LA - Bella Fontenelle, 6, crammed into bucket left on bio mom's lawn, Hannah Landon, 43, arrested, Harahan, 26 Apr 2023

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I realize she went to the police dept. What I’m saying is I don’t think she told them she murdered a child, stuffed her in a bucket, and left her at mom’s door. I don’t believe she turned herself in for the crime she committed. I would assume if she had done that police would have found the body right away, and she would have been arrested then.
She definitely didn't go there and confess or this would have been solved way earlier than it was. But whatever her reason for going there prompted LE to send her to the hospital for eval. They just aren't saying what she did or said to prompt them to do that.

Investigators' search for Landon ended Wednesday afternoon when they learned she was a patient at a local hospital, according to authorities.

Harahan police had actually taken her in for an evaluation after Landon showed up at department headquarters shortly after midnight, early Wednesday morning. Authorities did not disclose what Landon did or said that prompted officers to seek evaluation.

It's also not clear why officers didn't earlier connect the missing person report to Landon's midnight visit

Harahan woman held without bond in murder of 6-year-old Bella Fontenelle
I'm not thinking much about him not checking on anyone when he got home. I can totally see someone getting home late, not wanting to make any noise in order to not wake up anyone and maybe laying on the couch and falling asleep until morning. LE already said that neither he or the biological mother are suspects so discussing why he didn't check on anyone or why he didn't realize something was wrong as soon as he got home is pretty pointless. It seems like he reported them missing as soon as he realized something was off.
Oh my word.....the crime is so absolutely heinous, when I read it was the GF of the bio-dad who did this, my first thought was that something exceptionally terrible & earth-shattering must have happened to cause her to suddenly go so very far off the rails, like perhaps the bio parents choosing to get back together, or actually catching them "in the act" of an affair, but no...

This all stemmed from a hand-slapping & hair-pulling incident between bio mom & gf at a country club swim meet because of a hug from a family member?! THAT was the catalyst for this horrific act of craziness?
and it was almost 2 years ago!!! what else has gone on since? injustice collector?
I’ve shaken my head so many times this last month. There are several that I started making threads for and I just had to select all and delete. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. What is going on? The rise in so many crimes that have had to do with rage, jealousy, greed and drugs are more and more related to a female suspect. What happened or didn’t to these women where the nurturing gene just didn’t develop into their hearts?
i feel its generational trauma or lack of bonding.
This looks quite like The Cinderella Effect.
Step parents are often jealous, feel the need to control outcomes and to keep their own children as being superior. If they don't have their own kids, they hate the fact that their step child is in any way a competition for them.

Narcissistic and control freak to the hundredth power.

Throw her nasty self in general pop.
We don't need her "story."

its not often. its just whats reported in news. its a tough position. some ppl are just messed up and broken.
Well, this has been settled once and for all! I hope like heck they aren't talking about Websleuths with the dismemberment speculation. :( Glad the title of this thread got changed!

Authorities say Michael Fontenelle’s live-in girlfriend, Hannah Bunnak Landon, beat his daughter and strangled her to death Tuesday (April 25) night. The disturbing way in which her body was found the next morning, crammed into a 10-gallon bucket left on her mother’s lawn a block away, led Jefferson Parish Coroner Dr. Gerry Cvitanovich to clarify that the girl’s body was intact upon discovery, contrary to public speculation of dismemberment.

i found dads fb (wont post as he def is not POI) the gf is posted there. seems sorta attn seeking. go see if u know which pic im talking about.
"The Coroner's Office released the results of Bella’s autopsy Thursday afternoon."

"Cvitanovich stressed that Bella's body had not been dismembered."

from link - "Landon lived with Bella’s father and little sister in a small, single-story house on Donelon Drive in Harahan. "

does this mean the gf had a child by him???
After reading the temp restraining order I posted upthread I'd say anger (and a HORRIBLE payback IMO). There was definitely bad blood between the GF and the ex/Bella's mother.
im also wondering whether the gf resented the dad too. where was he until late? and what condition was he in when he came home that he didnt even notice his gf missing until the morning? speculation only... maybe she snapped? no excuses.
I hope Bella's family is surrounded by caring support. It's unimaginably tragic and sad.

Speculation: the suspect isn't insane. She knows right from wrong. She wanted to do this, waited until she was alone with the victim Bella during the night, carried out her plan.

She knew she'd be suspect #1 but sees herself as the victim, so headed to the police station to paint herself as such. Possibly making suicidal statements, etc. but not revealing any guilt. I am only guessing LE took her to a psychiatric hospital.

I picture her acting just like that nanny who murdered two children and then waited for the mom to come home. And then proceeded to act suicidal after the mom came home and found her kids.

These cases aren't about not knowing right from wrong but rather not caring. The murderers see themselves as the victim and believe they should seek "revenge." They play the victim role trying to gain some sympathy.
My opinions only.
its not often. its just whats reported in news. its a tough position. some ppl are just messed up and broken.

Perhaps what I should have stated was that in cases of abuse and abuse that escalates where Step parents are concerned, it can be linked to the Cinderella Effect.

In no way do I think that the majority of Step parents feel this way or act violently.

They don't matter which is why I began my post with "O/T sorta". I wasn't sure that's what I was seeing as I haven't seen anyone wear knee-high white boots since I don't know when. Your brain is just fine - no update needed ;)
White rubber workboots are extremely common in south Louisiana, especially in the fishing, crabbing, and shrimping-related industries. The boots are commonly sold at hardware stores. There's a fishing tournament in the greater New Orleans area that raises funds for women’s healthcare screening program. Some of the participants get fancy and decorate them.
White rubber workboots are extremely common in south Louisiana, especially in the fishing, crabbing, and shrimping-related industries. The boots are commonly sold at hardware stores. There's a fishing tournament in the greater New Orleans area that raises funds for women’s healthcare screening program. Some of the participants get fancy and decorate them.

Ahhh... now this makes sense!! It's certainly possible this is common in the area. Thank you.
I have to admit, I do struggle to understand when a professional uses the term 'monster'.

I'm genuinely curious - do you not see the person behind the monster? Not saying she's not but it just seems so cut and dried using the term. Are you not interested in what drives these women to commit these horrendous acts?

I would also love to hear your take on mothers' who have killed their children due to postpartum psychosis? Yes, a monstrous act, but still a monster?

Of course I see the person. And I've spent a great deal of my life trying to understand why people, in general, commit violent acts.

Every culture on the planet has a concept of Monster. The Monsters are all masks for forces that are terrifying and beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans. They can take almost any form, but they are a cultural universal and a metaphor that every human has deep in their psyche, IMO.

I am very interested in Jungian approaches to cross-cultural psychology. I believe that most tales about monsters are really about ourselves and our relationship to our own nature.

I am a member of human society, just like you are. I think the guy who shot 5 people in Texas yesterday is a different kind of monster, but a monster nonetheless. Monsters have a paralyzing force, and almost no one understands them. Their consciousness is alien to those they terrify and victimize.

I will go out on a limb and say that, from the point of view of the children killed by their mothers (and the children are often painfully awake and aware during the murderous event), yes, the mothers are Monsters. Sometimes I need to enter into the crime from the perspective of the victims, and in fact, I will admit I have a victim-centered approach. Same goes for children killed by their fathers (Chris Watts is a monster in this paradigm).

Medea and Agamemnon both have qualities of the Monster archetype. They wear a human form, but they embody the darker, impulsive, chaotic nature of Humanity. There are not many other species who kill their own family members at the rates that we do. Certainly, we are the only primate species who does so (chimps will kill other chimp troop's infants but chimp mothers will actually remove an infant from the care of a neglectful chimp mother whose failure to care is way below the bar of murder).

The revenge motif (Medea) is present in this one. And I regard Medea as both a wronged woman and a monster, yes - one in the form of a beguiling and intelligent woman. Revenge against a lover/spouse by murder of a child is monstrous and in the moment that a person takes on that role, they are a monster, in my view.

(Great questions, btw). Since I have never found an adequate explanation for Why People Kill Children in the psychiatric literature (indeed, spent most of yesterday reviewing literature on that very question - there are no mental illnesses that are specifically related to child murder; child murderers cannot be predicted by mental health research or expertise), I turn to our species nature and to the narratives we humans have about such matters. While the concept of Monster is a universal, the concept of Evil is not (all cultures have a concept of the Sacred, but not of Evil). Some of the most peaceful cultures, btw, use the Monster concept actively; ritually containing human behavior by reference to the monstrous side of human nature. Without that containment, we are doomed to have what we have (and in the US, it's very concerning that we have such an overall high homicide rate and perhaps the highest rate of child murder in the world - those statistics are not readily available; more research needed).

Of course I see the person. And I've spent a great deal of my life trying to understand why people, in general, commit violent acts.

Every culture on the planet has a concept of Monster. The Monsters are all masks for forces that are terrifying and beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans. They can take almost any form, but they are a cultural universal and a metaphor that every human has deep in their psyche, IMO.

I am very interested in Jungian approaches to cross-cultural psychology. I believe that most tales about monsters are really about ourselves and our relationship to our own nature.

Interesting.... I bought a book the other day on Jungian Perspectives all because a similar title was mentioned in a Stephen King book that I'm currently reading (the title mentioned can't be found, so don't know if it actually exists, or is solely in SKs imagination). Looks like I'll be reading that next to gain a better understanding of Jungian perspectives! I had no idea when I bought it that topic could be tied in to cases here on WS! :D
i feel its generational trauma or lack of bonding.

Why would lack of bonding be so much higher in our American culture (than it was before and than it is in other cultures). I do wonder. I mean, I agree with you and can think of some biological reasons, but I can't think of a reason why things seem worse right now. The amount of murder and trauma in, say, the 1920's was much higher than today (in the US). Kids were beaten and abused with impunity not only in early 20th century US, but worldwide in many places, over a lot of history.

The bonding issue helps us explain non-biological caretakers and their abuse/murder of children. Oxytocin is the chemical of bonding and women in labor produce large amounts (along with the pheromones, which has been observed to bump up the oxytocin levels of everyone in the labor/delivery room). At least, many researchers think it may be pheromones.

Some people are ready oxytocin producers (including men, although men do not regularly produce as much as new mothers have in their bodies). Some factors that medical researchers think may affect this bonding process include C-sections performed before the onset of labor.

There are likely genes and epigenetics involved in this (so poor bonding may be both inherited and acquired).

Since 2014 or thereabouts, our decline in overall homicides (throughout most of the 20th century) ceased and plateaued, then began to rise. Now we are in the same statistical group as Russia and tied with Tanzania, Paraguay and Afghanistan, among others. Russia's rates are continuing to drop. It is shocking how many child murders we have, though.

Here are some interesting recent research findings:

Intimate partner violence dropped during COVID lockdowns (femicide by ex-partners went down; the theory is that exes found it way more difficult to get access to the people they wanted to harm - other kinds of violence against women did not go down during that period).

Similar finding for overall homicides in Australia for the COVID lockdown period.

There's an emerging body of literature on post-COVID violence and post-COVID psychosis (it even has features that appear to be specific to it - it's not like other psychoses and predisposes people to self-harm and other-harm). These studies are international, but we do not have global data by any means. Cotard's syndrome is a notable feature in this rise in psychosis among people who were never psychotic before COVID and who had COVID.

There are a series of studies about increased domestic violence during and after COVID (violence among household members went up during COVID and may still be increasing).

TL;DR We have a long way to go, in understanding why some people kill their own or others' children.
Interesting.... I bought a book the other day on Jungian Perspectives all because a similar title was mentioned in a Stephen King book that I'm currently reading (the title mentioned can't be found, so don't know if it actually exists, or is solely in SKs imagination). Looks like I'll be reading that next to gain a better understanding of Jungian perspectives! I had no idea when I bought it that topic could be tied in to cases here on WS! :D

Jung was really the first psychological anthropologist. He wanted theories of the mind that explained universal human behavior. His work has been carried on in many forms, but his approach to symbols and art (including art by disturbed persons) was unparalleled at the time he wrote. He took a trip around the world (as best he could) and recorded people's dreams and nightmares. Sometimes he had to content himself with observing rituals, which often had a dream-like or nightmare-like quality (and certainly involved disassociation).

Jung undertook this work after discovering that his attempts to truly try to get inside the minds of psychotic persons and to imagine their worldview were...driving him mad. He invented the concept of "active imagination," which means trying to truly imagine oneself in a certain situation (in his case, in the situations of some of his psychotic patients, whom he was trying to help). He stopped that work in mid-life (and there's a posthumous book I have yet to read about this whole thing - the Black Book).

He was of course a psychoanalyst, first and foremost.

I agree with those of you saying that this was planned and that the murderer "just didn't care." Knew right from wrong, didn't care.

I think there were clues in both this case and in the Letecia Stauch case (esp. after listening to the phone calls with AS). Prior criminal history, for example. Use of aliases and multiple names.

I say this because, well, many of us would not even hire a babysitter who had a prior criminal record, OR who didn't show up in a standard records search (the murderer in this case doesn't show up in any databases I use under any of her names - although a person with the same name who is much older and lives in the region does show - possibly her mother?) The behavior of this person toward one of Bella's aunts is a huge red flag, IMO.

Both Hannah Landon and Letecia Stauch flew in under the radar of men who had small children. The hostility shown by both women toward the bio mother is off the charts (and their murders of children were not the first signs of it). I believe we'll learn more about Landon at her trial (if there is one).

If the significant other of a divorced parent with children cannot behave with cordiality and, yes, kindness toward the other parent, it's a no-go or should be. It's not always easy, but adults have to control themselves and *can* control themselves. It's one thing for the stepparent and bioparent to have private conversations about the other bioparent, but public displays of hostility are a big red flag, to me.

I agree with those of you saying that this was planned and that the murderer "just didn't care." Knew right from wrong, didn't care.

I think there were clues in both this case and in the Letecia Stauch case (esp. after listening to the phone calls with AS). Prior criminal history, for example. Use of aliases and multiple names.

I say this because, well, many of us would not even hire a babysitter who had a prior criminal record, OR who didn't show up in a standard records search (the murderer in this case doesn't show up in any databases I use under any of her names - although a person with the same name who is much older and lives in the region does show - possibly her mother?) The behavior of this person toward one of Bella's aunts is a huge red flag, IMO.

Both Hannah Landon and Letecia Stauch flew in under the radar of men who had small children. The hostility shown by both women toward the bio mother is off the charts (and their murders of children were not the first signs of it). I believe we'll learn more about Landon at her trial (if there is one).

If the significant other of a divorced parent with children cannot behave with cordiality and, yes, kindness toward the other parent, it's a no-go or should be. It's not always easy, but adults have to control themselves and *can* control themselves. It's one thing for the stepparent and bioparent to have private conversations about the other bioparent, but public displays of hostility are a big red flag, to me.

Good post. Even if my friend groups there’s so much hostility, rude texts, etc… it’s a lot. Is it jealousy or what?

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