LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #25

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One of the suspects began punching the victim and pulled a gold chain from the victim's neck. The suspects then fled the area.

* As officers began to look for the suspects they observed 4 black males punching and kicking a 36 year old female victim on the ground.
Clifford Ledet of New Iberia, was arrested.
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I don't know what is wrong with people this happens everyday sometimes more than once where I live. I started listening to the scanner here and that was a bad idea I am becoming more paranoid by the minute. I understand times are tuff but this stuff has got to stop. Little old ladies, young people it doesn't matter people are just walking up to them and ripping their chains off. Some with guns or attacking them like this case. People always complain about my town and I always say different town different problem. I hate that we men and women both have to live in this scary world. I hate that my son doesn't get to experience the totally carefree childhood I did. I can not begin to imagine what thes parents of the missing go through it makes be sick to think about it. I'm not sure if it's more media exporsure or what but that is all we hear on the news is some disgusting act againist another. What happened to the days where we helped eachother. Just yesterday here a lady stopped to help another moterist and he STOLE her car! I mean really WTF. UGH sorry .

I'm done ranting now just sick of hearing all of these horriable stories and some of these families not getting closure or god forbide like jarren's poor family.
From the updates on the local news channels - several motorists called 911 regarding a man with a gun sitting the railing on the I-10 bridge over the Bonnet Carre spillway. You could see him on the traffic camera until they turned the camera off. The SWAT team is out there still.

They just announced -- 37 y.o. Man identified (i'll withhold the name)-- He jumped from the bridge a little while ago but there were SCP boats in the water and retrieved the man. He is enroute to the hospital.
Originally Posted by Artis
"I'm so glad you brought up that case. I read that article, years ago (horrible!), and I was just yesterday trying to recall if the demon had been caught.

I've seen your other posts on Silence & Missinformation and I'm in total agreement with you. It's outrageous. Mickey's case will go cold because of this stupid approach. Those in Lafayette who are going to man that new center need to start raising hell about this. The public has a right to get regular updates, even if LE states they have info they can't share w/o jeopardizing the case. People will understand that. Pressers keep people's attention on the case, bring NEW attention to it, and they are a means of being accountable to the taxpayers."

agreed. they don't have to give new information, just address the people and let us know that they are doing all tehy can etc. we just need something to boost spirits and to keep the case on everyone's brain. it's just rude the way they are not addressing us AT ALL
Lots of women disappear from/near gas stations and convenience stores in this part of TX.

nutkin, is that your blog? I'd like to read the stories. My best friend lives in Houston and I'm sure she doesn't know about it.
Yes please do, and many thanks to you and everyone here that care for our missing brothers and sisters.

Please feel free to copy/paste anywhere:
Mickey Shulnick has been missing since May 19, 2012. She is one of thousands of people currently reported missing. They come from all different backgrounds and ethnic groups. Every one of these missing persons are important because they could be our sister, brother, wife, husband or friend. Don't think that it can't happen to you or someone you love, it can. Please paste the words "missing person" into any search engine, to find out more. If you see a news story or a forum post please leave a comment of support for that person's family. Many people don't want to admit that their hometown has this problem, that people are being taken and it can happen to anyone. We need to publicly address the larger issues that are threatening our towns and cities and making us all vulnerable to this silent epidemic.

Oh, Mrs B, you wrote that? Well said and I did post it on FB.

Do you blog?
For those of you that live in the area... Have you heard of the "knock out game"? It started out as young people, usually men, approaching a victim and punching them unexpectedly, trying to knock them out. Now, it has escalated into groups of young men that attack a lone bicyclist.

It may be a gang initiation type activity. There are alerts for this in some communities. Just not safe to do anything anymore.

I've never heard of it.

How about We the People start a blow your freaking gang banger brains out game? I was thinking about that a while ago, today. I'm pretty much an anarchist, anyway, and we need to return to the wild west way of doing things.
I've never heard of it.

How about We the People start a blow your freaking gang banger brains out game? I was thinking about that a while ago, today. I'm pretty much an anarchist, anyway, and we need to return to the wild west way of doing things.

This made me laugh we say that all the time. leave us normal people just trying to go about our business out of it and just target eaachother maybe eventually all the scum would eliminate themselves

Simple Robbery Arrest Police Still Searching for 3 Suspects

Posted: May 20, 2012

This morning at approximately 2:15 Lafayette Police officers were flagged down by the victim of a simple robbery. The victim, a 33 year old male of Lafayette, was walking in the 500 block of Jefferson Street when 4 black males attacked him. One of the suspects began punching the victim and pulled a gold chain from the victim's neck. The suspects then fled the area.

* As officers began to look for the suspects they observed 4 black males punching and kicking a 36 year old female victim on the ground.
Clifford Ledet of New Iberia, was arrested.
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The suspect, Clifford Ledet of New Iberia, was arrested and charged with 2 counts of Simple Robbery and Resisting Arrest.

What about assault?!

Cops shoot innocent people and dogs all day long (which makes me furious) but they don't shoot a dirtbag like that. Go figure.
I'm still waiting.........

Still waiting for approval? I replied to the welcome/thanks for joining email asking if membership could be rushed because of this case. Heard back pretty quickly.
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