Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.28.17 - Day 23

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Interesting read thanks. I wonder if the fact that DM and MS were charged with another death helped them presume LB is dead.

Oh I believe she is dead I just wondered even if we think there is a 99% chance someone is dead do we just close the file on them or do we at least leave a smallest of windows just in case.

Of course, it is relevant that they are convicted murderers. The file will still be there, but money can be better spent helping those who are definitely alive.

At some level of confidence we have to accept the probability as a certainty. Otherwise, we'd be disfunctional.

Perhaps it would be wise to direct the discussion away from name calling and mutual accusations.
I was surprised that the Crown didn't push on that point. For all we know, she could be making hundreds per hour and billing many hours for minimal work. is that relevant to the case or our business?

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So, if we pretend there was not
* Photo of incineration on 23rd
* The "hurt and remove" SMS
* Letters

Will there be doubt about DM's M1? MS's? What else needs to be tossed away to acquit?
In his re-examination, Millard attempted to undo some of the damage. This is where he got in trouble with Justice Michael Code, who cautioned that re-examination could not delve into areas which hadn’t been raised in direct examination of his own witness or emerged in the cross.“You’re repeating your questions, now stop it,” Code told Millard, sharply. “That’s an order.”
Millard: “Shall we break momentarily?”
Code: “No, we shan’t.”
Millard: “If there’s concern that my question is inappropriate, do you want to excuse the jury while we discuss it?”
Code: “No.”
In front of the jury — and of course they have no knowledge what occurs in the courtroom in their absence — Code has gone to extreme lengths of patience through the thrust-and-parry process, at several junctures instructing the defendant to the point of practically putting questions to properly ask in Millard’s mouth.
“Your Honour, I apologize,” said Millard. “This is the first time I’m doing this.”


I think we all expected this to eventually occur, yet, still a big smile when it finally happened.
DM picked the perfect time to display his grandiosity, arrogance & narcissism, with the Jury observing (perfect), and directly against the Judge!! (of all people).

He is a psychopath. Standing in front of LB parents, with pics of LB's bones in his incinerator, now trying to over-rule the judge.
If any jurors had any doubts lingering about DM having a God complex, these would be removed today. is that relevant to the case or our business?

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because her testimony may be affected by her fear of repercussions - I.e. Job loss - if she said anything negative. MOO

I think we all expected this to eventually occur, yet, still a big smile when it finally happened.
DM picked the perfect time to display his grandiosity, arrogance & narcissism, with the Jury observing (perfect), and directly against the Judge!! (of all people).

He is a psychopath. Standing in front of LB parents, with pics of LB's bones in his incinerator, now trying to over-rule the judge.
If any jurors had any doubts lingering about DM having a God complex, these would be removed today.

Lil' lamb hits reality.

Or reality hits the lil' lamb.
because her testimony may be affected by her fear of repercussions - I.e. Job loss - if she said anything negative. MOO
She admitted for working for the company, but her remuneration amount is irrelevant, IMHO.

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She admitted for working for the company, but her remuneration amount is irrelevant, IMHO.

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The amount is irrelevant. Although whether that amount is adequate may be relevant. Hard to imagine that she would risk it for any money, but people do craziest things.
RBBM. Just out of curiosity, what would any of these witnesses have to offer DM's defence?
The first couple would show that he was a man of diversified interests and talents- a rich playboy achiever. His Real Estate agent would testify that he was sleeping with her at this time as well; neighbouring farmer and hunters to testify that there are lots of deer in the area; his tenants that MS lived in the building and may not have been very dependable and bank tellers to tell us that DM had lots of money. MOO
because her testimony may be affected by her fear of repercussions - I.e. Job loss - if she said anything negative. MOO

The jury gets that. And they know the judge had to order her to answer certain questions. No need for the Crown to pile on. Sometimes, less is more.
Really? I've thought I've seen my sister at the mall and it wasn't her.

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I went shopping with my mom yesterday and totally starting talking to a woman who looked like my mom, but was definitely not my mom. Luckily it was just some random comment about something she was holding in her hand, so she didn’t even notice that I got her mixed up. She was standing beside me so until we both turned and faced each other directly, I didn’t realize I had made the mistake. She was the same height, same size, same colour hair and skin, and wore a similar coat.

About 5 minutes later the store clerk also mixed the two of them up. She was helping my mom to look for something in the store and the other woman left and walked out the door. The store clerk thought my mom just walked out on her.

It is so easy to think you’ve seen someone, and been wrong, even people you know well and have lived with.
If I were Babcock's parents I would be so mad at this guy. Even though it is likely he never did see her, the fact that he admitted to ignoring the missing person reports is a pretty awful.

Exactly this ^^^
Besides the fact that he "saw"her a few Months later... IMO, a few months from March would be June at the latest plus neither of them spoke to each other while inside the store(unbelievable) THEN, as a parent himself, did NOT let her parents know he "thought" he saw her???? What parent does this ??? Even when taking her clothes she left to their home and meeting them ?? What kind of monster is he??? He is as ruthless and heartless as the accused
The first couple would show that he was a man of diversified interests and talents- a rich playboy achiever. His Real Estate agent would testify that he was sleeping with her at this time as well; neighbouring farmer and hunters to testify that there are lots of deer in the area; his tenants that MS lived in the building and may not have been very dependable and bank tellers to tell us that DM had lots of money. MOO
Interesting. I don't know what any of that would do to prove he didn't murder LB, though. I also find it hard to believe that he could find someone who would blatantly lie for him on the stand (re. deer at the farm).
IMHO, this pretty well sums up everything- the fact that LB is indeed deceased, the fact that she "disappeared" the evening he is referencing and that CN was aware of what really happened to LB. DM can try to pull a rabbit out of a hat on this one, but IMHO, his own writing and CN's need to hold onto these letters is akin to LB speaking from the grave.

BBM “So far I’ve done what I can to separate you from this mess,” wrote Millard. “But it is a very real possibility that you will be called as a witness. Whatever you may believe, it needs to be put aside. This is what happened.

“The night Laura disappeared
, I came over to your place early in the morning. I did not text or call, it was a surprise.”

“I told you Laura was over, doing coke with Mark in the basement. We went to say goodnight. You saw her alive, with Mark, and there was coke on the bar. (Maybe they were getting ready to leave, to go somewhere else, to get more.) You and I don’t like coke. We went back to my room. We vaporized. We f---ed. We took a bath. We slept a little.

“I drove you home, early in the morning. We did not go to see if they were still over. Later, when she was reported missing, you asked me if I knew anything. I told you that Mark had told me that she had OD’d. Probably from mixing her prescriptions with Mark’s coke.”

Also, when being questioned in August/12 by CN via text if he had slept with LB since he had been sleeping with CN, DM responds about LB in a past tense- "you know how I felt about LB" rather than saying "you know how I feel about LB" .

If he was really smart, he would have continued to text LB after he murdered her. Stopping all communication dead turkey is telling. Perhaps he does have a record of him texting LB after that evening she went missing and will be entering it into evidence, but I'm not going to bet on it because I don't think he's that smart. MOO
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