LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #25

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What leads you to this speculation?

Absolutely nothing! Same thing that leads people to believe it was a "hate crime" based on sexual orientation or what leads people to believe she's a virgin....or dating a professor or much older man or a black Guy. Or a woman or a Jock ......or anyone she would feel need to hide from her parents or friends. kind of just saying.

At first when I heard she was not feeling well and wanted to leave early and wasn't drinking I thought she might be pregnant.....drinking the night before kind of ruins that possibility in my mind but who knows...
Maybe she didn't want to keep a baby and Mr mystery man wanted her to. Maybe she was keeping her baby and Mr mystery didn't want her to. Maybe mystery man was married and didn't want his wife to find out. Maybe mystery man killed her.
Maybe she likes white guys and black Guy wanted her and it made him mad
Maybe white Guy wanted her and found out she was into black guys.
Maybe female wanted her and found out she was into males.
Maybe male wanted her and found out she likes females.
Maybe Jock found out she likes nerds. Maybe nerd found out she likes jocks.
Maybe someone wanted her to be a virgin or still be a virgin like she was the last time they talked or dated and she gave her virginity to someone else.
Maybe a Guy wanted to sleep with her and she would rather remain a virgin.
Maybe she was way off route cuz she was smoking a birthday blunt with a friend from way back......for all we know she could like much older Jock type transvestite married black women...who sell weed but don't eat meat..

You know what? The only people who could answer all these questions are her close friends or family or possibly a person or two who associated with her privately or secretly. Hopefully the p.I. is being thorough. Because her family and friends are not going to say anything bad or could be percieved as bad......same people who would prefer to think she's alright alive Ans can't imagine why anyone would hurt her.

Private health issues such as something like diabetes?

I have a good friend who does not like to stay at other's homes or share a hotel room with anyone because she snores loudly. Seems silly to me but it really bothers her.
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

Oh .- so sad! She sounds so lost and hopeless and will give anything to get Mikey back
They did if she was always so reliable, never slept at others' houses, and didn't have boyfriends. 21 or not, I'd be freaking out. Graduation pales in comparison to having a child missing, whether they are an adult or not. They could have at least called the police. Their reactions don't match their words.

Let's see if I can help.

They did not see or talk to Mickey before the graduation, and that concerned them. But they went on to graduation, thinking Mickey would meet them there. At that point, they were probably worried, but not into a royal panic yet.

After graduation, they called friends, etc. trying to find her, but no one knew where she was. Then they called the police to report her missing. The police officer told them to hang up and call all her friends AGAIN and be sure she couldn't be found before making a missing persons report.

So her mom did just that. Called friends. Called hospitals. Called everyone and every place they could think of. No Mickey. At 6:30 they called police AGAIN and at that time, a missing persons report was made.

There is nothing "fishy" or "strange" about how her mother and family reacted.

Not pointing this at you, but I just hate it when people start harping on how totally innocent people react, judging their reaction to be off somehow.

Her family is NOT RESPONSIBLE for what happened for Mickey. We ought to support them, not parse their reactions.
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

Oh, that's so sad. I wish the volunteer searches had been fruitful. I really hope LE has more to go on than it appears because I'm skeptical at this point.
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

That hurts me to read that. I would feel the same way if it were one of my children. I would give anything. :'(
About the lesbian question ~ I think I've got my answer ~ the answer came from some reactions on this board. just say'n. taboo.

It's not taboo. There is nothing to indicate that Mickey is a lesbian, though, so why go down that road? You can be sure that LE has talked to all of her friends, including former romantic interests, whatever their sex is. Speculating that she's a lesbian just isn't founded on anything other than having nothing else to sink one's teeth into in terms of all that is known about the case. It's the same as the speculation about her relationship with Brettly, imo. All kinds of stuff has been floated here that people just pull out of their *advertiser censored*! Mind you, I am only expressing my thoughts. I don't agree with Websleuths' policy on not posting rumors and this sort of speculation is like rumors (and it's how they get started). I'm open to anything and everything being brought up. It's just that if I think it's BS, I'll say so.

I think Mickey was abducted by a man or men with the intention of raping and killing her. I only base that on what abductions are usually about. I hope that's wrong. If she were a lesbian, I don't think it would change the motivation of the perp/s. YMMV.
That hurts me to read that. I would feel the same way if it were one of my children. I would give anyting. :'(

Same here. It's just godawful :( It doesn't give me much hope that the PI has much, either.
Has BW ever mentioned how he figured out she was missing? For instance, since he and Mickey were supposed to go shoot the video that morning, did he got to the stables and she wasn't there? Did he call her or her family to see what was going on? I don't remember reading anything about that part of it. That could have alerted her parents sooner that she hadn't come home the night before.
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

Heartbreaking. No family should have to go thru this!
I would add my car to the pot if it will get her home!
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

Oh dear God, that poor woman, bless their family, their friends and the searchers. And as long as am asking for stuff, please help all the detectives, PI's and people looking over the evidence. Am just sitting here crying for her family. Dear God, please bring Mickey home.
I'm seeing alerts in here about wild speculations. :nono: I don't have time to read every post, so please edit yourselves if the need is warranted. Otherwise, another mod is going to come in here and do it and they might not be in a hurry to leave like I am.

The Websleuths Radio show is going to start in about 25 minutes. You guys are all welcome to listen in! Go there now and you can sign up for the chat room and visit with each other. It's very lightly moderated. The only time someone gets bumped is if they are attacking other chat room people or the show guests or that sort of stupid thing. It doesn't happen very often though. Come and join us! :seeya:

The link is in my signature line below.
Nothing new on the 5:00 PM news. They interviewed her poor mom who stated " there is a reward for info leading to MS and if you want more we can give our cars or home" I feel vey sorry for her family.

That's how Mickey will fall off the radar.

I understand it has to happen, but I don't understand why it seems that the investigation is at a stand still
I think it is wrong wrong wrong that LE has not had regular pressers. Inexcusable. They work for the public and need to communicate with them.
Sure, I didn't write the original post, but why not...I could relate to that. I don't have diabetes but I do have medicines that I take first thing in the morning. I don't always carry them with me, so I don't stay overnight unless I've planned ahead and brought my meds. Or solution and a case to keep my contact lenses in (I know some people sleep in theirs but I don't). Or insomnia or even sleep disorders, like somnambulance or apnea. (A fellow student has non-obstructive apnea and the first time we roomed together at a conference she was really apprehensive. As it turned out, she sounded like my cat when she snored.)

Exactly. There are a hundred possibilities.
Mickey has pets. Two dogs, a pig, a snake, and I don't know what else. Animals are a big responsibility so it's very possible that she returned home, every night, to be with them and take care of them. Her experience with horses also speaks to her taking responsibility seriously.
So much conjecture here! My ex, a police chief for 30 years, always has a very good idea within 24 hours of exactly what happened. He may not know who is involved or where the missing is but they have the facts of what happened. Then it is a matter of gathering evidence and speaking to witnesses and searching for the victim.

Typically, the first news report will give the general facts of the case. They may come back and provide additional details if evidence is found but the primary facts of the case rarely change. Of course, they know much more than what is reported but if the general facts change they will usually state so.

In this case, they seem pretty convinced that she was hit either by accident or hit by someone in an abduction attempt. Whether we like it or not, they must feel the white truck is relevant either as a potential suspect or a witness. It very well could be the key to it all.

That being said, I did blow up a pic of Mickey on the street near the school. I am 99% sure she was on a cell phone. Now I will conjecture a bit myself... When I am nervous about people near me I will often pretend to be on the phone so they think someone would be aware what is happening around me.
Absolutely nothing! Same thing that leads people to believe it was a "hate crime" based on sexual orientation or what leads people to believe she's a virgin....or dating a professor or much older man or a black Guy. Or a woman or a Jock ......or anyone she would feel need to hide from her parents or friends. kind of just saying.

At first when I heard she was not feeling well and wanted to leave early and wasn't drinking I thought she might be pregnant.....drinking the night before kind of ruins that possibility in my mind but who knows...
Maybe she didn't want to keep a baby and Mr mystery man wanted her to. Maybe she was keeping her baby and Mr mystery didn't want her to. Maybe mystery man was married and didn't want his wife to find out. Maybe mystery man killed her.
Maybe she likes white guys and black Guy wanted her and it made him mad
Maybe white Guy wanted her and found out she was into black guys.
Maybe female wanted her and found out she was into males.
Maybe male wanted her and found out she likes females.
Maybe Jock found out she likes nerds. Maybe nerd found out she likes jocks.
Maybe someone wanted her to be a virgin or still be a virgin like she was the last time they talked or dated and she gave her virginity to someone else.
Maybe a Guy wanted to sleep with her and she would rather remain a virgin.
Maybe she was way off route cuz she was smoking a birthday blunt with a friend from way back......for all we know she could like much older Jock type transvestite married black women...who sell weed but don't eat meat..

You know what? The only people who could answer all these questions are her close friends or family or possibly a person or two who associated with her privately or secretly. Hopefully the p.I. is being thorough. Because her family and friends are not going to say anything bad or could be percieved as bad......same people who would prefer to think she's alright alive Ans can't imagine why anyone would hurt her.

Amazing post, child. You covered a great deal there. Really, we are just guessing here b/c there's nothing else. ACI & chicken fried are boots-on-the-ground. I'm just hanging-out-on-the-ground b/c this has me unable to think straight.
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