GUILTY LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

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While I am astounded and disgusted by the acts of these women, I think it is important to note that talking about gender reveals and wanting attention or trying to identify the fathers of children as a reveal party is repugnant. These are generalizations that are unfair and, IMO, uncalled for. The father of this child has been devastated by this occurrence--he was not an unknown daddy and deserves respect in not having these kinds of comments thrown in a conversation about his child.
Honestly, those gender reveal parties .... It would be more appropriate these days (sadly) to have a "daddy reveal party." But, in a lot of cases, only a DNA test could accurately prove who daddy was. What a sad, sorry world we live in. Absolutely NO morals at all, IMO. JMO. I am definitely for the death penalty against these two if they are proven to have murdered this precious baby. What a horrible way to die!
I can’t find a thing about a hearing on Friday the 27th. They had 72 hours to have the hearing which in court calendar days is tomorrow. The court has an online option to get info for $20 per day o_O

Louisiana is a bit different and it goes back to when it was a territory, but I would expect it to have been an arraignment. The defendants are informed of charges and there’s discussion regarding bail.

Unless that is it had another entire classification. It was probably just part of the process.

And it is a very spendy search charge. The lical papers should have details though.
K - she was arrested 7/25, so I figured they'd do it within 72 hours since the weekend was coming up. So maybe tomorrow? I'll put it on list.
Yes, I saw that you have to pay a fee to get info on the site!

Thanks all who responded! :)
Louisiana is a bit different and it goes back to when it was a territory, but I would expect it to have been an arraignment. The defendants are informed of charges and there’s discussion regarding bail.

Unless that is it had another entire classification. It was probably just part of the process.

And it is a very spendy search charge. The lical papers should have details though.

“Law in the state of Louisiana is based on a more diverse set of sources than the laws of the other forty-nine states of the United States. Private law—that is, substantive law between private sector parties, principally contracts and torts—has a civil law character, based on French and Spanish codes and ultimately Roman law, with some common lawinfluences.[1] Louisiana's criminal law largely rests on American common law.”

Law of Louisiana - Wikipedia

I have always found the above fascinating and wasn’t sure if their criminal law also followed French and Spanish codes but it doesn’t seem to be so.

I checked the local papers but haven’t found anything about the preliminary hearing yet either. I’m sure we will see something tomorrow.
I just do not understand how a human being can possibly burn a 6 month baby. We have seen many cases where a deceased child has been disposed in disgusting ways and that for me was bad enough. This poor baby was still alive an hour after 911 was called about the abduction, so we can only guess and cry about what time these monsters took him to that fire.
I believe mom and smith did what ever they did to poor Levi and left him at the fire then went back to the trailer park and phoned 911 with the bogus abduction.
I just do not understand how a human being can possibly burn a 6 month baby. We have seen many cases where a deceased child has been disposed in disgusting ways and that for me was bad enough. This poor baby was still alive an hour after 911 was called about the abduction, so we can only guess and cry about what time these monsters took him to that fire.
I believe mom and smith did what ever they did to poor Levi and left him at the fire then went back to the trailer park and phoned 911 with the bogus abduction.
This is my assumption as well.
Monday, July 30th:
*1st Appearance Hearing (maybe?) – LA – Levi Cole Ellerbe (6 mos) (July 17, 2018; died July 18, 2018; kidnapped & burned to death) – only for *Hannah Nicole Barker (22) “mom” arrested & charged (7/25/18) with principle to first-degree murder, meaning the “actual perpetrator of the crime”. Held without bond.
72 hour court hearing, could be 7/27/18; moved to Monday, 7/30.
7/28/18 Update: DA charges Barker with criminal conspiracy. No new dates available.
*Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith (25) arrested & charged (7/21/18) on 1st degree murder. Held without bond.
7/25/18 Update: Additional charges are expected for Smith.
7/28/18 Update: DA charges Smith with criminal conspiracy. No new dates available.
I still cannot wrap my brain around burning a six month old baby alive. I’ve heard of cases where bodies (already deceased) are burned to conceal evidence of prior injury, DNA, etc.... but burning a baby alive? Sadistic? Trying to cover up something?

Sadistic. It has to be. I could even burn a MOUSE alive. I couldn't step on a mouse when the opportunity presented itself!

I cannot understand how two people can get into a conversation about this.

Neither can I.

I mean I've had the whole "you kill her and I'll dump the body" type of conversations in a joking fashion.

Even I could never even discuss something like this.

Because they could have cared less about this baby.

It's got to be more than that. There are people that I truly DESPISE. I still couldn't burn them alive. Even people who might really deserve it.
I have a nephew who is a deputy sheriff. I do know that he has had to have counseling (quietly) over the years because of some of the crimes he has seen involving children. There are things the public never hears about or sees that are beyond horrific. He is a father/grandfather (now), and you can't just "unsee" certain realities involving precious children, and you can't fix any of the perpetrators who are often allowed back into their little lives.
Indeed. I have a friend who works in the ER. A teen came in who had attempted suicide. He didn’t make it. She almost quit her job. She ended up needing hospitalization and therapy.
I worked in ER for decades. We saw lots of deaths and did not need to quit or require hospistalization

That one obviously hit her hard. Perhaps she is more sensitive than others, or it was something personal about the suicide aspect. Each person is different. I too know many others who didn’t need therapy in their professions (first responders, doctors, etc). I suppose each person may have different breaking points, and certain things that may especially affect them.

She’s back at work now. She’s a total sweetheart and an amazing person who really cares about helping others. I always tell her how awesome she must be at work. How her patients must really feel so comforted in her presence.

Eta: who knows, maybe there are some out there who do need therapy but just don’t pursue it. For all we know they could be affected in ways we do not know about. I’d also be willing to bet there are many out there who tried such professions and decided it might not be for them. And that’s okay.
Last edited:
Monday, July 30th:
*1st Appearance Hearing (maybe?) – LA – Levi Cole Ellerbe (6 mos) (July 17, 2018; died July 18, 2018; kidnapped & burned to death) – only for *Hannah Nicole Barker (22) “mom” arrested & charged (7/25/18) with principle to first-degree murder, meaning the “actual perpetrator of the crime”. Held without bond.
72 hour court hearing, could be 7/27/18; moved to Monday, 7/30.
7/28/18 Update: DA charges Barker with criminal conspiracy. No new dates available.
*Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith (25) arrested & charged (7/21/18) on 1st degree murder. Held without bond.
7/25/18 Update: Additional charges are expected for Smith.
7/28/18 Update: DA charges Smith with criminal conspiracy. No new dates available.

I had to deal with Louisiana law in the 90s when a dear friend was very ill after traveling to Houma. As soon as possible I hired a nurse, bought a motor home and the first night was across the state lines back to Alaska. A detailed power of attorney was not entirely valid down there.

I will look up court rules or statutes, provide links and look at time frames.
Clearly they didn't care, but that isn't their motive. People who simply don't care pawn children off on relatives, neglect them, etc. Burning a l8ving baby is beyond the realm of not caring.

I completely agree that to you and I it seems way beyond the realm of not caring. Everything I've read on this case points to drugs so this poor child could have cried or wanted fed at the wrong time....maybe they tried to sleep and this baby kept them up? It really seems to me that this would have been done in a fit of anger. I mean this was beyond cruel and they must not have cared one bit about the pain this baby would have been in.

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