LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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IMO, it's a dangerous road we start down when we begin believing "medicine" helps us to make a choice between right and wrong.

I don't think it helps us to make a "choice" between right and wrong. It can however help to stave off impulses and thoughts.

Replying to both posts above: kgeaux is very ADD. Before ADD existed as a diagnoses, kgeaux's teachers were writing notes to "the parental units" saying things like, "kgeaux finds it impossible to stay on task. She is impulsive, blurting out her thoughts without waiting her turn.". ( these are actual quotes)

Medication may or may not help me to make a choice between right or wrong, but it absolutely DOES stop impulsive behavior, just as MamaRoux said.

I do not think there is a medication that will heal sexual perversity or psychopathy, but please don't discount medications completely. .

Does anyone know of any property owners who have refused to have their land searched? Thinking back to the Holly Bobo case I believe I remember some or maybe just a property owner refusing. Never heard a reason why though. Us country folk can be strange sometimes.:crazy:

I have not heard of a single person refusing to have their property searched. I do know many people who live alongside wooded areas, bayous or have camps on swampy areas who have made special efforts to ensure Mickey is not on their property.

All of the people I know have heard of Mickey, everyone wants to bring her home.
I feel a little embarrassed to ask but...
I can't remember if LE used cadaver dogs when they searched BSL's home. Does anyone remember? I know they took cadaver dogs to search the mounds they thought could be graves but I couldn't find anywhere about using them on his property? I would think so but wasn't sure. Anyone remember? TIA
I feel a little embarrassed to ask but...
I can't remember if LE used cadaver dogs when they searched BSL's home. Does anyone remember? I know they took cadaver dogs to search the mounds they thought could be graves but I couldn't find anywhere about using them on his property? I would think so but wasn't sure. Anyone remember? TIA

Hmm. I know cadaver dogs were used at Whiskey Bay, and I "think" they were brought into BSL's property.
I feel a little embarrassed to ask but...
I can't remember if LE used cadaver dogs when they searched BSL's home. Does anyone remember? I know they took cadaver dogs to search the mounds they thought could be graves but I couldn't find anywhere about using them on his property? I would think so but wasn't sure. Anyone remember? TIA

I don't recall either, but one would think so.
I do recall it being mentioned that they found no evidence to conclude that Mickey had actually been at his house.
Just checking in after a HOT day of work.

A few responses to various things mentioned:

1. How badly he was bleeding: He wasn't bleeding badly enough to go directly to a hospital. Were he have been "bleeding out," then he would have dumped Mickey and the bike somewhere temporarily and been in the E.R. within an hour. We need to remember that he visited Oschner Hospital in New Orleans about 18 hours or so after Mickey disappeared. No footage of his truck had been aired. Mickey had just been reported missing. For all he knew, he was going to get away clean, aside from his wounds. This begs the question of why New Orleans? I prefer one of two possibilities -

A. He headed to New Orleans directly afterward, and so was already there, and so Ochsner was a logical place to go if he needed medical attention. Again - his wounds were superficial enough that he waited 18 hours for treatment.

B. He went home first, but had unexpected wounds that now he had to explain. Thinking quickly to himself, how could he have gotten cut up? New Orleans, with its violence, is a perfect excuse. Indeed, he told the hairdresser he was cut on Bourbon Street. Traveling to New Orleans to get the wounds treated (and then to later figure out a story of why he was there) set up a good alibi to friends and family and - had there been no surveilance footage - also the police. Down here, NOLA is known to be a good place to get attacked. Would have seemed an easy, convenient leap of logic for a man thinking in a hurry.

All that said, what is to say that he didn't have a live Mickey and the bike somewhere within an hour or two of New Orleans, and she was alive until 2-4 hours before he showed up at Ochsner, and he did indeed go to the hospital not too long after the attack?

2. It's dangerous to drive up in a rural area and start questioning a stranger on his property. I'm glad that OceanMetTheSky used common sense and didn't drive up to question the man working on the cars. That would have been kind of unwise.

3. I am sure that BSL's neighbor saw buzzards. Buzzards are easily identifiable to rural residents who see them all the time, with their characteristic circling pattern.

4. It's hard to think that BSL worked at Artmosphere and is now charged with murder and no one from Artmosphere has revealed his employment there.

5. Photos here should be sized at 640 pixels wide, so as not to blow the margins. Please do post!

6. It is pure speculation to say that BSL stole some pressure washers. There is nothing to back that up. However, it is interesting that, if IIRC, the taillights of a truck at the robbed business were stolen. It would be interesting to know if they matched the taillights on the burned truck, and whether they were different than the lights on the new truck BSL bought. This info may be way back in the threads around June 5 or 6 or so. It's not beyond belief that if BSL were trying to make his old truck look like the new one to fool neighbors and family, that he could have been involved with the fire at the business where the pressure washers and the truck parts were stolen. Police already know this, as they have his new truck, and can cross-check it with the truck at the business.

What militates against this thinking for me is that it's a big coincidence that this business would contain both a truck with the parts he wanted and pressure washers. He would have to have located a place to rob and burn that had both items he needed, and this is a stretch for me. I don't think the fire/thefts at that business are related, though I suppose there's always a slim chance.
So disgusted after reading the book about Derrick Lee today; I knew the cases, pretty much, from following them at the time, but even with all of the DNA and other evidence, he would not admit to anything, forcing those families to go through the horrible trials, and some of the victims were never found, and he was not about to help out there.

Beside the WB locale being a link with BL, DL took ID's from some of his victims; sometimes these were found scattered. Sometimes he left the victims dead in their own homes, others he dumped in water or wooded areas. Some he strangled, some he stabbed, some he beat to death. Several believed to be his victims have never been found. Truly a monster.

He had no knowledge of DNA, which is very lucky or he may never have been caught. BL may be a little more cautious and knowledgeable that DL was, but at least he made enough mistakes to be apprehended.
And checking out again..... gotta go!!

To quote the movie, "Friday,":

OMG! I just thought of something. What if the "IDs" were a list of names? Maybe with 2 or more of them crossed out?
I edited my post to correct what I was saying. It came out wrong sorry about that. It's still private property so no one can just go snooping around his property like they please or anything.

Sorry if I came off as harsh to you. I didn't mean to.
Is there a way I can post decent sized pictures here? I just tried, and the pictures are huge, so it stretched out the margins.

Just wanted to bump Chicken's post if you didn't see it.
Photos here should be sized at 640 pixels wide, so as not to blow the margins. Please do post!

I echo this and look forward to seeing those photos!:)
Yes, Marsha Sills, a reporter with The Baton Rouge Advocate's Acadiana bureau out of Lafayette, quoted a neighbor of BSL's saying she noticed a lot of buzzards around the neighborhood. There are fields around there. Probably crops. Maybe the neighbor meant black birds?

With buzzards though, it could be anything. I had four huge buzzards just sitting around in my back yard last year, all having a good old time over a dead armadillo. They will target the littlest dead thing.
With buzzards though, it could be anything. I had four huge buzzards just sitting around in my back yard last year, all having a good old time over a dead armadillo. They will target the littlest dead thing.

I hope it died of natural causes :(
Could have been "video" evidence on his I phone. I have suggestions but I'm not going there.
I would think the area has been searched thoroughly.
Those 3 apparant gravesites have me baffled. They may not be tied to BSL at all, but they certainly have me baffled. Why 3?

I'll tell you what they might be. I farmed all my life and used a mexican dragline a lot. If he wanted to put something there in a hurry, he could have pre-dug them and backfilled them. This would make burying something a lot quicker; meaning the dirt would be loose and all he had to do was "shovel" it out(no hard and time-consuming labor, with hard dirt). His plans maybe went out the window.JMO
One thing I noted about Derrick Todd Lee; as far as his victims left at WB; the first (known) one he left there, among the growth and with a tire sort of covering her; she was found fairly quickly. The next one, it is believed that he pulled over and literally threw the body from the bridge, and she was found in the water some time later. Makes me wonder if BL had followed the trial, or even read the book. If so, I doubt he would simply place Mickey as carelessly as he did the bike. Of the two options, water vs. land, water would seem to provide the better chance at the victim not being found.
OMG! I just thought of something. What if the "IDs" were a list of names? Maybe with 2 or more of them crossed out?

They have more than ID's.

They are bringing Murder 1 charges without a body. Not once from the first statement released by LE have they ever given any hope of MS being alive. In fact everything they said in the first release, and subsequently, told me they knew this would not be a happy ending.

Have they come across other evidence? Yes
Did they know for sure who had done this.? I think by the time of his meeting on the 28th that LE had him as a POI. They did need to get their ducks lined up though as well as wait for results.

LE has given no indication that she was alive. The hope came out of the Shunick media blitz, not LE.

As well they are going with Murder 1 with a case from 1999. ID's are not going to be enough evidence for a Murder 1.
Replying to both posts above: kgeaux is very ADD. Before ADD existed as a diagnoses, kgeaux's teachers were writing notes to "the parental units" saying things like, "kgeaux finds it impossible to stay on task. She is impulsive, blurting out her thoughts without waiting her turn.". ( these are actual quotes)

Medication may or may not help me to make a choice between right or wrong, but it absolutely DOES stop impulsive behavior, just as MamaRoux said.

I do not think there is a medication that will heal sexual perversity or psychopathy, but please don't discount medications completely. .

I have not heard of a single person refusing to have their property searched. I do know many people who live alongside wooded areas, bayous or have camps on swampy areas who have made special efforts to ensure Mickey is not on their property.

All of the people I know have heard of Mickey, everyone wants to bring her home.

Medications are used to treat many conditions and enable individuals to deal with those conditions and hopefully cope with what society tosses their way.

Medications still don't tell an individual what is right or what is wrong.
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