LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #26

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I woke up so mad over this today. :banghead:

What in the world is wrong with people (other than the fact that they are totally DEPRAVED!) that they would not only cause harm to a young girl, but allow her family to suffer through the not knowing.

I pray that they not only rot in hell, but that during their time on earth they are completely and totally consumed with their crime that it ruins their lives completely.

I am all about forgiveness and don't like to sound so hateful...but I'm just so angry about this today.
Just to comment on the idea that someone texted Mickey that her horse needed urgent attention at 2 a.m.:

Recall that Brettly and Mickey were going there the next day to take photos, according to Brettly and maybe others (I don't remember the exact statement on that, but it would be helpful for someone already investigating the horse angle to post a link.)

The theory that she went to check on her horse after 2 a.m. requires some pretty unlikely things to all happen simultaneously - the combination of unlikely things being even that much more unlikely, due to the laws of probability:

1. She would have had to receive late info that her horse somehow needed immediate attention that night. I can't imagine she wouldn't have shared that with Brettly, especially as he was already planning to go to the stable the next morning. So either a theoretical source knew about it earlier and called Mickey later - in which case that person if a horse person should have been able to render first-aid to the horse that would do until Mickey arrived the next morning - or a horse person was in the stables at 2 a.m. for some reason and was reporting fresh news.

2. Either way, if it was something that demanded that Mickey immediately go to the stables, the very thinking that incorporates believing that Mickey would have rushed right to the stables due to a serious late-night injury.....means that in Mickey's concern for her horse, she would have taken her car to get there faster.

3. There is no way on God's green earth that she rode her bike out there at night. That's been said by many locals, and I'll just repeat the problem: It's about a 15-mile roundtrip from her house to the stables in Duson, a small town outside Lafayette. And that's not 15 miles on nice, manicured roads. Its 15 miles on very dark, rough, narrow, lonely roads with no shoulder - nowhere to ride a bike but in the middle of the lane, with a risk of getting run off the road into a deep ditch, and some stretches with no streetlighting at all - on a night with no moon. In addition to the miles she had already ridden that night - and feeling tired with a hangover.... she is going to add nearly QUADRUPLE the mileage of her ride from Ryan St., with all that risk? I don't think she is crazy, and I don't think she is Supergirl.

If she went to that stable at night, she took her car. You can take or leave my statement as a local. I appreciate the outside-the-box thinking, and sure, there is a theoretical chance that despite the other previous unlikely things that would have had to happen, which I posted earlier in this comment, she did so. But I am not willing to believe for a second that she rode her bike to the stable. And so, if she took her car to the stable, why isn't her bike still at home, instead of being in a crime lab?

4. Horses injure their noses occasionally. There are horses out on the pasture on a part of the property I rent that belong to another renter. They use their noses like we use our hands. They cut them on barbed wire, a nail protruding from a board, even a sharp edge on a new feed bucket, etc. Even in the most well-kept stable, there is usually something like that that escapes detection and occasionally injures a horse. A sliced nostril on a horse is very unlikely to "bleed out," though it may remain raw and ooze due to the horse needing to eat.

Last thought:

I haven't given up on the idea that A.C.I or I or someone here may dig something up that would give the family a lead. For me to have credibility with Charlie or her family, I need to preserve that credibility because it's in short supply in general.

When I saw Charlie the other day, the one thing she was very irritated about was the sheer volume of wild speculation that she and her family have been presented with. She said that she spends SIX hours a night reading social media, and she is aware of Websleuths. She and LE have made public statements that the volume of tips that contain wild speculation has been a major hindrance to the investigation, which has sucked manpower.

They appreciate and need the public's help, but she said they have been inundated by callers with theories so crazy that it's making her crazy, and making it harder to focus on good leads.

I am not calling the "horse" theory wild or crazy. I'm saying that it requires several extremely unlikely things to happen together. In math, when one multiplies decimals, the product gets smaller with each added multiplication, not bigger. As well, the stables have been checked, and I strongly suspect that LE has, if not the content, the phone ID of the sender of the text and that that person has been checked.

If I go to Charlie with this theory, that spends some of my credibility with her, probably a large percentage of it. My supply is not endless, as I am a friendly acquaintance, not a close friend. I want to treat that credibility like money in the bank - and given Charlie's current bombardment with information of varying quality, I want to reserve that credibility for reporting to her a higher-percentage lead.

I can see some folks thinking, "they need to accept any lead at all," but it's not quite that simple. Leads need to be well-vetted before being presented, because Charlie's and LE's human ability to process it all is finite.
I don't know if anyone else posted about this, but yesterday I was told by 2 different people that there were a large number of LE at the old OLOL hospital yesterday. One told me at 1:15 pm there were about 15 vehicles there near the emergency room entrance with what looked like LPD, sherrifs, and haz-mat. Another person told me at 4 pm there were still a lot of LE there and they weren't searching the streets, they were right up next to the hospital. Maybe they were doing a more intensive search of the hospital for clues? Just thought I'd pass that along...Let's Find Mickey!!!!
Nobody else heard this????
Snipped by me & BBM

Sorry but I will say, yes, I do believe it is possible. Many people are not very observant of what goes on around them. IMO, I am not ready to discount the theory, however, I don't believe she was dragged "up and down the road" as you mention, I think you are simply exaggerating a bit for effect?
But yes, I certainly believe Mickey was hit by a vehicle, yes! And I do believe it is possible no one noticed.
I also believe, in theory, that it could be possible that the truck in front of circle K could have passed the camera first and then MS passed the camera, and then truck backed up for some reason and ran over MS while going in reverse.

Then, if she and the truck passed the camera, how did she get back to the exact same spot where the photo showed her upright? She would have had to have been dragged backward from somewhere off the right edge of the photo, and that dragging would have put downward force upon her and the bike, and left some evidence. The asphalt there was pristine, without a scratch, and A.C.I used Luminol.
Then, if she and the truck passed the camera, how did she get back to the exact same spot where the photo showed her upright? She would have had to have been dragged backward from somewhere off the right edge of the photo, and that dragging would have put downward force upon her and the bike, and left some evidence. The asphalt there was pristine, without a scratch, and A.C.I used Luminol.

I just wanted to throw the thought out there, because it is an angle we have not discussed...I appreciate that you even take the time to discount it...I am sorry for mentioning it because it really doesn't make sense.
I wish I had never seen the darn picture...
I go home to Nola to make groceries if I can't find what I need in Lafayette & come back the same day, long trip, but I'm picky in food matters. And as for 'man power' v manpower, my people are from New Iberia, they don't be knowin, cher.

I.M.P.A.C.T vs I.M.A.C.T man power vs manpower ...I think we're splitting hairs here. IMO It's quite creative of New Iberia.
Then, if she and the truck passed the camera, how did she get back to the exact same spot where the photo showed her upright? She would have had to have been dragged backward from somewhere off the right edge of the photo, and that dragging would have put downward force upon her and the bike, and left some evidence. The asphalt there was pristine, without a scratch, and A.C.I used Luminol.

I respect you, Chicken Fried. I know you've done a lot of foot work...I am far away and know nothing about the area. The information and photos you've shared provide insight I'd never otherwise have and I'm very grateful for that.

I'm just not prepared to let go of any theory until the crime has been solved.

I don't harp on it and I would never think of posting conjecture on any family media pages.

I don't feel that anything is impossible, given the dearth of updates on the sparse and spun info that's been released.

I'm not touting any specific theory. I hope we someday know the truth.

I realize we might never have answers. I'd rather Mickey's family have some answers, even if they don't share them.

I start too many sentences with "I". My English professors would be appalled. I hope wfgodot is napping somewhere. :ziplip:
I respect you, Chicken Fried. I know you've done a lot of foot work...I am far away and know nothing about the area. The information and photos you've shared provide insight I'd never otherwise have and I'm very grateful for that.

I'm just not prepared to let go of any theory until the crime has been solved.

I don't harp on it and I would never think of posting conjecture on any family media pages.

I don't feel that anything is impossible, given the dearth of updates on the sparse and spun info that's been released.

I'm not touting any specific theory. I hope we someday know the truth.

I realize we might never have answers. I'd rather Mickey's family have some answers, even if they don't share them.

I start too many sentences with "I". My English professors would be appalled. I hope wfgodot is napping somewhere. :ziplip:
I......get that. English is always funny..ha ha funny..for me. Anybody heard from mamamia?
Nope. He's not going to share that info with another P.I. It's not good for business if other P.I's make breakthroughs in his case.

And what's the status of the suspect you mentioned last week? Is he still in your crosshairs?
Not to mention LPD has already said this is the biggest investigation this parish has ever seen. And it's true. I think its a matter of small town LE trying to handle this massive investigation while in the midst of the big internal investigation going on and they just don't know how to handle things properly. The strategy taken, while valid once, is no longer the method that should be used to solve crimes...period. It's 2012. This is the technology and information age. It should be shared and utilized to it's maximum potential. We are the eyes and ears and the boots on the ground and need to be kept informed.

'Yep, the american public are the eyes and ears, analogous to a video camera across the landscape'. Awareness is the key, and without shared info, the public is left in the dark.
You'd think they would learn something from John Walsh & AMW - over 1200 violent fugitives & predators nabbed thanks to tips from the public:

John Walsh‏@JohnWalshAMW

Wow! We are getting some great tips tonight! Keep them coming! Call us at 1-800-CRIME-TV if you have a tip!...

John Walsh‏@JohnWalshAMW

15 minutes into the new episode and we already have a hot tip that the US Marshals are working! Tune into AMW right now on Lifetime!

John Walsh‏@JohnWalshAMW

AMW - Help us catch some dirtbags!


"Why there is silence in many ongoing investigations, imo" -

20061227: Police Might Have Stopped Serial Killer

LA New Orleans

Police twice had a chance to arrest a Louisiana man, who claims he killed 23 men, before he began his 10-year killing spree, according to news reports. Accused serial killer Ronald J. Dominique was twice reported for rape and arrested once in 1996, but he never went to trial. Dominique (pictured in mug shot) has been indicted on nine counts of first-degree murder and he claims to have killed 23 men in the New Orleans and Thibodaux areas of Louisiana between 1997 and 2006. In 1993, a man told police that Dominique tied him up and raped him at gunpoint, but no arrest was ever made by the officer investigating the case. In 1996, another man told the same police officer a similar story. Dominique was arrested and jailed in the 1997 case, but was released three months later. He admitted to investigators that he had sex with the men, but said he tied them up because they asked him to do so. He also said he only pulled out his gun when the men demanded money.
Is that individual known to us? Thanks.

No. But fits multiple descriptions Ive received. Surveillance Ive done on the individual and questioning of the person are what lead me to consider them a suspect. LPD and Abdella are aware as well. But I have no clue how much theyve looked into it.
What this thread needs to perk us up and make us happier is some classic zydeco.
I don't know if anyone else posted about this, but yesterday I was told by 2 different people that there were a large number of LE at the old OLOL hospital yesterday. One told me at 1:15 pm there were about 15 vehicles there near the emergency room entrance with what looked like LPD, sherrifs, and haz-mat. Another person told me at 4 pm there were still a lot of LE there and they weren't searching the streets, they were right up next to the hospital. Maybe they were doing a more intensive search of the hospital for clues? Just thought I'd pass that along...Let's Find Mickey!!!!

BBM: I am not sure exactly what you are referring to that LE said didn't happen. Please elaborate.
You had asked in your post if anyone really believed that it could, and I answered your question. It is sure NOT to be a popular answer, but it is my opinion only.

LE has said that Mickey is not in the picture under the truck.....that is what some people see, they claim the reflection of light under the truck is the headlight of Mickey's bike.

This "theory" was getting bounced around so much that one of our fellow sleuthers called LE last night to ask. And LE said nope, that never happened.

I am not arguing that Mickey was never bumped by a vehicle. We don't know yet what the crime lab's findings are, and that is possible.

I am arguing that neither Mickey nor her bike appears under either photo of the truck(s) at the University and St. Landry intersection.

Then, if she and the truck passed the camera, how did she get back to the exact same spot where the photo showed her upright? She would have had to have been dragged backward from somewhere off the right edge of the photo, and that dragging would have put downward force upon her and the bike, and left some evidence. The asphalt there was pristine, without a scratch, and A.C.I used Luminol.

Ah, you are so logical! And SO RIGHT! I cannot believe this is still under dispute, this many threads later!
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