LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #26

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I'm incenuating that moving might indicate that she had enemies around here.....or friendships or possbky a love interest or something in new Orleans.
BW said Mickey was on the outs with his recent Ex (a friend of hers). <= not a guess.
That is where my initial jealous female vibe came from. That is maybe where
her uncomfortable feeling and wanting to leave early from artmosphere, came from. Maybe she was there and being rude or whatever. Maybe the text was from Ashley after she ended the taco bell call and said come meet us, with more persuasion and because so and so isn't here anymore..(all guesses btw) OR maybe from the friend who "wanted to talk and set things straight" and that was just a ruse to get her alone and cause her harm
... but I honestly do not know who or what we are allowed to sleuth anymore.

If we were allowed to sleuth people we don't know, maybe they are responsible for taking BW's bike and hiding it, but not damaging it so he couldn't ride with Mickey the next day. Maybe they are responsible for any problems with her animals or job, maybe they are responsible for making Mickey disappear so she is no longer in the picture moving in with her ex boyfriend to another city where she will never see him. Possible?

It crossed my mind too!
No...that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying maybe someone was giving her sh** an ex that showed up in the same venues as her.....spreading rumors....being jealous etc.....I am a bit biased by my own experiences in life here but I have said on more than one occassion that I'd like to move the hell away from here because my significant other has not one but two jealous exes that send messages through friends asking how he's doing. Showing up at the same places we are obviously trying to draw attention to herself and always asking his friends and family how our relationship is going or how I lost weight so fast after I had our son etc etc.....makes me want to move away from the whole city and away from the whole circle of friends. In my mind jealous exes make a person want to get away......also notice how bw wanted to move.
And nobody knows maybe Mickey did have a crush on bw and it couldn't be more than friends til they got away from the drama. Like maybe bw said no no no we're only friends because one jealous ex of either one of them would not let go and move they planned they would "move" on.

It is in my realm of possibilities...
just mine...
It's amazing how when you do research on missing persons cases that some people seem to just up and disappear. It always makes me wonder numerous things, first, with the absence of witnesses and news that we are made aware of I tend to get the feeling that if she was abducted it was by someone close to her. It would give credit to why there's no evidence anywhere. Somehow you would think if it was a stranger then there would have to be more of an evidence trail because its out of her normal realm, friends and acquaintances and or people who have interacted with her at least have a basis for an alibi and or reason for why their name may possibly came up. Secondly, the whole bike thing, I can't help but feel that this was an after thought or a second crime not related to initial crime. I agree with an earlier poster that said the bike could have been found and stolen and then once it was reported on the news decided right then and there to get rid of it, even if it means taking it 30 miles impression is that if you are out stealing bikes at 2am, then chances are you might have a few things in your background or story that you might not want to come up during an investigation of this size, and therefore take any steps to protect yourself. Gives credence to why there were no suspicious noises or witnesses, it may have been an efficient abduction. The other piece is when someone disappears out of the blue people take sides, abduction/suicide/runaway. Seems like people are questioning the possibility if this being a runaway, which in the back if everyone's mind is hoping that this is the case because its the only one with a positive outcome, plus the sensationalism of a "runaway" makes for a good story. It's on equal grounds with an abduction for me mostly because I feel as if the bike was a separate crime and or potentially done to throw off the scent and also because if the lack of witnesses/noise/physical evidence. Lastly, I tend to cringe when I hear someone say "I just don't think she would runaway" (I'm not calling out anyone, I'm just saying in general, so please take me the wrong way) but I cringe because I can't help think in my head " how do you know this? Are you inside that persons mind? Do you even know them personally?" It's a very strange world, and gets stranger day by day lol.

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My opinions only, no facts here:

I have previously posted a few enhanced photos on this thread. Tonight, I am reviewing a lot of previous posts and realize that even though my images contain glaring disclaimers about my modifications, and even though the texts of my accompanying messages contain strong disclaimers, there still is some confusion about what is real (the original surveillance pics) and what is opinion or even fantasy (my enhancements).

I have been enhancing digital pics for ten years, for valid reasons involving scientific report-writing. Not uncommonly, with a scientific report, the original image has problems with lighting, color representation, sharpness, contrast, etc. Correcting such problems IS a valid procedure, if the enhancer is not particularly biased. By the way, my good friends, I do not use Photoshop AND the ONLY time I use a paintbrush or color tone alteration is when the original colors are corrupted by low-lighting or problematic lighting contrasts in overlapping high and low sunlight OR darkness with artificial light sources. On Websleuths, for the most part, I sharpen individual pixels, or fiddle with the contrast of individual pixels.

Would it work better if I put my disclaimers of "altered" or "fantasy image" as a diagonal text rather than a horizontal text? I am not pulling your chain here; I am looking for suggestions as how to not confuse any reader of this thread in the future.

With feedback, I might get motivated enough to post my very recent efforts at enhancement of the Circle-K pics.
I think that if someone wanted to insure that Mickey stopped at the stable at 2 a.m. that night that an injury to her horse would do it, so it is worth looking into.

My interpretation of what Ashley said is that Mickey goes to the stables on the weekends. Her horse had an injury and she would go check it out over the weekend and it was unusual that she didn't show up there.

I dont see anything odd about what she said. I think if it was an unusual
Injury Mickey would have driven her car to the stables earlier in the week and missed out on some party time.
I'm sorry I can't get into details because of the MSN rule. But I put it together myself just through sleuthing. If you haven't heard all of BW's interviews, you may not be able to. I really can't name names as it would sound like an accusation. We have discussed Mickey's history and job at the stables in previous threads. Thread 13 I think.

If BW said it then you should be able to link it. So did he say it or is it your opinion?
Just post them. I don't read disclaimers anyway. I just look at the pictures.....youbdraw in little green space men or a suspect or two and common sense will tell people will say that what is there isn't there and come up with a million different things that they think are there but really aren't. They are pictures and there's really not a gdmgsob Ingram thing we can do about any o it because we are not le. Just share your work.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have previously posted a few enhanced photos on this thread. Tonight, I am reviewing a lot of previous posts and realize that even though my images contain glaring disclaimers about my modifications, and even though the texts of my accompanying messages contain strong disclaimers, there still is some confusion about what is real (the original surveillance pics) and what is opinion or even fantasy (my enhancements).

I have been enhancing digital pics for ten years, for valid reasons involving scientific report-writing. Not uncommonly, with a scientific report, the original image has problems with lighting, color representation, sharpness, contrast, etc. Correcting such problems IS a valid procedure, if the enhancer is not particularly biased. By the way, my good friends, I do not use Photoshop AND the ONLY time I use a paintbrush or color tone alteration is when the original colors are corrupted by low-lighting or problematic lighting contrasts in overlapping high and low sunlight OR darkness with artificial light sources. On Websleuths, for the most part, I sharpen individual pixels, or fiddle with the contrast of individual pixels.

Would it work better if I put my disclaimers of "altered" or "fantasy image" as a diagonal text rather than a horizontal text? I am not pulling your chain here; I am looking for suggestions as how to not confuse any reader of this thread in the future.

With feedback, I might get motivated enough to post my very recent efforts at enhancement of the Circle-K pics.
U do great work.
Please share ur new enhanced photos of the circle k

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk 2
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have previously posted a few enhanced photos on this thread. Tonight, I am reviewing a lot of previous posts and realize that even though my images contain glaring disclaimers about my modifications, and even though the texts of my accompanying messages contain strong disclaimers, there still is some confusion about what is real (the original surveillance pics) and what is opinion or even fantasy (my enhancements).

I have been enhancing digital pics for ten years, for valid reasons involving scientific report-writing. Not uncommonly, with a scientific report, the original image has problems with lighting, color representation, sharpness, contrast, etc. Correcting such problems IS a valid procedure, if the enhancer is not particularly biased. By the way, my good friends, I do not use Photoshop AND the ONLY time I use a paintbrush or color tone alteration is when the original colors are corrupted by low-lighting or problematic lighting contrasts in overlapping high and low sunlight OR darkness with artificial light sources. On Websleuths, for the most part, I sharpen individual pixels, or fiddle with the contrast of individual pixels.

Would it work better if I put my disclaimers of "altered" or "fantasy image" as a diagonal text rather than a horizontal text? I am not pulling your chain here; I am looking for suggestions as how to not confuse any reader of this thread in the future.

With feedback, I might get motivated enough to post my very recent efforts at enhancement of the Circle-K pics.

I would like to see the pictures, Mr. Noatak!!! I know what you mean about not confusing the reader/thread. I was thinking maybe you could add an additional 'picture' with nothing but large text boldly stating your disclaimer. I would say something like..."altered" and "IMO" but I would not say "fantasy image" because it's not really clear what that means. Just some ideas, maybe with more coffee I will have some better ones!
Know what gets me? Everyone says she would never run away or plan to escape because she has so much going for her and so much responsibility and etc....(BUT SHE WAS PLANNING TO MOVE AWAY)...but I wonder what she felt exactly because a move like that to new Orleans to live so far away from family and all....maybe she did want to get away from something or certain people or wanted privacy.....or possibly closer to certain others. Maybe she has friends who live in new Orleans.....or a possible romantic interest....just thinking out loud.

120 miles away is not far from your family these days. We no longer use horse & buggy to travel. Just because someone wants to move elsewhere doesn't mean they want to get away from those they love. It does say to me that MS realizes there is a WHOLE world out there besides Lafayette and she is curious about it, adventurous and feels confident enough about herself that she could
manage to live away from her parents.
Also, a note, I had a customer today who was upset because her search group was forced to leave early because her group leader wasn't doing the paper worked required by the organizers. She said they were a four person team on a boat searching the vermillion river. They found a mase(sp?) can floating in the water. ( I immediately asked if it was pinks she said there was no cover on it). It was bagged and LE went out to retrieve it.

I hear so much because my workplace is very bear the saint streets. The case comes up at least four or five times everyday.

Bolded and Enlarged by me!
Wow Cajun! Who bagged it, the search party or LE? And, where did LE retrieve it from, from inside the search party boat or from the water? And, if there was no cover on it, how did they know it was mace?
Also, what kind of paperwork is required and who forced them to leave?
And, those are just my initial!!
Well... the bike could have been hit and run over, Mickey thrown off and to the side ... and they could still respond that way, that she wasn't run over

Oh, Lordy. There isn't a bike under the truck!

The "light" appears in the exact same location in two pictures, the truck facing the intersection and the truck facing St. Landry. Does anyone really believe that a truck ran over Mickey, or her bike, and dragged her up and down the road? And no one noticed?

It doesn't mean that only one person noticed. She only told me because of she knows I keep up with the case.

Female coworker: what you doing k? You sleuthin'?

I'm not saying your friend is lying. I am saying that if that truck got towed halfway through Lafayette, we would be hearing about it from multiple sources.

There is a mechanic shop on Bertrand, and it is more likely that is where the truck was headed.

I do not think the cop cars were escorting the truck.
with all respect, i cant understand why anyone would/could believe the public has a right to know all that le knows...i agree that in order to keep the public safe and to share info in order to get help from the community is expected...le has to use their judgement re what is released...i believe with several agencies involved someone must have the final say in deciding what to will be only what will help them find mickey and arrest the evil person (s) who did this...

nosyparker, the American public is a very valuable tool in missing persons investigations. To keep info close to the vest is squandering this resource and only leads to more precious innocent victim's lives lost & mounting cold cases.

Although there are other reasons for the 'close to the vest strategy', the primary reason is for the prosecution of the perp once identified and arrested. The problem is that they seldom are.

One only has to consider the 100,000+ missing persons cold cases across the US, to conclude that the 'close to the vest/silence & missinformation strategy' by LE used in the past is antiquated and ineffective..
As in the Mickey Schunick investigation, the perp/s remain at large, while empowering them, placing her at risk, as well as jeopardizing the safety of the entire community.
I have tried to keep up with this case but only have a couple of hours a night t check in so I havent read everything. Have we considered the idea that MS and JL cases could be connected, both girls were last seen around 2am, JL didn't have a car and MS was riding a bike JL was put in water, MS bike was found in water, is it possable that there is a serial killer stalking the streets of Louisiana, looking for young women?

That has crossed my mind... that we have a perp(s) who spends time in both Lafayette and New Orleans. It's a possibility, yes.
Know what gets me? Everyone says she would never run away or plan to escape because she has so much going for her and so much responsibility and etc....(BUT SHE WAS PLANNING TO MOVE AWAY)...but I wonder what she felt exactly because a move like that to new Orleans to live so far away from family and all....maybe she did want to get away from something or certain people or wanted privacy.....or possibly closer to certain others. Maybe she has friends who live in new Orleans.....or a possible romantic interest....just thinking out loud.

Moving to New Orleans is a very common move for Lafayette girls her age. Her sister did it - I have known loads of girls who have. It's the "young girl wanting to move to a bigger city for more excitement thing." More music - more funky culture, etc., etc. She is 22 and this is a very mainstream move for Lafayette girls.
nosyparker, the American public is a very valuable tool in missing persons investigations. To keep info close to the vest is squandering this resource and only leads to more precious innocent victim's lives lost & mounting cold cases.

Although there are other reasons for the 'close to the vest strategy', the primary reason is for the prosecution of the perp once identified and arrested. The problem is that they seldom are.

One only has to consider the 100,000+ missing persons cold cases across the US, to conclude that the 'close to the vest/silence & missinformation strategy' by LE used in the past is antiquated and ineffective..
As in the Mickey Schunick investigation, the perp/s remain at large, placing her at risk, as well as jepardizing the safety of the entire community.

I believe its time to start some petitions, call our lawmakers! Don't know about you, but I don't put that much faith in the judicial system these days anyway. Would much rather stack the odds in favor of finding the lost than securing a case. JMO;)
I'm having a visceral reaction to the news about the horse. I'm not sure why but when I read it, I felt as if I had been stabbed.

Do people really want to get to the truth of what happened to Mickey? Or would you rather stay on a one track path of abduction or accident or she's in the witness protection program or sold as a sex slave or she got tired of her great life so she ran away or she's sitting in someone's basement or whatever unlikely excuse someone can thing of - she's stuck in the underneath of a car.

This is so frustrating. We know someone at the stables was on the outs with her. Doesn't that warrant at least a nod?

BW said so.

No, I combined several things that BW has said and can form a hypothesis by what he told us.

So what this really boils down to is that Brettly never said anyone was on the outs with Mickey at the stables?

If that is true, you might want to delete your post that says BW said so.
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