GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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Maybe there's a reason MAS is not bonding out. Seems like money would not be an issue. Perhaps there's another player.

Pure conjecture.

Pure conjecture, but they probably have a hold on her for other reasons.
When I first commented on this thread I stated my belief that this was a case of Jaren being offered money for a threesome/party outside the club by somebody and leaving with them because of that request. I also believe M and T, or just T, had watched the Magnotta video, it sparked some sick fantasy in his mind and because M was probably with him bc he supplied her with drugs, she went along with it. I think the knife is at the bottom of whatever body of water her mutilated body was thrown in. A beautiful girl and a life with promise - gone because of a sick twisted sociopath who needs to fry. You cannot fix a sexual offender.
When I first commented on this thread I stated my belief that this was a case of Jaren being offered money for a threesome/party outside the club by somebody and leaving with them because of that request. I also believe M and T, or just T, had watched the Magnotta video, it sparked some sick fantasy in his mind and because M was probably with him bc he supplied her with drugs, she went along with it. I think the knife is at the bottom of whatever body of water her mutilated body was thrown in. A beautiful girl and a life with promise - gone because of a sick twisted sociopath who needs to fry. You cannot fix a sexual offender.

I'm not seeing the Magnotta tie. I understand these crimes happened very close together. Does either MAS or TS have a desktop? Watching that video on a phone would be tough to do, IMO. Especially on a carrier's network if there's no wifi available.

I also think Magnotta is not the huge national news in this country that some think. I didn't see much coverage of him until his arrest. I was aware of the "*advertiser censored* Star" killer and the mailing of the body parts because I pay attention to that stuff and CNN is always on in my house.

I have a grown daughter who's relatively involved and aware and she had no idea who this guy is. The 18 year old who lives with me has no idea who he is. She's on the internet 25 hours a day. Yes, an extra hour.

If MAS & TS are not the type to haunt aggregate internet sites hour after hour, they may have been only peripherally aware. Do we have postings from either of them on a Magnotta fan site? LE would have that information.

I don't know these people. Did they often mention reading this or that or hearing about something on reddit or 4chan? Do they get CNN news alerts? Magnotta was arrested in Germany on June 4th.

If they are plugged in to the crime news scene, then I'm wrong about their internet access/absorption time.

There was also cannibalism in the Magnotta case. Is there evidence of that here? If this was an homage to Magnotta, the video would have been posted that day, I think. Why save it? It was the peak news window, with Magnotta's recent arrest. It would have electrified the lunatic fringe. Worldwide, big time news. BIG.

I don't absolutely know anything anymore than anyone else. I'm just not seeing this pair as the type to mimic an internationally notorious crime and I don't think the reason for the dismemberment has an external connection.

It feels more coincidental than connected.

While I'm typing at the office :eek:hoh: I'll tell you what I know about bath salts. (I know you didn't mention it) Common, yes? But common with people who can't afford real drugs. Bath salts are at the check out at convenience stores like 4 hour energy shots and lighters. I bought some and you can too. They're not illegal. People with an addiction to or history of using or selling higher quality drugs are not likely to suddenly switch to bath salts. It's a commercial product. There's no profit to be had by people who deal in 'standard' illegal drugs.

Near as I can tell from recent conversations I've had with people involved in illegal drugs, bath salts are considered amateurish and laughable. Grown ups who use heroin or extasy or crack see this bath salts uptick as just another 16 year old skater boy/rave girl/wannabe suburban mini trend.

It's a mini trend among kids that are listening to death metal and playing COD 18 hours a day and skateboarding to the Piggly Wiggly for Mt Dew Pitch Black, SlimJims, cigarettes and bath salts.

This stuff has been around for years and kids are stupid. There are now plant feeder salts. Tomorrow, there'll be coffee creamer salts or something equally ridiculous.

My opinion only, information pertains to the notheast.

If bath salts are a huge local LA/MS trend with more than just kids and people who can't afford real drugs, I'm obviously wrong.

If TS & MAS are avid news watchers, I'm obviously wrong.

Or I'm just wrong about everything. It happens.
While I'm typing at the office :eek:hoh: I'll tell you what I know about bath salts. (I know you didn't mention it) Common, yes? But common with people who can't afford real drugs. Bath salts are at the check out at convenience stores like 4 hour energy shots and lighters. I bought some and you can too. They're not illegal. People with an addiction to or history of using or selling higher quality drugs are not likely to suddenly switch to bath salts. It's a commercial product. There's no profit to be had by people who deal in 'standard' illegal drugs.

Actually, "bath salts" are illegal in Louisiana.
I don't know these people. Did they often mention reading this or that or hearing about something on reddit or 4chan? Do they get CNN news alerts? Magnotta was arrested in Germany on June 4th.

MAS is definitely not the Reddit/Chan type. There are plenty of people that are deep into that world in the quarter, and plenty who aren't. The types of people that spend their time in the quarter are, let's say exaggerated personalities. It's generally easy to tell where people fall in the spectrum with just a few minutes of conversation.

No idea about TS though.
And rhapsody is right about bath salts being illegal. Moreover, "standard drugs" are almost as easy to get on Bourbon as a pack of cigarettes. At least for locals. While I have no doubt she's done them, it would be much easier for her to get any other drug she wanted.
I think possibly it may be my posts about her limbs being recovered that's confused you.. in my post I detail that when she was dismembered each limb was then cut into two(horrid to type) ..but for a fact we know this was done.. therefore the 4 limbs are cut into 8..each arm and leg were cut into upper and lower.. so to answer your question technically yes 2 arms and 1 leg have been recovered.. but to be clear it is only the upper portions of the 2 arms and 1 leg.. NONE OF THE LOWER PORTIONS OF THE 4 LIMBS HAVE BEEN RECOVERED.. and it is the lower portions that would contain the hands and feet.(so morbidly horrendous that someone has done this to her that we are even here having to state as the details to what's been done to her.. ITS ANGERING:devil: )

Hopefully that answers your question and explained why yes, arms were recovered but exactly why the hands are not included in that recovery..

Several articles where you can find that this is accurate..


h ttp://

I'm confused, now. I have only heard that the torso, head, 2 calves and a thigh were recovered.....?? I never saw or heard about the arms being recovered.

Hate to be a stickler... 'bath salts' are not BATH SALTS that you buy at a store. Its multiple drugs, please see link.

Inaccurate descriptions

In the UK to avoid being controlled by the Medicines Act, designer drugs such as mephedrone have been described as "bath salts" or "plant food", despite the compounds having no history of being used for these purposes. Due to these inaccurate descriptions of products, it is possible that selling the compounds under these descriptions could be illegal under the Trade Descriptions Act.[26][27][28]

In the USA, similar descriptions have been used to describe mephedrone as well as methylone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV).[29][30] Combined with labeling that they are "not for human consumption", these descriptions are an attempt to skirt the Federal Analog Act which forbids drugs that are “substantially similar” to already classified drugs from being sold for human use.[31]

Sorry if this looks funny in advance, first time quoting...

They're illegal in Pennsylvania, too.

If a formula gets outlawed, the manufacturers tweak the formula and relabel/rebrand it and it comes back as something else.

The difficulty has been that when a specific formulation is outlawed, all product is recalled and reformulated, adding whatever's lying around, rebranded, repackaged & re shipped. It's very difficult for lawmakers to keep up. Maybe you can't find banned brands but you can buy 8 Ballz or Serenity or Bliss or Space Trips....thousands of names.

As I mentioned, there are now gardening salts...different formulation, different name, different packaging. The turn around can happen in two weeks. There are hundreds of online sites where neighborhood stores can buy this stuff in bulk.

The next time you visit a convenience store, look around for small multicolored cellophane-like packets in a cardboard display or basket.

Sometimes they're sold as exotic seasoning, sometimes as a bottled water additive, or soup mix. I'm betting it's there.
Hate to be a stickler... 'bath salts' are not BATH SALTS that you buy at a store. Its multiple drugs, please see link.

Absolutely. I should have added more detail. Louisiana and Orleans Parish are constantly adding to their ban on bath salts as chemical compounds get adjusted to get around the law. Because of this, most stores in N.O. proper have deemed them an unnecessary risk that only invites grief from LE. For this reason, they pretty much came and went in this area relatively quickly. MAS and TS didn't live in the quarter though. They obviously moved around outlying parishes. So their access to them was likely higher.

That all being said, JurysOut still made a good point regarding where and how the bath salt "scene" tends to be more common. MAS is the "I'll try anything twice... or as many times as it's put in front of me." type of user. Still, typical street drugs are so easy to acquire down here, that I doubt it was a common choice for her.
Absolutely. I should have added more detail. Louisiana and Orleans Parish are constantly adding to their ban on bath salts as chemical compounds get adjusted to get around the law. Because of this, most stores in N.O. proper have deemed them an unnecessary risk that only invites grief from LE. For this reason, they pretty much came and went in this area relatively quickly. MAS and TS didn't live in the quarter though. They obviously moved around outlying parishes. So their access to them was likely higher.

That all being said, JurysOut still made a good point regarding where and how the bath salt "scene" tends to be more common. MAS is the "I'll try anything twice... or as many times as it's put in front of me." type of user. Still, typical street drugs are so easy to acquire down here, that I doubt it was a common choice for her.

I just don't see these two as bath salts users. I haven't considered that as an element of this crime.

I suppose that was my point. MAS & TS are probably not the bath salts type.

In my opinion.
It occurred to me that MAS must have been sober when they were pulled for their traffic violation. Otherwise, they could have been charged with DUI or possession. Her mug shot looks pretty bad but if she was detoxing or had drugs in her system and was driving I think they would have given her more charges.

ETA: If LE found drugs in the home would they be able to press charges for that and hold her?

Sanchez, 28, of Kenner, was booked with resisting an officer, said Hancock County Chief Investigator Glenn Grannan.

Meanwhile, it sounds like they are trying to hold her as long as they can.

Sanchez was advised by the defenders not to sign the extradition waiver and not to answer questions about the case. They want to know by next week, if not sooner, details of any effort or basis for the extradition.

Read more:

Maya Rodriguez ‏@MRodriguezWWL
Speaks waived right to detention hearing. Will remain detained pending further proceedings in NC where he failed to register as sex offender
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Haha! I'm sorry I've had to correct many a people for the assumption that its regular bath salt... not a big deal, sorry again! Just a pet peeve.. my bad!
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