Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.05.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 1

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7 hours of talking for Millard with minimal interruption and no risk of cross.
Better than taking the stand.
Criminals take note.
I am relieved that DM did not use "affluenza" for his defense. He may have had a chance. Dell should fire his lawyer.
I wish you guys put the bias aside and gave Dell credit. He did GREAT. First time ever acting as a lawyer? At your own murder trial nevertheless? I wish you guys had the privilege to see him in person. He was outstanding! But giving Dell any credit here is like discussing how great your new mink fur is at a PETA forum...
I wish you guys put the bias aside and gave Dell credit. He did GREAT. First time ever acting as a lawyer? At your own murder trial nevertheless? I wish you guys had the privilege to see him in person. He was outstanding! But giving Dell any credit here is like discussing how great your new mink fur is at a PETA forum...

Yeah, too bad his client wasn't as good at murdering people.
I asked why his so-called sleep issues were introduced earlier as I didn't see the relevance. It's still never been explain yet - and DM raps up today.

This was to discredit the text message on July 4th where DM said "I haven't slept in 2 days". He wants to show the jury that it was normal for him to be sleep deprived so that they won't draw the conclusion that he was up all night committing a murder.
I'm guessing Dungey will be short and sweet...a nice juxtaposition
Praying for strength, love and comfort to wrap around Laura's parents, now and always.

They have been in Court, listening to and viewing evidence, most of which was horrible to even imagine, all because of their tremendous love for their daughter.

Their love and dedication for Laura is awe-inspiring.
I wish you guys put the bias aside and gave Dell credit. He did GREAT. First time ever acting as a lawyer? At your own murder trial nevertheless? I wish you guys had the privilege to see him in person. He was outstanding! But giving Dell any credit here is like discussing how great your new mink fur is at a PETA forum...
All he has is confidence. While I respect that you clearly admire that, his defence is ludicrous. His "client" is guilty as charged, so he has to make up the absurd narrative that LB is still alive. Which by the way, is bleak as all hell, and he tripped up on many occasions. He's no lawyer.

And believe me, it's no "privilege" to breathe the same air as DM.
I wish you guys put the bias aside and gave Dell credit. He did GREAT. First time ever acting as a lawyer? At your own murder trial nevertheless? I wish you guys had the privilege to see him in person. He was outstanding! But giving Dell any credit here is like discussing how great your new mink fur is at a PETA forum...
Not sure why you keep trying here, I am sure there is another form out in the web, that would love your inside court experience, that could help sway them If that is your intention. (?)
I think Dell did a great job. He could have been a hell of a lawyer if he went a different path.

He COULD have been a lot of things ‘professionally’ and was given every advantage that life has to offer. Private school, multiple Trade school courses (make up artistry, photography and graphic arts I believe) but for some reason he couldn’t stick with anything. I may stand corrected but I don’t believe that he graduated from high school. He was kicked out of one of his Trade school courses for cheating. There would have had to have been some major hurdles for him to overcome to actually be able to get an undergraduate degree, complete a law degree and complete articling. Based on the courses for certificates that he chose, none appeared to be academic in nature.

All of this however is moot, because even if he was dedicated enough to get a law degree, it doesn’t take away the fact that IMO he is a narcissist and a sociopath who had such low self regulation that he acted on his impulses and would have ended up on this spree no matter what his chosen profession would have been. This lack of self regulation and basic understanding of social queues is evident in quotes from former students that he went to school with, from people who rented from him, from his uncle, his Dad’s business partners and his behaviour during the TB trial. I believe that narcissism motivated him to manipulate friends and to represent himself in this trial. He truly believes that he is the Kingmaker in all situations.

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7 hours of talking for Millard meant 7 hours of tweet duty for Kamille. Thanks so much, as always. :)

Thanks also to meterclicks for the live blog this morning. :tyou:
I'm guessing Dungey will be short and sweet...a nice juxtaposition

I am really curious about his angle. If he just goes along with the "Is Laura even dead" narrative, I think this jury will convict his client. It's going to be interesting.

I truly feel for the Babcock family, and all of Laura's friends and loved ones. This must be torturous. DM's defence was insulting and gut-wrenching. May they all find peace and healing once this is over. May they know that we all stand with them and see through this maddening, pathetic charade.

She's alive? She changed her phone? She's in Montreal on her own volition? She has ignored her missing person's case for the past 5 years, and is now watching two "innocent" men go down for M1 in her pretend death?

What planet is this creature from? Oh yes, and we must not forget, the police mishandling of the investigation is not an injustice to Laura, it's an injustice to him! What about his defence!

Now, everyone bow down to DM.
Just catching up here. He's not doing himself any favours - he comes across as a real *advertiser censored*. In refuting the idea that he killed Laura as a favour to CN, he claims not to have really cared much for her. He says he even offered her up for sex to AM and he didn't give her gifts - like he gave his ex fiance a red jeep and SS half a car (there's that that half a car again :)).

Well, didn't he promise her (in writing) a cruise around the world, where she would hopefully come back pregnant to a brand new house of her chosen design.

It's all smoke and mirrors with him.
I am really curious about his angle. If he just goes along with the "Is Laura even dead" narrative, I think this jury will convict his client. It's going to be interesting.


He's probably gonna ask what does MS have to do with all this. There are no known communications between MS and LB, no communications between DM and MS that would indicate planning specifically LB's murder, or anything that would put him in vicinity of Maple Gate on that day. He doesn't even have to go into the incineration part as it's not a murder. All they have is his MJ-influenced garage admission. Is that enough to make such a decision, would be his Q.
Well I have to admit I have trouble calling him Dell, but I do think DM is guilty. Can't speak for anyone else.

I agree with you but I don't think the jury will.
Looking forward to Crown's closing,
Yes, hopefully Dungey can start off where Dell left off, especially after sitting through that today.
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