Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.06.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 2

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Dungey now moving to the two experts who testified about the photo shot of the inside the incinerator, which appeared to show bones burning. "At the end of the day, these photos are blurry. They are not distinct. Both experts said that. They cannot be definite."
by Adam Carter 11:58 AM

Dungey says Dr. Tracy Roger's testimony was confusing, and it was difficult to see what was going on in those photos.
by Adam Carter 11:59 AM
Too risky. She could have messed up Dell's story. It's better this way for Dell. How can you claim a love triangle motive and not call the one girl that's for a fact alive. If I'm on the jury i see this as very fishy.

Are you saying 'Dell' has been telling the jury a story?
Sure Dungey, and you know that Tim Bosma's blood was found on the lid of the eliminator, and a few small pieces of his bones were found inside. I know the jury can't hear about TB's trial, but you know the truth. You know what they wanted to use that eliminator for, and that they did. IMO

Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

The rational reason for the incinerator was to get rid of pets, Dungey says. Otherwise they wouldn't have followed rules like getting a proper propane tank installed. "It borders on stupidity theory!"
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Dr. Rogers isn't an expert in animal bones, Dungey says. (The forensic anthropologist is an expert in human remains.) Rufalo, the archaeologist, had stronger evidence that Rogers, he says.

Dungey says Scott Rufolo, who appeared as a defence witness for Millard, was a stronger expert in court. Here's his testimony:

Millard calls expert in zooarcheology to testify at Laura Babcock murder trial

Dellen Millard called three witnesses Tuesday, including an expert in animal bones, at the Laura Babcock murder trial in Toronto. The accused killer is acting as his own lawyer in Ontario Superior Court.
by Adam Carter 12:00 PM

"In my opinion, there is no evidence, that Laura Babcock was ever incinerated. None whatsoever," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 12:01 PM
Dungey now asking the jury to use "common sense" when evaluating evidence. "Is it common sense that if they were going to incinerate Laura Babcock, that they would bring Marlena Meneses with them?"
by Adam Carter 12:02 PM

Meneses was Smich's then-girlfriend.
by Adam Carter 12:03 PM
"You think if they're incinerating Laura Babcock, they're going to have her walking by the machine? Of course not, ladies and gentlemen. They were incinerating a deer," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 12:05 PM

Here's Meneses's testimony:

Accused killer Mark Smich's ex-girlfriend saw animal incinerator in use

The ex-girlfriend of accused killer Mark Smich told jury members at the Laura Babcock murder trial about a night when Smich and friend Dellen Millard told her they were testing out a towering animal incinerator.
by Adam Carter 12:05 PM
Too risky. She could have messed up Dell's story. It's better this way for Dell. How can you claim a love triangle motive and not call the one girl that's for a fact alive. If I'm on the jury i see this as very fishy.

IMHO, almost everything you post reflects what is best for, or alternatively, highest praise for, “Dell”. Can’t help but be astonished and wonder why. Though I gather the latter is your intent. Sure wish you would be more forthcoming with your reasoning. Otherwise it is difficult to believe that you are taking any of these tragic issues seriously.

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Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

The jury is stuck with these experts who were confusing in their testimony, Dungey says. "Use your common sense. Is it common sense that if they were going to incinerate #LauraBabcock, that they would bring Marlena Meneses.

The men always told Marlena Meneses to not pay attention to what they were doing. "It was a common pattern, It's what they always did," Dungey says of #Smich and #Dungey. (Think she means Millard here)

They decided to bring Marlena Meneses and have her wait in the car "while they talk to that girl." Dungey says the jury should draw the inference that "that girl" meant drugs.

If they're incinerating LauraBabcock you think they're going to have Marlena Meneses walk by? "They were incinerating a deer," Dungey says. They were testing the machine. That's what they called it in text messages. #Smich, #Millard

Shane Schlatman noticed that the incinerator smelled and had something in it when he was at the barn later, Dungey reminds the jury. Then the text message from #Millard to Shane, "another dead deer." Millard was upset by hunters on his property, Dungey says

The evidence shows that what was in the incinerator was a dead deer, not #LauraBabcock, Dungey says.
Dungey now moving to the evidence of David Cronin and Desi Liberatore, who testified about Smich telling them he killed a girl and burned the body:

Friend cries after watching video of Mark Smich rap about killing, burning body

A friend of accused killer Mark Smich broke down in tears in the witness box Thursday after the Crown played a video of Smich rapping about burning a body and getting rid of evidence.
by Adam Carter 12:09 PM

Dungey says these two were "adolescents" drinking and smoking dope at the time.
by Adam Carter 12:09 PM
Too risky. She could have messed up Dell's story. It's better this way for Dell. How can you claim a love triangle motive and not call the one girl that's for a fact alive. If I'm on the jury i see this as very fishy.
Yes I see it as fishy DM wouldn't call her. After all she could help him.

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You have too much prejudice in you. You would never cut it as a judge or lawyer.

Well I guess that’s why I’m not a judge or a lawyer LOL and for your information, I’ve been involved in 5 court cases and I danced circles around ALL 5 lawyers and WON all 5 cases for the crown! Can’t say as much for your beloved DELL lol

You do very well at trolling, do you Fish? Lol
Dungey seems to be going between two defenses:

1 - the murder happened but my client wasn't there

2 - no crime has been committed and LB is merely missing.

I believe he would be more effective if he tried to stick with one narrative only.
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Dungey talking about #Smich's high school kids -- the ones he would buy cigarettes for... then sell weed. The ones he showed the rap video to in his garage. Of course their stories had discrepancies, Dungey says. They were kids on dope.

A blunt is a big marijuana cigarette, wrapped up like a cigar, #Dungey says. They were drinking peach schnapps at the time. Adolescents! Dungey says. Then there was the rap conversation.

It was a year later that one of those young men, Cronin, came forward with the story about Mark #Smich claiming the rap song was about a real incineration and murder. One of the youths was a heroin addict who has overdosed six times. Dungey says he looked spaced out here too.
Dungey says statements from these two witnesses gave statements about this alleged conversation almost a year later.
by Adam Carter 12:10 PM

"In my opinion he looked spaced out here," Dungey says, about Liberatore, who testified that he was a recovered heroin addict.
by Adam Carter 12:11 PM
I still wonder if the Crown couldn't get her out of Poland to testify. I don't think subpoenas work abroad.

That is correct.

Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

On her very first date, we hear that #LauraBabcock stays the night with her client, "completely putting herself at risk," Dungey says. 'this was her lifestyle. For some reason she constantly puts herself at risk."

Dungey now talking about the seizure of those items by police.
by Adam Carter 11:08 AM

We're seeing photos of the red bag on the bed at Smich's home. Dungey says if Smich had anything to do with this, he would've gotten someone to throw out that bag.
by Adam Carter 11:11 AM

This is the dumbest argument...people who kill people are dumb about it, thats how they get caught and need lawyers like you D.

MS likely found out it was there when it was shown to the court.

He would have seen in with his lawyer, who gets all the information the crown has.

You have too much prejudice in you. You would never cut it as a judge or lawyer.

Pot meet kettle? Also, some of us have a conscious, and wouldn't dream of representing slime balls like DM and MS. You have to have a serious lack or morals to defend someone who has done what they have. Also, I somehow don't think sitting in a court room trial once or twice makes you some sort of expert at telling who is/would be a good lawyer.

Final note : Don't feed the trolls.
Dungey says Liberatore was trying to "cut a deal" with police by giving a statement about Smich.
by Adam Carter 12:12 PM

"He gives a statement under the conditions he's in. He's selling a statement," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 12:13 PM
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