LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #9

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That isn't necessarily true. There are friends that I am very close to that smoke and I do not at all, ever. I find absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana use, but I don't like it myself.

So he was wearing that "pot" hat just to be supportive of Mickey?

"Da Kine" stands for "The Kind (Weed)"
Playing catchup on the threads so sorry if this falls at a random place.

Why are posters suggesting that Mickey was changing her route in order to buy drugs?

I understand that this particular area may have been known for drugs, but generally we don't speculate or hypothesize this theory unless the victim is a known user.

Have I missed a post that stated she was?

It's been established that her circle used pot. It was stated early on in search efforts that her belongings were a Vera Bradley wallet, hot pink mace, a pipe, a cell phone...
That's exactly it, all speculation.

I think this is another one of those tips for women and people in general - don't keep secrets! Tell people where you are going and when to expect you back.

That's the thing, I don't really know many women who DO keep secrets. They usually share almost everything with their close friends. That's why I'm sticking to the theory that Mickey wasn't going anywhere "secret" to buy weed or meet up with someone.

BTW: I know that some women are capable of keeping secrets, so don't y'all jump all over me :) Maybe it's just harder in the South, where you could go in your room, lock the door, turn off the lights, close the blinds, and sneeze, and five people would immediately call you up to say "bless you!"
I would believe that she was taken for sex... and would be kept alive much longer... and still alive.

It's pretty wasteful to just kill the girl right away. A lot of effort.. short payoff.

You would think, but a 30 something ex con groomed little 14 yr old Alicia Debolt for a month and then sexually assaulted, killed and set her body on fire in less than 40 mins. Timed by her and his cell pings.

eta: The SOB called her cell after he was done and said there wasn't going to be a party.....(the one he asked her to go to) :furious:
So he was wearing that "pot" hat just to be supportive of Mickey?

"Da Kine" stands for "The Kind (Weed)"

I know what "Da Kine" stands for. I have a shirt with a marijuana leaf on it, but as I stated earlier, I do not smoke. I simply support medical marijuana and to an extent, legalization.

I don't know if he does or does not smoke, I am just saying being friends with a smoker doesn't automatically make you a smoker.
Maybe it's just harder in the South, where you could go in your room, lock the door, turn off the lights, close the blinds, and sneeze, and five people would immediately call you up to say "bless you!"

That just cracked me up.......!
I so wish LE would hold regular press conferences. I completely understand keeping information close to the vest, but without information, this story is going to fade away.

queenofcorona, there are over 100,000 missing persons in the US & this number grows higher each year. This is referred too as the 'Silent Epidemic'. Most missing persons cases are solved due to tips from the public, or forensics years or decades later. States that have passed familial dna laws are rapidly solving many of the cold cases due to codis.

Most predators are recidivist and are responsible for multiple victims. This is why it is critical for LE to share as much accurate info with the public as possible. It does the victims no good to store this info away in a cold case box, IMO..
I know what "Da Kine" stands for. I have a shirt with a marijuana leaf on it, but as I stated earlier, I do not smoke. I simply support medical marijuana and to an extent, legalization.

I don't know if he does or does not smoke, I am just saying being friends with a smoker doesn't automatically make you a smoker.

Yeah, but this was a smoker crowd. I'm pretty sure of it, and have a couple local-type reasons why I believe so, but don't choose to reveal.

this is all of course, my opinion and could be wrong... but i am good at what i do... (i still have my waxer from when cut and paste meant "cut and paste") in no way could i upload all my work, but if anybody has a specific argument to any of this i will try to take the time to address it... but lets keep the argument civil and stay on point and we can work on this together...


I would be interested in your conclusions as to whether it is the same truck. The news reports always mention them as being 2 trucks. Intriguing.
My observations and comments by Mickey's friends lead me to believe that MS may have preferred girlfriends to boyfriends. She was 21 and didn't have romantic boyfriends. Now everyone please don't go into an uproar as I'm not making a judgment, I'm calling it as I see it. If I'm wrong, someone who knows her can set me straight. And it doesn't matter one way or the other except, if we begin speculating that she was on her way to hook up with some guy when that's not an option she'd make, then we're wasting our time considering that possiblity.

I thought the same. She seems more tomboyish than most girls...the kind of girl who'd prefer chilling with the guys over some girly girls. Also there's a photo of her with a snake around her neck I saw in chicken fried's poster, which most girls would cringe at the thought of.

I love her piglet shirt I found on google images...
It does happen. It happens around here all the time. You see middle-class, white women in a vehicle, on a bike, or even walking in very seedy parts of town buying drugs.

Not college pot smokers. Maybe other stuff, but no way did she need to visit the "seedy side of town" to buy.
I think TBI knows exactly what happend to Holly but have no evidence to prove it!

And i agree when its quiet they are usually on to something !


Whatever the case, if LE is stuck, the public can sometimes be of help.

Glad they having a PC in this case anyway, as with so many people searching, etc. it is dangerous and LE to keep an eye on that, as well as keep the public as informed as possible. Sounds like groups of people are searching everywhere all over the place. JMO
By the way, anyone visiting from the Facebook site, don't waste your time with that report of that big old car at Albertson's with the Fleur-de-Lis hood ornament.

That's mine - and it's a '78 Lincoln, and not the droid you're looking for.
That's the thing, I don't really know many women who DO keep secrets. They usually share almost everything with their close friends. That's why I'm sticking to the theory that Mickey wasn't going anywhere "secret" to buy weed or meet up with someone.

BTW: I know that some women are capable of keeping secrets, so don't y'all jump all over me :) Maybe it's just harder in the South, where you could go in your room, lock the door, turn off the lights, close the blinds, and sneeze, and five people would immediately call you up to say "bless you!"

I don't know. I am most definitely in the South and I have kept plenty of secrets in my time. My parents thought I was going one place and I went somewhere else. I've been in some very shady places at all hours of the night that only me and one other person in the world knows about.

You just never really know what someone is hiding. That is what scares me the most about my daughter. She is secretive (like I was). And people you'd never in a million years would suspect of certain things.....

I am not saying that is the case here. She could have just been going home. She probably was. But, you just cannot rule anything out.
I would be interested in your conclusions as to whether it is the same truck. The news reports always mention them as being 2 trucks. Intriguing.

I was interested to hear what the poster said too, because to me, and I've been taught that when LE releases a photo, they do it for more reasons than just what sticks out in front, it's what's behind in the photo that is really telling, and with the time frames there in all three photos, that's the same truck.
If she were going to buy drugs at that hour, she would have asked Brettly to drive her there, because if they were friends and she smoked pot, he would have too. So if they were out he would have driven her to get it. Didn't you see the cap he was wearing, "[Heart] Da Kine"?

I don't like that theory, unless there is some evidence that she was riding the streets on a bike for a dope hook-up. If they needed it that night, they would have gone to get it or had it delivered.

I agree. She was not buying "drugs" on the street in front of a government building. She may smoke pot, but I am certain she'd have a more reliable source than a vehicle meeting her on the street at 2:00 am in the open.

As for why to cut across to Azalea, it's a more residential route to the "new bike path" and the cajun dome than riding all the way up to Coliseum, unless of course she went left, to Johnston Street, the route that she took to go out that night from her house.
I don't get the idea that she was stopping for weed either. It was 2am, and her bro's graduation was at 11:30am. I'm sure the fam was planning to meet a while before, and all go together to the school. She probably really was headed straight home to go to bed when whatever happened, happened.
Again I have to express digust for the whole idea of someone just serving himself to a live human being for the purpose of sex. It disgusts me.

You and me both....just because someone's got "a twitch in the britches". :maddening:.....Gma use to say....tell them to drill a hole in the floor. !!!!
I thought the same. She seems more tomboyish than most girls...the kind of girl who'd prefer chilling with the guys over some girly girls. Also there's a photo of her with a snake around her neck I said in chicken fried's poster. She seems cool as heck.

I love her piglet shirt I found on google images...

That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. What makes me feel so sick and sad is that I feel like I could have been friends with her--she seems like such an awesome person, with a fun, relaxed personality. It makes me mad as a hornet that someone would hurt such a beautiful spirit in any way. :furious:
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