LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #17

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Just to ease all of our minds... maybe that superimposed picture should be sent to the PI and LE. They should both deny that's what it is... correct?

I keep looking for news updates stating that LE has seen it here on the forum (or probably other places by now) and for LE to say no, no, no and here's another picture of the truck.
How could that happen right there an no one at the gas station see it? Now the hairs on my arms are standing up. Just let me look at that again.
Exactly and don't forget the 'land yacht' car passed that direction right around that time as well ... SURELY they would have seen something before the scene could be cleared imo.
I in no way believe LE would have released that pic to the public if it showed Mickey run over.

I think folks are just getting desperate for answers. :twocents:

Yep. At a minimum, the impact alone would have propelled her and the bike forward several feet. This sequence would have the viewer believe that she was hit and remained in the same spot. Laws of physics tell us otherwise.
A truck hitting a bicycle makes a big noise. I've heard it more than once. There is no way people at the gas station wouldn't have noticed. If the truck kept going there would have been even more noise if it was dragging a bike underneath it.
Did the LE mark off the Circle K and inspect that area? If not then they either didn't realize that the accident happened there or the don't think that it occurred there. Either way nice job on the photos- you guys/gals are very impressive with your sleuthing.

i'm too far from lafayette - closer to whiskey bay, but could a local go and check out the circle K area and see if the truck did run her over right there, then where did he go to next - assuming he may have gone somewhere close to get the bike out from under his truck etc. like put yourself in the criminal's shoes.
If the truck were raised, Mickey could have been plowed right under it.

Radio could have been on loudly. Circle K people might not have heard a thing.

Does Circle K gas station have music /news on at the pumps like Chevron?
I don't know...I find it hard to believe the truck ran over Mickey and her bike and no one noticed or heard a thing? No way no how. Not to mention there would definitely be blood and broken shards from the bike.

IMO if this were the case LE would definitely release the footage they have that we have not seen and a huge BOLO would be out.
I wouldn't assume LE has shown surveillance video to Mickey's family. They may have just shown them the still shots. But I'm pretty sure there's no way LE would show a family video of their loved one being mowed down by a truck.
Of course, that could just be "okay, I'm not feeling up to hanging out with BW anymore tonight, but I like him as a friend so I will spare his feelings, so I'll just tell him I feel sick/tired/etc.".

Just a thought.

im sorta leaning the same way... if she really was feeling bad and was ready to leave as early as eleven o'clock why didnt she just go home from artmosphere then and not even bother with the whole complicated situation just to get a taco and then have to ride 4 miles all the way back home at 2am... i also am curious about bw stating that mickey doesnt have boyfriends... :twocents:
If it was an accident there is an empty hospital close by that could easily be use to put someone and a bike. So I must question again whether that hospital has been looked at closely.

Many times with missing persons they are often found quite close to the last seen site unless the person has been taken for different reasons.

ETA My gut tells me this was not an accident.
A.C.I. said yesterday he went and checked the area around the Imaging Center and the delivery entrance to that hospital; any results? Maybe we could also ask A.C.I. to walk through the old Lourdes hospital. If it is locked, I do not know how to get permission; maybe someone else has a suggestion. I live in the area and would be happy to accompany A.C.I. in daylight. Would anyone else want to go? I shudder with the idea she could be in an old abandoned hospital that no one has been in over a year. probably still has beds and delapidated fridges and closets - not a place I would want to go alone or be locked in alone.
also, are we sure the video was from the images at the circle K? couldn't the video the family saw have been from the other camera view we saw of her on her bike? I don't remember them identifying specifically which one was a video? or if both where?
I don't know...I find it hard to believe the truck ran over Mickey and her bike and no one noticed or heard a thing? No way no how. Not to mention there would definitely be blood and broken shards from the bike.

IMO if this were the case LE would definitely release the footage they have that we have not seen and a huge BOLO would be out.

We don't know that there wasn't.
and remember the sign that so many of us were SURE it was her book?? (oh gosh, hope I didn't read that so fast and missed you saying that !)

I will just have to sit back and wait on this being true because I know my eyes might be playing tricks on me?
One thing for sure,this woke me up from my lethargic, sleepy, dreaming of white truck state........Oh, my..........

with text

it is harder to tell by just looking at it... but how i look at them is another way entirely and less visual and cant post it or you wouldn't understand what you were looking at...

it is her

I've stuck by the drunk driving accident, panic, hide all evidence scenario from the beginning, but I just don't think this is where it happened. There is no way, unless there was some major bribing going on at the Circle K of the customers and the workers (which would have been on tape) that those people there wouldn't see anything of a girl not only getting hit, but literally run over. In the second part of the gif, with the truck, you can even see someone standing at the back of their car at the gas pump. I can't conceivably believe all of those people would have not noticed, and would have stayed quiet. And if they didn't stay quiet, Lafayette would know by now. This case has proven the power of a rumor in Lafayette.

To play out the theory someone posted later that maybe she got caught up in the undercarriage and dragged. That would have left evidence unless she was literally just swooped under the car and caught up totally. I don't see that either.

I do think LE know way more than they're telling us and the family. I think the family does know more than us. But, I don't think they have video of her getting hit.

Just my 2 cents on this situation.

I'm very sad to see TES go, but I'm not surprised. And I'm not surprised about the tipline not being manned 24/7 either. This case has needed a big break since they got the bike, and it hasn't gotten it. Time is, unfortunately, not on our side.

I've enjoyed (if you can say that) reading everyone's theories and insights, but I think I'm going to take a step back for awhile until we have some news. I'm ashamed to say I've been spending more time on here that I should have and have neglected quite a few other things I shouldn't. Mickey will still be on my mind though. Keep on sleuthing and, more importantly, be safe. Be aware at all times, protect yourself, make sure you avoid situations where you are alone, no one around. But, as I said yesterday, don't live in fear. We all benefit from being careful, but no one benefits from living in fear.
Yep. At a minimum, the impact alone would have propelled her and the bike forward several feet. This sequence would have the viewer believe that she was hit and remained in the same spot. Laws of physics tell us otherwise.

good point. for the bike light to be under the truck as it appears to be, she would just have plopped right on the side underneath, but in the same spot. the truck wouldn't have just sucked her right under.

could it be possible that she was grabbed off of her bike and thrown in the truck while bike was shoved under the truck? because that really looks like her bike under the truck.
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