GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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What is the atmosphere like in the clubs for coworkers?

hypothetical ? ~ If I was working at a club for a year or two but quit or was fired (in that case why am I even going in there?), but was only gone from there for two months, how would the peeps I used to work with typically react when they see me walking in?

I know it would depend on who you are/were and all that but if TS walked into Stiletto's two months after he no longer worked there, had worked there for a year or two (conflicting reports as to the amount of time), wouldn't people say something like, 'hey, Terry/Chris/Leslie/ or whateveryournameis, how ya doing? Whatcha been up to?'

I'm trying to understand the climate in these places. If SR (and I have no reason not to believe her) says she was invited by MAS who was with TS, then why wouldn't she look at TS and say, 'wtf you know I don't work outside the club?' Afterall, she had seen the guy working there for a year or so. :waitasec:

Yet, when she speaks about the encounter, it sounds as if she's talking about a stranger. I'm sure by then I would know who Terry was and I'd say, 'nice try buddy, but there's no way I'm going to do a threesome with you and your sidekick.' I know the guy, don't I? I might add, 'I never knew you liked me that much.' :waitasec:
Hi all. I have been "lurking" here since this began. Not real familiar with posting yet. Came across an article last night though that I really wanted to share. It validates what Jurysout has been saying. An article that says they do have video footage of TS, MAS & JL together in MS. Perhaps they then tried to bury it because maybe it revealed another person & they don't want to put that out there just yet. If i'm not supposed to post this link Please delete it & accept my apologies.
:seeya: Hi, gulfcoastal. Welcome to the forum.

I'm not trying to shoot down anyone's theory. Goodness knows I'm praying that LE can run down more surveillance video of Jaren. But...the article you posted was published on Thursday. On Friday evening a different article appeared which quoted Grannan. According to this article, LE has not found video showing JL or the suspects in Mississippi:

The Sheriff's Office said they are also canvassing businesses along the Mississippi Coast, looking for video security footage, which may be able to connect to the area the two prime suspects in Lockhart's murder: Speaks and 28-year-old Margaret Sanchez.

"Hopefully, we've captured them on some video-- maybe stopping for some fuel, maybe stopping for a soft drink or use the restroom," Grannan said. "Hopefully, maybe a convenience store has captured them on a video, put them in the state of Mississippi."

Article continues with video at the link.

Is her BF alot older than she?
IM not sure whos in the pics with her!
Are any of those pics on that that FB page of her BF?
Forgive me all .....I have bad grammar and poor spelling....I noticed that it bothered quite a few of y'all ...but hopefully u will forgive me lol....I am hopeful that I am understanding y'all and that it mostly bothers u bc these are professionals ...right?? LOL hooefully I'm forgiven lol :newhere: :banghead: <~~ haha those are funny!!
:please: forgive me once again
^^tooooooo cute

I can honestly say that this group cares #1 about the victim.
This is a very diverse and respectful bunch!
I have rarely seen anything get out of hand and when it does the mods clean up house!
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You'll find your way here. These folks are amazing.
Forgive me all .....I have bad grammar and poor spelling....I noticed that it bothered quite a few of y'all ...but hopefully u will forgive me lol....I am hopeful that I am understanding y'all and that it mostly bothers u bc these are professionals ...right?? LOL hooefully I'm forgiven lol :newhere: :banghead: <~~ haha those are funny!!
:please: forgive me once again
^^tooooooo cute

LadyBug86 if this place was worried about bad spellin and grammar I would have been long gone. Don't even fret please an welcome

Investigators believe Speaks and Sanchez may have lured Lockhart with an offer of $700 or $800 for her to dance at a private party, said Glenn Grannan, lead investigator with the Hancock County Sheriff&#8217;s Office.

&#8220;We know that the suspects, particularly the female (Sanchez), tried to recruit a couple other girls before Jaren,&#8221; Grannan said. &#8220;We believe she (Lockhart) accepted after the others declined, and it went from there.&#8221;

Grannan said neither Sanchez nor Speaks has been cooperative with investigators. &#8220;She wanted to talk about the weather, but that was it. Same thing with him,&#8221; Grannan said.

The pair continue to be the primary suspects in Lockhart&#8217;s death, but are not the only suspects, Grannan said.

With them only wanting to talk about the weather, I'm thinking that this may be instructions. May be supporting the idea that there is a third party.

bbm~ It's bugging me that TS worked at Stilettos, has been gone for two months (per Mgr. who didn't appear on camera). Jaren worked at Stilettos (per someone named Christy) but had gone over to work at Temptations, months ago.

If the above is true, Jaren and TS would know each other. Also he would know to go to Temptations first if it was she he was after - unless someone from Stilettos was in on it for some reason.

Or, did he have a thing for Jaren and wanted it to be her. Why didn't he know that Jaren could be found in Temptations and not Stilettos (MAS asking SR if she was ?(no name given))? If Christy is correct, Jaren moved over to Temptations prior to TS leaving Stilettos. Why go into Stilettos first? When you were the doorman there just two months ago? When the girl you will kill in a few hours works next door? Why show your face at all in either place?Why not just send MAS in to solicit your prey?

Was Jaren someone else's ultimate target? His druggie gf was told to go get Jaren but she didn't know the reason therefore, she was willing to take SD, even though she wasn't Jaren. Then, while speaking to the manager and SD, TS found out that Jaren was working next door. In other words, Christy has her times mixed up as to who worked where when and maybe Jaren went over to Temptations after TS had already left Stilettos.

I'm trying to determine if it was Jaren specifically TS was after (at that point, MAS could be clueless as to what the night would ultimately bring).
It has been really strange the last few days here in BSL. Every time I go out I am wondering if TS and MAS had help, and if so, is this person still lurking in BSL? I can't relax even going to Walmart wondering if I might be standing next to someone who knows something and isn't saying. It is very disconcerting to think that someone in this community was involved in Jaren's murder. It MIGHT make me feel better if they had enough evidence to charge them with murder. But as long as they languish in jail, there is always going to be that question in the back of my mind. I am not a trusting person by nature, but I don't like the way I feel being out in BSL right now.

I agree. I do the beach walking path daily and find myself watching cars, people, helicopters. Water is so rough this morning and beach is full of families - can't help but think that if anything else is out there, it will wash up at low tide and some poor child will find it. Just too close to home.

Checked and Bucaneer does have a gate that says it closes at 10pm. But, the exit side is wide open. Would be just too convenient. Most campers are towards the front by the beach - very dark in the back. In addition to the Slipper, back towards Bayou Caddy, there's a road that leads to Bordages Marina. Just seems like if something happened around this area, they would have had to be in one of these secluded back roads.

Yesterday there was a brown pelican that sat on a post right by where Jaren's torso was found. It was somewhat comforting.

We were traveling Beach Blvd right as all the LE had arrived Thursday. What was strange was that they were looking in the large pipes being used to pump the sand from Pass Christian. Has to make you wonder.
bbm~ It's bugging me that TS worked at Stilettos, has been gone for two months (per Mgr. who didn't appear on camera). Jaren worked at Stilettos (per someone named Christy) but had gone over to work at Temptations, months ago.

If the above is true, Jaren and TS would know each other. Also he would know to go to Temptations first if it was she he was after - unless someone from Stilettos was in on it for some reason.

Or, did he have a thing for Jaren and wanted it to be her. Why didn't he know that Jaren could be found in Temptations and not Stilettos (MAS asking SR if she was ?(no name given))? If Christy is correct, Jaren moved over to Temptations prior to TS leaving Stilettos. Why go into Stilettos first? When you were the doorman there just two months ago? When the girl you will kill in a few hours works next door? Why show your face at all in either place?Why not just send MAS in to solicit your prey?

Was Jaren someone else's ultimate target? His druggie gf was told to go get Jaren but she didn't know the reason therefore, she was willing to take SD, even though she wasn't Jaren. Then, while speaking to the manager and SD, TS found out that Jaren was working next door. In other words, Christy has her times mixed up as to who worked where when and maybe Jaren went over to Temptations after TS had already left Stilettos.

I'm trying to determine if it was Jaren specifically TS was after (at that point, MAS could be clueless as to what the night would ultimately bring).

Sounds HIGHLY probable! I wonder if Christy looks like Jaren? MAS did say Christy looked like someone she "knew"..."waitasec:
bbm~ It's bugging me that TS worked at Stilettos, has been gone for two months (per Mgr. who didn't appear on camera). Jaren worked at Stilettos (per someone named Christy) but had gone over to work at Temptations, months ago.

If the above is true, Jaren and TS would know each other. Also he would know to go to Temptations first if it was she he was after - unless someone from Stilettos was in on it for some reason.

Or, did he have a thing for Jaren and wanted it to be her. Why didn't he know that Jaren could be found in Temptations and not Stilettos (MAS asking SR if she was ?(no name given))? If Christy is correct, Jaren moved over to Temptations prior to TS leaving Stilettos. Why go into Stilettos first? When you were the doorman there just two months ago? When the girl you will kill in a few hours works next door? Why show your face at all in either place?Why not just send MAS in to solicit your prey?

Was Jaren someone else's ultimate target? His druggie gf was told to go get Jaren but she didn't know the reason therefore, she was willing to take SD, even though she wasn't Jaren. Then, while speaking to the manager and SD, TS found out that Jaren was working next door. In other words, Christy has her times mixed up as to who worked where when and maybe Jaren went over to Temptations after TS had already left Stilettos.

I'm trying to determine if it was Jaren specifically TS was after (at that point, MAS could be clueless as to what the night would ultimately bring).

Or maybe Jaren went with them before!
For all of us sleuthing the camp possibility. Have any of us stopped to think that someone else's involvement could mean someone else's camp or even an abandoned building or property. The mention of Hunting knife makes me think camp. Just something to think about.
The name sounds vaguely familiar, and for some reason I do have a girl in mind, but I just haven't heard anything of another dancer dying that worked in the club that recent.

Thank you anyway. I was just curious as it would seem like a girl a month and that was making this even scarier to think about. Im not going to borrow unnecessary fear and leave this alone...LOL! Thanks again...
I was watching Gordon Ramseys kitchen nightmares it was a restraunt in NO ok so gordon Pi@@ed off the restraunt owner and the owner walked out and said on camera
"Dont he know this is New orleans if we dont like ya we cut you to pieces and feed you to the gators!"

Maybe this happens alot!
For what its worth I think the skittles duo did their own hair coloring.
Hmmmm, says I ......

What is Human Trafficking?

Article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines Trafficking in Persons as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs....
Now this was in 2006

In recent days, New Orleans has been riveted by an all-too-true tale of tragedy: A man chopped up his girlfriend and cooked her head and legs in a French Quarter garret above a voodoo temple earlier this month before leaping to his death.

Hall was described by friends as a poet and dancer, and worked in bars.
For all of us sleuthing the camp possibility. Have any of us stopped to think that someone else's involvement could mean someone else's camp or even an abandoned building or property. The mention of Hunting knife makes me think camp. Just something to think about.

Some of the pics on the Justice 4 Jaren site look like she COULD be at a camp!
(or heck maybe a backyard LOL!)

I am still thinking a boat party... Not sure if the boat would be owned or rented. Perhaps even a weekly cabin rental? Anything like that near Bay ST Louis?
Hunting knife: makes me think someone could not PURCHASE a gun! Due to his status with LE! Do they finger print you when trying to buy a gun? background check... I know they do that! TS couldn't buy one legally anyway... In retrospect he could have bought one off the streets I guess.

Hunting knives do well field dressing deer and boning it to take to the butcher...
I wonder if LE can tell by the remains they have if this person might have been a hunter??
Yikes! No limit?

I need to befriend a criminal defense attorney in LA

Her attorney would be screeching if they tried to detain her without charging her, for any length of time, especially with it being a capital case. I'm new to this case, but it appears she's currently being held on a two-bit charge while they get all their ducks in a row, for a probable cause hearing - she's fighting extradition, as is her right, but she's going to be extradited, anyway (IMO). It's merely a matter of putting forth the facts that there is good cause TO extradite her - I've every faith that LE is compiling this information as we, type.
Messed up my post by including a non-player! I removed her face and reposted picture!

I found something very interesting! On the Justice for Jaren website.... not sure I can link here... there is a picture of Jaren and a friend... behind them is a forest green Chevy Lumina maybe??? I'm not sure what year 2001 It has headlight covers and aftermarket wheels... (not sure WHEN this pic was taken)

I'm not a car expert but that looks like either a chevy Malibu or Monte Carlo.
Now this was in 2006

In recent days, New Orleans has been riveted by an all-too-true tale of tragedy: A man chopped up his girlfriend and cooked her head and legs in a French Quarter garret above a voodoo temple earlier this month before leaping to his death.

Hall was described by friends as a poet and dancer, and worked in bars.

Yes, I just read "Shake The Devil Off". This was a very disturbing case where a man dismembered his girlfriend before committing suicide.

Even so, I have to say it's just as disturbing to possibly have additional murder suspects walking free in our community because TS and MAS would rather talk about the weather than what happened to Jaren!
Some of the pics on the Justice 4 Jaren site look like she COULD be at a camp!
(or heck maybe a backyard LOL!)

I am still thinking a boat party... Not sure if the boat would be owned or rented. Perhaps even a weekly cabin rental? Anything like that near Bay ST Louis?
Hunting knife: makes me think someone could not PURCHASE a gun! Due to his status with LE! Do they finger print you when trying to buy a gun? background check... I know they do that! TS couldn't buy one legally anyway... In retrospect he could have bought one off the streets I guess.

Hunting knives do well field dressing deer and boning it to take to the butcher...
I wonder if LE can tell by the remains they have if this person might have been a hunter??

If TS wanted a gun, all he would have to do is get MAS to buy one for him or better yet, do the street purchase.

From the coroners report, they may have been able to tell what kind of knife was used. For example serrated. Maybe TS was known to carry a knife.

Hunting knife is a broad term and there are different varieties. A lot of people may carry one for self defense purposes.
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