. The more I step outside the box and look at it, I'm pretty sure they knew who they were looking for pretty early in. I think they were watching him to rule out his harming another and waited until he was safely in the Gulf of Mexico to really put the pieces of the puzzle together.

The one thing I know that they don't know; however, is where Mickey is.

As far as that goes, today, I'm more confused than ever. I think every person around where he lives has kept and continues to keep their eyes open, up to and including searching their own property, as well as abandoned, suspicious property (right, Granny A? ). If she's there, I don't understand why she's not found.

I'm just disheartened today over it. For a long time, and even moreso once I learned of his injuries, I had never stopped hoping she had escaped. The truth of the matter is that at this point in the game, even if she had escaped, she couldn't have possibly have survived the elements this long.

So...where is she? I just don't know. I am going to pray for God to reveal something to LE to lead them to her.

You can't imagine the riding and looking I have done. Every ditch, gully, coolie, levee on crawfish ponds, rice fields. Not actually drudging through, but with binoculars, Yes I said binoculars. :shush: :giggle:
This is the general area I live in, believe me the neighbors think I am nuts riding around with binoculars looking into all of the above, and abandond areas I can find. This area is nothing but farm land, of various crops.,+Church+Point,+LA&hl=en&ll=30.437574,-92.226448&spn=0.120623,0.154324&sll=30.412965,-92.226706&sspn=0.015082,0.01929&geocode=FRwc0AEdKKiA-g%3BFaOX0AEdBjSA-ilXhUhpFrkkhjGeGyB5avAEHA&oq=Pitreville+LA&t=h&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=16&z=13

If you go straight on Pitreville Hwy. it turns into Hwy. 1108, Right on 358, Left on 752, it interstcts with Jessie B Rd. I have wondered from the day he was arrested it he ever traveled right in front of my home.
I understand all that and not picking on you put just wanted to make a statement on this subject. In my opinion I think it is unethical because Justice is SEEKING the truth no matter where it leads. Defending someone doesn't always mean to get the guilty off or innocent off. It just means to go where the truth is. Attorney's asking "what did they say you did" is to me like saying "It depends on what the word "IS" means" Really, oh come on. That is how I see it and I'm just using common sense.

A fair trial doesn't mean to get the guilty off! A fair trial means, if he is guilty maybe he should plead to the court, take ownership of his wrong doing. A fair trial is if the perp, states to his attorney he did it, then that attorney should tell him that his plea should be guilty and not innocent, then inform the Judge and DA. FAIR is FAIR

That is nice theory. The reality is that in cases where a defense attorney has a retainer of 20,000 he is working to get his client off the hook. There is no fairness, he/she is simply being paid to have a client found not guilty. That is why there will be delay after delay after delay ad nauseum, and other judicial jockeying. It is all part of the game. If people want to believe that attorneys are honest and are only trying to provide a fair trial for their client, those folks are also believing in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and fairy tales that end happily-ever-after. Criminal defense attorneys are paid to see that their clients spend as little time in jail as possible whether they committed the crime or not. It is what it is. Believe what you will.
justwannahelp, yes it does, imo, and there are 5 parts to the documentary.
Be sure to watch them all. BSL's childhood and adult life virtually mirrors Bundy's life. Their personality traits are almost identical, imo.

The reason for posting the documentary was to answer your question as to, if Bundy raped his victims, or just killed them. In one of the interviews, Bundy mentioned/implied necrophilia. This concerns me due to BSL's desecration of graves history..

Ironically Bundy worked on the re-election campaign of Washington's Republican Governor Dan Evans. Evans was elected and he appointed
Bundy to the 'Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Committee'.

Foxfire- do you see any similarities between BSL and Kenneth Allen Mcduff? The timing on his ex and that book is just catching me
Foxfire- do you see any similarities between BSL and Kenneth Allen Mcduff? The timing on his ex and that book is just catching me

I would like to know that also. I am about to fly for 8 hours and I am trying to find "Bad Boy From Rosebud" to pass the time. I hope Barnes and Noble has it, as it is not available for download. TIA
I believe that he will eventually be found guilty of the murder of the woman in New Orleans.

What is more curious to me is why they would find out that there was evidence on a tape at a newspaper and NOT pick up that evidence. The only thing I can think of is that maybe once they pick up the evidence the defense attorney can request to see it? Or once they pick up the evidence the public can see it? Or did L/E not want someone in their own office to see it? Somehow they were preventing that evidence from being shared by NOT picking up that video. It makes no sense. What if that building burned down and they lost their only evidence--the tape? I have never heard of the FBI finding evidence on a video and leaving the video at the place where it was filmed. Like -- if a iCircle K was robbed and they had the video of the perp -- the police would not leave the video at the Circle K for two weeks-- somebody might ruin it or lose it or whatever. For the life of me I just cannot wrap my mind around why L/E would not pick up that tape immediately. Ideas?
Someone told me this AM that this is the second rape offense for this guy in Opelousas. I haven't had time to check it out.

ok ladies, see 2 links below. we all need to weapon up! sheesh! we need guns in our purses these days

thankfully this guy has been arrested. now i wonder how long it will be before he's out kidnapping and raping again? :furious:
Foxfire- do you see any similarities between BSL and Kenneth Allen Mcduff? The timing on his ex and that book is just catching me

You betcha, WhatupAZ.. I have BSL pegged as an emulator.. He began his early life as a loner due to bullying according to our info. BSL had all the traits of a serial killer in training. Gary wrote the book on McDuff and Brandon acted them out in reality, imo..
WhatsupAZ, I wished we knew more about BSL's interests & hobbies from family and locals that knew him well. Although delusional, imo, BSL was a thinker, very intelligent, creative, obviously manipulative, and excelled in his interests.

IMO, without the trenendous resources and awareness in the Mickey Schunick investigation, he would be actively hunting human prey today..

The bump & grab of the bicycle is an illustration of BSL's creativity, imo. This is/was a very rare MO..
I would like to know that also. I am about to fly for 8 hours and I am trying to find "Bad Boy From Rosebud" to pass the time. I hope Barnes and Noble has it, as it is not available for download. TIA

There is a used copy for $22 on amazon. I haven't even been able to watch criminal minds or law n order svu for the last couple of weeks because of this case. Dont know if I could read it right now. Not as tough as I used to be now that I have baby girls.
Someone told me this AM that this is the second rape offense for this guy in Opelousas. I haven't had time to check it out.

deja vu..?

Unsolved Murders - Axeman of New Orleans

[ame=""]Unsolved Murders - Axeman of New Orleans - YouTube[/ame]
I believe that he will eventually be found guilty of the murder of the woman in New Orleans.

Are you referring to Jessica Hawk? If so, I agree. One of the articles stated that "DNA tests were done, but yielded no suspects." I wonder if that was because the perp just wasn't in the system, or if there was not enough DNA gathered at the scene to really process? If there is still DNA evidence available to test in that case, I sure hope they do it again now that BSL's DNA is available for a possible match! That sketch just looked so similar to him, and he broke into the house of the woman he got convicted of oral sexual assault so the m.o. is the same.
From what I was told, the first time LE viewed TDA tape they were looking for MS on her bike. After that, they were looking for the white truck. I have not seen the tape. An editor who watched four hours of it said she saw lots of trucks but the tape is in black and white and she couldn't tell one from the other.

That is very interesting. I wonder why they thought Mickey might be on her bike so far off her route home?
I understand all that and not picking on you put just wanted to make a statement on this subject. In my opinion I think it is unethical because Justice is SEEKING the truth no matter where it leads. Defending someone doesn't always mean to get the guilty off or innocent off. It just means to go where the truth is. Attorney's asking "what did they say you did" is to me like saying "It depends on what the word "IS" means" Really, oh come on. That is how I see it and I'm just using common sense.

A fair trial doesn't mean to get the guilty off! A fair trial means, if he is guilty maybe he should plead to the court, take ownership of his wrong doing. A fair trial is if the perp, states to his attorney he did it, then that attorney should tell him that his plea should be guilty and not innocent, then inform the Judge and DA. FAIR is FAIR

that's what i was trying to say yesterday. yes, if ever i was accused of something, but i was innocent, i would want the best defense atty possible, but since i was innocent, i wouldn't be confessing.

if a the accused confesses to their attys, i feel like the attys should admit that somehow or figure out a way to be SURE their client doesn't get off.

RANCH helped me to accept the reality of the system yesterdat, but now I'm back to the above opinion because like you, JUSTICE is seeking the TRUTH.

I feel bad because I started this whole mess with my question about this yesterday. Sorry to have clogged up the forum with law. At least we have made some headway with a possible location - the old refinery.
I believe that he will eventually be found guilty of the murder of the woman in New Orleans.

Are you referring to Jessica Hawk? If so, I agree. One of the articles stated that "DNA tests were done, but yielded no suspects." I wonder if that was because the perp just wasn't in the system, or if there was not enough DNA gathered at the scene to really process? If there is still DNA evidence available to test in that case, I sure hope they do it again now that BSL's DNA is available for a possible match! That sketch just looked so similar to him, and he broke into the house of the woman he got convicted of oral sexual assault so the m.o. is the same.

Very well may be, but the forensic crime scene investigation was, shall we say below par, according to my info. Since there was a sketch, there must have been a witness of the peeping tom. Hopefully they can rule BSL in or out by a photo lineup..

NOLA has a very high crime & homicide rate. Less one mugging & stabbing by a white dude, with a gold tooth, at an unknown service station, of course...
BSL's release from prison less than 24 hours from prison may just be a coincidence. It should be thorougly investigated though...
That Craft described BSL's mobile home as a "major crime scene" says volumes. You have to read between the lines with him. What was found in that mobile home was damaging and damning enough for a grand jury to indict within hours. It was also enough to keep CID busy in there for two days. Personally, I'd love to know how much Luminol they used.

Snipped a little! Did Chief Craft ever call the mobile home a major crime scene? I remember him (or his spokesman) saying it was being treated "as though it were a major crime scene."

I do remember the St. Landry sheriff calling it "a major crime scene" but that was in the same statement that he said he really didn't know what was going on, just that Laf. Police contacted him to say they were going out there to search.
Snipped a little! Did Chief Craft ever call the mobile home a major crime scene? I remember him (or his spokesman) saying it was being treated "as though it were a major crime scene."

I do remember the St. Landry sheriff calling it "a major crime scene" but that was in the same statement that he said he really didn't know what was going on, just that Laf. Police contacted him to say they were going out there to search.

Dang if you're not right. I mis-spoke, it was Guidroz who called it a flat-out "major crime scene". Craft said it was processed "like it was a major crime scene". The difference? Inflections on evidence found.

It was more than a few ID's of women both living and dead. As someone else so blithely said, forensics is going to solidify the case.
I believe that he will eventually be found guilty of the murder of the woman in New Orleans.

What is more curious to me is why they would find out that there was evidence on a tape at a newspaper and NOT pick up that evidence. The only thing I can think of is that maybe once they pick up the evidence the defense attorney can request to see it? Or once they pick up the evidence the public can see it? Or did L/E not want someone in their own office to see it? Somehow they were preventing that evidence from being shared by NOT picking up that video. It makes no sense. What if that building burned down and they lost their only evidence--the tape? I have never heard of the FBI finding evidence on a video and leaving the video at the place where it was filmed. Like -- if a iCircle K was robbed and they had the video of the perp -- the police would not leave the video at the Circle K for two weeks-- somebody might ruin it or lose it or whatever. For the life of me I just cannot wrap my mind around why L/E would not pick up that tape immediately. Ideas?

bbm: Well, just one idea along those lines: Since the tape was at a media outlet, perhaps it is as simple as they did not want to tip the media that another, pertinent tape had been discovered. LE did, after all, say that they may have "rushed" the arrest just a bit because they had fears that leaks might cause their POI to flee.
Cases have been made for 1st degree murder with no body and no biological evidence. Maybe bio evidence has been found in this case but it isn't necessary.

I agree. Look up the murder of caryn beth capps and it will completely change your faith in jurors needing evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. It's better to acquit ten guilty people than convict one innocent person.
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