LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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I have always seen a gigantic owl sitting in the backseat of the DWT staring out the window. Do I really see it? Yes. Is it actually there? No. The mind wants to make sense of random pixelated blobs, and so the blobs start forming shapes and we "see" things.
I stand corrected then. Thanks.

They aren't getting as much media time as they were so maybe that's why? Even the local news rarely shows them anymore. But Charlie and whoever else runs the FMSN Facebook page post daily. Charlie posts daily on her personal FB, Instagram, and Twitter.
I could take this statement couple of ways.
Not having her on video or in a picture from a video or camera showing her being run over, does not necessarily mean later on down the road she was not hit by a vehicle that was following her and hit her hard enough to knock her off her bike. Not to kill her, but to neutralizer for lack of better word. And I base this on the apparent fact they don't know for sure what happened later on out of camera view.

I do remember reading her rear tire frame showed damage. To what extend of the damage that i don't know, and if it would be consistent from being struck from behind.

With more information, we could speculate even further.

My post was in regard to that particular picture. However, I agree it is possible she was hit by that truck, or another vehicle, sometime further down the road.

My personal theory is that it was someone she knew and had no reason to not trust. But I have no inside info - just what I feel in my gut. :)
I say they are far from silent. Mickey's mother has posted 3x on this thread.
Charlene is posting through social media several times a day. Her father has been on the news several times- including on Nancy Grace and Jane-whatever on HLN. Unthread was a new interview with Mrs. Nancy from KATC. They are doing their best to keep Mickey's face out there, IMO.

Also, Charlie was interviewed by KLFY and it aired yesterday. I don't know how to link to it however you can see it at and search for Mickey Shunick videos.
I have always seen a gigantic owl sitting in the backseat of the DWT staring out the window. Do I really see it? Yes. Is it actually there? No. The mind wants to make sense of random pixelated blobs, and so the blobs start forming shapes and we "see" things.

I thought it was Scooby-Doo!
fair enough.. June 6th is too late to use the pressure washer for the May 19th event. I don't like thinking about other things that need washing 2 weeks later. I guess the video surveillance cameras burned in the fire, right?

ACI and Chicken Fried posted a daylight picture of the Circle K. It looked like blacktop on three lanes and non black top in the curb lane. The roadwork sign was gone just a couple of days after the 19th. In late May I saw a youtube video of a woman using a car to explore the potential MS routes and I didn't recognize the Circle K intersection without the roadwork sign. Has anybody seen what the road work sign said? Does anybody know what road work was done the entire day of May 19th, and the next few days? The video of Mickey I think was released on the 25th. What road work was done between the 19th and the 25th? When was the first chemical search of the area? It bugs me about the Luminol only being good for one use. Whoever uses that first time is the lead investigator. If ACI used it first that makes him the lead investigator. Is that not troublesome?

Too tired to try to find it. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you ask this exact question about the road work a few days ago, and I answered? May have been someone else. The road work you see in the Mickey photo was already done. Letters laid down and everything. it was complete. The sign could have said "FRESH OIL," judging from the trails of slurry creeping out onto the old concrete west of the seam between old and new. We get a lot of "FRESH OIL" signs.
I have considered this arson/theft very interesting since I heard about it. I believe the shop was burned badly. The items from the truck that were stolen were unusual. Passinger door panel, break lights...

Posters said the truck parts were interchangable with the DWTIQ. I have never heard of inside door panels being stolen, I am sure it happens but it is odd.

Thinking wayyyyyyy outside the box and just making conversation.
If they had the inside passengers door modified so someone could not get out but you could get in front the outside. Maybe they stoled the door panel to cover up the display in-case someone was to look in. Could had rig handcuffs to the panel etc to keep the girls up front with him, and not worry about them trying to jump out.

If that bike simply slid, it would not show any DNA, nor would it hinder the pristine condition of the road.

Like I said earlier this does not have to be black and white. There could be many shades of grey here.


Until those photos were taken I was not able to see the writing on the road.

You missed my subtle point.
fair enough.. June 6th is too late to use the pressure washer for the May 19th event. I don't like thinking about other things that need washing 2 weeks later. I guess the video surveillance cameras burned in the fire, right?

ACI and Chicken Fried posted a daylight picture of the Circle K. It looked like blacktop on three lanes and non black top in the curb lane. The roadwork sign was gone just a couple of days after the 19th. In late May I saw a youtube video of a woman using a car to explore the potential MS routes and I didn't recognize the Circle K intersection without the roadwork sign. Has anybody seen what the road work sign said? Does anybody know what road work was done the entire day of May 19th, and the next few days? The video of Mickey I think was released on the 25th. What road work was done between the 19th and the 25th? When was the first chemical search of the area? It bugs me about the Luminol only being good for one use. Whoever uses that first time is the lead investigator. If ACI used it first that makes him the lead investigator. Is that not troublesome?
What makes you think ACI used the Luminol first?
Just curious I don't think he did, he went back after it was done I will try and find the post.
Too tired to try to find it. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you ask this exact question about the road work a few days ago, and I answered? May have been someone else. The road work you see in the Mickey photo was already done. Letters laid down and everything. it was complete. The sign could have said "FRESH OIL," judging from the trails of slurry creeping out onto the old concrete west of the seam between old and new. We get a lot of "FRESH OIL" signs.
kidding or serious? help us non locals out.
What makes you think ACI used the Luminol first?
Just curious I don't think he did, he went back after it was done I will try and find the post.

IDK anything. ACI said he used it. Haven't heard much from LE.
YES! I had it happen to me once. I hate to admit I am an addict, ( sober 22 years) so it did not knock me out as I had a high tolerance. It did however make me loopy as hell. I was sober amazingly enough when the drink was given to me, and since I was a professional drug tester at the time, I realized pretty quickly that the few sips of my beverage had given me the "wrong" type of buzz. I was able to tell my best friend, and the two guys who had given me the drink followed us, but somehow we managed to get rid of them and went home to Lafayette. I am grateful that I was a junkie. I might have not remained awake and able to alert my friends.

It is highly probable that this happened to her. Just so you guys know, I realized that in the first pic on university? She is stopped. We all know she felt bad, maybe she was drugged and felt "woozy".


Having things slipped into a drink is common.

When it happened to me, once it hit I became very nauseous, then to the point I was unable to move, but totally aware of everything that happened to me. It is something I will never forget and totally helpless to stop.

It is one of the reasons I have questioned that nausea she was having.
Another very strange incident!! I have heard nothing further about this.

Someone tried to state they stole the vehicle items because they are spots to hide drugs. Sorry can't buy this theory.

Inside a door panel may be a good place to hide drugs but why not remove it and take whatever is under the panel. Why take the panel?
kidding or serious? help out us non locals.

I was the one who asked. Chicken fried said it was repaired. He or another poster even posted a picture. It's back a couple of so threads bac k if you want to look for it.
Are we finding Mickey or absolving the truck? The locals don't trust the authorities. The Shunicks hired their own PI almost immediately. The Shunicks don't seem to be working with ACI, or their statements don't include ACI. I don't understand why this truck has so many defenders.

The only facts here about this truck is that we have one confirmed picture of it. We have debated it for weeks on end, the same debates over and over, and still, we have no license plate, no driver, no additional information whatsoever.

Trust LE or not, what is to be gained by pretending they don't have a video of Mickey or the bike being run over, when they do? You're looking for a white Z71 truck? There are hundreds, if not thousands of them (3 registered with that package, I know...but I also know that I've registered a Z71 packaged vehicle in Louisiana previously, and at no point during the registration did it force me to identify that feature, nor hint that I should). The changes of finding that truck with such little information? Next to impossible.

The reality concerning the truck is that unless LE gives up more information about it, or a driver comes forward, or the license plate miraculously shows up in the picture, we have no answers or clues to what happened to Mickey there.

Now, can anyone confirm whether Abdella has seen the actual video? Or has he only seen the still shots?
fair enough.. June 6th is too late to use the pressure washer for the May 19th event. I don't like thinking about other things that need washing 2 weeks later. I guess the video surveillance cameras burned in the fire, right?

ACI and Chicken Fried posted a daylight picture of the Circle K. It looked like blacktop on three lanes and non black top in the curb lane. The roadwork sign was gone just a couple of days after the 19th. In late May I saw a youtube video of a woman using a car to explore the potential MS routes and I didn't recognize the Circle K intersection without the roadwork sign. Has anybody seen what the road work sign said? Does anybody know what road work was done the entire day of May 19th, and the next few days? The video of Mickey I think was released on the 25th. What road work was done between the 19th and the 25th? When was the first chemical search of the area? It bugs me about the Luminol only being good for one use. Whoever uses that first time is the lead investigator. If ACI used it first that makes him the lead investigator. Is that not troublesome?

I've wondered about this and any other findings by any of the PI's. At what point does information from a PI get passed on to LE? In such case as a PI performing a luminol test if it were to test positive would this stand up in court? I don't know anything about PI's or their capacity to handle evidence. How far do they take their investigations especially when it involves testing\evidence, etc.? Veteran WS might be able to provide insight based on prior cases.
In Feb 2011, my beautiful niece was killed by a hit and run driver.When he testified he said he looked at her in the rear view mirror after hitting her twice and dragging her, and DID not stop. She had been 21 for two weeks. She survived for two hours after the accident, and our family was put in the same situation as the Shunick Family-- with one difference. We knew where she was.

The next 24 hours were the worst of my life. I watched my sister and brother in law show a composure I could have never had as they begged for her killer to come forward.

Luckily for us, his best friend turned him in. He had called him asking for him to help him flee the state.

I do this without reservation because we got to bring her killer to justice. Of course, I wanted him thrown under the jail, but know that K would not have wanted that. So for her, I am grateful we found him.

It is my hope that they get to bring their beautiful Mickey home, and like them I will not stop trying to figure out what happened until we do.

So I beg all of you, let's put on our thinking caps and quit obsessing over things that may or not be the answer, and try to think out of the box... get into a killer's head. Someone who would have no issue calling his best friend and asking for help, minutes later. Someone who would let his family put a tarp over the car to hide the damage. This is what happened in my case, I can only imagine the same sort of thing happened in this one.

while I hope like hell that our perp has the same kind of best friend that K's killer did, no good guy has stepped up yet..

So I beg.

If you are reading this and you know anything, or if you are the perp and you know where our girl is..

LET us know. it's the right thing to do... they deserve closure. I can not imagine the hell the past month has been.

Thanks for reading my ramble,

To those who think the truck ran over her I have a few questions:
1) How long do you think it would take for the driver to run over her, clear her from under his truck, pick up the bike and put it in the back, sweep up every speck of debris, and then wash all the blood away with a mop and a bucket he just happened to have in his truck?
2) Let's be generous and say this would take three minutes. How did the people gassing up not see any of this?
3) How could the employee in the store not see any of this?
4). How could the various cars that passed along University, a pretty busy arterial street, not have seen anything when this happened about ten yards from University.
5) why is there no video of any of this from the same camera that captured Mickey on her bike?
6) what purpose would the police have in lying to the public by not telling us about this footage they have of the truck running over her?
7) why would the police waste thousands of man hours in a search for her?
8). Why would they go further along her possible route and ask businesses and homes for video of that night if they knew all along it was run over?
9) How could the driver have cleaned up so thoroughly that not one tiny drop of blood was found or one small piece of her bicycle when this exact area has been searched by many fairly soon after she went missing?

Thanks for looking at these questions. I hope you can come up with logical answers for them.

Now thats a damn good post.:rocker:
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