GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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Thank you so much for posting that pic! You didn't have to do that if it was just for me! I'm sure he must be heartbroken.
They might have been looking for "Riot/Jaren" and mistaken SNand for her in the dark bar,
Did you see the news video of SNand? There is no way anyone could mistake JL for SNand and still have enough ambient light in the room to make their way out...
Ya'll We really cant even begin to fathom what he is going through. If LE and her family has no reason what so ever to speculate he was involved in this, then I dont think we should "wonder" where he is at. I know if I were in his shoes, I may lock myself in the house and not come out for a long time. To know someone did this to you soul mate, could very well have him on the verge of a breakdown, not mention the natural steps of grieving which include, Anger, Bitterness, Blaming yourself. Poor guy! I wish I could give him a hug.
"Hunting knife" struck a nerve with me, too, and supports the "camp" theory. If there were others involved certainly they might have set up the location.

The question on my mind this evening is what was Jaren asked to do in exchange for money. The word is that she was offered $500. I'd think the person who first shared that tidbit with the world knows the conditions of the offer, too. Why was it so important to get a dancer from the clubs?

The hunting knife seems to be specific info being released which is causing me to rethink a bit along the lines of a camp that perhaps is in the boonies and not used often.

If it is indeed just TS and MAS involved in this horrific crime then my thinking is they had a relationship where she just wanted to please in a distorted way. Maybe they were in to 3somes and possibly she would pick them out and he would choose. If this scenario is correct then drugs imo would have to be involved.

The questions with that scenario is what lure or promise would be enough to convince Jaren to go along? I would go with the private dance theory.

The other question would be if these two were tested. Obviously not or there would be charges, Maybe at the time of getting picked up they didn't exhibit signs of being high and weren't given a drug test?
Ya'll We really cant even begin to fathom what he is going through. If LE and her family has no reason what so ever to speculate he was involved in this, then I dont think we should "wonder" where he is at. I know if I were in his shoes, I may lock myself in the house and not come out for a long time. To know someone did this to you soul mate, could very well have him on the verge of a breakdown, not mention the natural steps of grieving which include, Anger, Bitterness, Blaming yourself. Poor guy! I wish I could give him a hug.

Agreed. I'm sure he just wants to be left alone to grieve. What he needs is our prayers for comfort, healing and peace, and to know Christ's love and salvation.
All right, I'm going to think out loud:

1. We have a man and woman, each of which are no more than quarter rats that we know of. She (pure speculation) is a drug addict and has mood swings. He (fact) has a previous criminal record and came to NO using a different identity. At this time, from what we know, he was not dealing drugs or acting as a middle man for the girls to make extra money. If he was doing so, the regulars in the quarter would know so.

2. Why would someone approach a such as him to lure a dancer from the bar?

3. Furthermore, why would he, put it in MAS hands to entice the other dancer? The answer to that is because he was using her to gain the trust of another woman. IMO

4. A big wig wouldn't use this (TS) for a hook up. They have their own connections. Unless, they were both used as pauns in a chess game.

5. That boils down to either TS and MAS are the killers or they were used by someone else to carry out this dirtly little deed.

6. Or, something else went wrong!

If it was Jarens character to go out and party after work, then her BF would have no reason to jump and call LE.

Alright! I'm done talking out loud.
Hunting knives are somewhat large used to clean deer around MS and LA. Not normally, if ever serrated. Totally different from a knife you would find on most boats. Can't say that I've seen them sold locally in gas stations or WalMart etc. Now filet knives are a different story and obviously that's not what Glen is looking for.

I agree with this. A hunting knife would be specific to the area and the purpose its thus named, It would be used to clean a deer, coon, rabbit or what ever (sorry to be graphic) A knife for fishing would be deemed a filet knife I would think. The two are much different in size and gauge.
Speaking from the hunting camps I know as there can be a wide variety depending on the wealth of the owners of the camps. Since many hunting camps are on leased land, they are usually temporary structures like an old mobile home or campers occasionally even a small cabin. On property that is individually owned, it can be any of the above or even a large common building for use by all members.

That's absolutely true. But if we're talking about camps, mainly fishing camps, few exist in the Waveland, BSL area any more, which is where so many seem to be concentrating on. Before Katrina, the majority of the structures were exactly what Glezell described. Waveland was ground zero for Katrina. We had a 35ft wave of water hit us. Imagine a entire town wiped flat. What is in Waveland and BSL now are cottages and homes north of the railroad tracks and $300K-1M homes south of the tracks. There are pockets of camps still left in Lakeshore but in secluded areas. If you rebuilt, you didn't rebuild a
camp - new construction laws wouldn't allow it. North of Hwy 90, which
where they would have probably been on, are fishing camps but not the trailer, leased land etc that you might think about when you hear "fishing camps". Most have been rebuit since Katrina and are nice weekend homes. Many are on the Jordan River or bayous leading to the MS Sound. There are some in Harrison leading out to the Bay that are multi-million $. Anyway, guess my point is: there aren't as many places where what they did (can't put those
words in writing) could be pulled off. But we'll wait and see. Guess it could happen anywhere.
This is my first post. I hope I do it right. I have been following this case from the time that it was announced that a torso was found. I was actually following the case of BW (Alabama). They initially thought that it may be her. Anyhow, this case saddens me so much. My personal thoughts are the two freaks did this on their own for self gratification. The only thing that makes me think that someone else may know or is involved would be the short amount of time that it occurred in. Little time for a thorough clean up and such. I am sure it could be done, it just seems that LE would have found the crime scene by now. Or blood (even a speck) in the car. I am just not getting that part of it. They were sloppy in everything else, how can they keep this hidden? Also, why dismember her? To carry her out of somewhere? Make her fit?
Originally Posted by Portabella
I have a question, hopefully someone could answer or speculate on. Jaren's brother was going to be picking her up to bring her home, was this going to be permanent? Was she going home or just for a visit? If this was going to be permanent, was the boyfriend also going home with her? Just something seems a bit off in my opinion. Where is he now? Is he with her family? his? we don't really hear anything about him. I am not putting any blame on him, but just curious why he seems so distant from this to me. I saw someone else asked if there were pics of him on her facebook? Do we know? hmmmm just thinking as always..

I hope i can clear this up some. As I has said before, I have talked with her brother in law Benny although I did not know Jaren personally and have become friends with Benny since the tragedy. My mission is simply to help the family and deflect pain, I would never betray his trust in me so I have simply not said a lot simply to make absolutely sure that I don't say anything incorrect, or that can be taken the wrong way. I do not want to be one of those people who would use this tragedy to bring attention to themselves. I am a very private person and would hate to be a murder victim and have my life picked apart even though I lead a very tame and quiet life as a complete homebody.

My heart goes out to her fiance. Can imagine the grief and guilt he feels. Even when a loved one has done nothing wrong and couldn't have changed the death of their loved one, they still have survivor guilt. This is a part of grieving and believe me, when my fiance died suddenly, I was overwhelmed with "what if" and wishing I could have done something. So i know how it felt for me and to try and even imagine the hugeness of what he is dealing with is overwhelming. It's all you can do to keep breathing. When my fiance died, i felt like i would have died also if my heart beating and breathing had not been involuntary action. I certainly didnt have the will to keep them going. It must be a million times worse for him, simply because of the circumstances.

Many people simply withdraw when they lose a loved one. They just cannot wrap their minds around what has happened ( and you know this is so overwhelming to deal with the manner of her death). They just close up and are just paralyzed in their grief.

There is no doubt in my mind about his innocence so please understand that. That is sooooo important. Any insinuations that he would do this to her must be incredibly painful to him. He is already dealing with enough.

From my talks with Benny, I can tell that her fiance absolutely loved her. I believe it was 8 years they had been together. That is an incredibly long time for anyone nowadays. I respect that very much. I don't get ANY impression at all that her fiance was involved in any way, shape or form in harming her or being involved. Nope, not at all and it hurts me to read that others have doubts but I can somewhat understand people wanting to know more about their relationship and him. I could understand wanting to hear him speak on the subject so you could eliminate him from your mind as a suspect.

He has nothing to gain at this point by going public in his grief. Some people would pick apart every word and expression and use it against him. I think it is better if he stays to himself and comes to terms with this before speaking out. Let the facts come out so people know he is completely innocent and then maybe he will feel up to talking, knowing that he is not going to be treated as a suspect. Until then, allow him the time to grieve in peace.

Her fiance is just as much a victim of this crime as Jaren. Jaren lost her life and if you think about it, he lost his life as well. The life he had with her in it as the love of his life is gone. The life he dreamed of with her and hopes for the future have been shattered, stomped on and then dragged thru the public for callous people to comment on and cast suspicion on him or making insinuations about her.

If I were him I would have to shut off my phone, stay away from the internet; avoid any TV because this story is everywhere. Where can he go where is not assaulted with questions, suspicions and painful reminders of all that he has lost? I imagine that even if he stays locked up and talks to no one, he still has to deal with the "what ifs" about how he could have saved her and dealing with survivor's guilt.

The fact that his name was somehow left off of that obituary that appeared is obviously an oversight and a mistake. There is no reason to cast doubt on him for that. There was nothing to be inferred from the fact that his name did not appear. After all, many of the articles we have come across have misinformation and typos galore. I am sure that will be corrected and the person responsible feels bad for making such an error.

I cannot express enough that he is an innocent victim in this crime and he deserves our support at this time. Please remember that we at WS do not sleuth innocent family members. We have standards and compassion here. We have empathy and offer support to family and fight for them to get justice. That is why many of us are here, after all.

Sorry if I am being long winded in defending him. It's just that my heart goes out to him. I have tears in my eyes thinking of the torment he must be in. Let's not add to that in any way. Let's not add anything to the pain that must be consuming him. Let us do the mission that we are all here for and fight for justice and wrap our arms around the families involved and protect them. For that is something that I have always been so proud of them members of this website for. My first comments to Benny were just a note to him to assure him that WS was here to support the family and that we meant no harm. I stand by that and I pray that you feel the same and are here for the same reason.

Ok, here are some answers to the questions above about circumstances. It is my understanding of the facts as from my discussions. I hope i say it all right so that my words are not misunderstood, twisted or incorrect. I would feel horrible if I were to get something wrong or say have my words used to hurt the family.

I understand that Jaren and her fiance had a car but it had been wrecked a while back which led to their need for taxi cabs. This also led to their living in the motel where she could be close to work and he could be with her. It was not that he did not want to work or had not worked. He had lost a job , as many of us had in these difficult times. I lost my job a few months ago, many people have and it can be hard finding a job nowadays. I am sure he did not want her supporting him. I get the impression that he wanted to work and protect her. Jaren was a beautiful girl and determined young woman and knew she could make good money dancing to help them recover and get back on their feet and return back to their life together in a more rural area closer to their families. But the lack of a car somewhat stranded them at the motel and isolated them.

So it seems perfectly normal that Jaren would ask her brother to come and get them and bring them home for a visit to see their beloved baby girl and their families. Jaren was very close to her brother as well. This wasn't an attempt for her to go home and leave her fiance. She had been with her fiance a long time and their devotion to each other must be obvious by now.

I know we all want to know more that can help us wrap our minds and understanding about all of this. I understand our motivation in wanting to know more. We want to be able to say "He was innocent and this is how I know" and defend him against the ugliness that has been displayed on other websites in comments that people make in ignorance and with malice.

Sorry I get to rambling on. I just want to say it emphatically in many different ways that I believe in her fiance and have never gotten the impression that he was involved in her death at all. I see him as a victim as she was. He has the rest of the life to have to live in agony over this. We don't need to add to it by doing anything less than supporting him and believing in him.

I hope I was able to answer the questions and help everyone understand the situation better. Thanks for your support and understanding.
Thinking a bit more......

It's hard to put yourself in the shoes of someone that is greiving from a loss such as this unless you have experienced it.

If I was her BF, I would not want the media all over me. I would want to hold and hug my (thier) daughter and grieve in peace.

I remember reading somewhere, it may have been on the R.I.P or Justice 4 Jaren Facebook, that her boyfriends parents had their daughter and she was being well taken care of. The boyfriend may be there as well, trying to stay out of the way of the media with the daughter. You never hear much about either one of them.
bbm~ It's bugging me that TS worked at Stilettos, has been gone for two months (per Mgr. who didn't appear on camera). Jaren worked at Stilettos (per someone named Christy) but had gone over to work at Temptations, months ago.

If the above is true, Jaren and TS would know each other. Also he would know to go to Temptations first if it was she he was after - unless someone from Stilettos was in on it for some reason.

Or, did he have a thing for Jaren and wanted it to be her. Why didn't he know that Jaren could be found in Temptations and not Stilettos (MAS asking SR if she was ?(no name given))? If Christy is correct, Jaren moved over to Temptations prior to TS leaving Stilettos. Why go into Stilettos first? When you were the doorman there just two months ago? When the girl you will kill in a few hours works next door? Why show your face at all in either place?Why not just send MAS in to solicit your prey?

Was Jaren someone else's ultimate target? His druggie gf was told to go get Jaren but she didn't know the reason therefore, she was willing to take SD, even though she wasn't Jaren. Then, while speaking to the manager and SD, TS found out that Jaren was working next door. In other words, Christy has her times mixed up as to who worked where when and maybe Jaren went over to Temptations after TS had already left Stilettos.

I'm trying to determine if it was Jaren specifically TS was after (at point, MAS could be clueless as to what the night would ultimately bring).
Moo of course but several details point to Jaren NOT being a specific target and those details coming from LE actively on the case lead me to believe that Jaren was indeed NOT targeted specifically..

Detective Grannan who has been leading up the investigation from the moment Jaren's torso washed up on the portion of beach in the county of which he is sheriff.. it is he that has cleared up a couple of different points for me.. one is his talking about the fact that there are two dancers from Stilettos that were approached during their shifts by MAS.. They indicate that it was MAS who was doing the propositioning while TS seemed to sit back allowing MAS to do the work.. tho, its not specifically indicated that the dancers knew or were close with TS from his having worked as the doorman at Stilettos, IMO it is a given that they knew who TS was and as the manager states TS was always polite but kept to himself as in shy.. MAS is the one that detective Grannan states that both the dancers indicated they were leery of and the dancers described her as freaky.. IMO its not at all unusual for the female to be doing the propositioning in a situation where a couple are interested in bringing a third or fourth party into their sex life(as I can personally attest to this and on more than one occasion over the course of the past decade in being propositioned by the female of a couple who were interested in "swinging" and were feeling out the situation to see if hubby&i were game for it.. and these occurrences were in just a regular bar atmosphere rather than at a gents club) while it is not at all unusual IMO for the female to be the one that approaches another female to proposition her.. what was IMO different that IMO both of these other dancers immediately picked up on was that this wasn't just a regular proposition.. there evidently was a hinkiness to the proposition which IMO set off each of these girls instincts that something was just not quite right.. and that MAS was described as freaky due to that vibe that she seemed to be putting off..

Moo but I believe that by the time the couple left Stilettos that it had become apparent that the proposition of the girl joining the couples sex life was not at all working well for whatever reason and that upon their entering Temptations that it had been decided that TS was going to take over the reins(and is why we see him enter with such confidence/purpose with MAS seeming to trail behind) .. i believe that TS confidently approached Jaren who there was already somewhat a level of trust established from having worked with and walked her out many a night after her shift ended to her car.. i believe he approached her and said hey, Riot you wanna go make a few hundred extra dollars for this private party, Ill take ya and I'll stay to make sure no one messes with you.. it'll be a quick and easy $500 you can make what do u say?

As we know from detective Grannan there is more than one witness(as in multiple witnesses that overheard her as well as the manager who Jaren spoke to) that heard Jaren go ask the manager could she go ahead and leave a little early to make extra money at a party.. and that IMO was the very beginning of the end for Jaren.. she grabs her stuff and as we know at 2:05am she along with TS/MAS leave out of Temptations and head on foot a few blocks down and over to where its likely that MAS was parked and they all 3 left together..

IMO there is a VERY SPECIFIC reason that Jaren accepted the offer that we know 2 other dancers were not willing to accept.. many ask then why did Jaren accept? Was she more desperate? More naive? ..IMO the answer is no to both of those questions and the reason that Jaren accepted was because it was not the "freaky" girl, MAS that approached Jaren.. detective Grannan is very specific in that it was the female, MAS That both of these dancers were leery of, that they were getting the freaky vibe from.. it was Margaret that they altogether did not trust in the least and what was the reason for their declining all offers made by her.. IMO by the time the couple left Stilettos TS KNEW FULL WELL THAT IF HE WAS GOING TO BE ABLE TO GET ONE OF THE GIRLS TO GO WITH THEM THAT IT WAS HE THAT WOULD HAVE TO APPROACH AND PROPOSITION.. and IMO that is exactly what he did when he entered Temptations.. i believe that is exactly why many believe that his demeanor on video was determined, with purpose as he eneterd that club.. because he very much was of that frame of mind.. he intended to succeed in what MAS had so miserably failed at two times in the other club.. he entered Temptations and IMO upon his seeing Riot/Jaren, he immediately set his sights on the prize that he knew he could win.. he knew that due to the fact that he knew that he had a level of trust in place with Riot in his having many times before served as protector in walking her to her car after an early morning shift was over.. he knew that if he approached her with a confident demeanor with actual purpose, not to mention that the offer would also greatly be of benefit to Jaren.. and well.. that's exactly what, why, and how the approach and proposition that was offered to Jaren was successfully done and exactly why we saw the 3 leaving together a short 17 minutes later..

IMO there isn't anything left to speculate upon as far as what was the ruse used by these two that successfully got Jaren out of the club and into the clutches of these two.. as in some speculating it was simply an innocent ride home.. that's not what occurred and we have the lead detective on the case sharing with us what exactly that was offered to Jaren that she wilingly left with the two..he clearly states that there is more than one person that heard Jaren ask the manager to leave early.. not only asked to leave but stated the actual purpose for her leaving and that was to go to a party that she was going to be able to make extra money for going to.. that plain and simple is what TS approached Jaren and offered her.. he had a party that was in need of entertainment that if Jaren would agree to go to that she would be paid $500(as memory foam shared as the dollar amount that Jaren was offered) ..I believe that it was TS confident demeanor,simple to the point offer with a dollar amount that sounded appealing, as well as a believable amount, combined with Jaren having a level of trust in TS from their having worked together.. it was those combined that IMO led Jaren to without question or even hesitation accept the offer, and was out the door and on her way ..

IMO it wasn't at all that Jaren was different from the other two dancers that declined.. she was NOT more naive.. nor MORE in need of cash.. it wasn't Jaren at all that was the factor that changed the outcome of her accepting where as the other two declined.. the reason was because it was not the freaky female, who was clearly putting of the vibe of DESPERATION that Nand describes that she saw&felt from MAS.. MAS did NOT approach Jaren.. IMO TS approached her with confidence and believable offer that quickly led to her accepting.. that IMO was the difference.. that IMO was the entire reason why Jaren accepted and left with the two when the other girls declined..

TS knew full well when he left out of Stilettos club that if he was going to get what he wanted/needed to happen that night(that being for whatever reason to have one of the girls to leave with he and MAS) ..HE KNEW FULL WELL THAT HE WAS GOING TO HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.. HE KNEW MAS FAILED MISERABLY AT IT.. he knew if he once again allowed MAS to enter into Temptations To once again try to approach one of the girls.. he knew they'd be leaving empty handed.. he knew full well if he wanted something done right.. well by God then he had to do it himself.. and that's exactly what we see when he enters Temptations.. a determined and with purpose man enter that club with a very specific agenda to which he full well intended to succeed in leaving out that front door with one of the girls from the club leaving with the couple..

And 17 minutes later that is exactly what we saw happen when he, MAS, and Jaren left out the front door of that club at 2:05am..
Let's respect the family's privacy and move on, please. :tyou:
SwampMama thank you for explaining where and why her fiancé is . I have been on these boards for 9 years and I have seen the questions about loved ones involved more than I would like. But we do have our reasons to doubt my 1st case here was Laci Peterson enuff said,
But in.Jarens case I never even thought her fiancé was involved. And when Sweetly came in and confirmed that was good enough for me.
And thank you for taking the time to help the family through this horrible tragedy .
It has been really strange the last few days here in BSL. Every time I go out I am wondering if TS and MAS had help, and if so, is this person still lurking in BSL? I can't relax even going to Walmart wondering if I might be standing next to someone who knows something and isn't saying. It is very disconcerting to think that someone in this community was involved in Jaren's murder. It MIGHT make me feel better if they had enough evidence to charge them with murder. But as long as they languish in jail, there is always going to be that question in the back of my mind. I am not a trusting person by nature, but I don't like the way I feel being out in BSL right now.

I know i feel the same husband i heard talking to his friend he said thats all she talks about is that JL case!! He doesn't understand how bad i want jistice for Jaren
I can honestly say that this group cares #1 about the victim.
This is a very diverse and respectful bunch!
I have rarely seen anything get out of hand and when it does the mods clean up house!
If you ever have problems with a post that crosses the line you can alert the mods with a red button on the upper right of the post.
You'll find your way here. These folks are amazing.

Ty u all r soooo nice! It really makes me enjoy thisforu
An awful the point i just want to keep reading!! Thankz for making me deel so welcomed here!!
Also, I wanted to say that i only used Portabella's post to reply to (see post 1333) because i wanted to answer the questions people had. It wasn't at all meant to imply that Portabella was trying to cause any harm by asking questions. Those are questions we all have because we all want to understand this better. We like dealing in the facts here because a lack of facts all drives us crazy with trying to figure out how this all happened. It is all so incomprehensible.

It occurred to me after i posted that i hadn't made that clear. I just wanted to make sure that I make it clear that I wasn't offended by the question or that I chose their post to personally reply to in an attempt to discredit their intentions in asking question. I believe that Portabella was simply trying to make sense of all this, just as the rest of us are in our quest for justice for Jaren.
I know i feel the same husband i heard talking to his friend he said thats all she talks about is that JL case!! He doesn't understand how bad i want jistice for Jaren

Of course you do. Your little girl (i hope i remembered correctly that your baby's a girl!) should never have to breathe the same air as the evil people who did this.
Goodnight everyone! I will not give up untill there is justice for Jaren and Hillary and any other girls out there that need support!!!!!!
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