Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Twas ten days before Christmas, on Websleuths
All were a waiting, praying, hoping for truths;
Then Saturday dawned, something was in the air
A feeling the jury, soon might be there;

When out in twitter there arose such a clatter,
Over to websleuths to see what was the matter.
Logged in, then reloaded to clear out the cache,
Was the news as hoped, or just more DM trash?

The jury was coming back, the poster did say...
Could the predictions be right, today is the day?
A verdict is in, Justice Code did announce!!
And all of us waiting... praying 2 counts!!

Then the most wonderful words, we did see
Both guilty of murder, in the 1st degree!!
Millard looked back, he spun in his chair
Looked at Linda, with a stare and a glare.

Many of us would have been tempted for sure,
to flip him the bird, or say things unpure.
But instead, Linda Babcock, gave him a smile...
strength that has carried them all through this trial.

This is a smile that we all should remember
A very good day, was this 16th of December
Today was the day, we know who was strong..
Today was the day, right triumphed over wrong,

The system worked, now both Smich and Millard
Are back in their cells, tightly locked up and barred.
Thanks to the Babcocks, Jill Cameron, Judge Code,
Them we admire, our respect is rightfully owed.

I have one more thing, before I drop out of sight,

(... see you again in March...)

Applause!! Well done!! [emoji4]

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I had a busy day today but managed to be home in time to be "present" for the verdict. I'm so glad I was able to hear it as it was happening.

I went to a great Christmas Party tonight and had a blast. As I locked my door when I got home and looked at my Christmas tree and it's blinking lights, I thought of Laura and Tim. Laura would have loved the party I was at tonight and Tim probably would have too. I cried.

Two people who wouldn't hurt a flea who were just living their lives died in horrible ways and were thrown away like garbage by a couple of two bit wanna be gangsters just for the thrill of it. I am sure that the thrill was a huge contributing factor.

I am glad that we have seen justice today but it is very bittersweet.

A huge thanks to the Jury, Justice Code, Jill Cameron and the rest of the Prosecution Team. My thoughts and prayers are with the Babcock's this holiday season. I hope they find comfort in the knowledge that justice has been served. I hope they find the strength to heal.

Merry Christmas everyone. See ya in March.
I've been reading in various places from various mouths that it was the letters that got him (DM). (see examples below).

I just can't get over the incredible irony - those people - DM allies and supporters, who all thought, just as DM did, that they were above the law, and/or that the rules didn't apply to them (his mom, his gf, and that boastful, attention-seeking, ambulance-chasing, unethical lawyer who lives high on the hog by finding loopholes for cocaine and arms-dealing, (and worse) criminals and then publicly bragging about getting them off, even when evidence seems overwhelming - as if mocking our own criminal justice system) - all played a part in ensuring that that massive, damning letter-evidence was there in the end for the Crown to use against him, in not one, but two separate murder one trials. There was DM, spinning stories, tampering with witnesses, trying to control his outcome, through people willing to do whatever it took to help him succeed, and it ends up being the coup-de-grace that sinks him. 'Just deserts'. It just doesn't get better than that. moo.

His letters to a girlfriend were the undoing of Dellen Millard

It was a batch of letters from killer Millard to girlfriend Christina Noudga that proved the coup de grâce for the prosecutors in the trial into Laura Babcock’s murder, Rosie Dimanno writes.
“Destroy these letters,” he commanded. But she didn’t. And police then pursuing the Bosma murder — another victim put through The Eliminator — recovered them from her house in April 2014. That began the unraveling, the arrests, the connections, the second look at Babcock’s disappearance, her remains never found.
Yet even last Tuesday, after the jury had begun its deliberations, Millard was up on his feet, tendering another motion, taking aim at how Justice Michael Code had framed his jury instructions, specifically as it related to a purported “gap” in the prosecution’s narrative — the no-Noudga gap.
Millard argued, incoherently, that the jury had been left with an “absence of evidence”, from which they might draw an adverse inference.

It was a tortured contention that found no favor with the judge.

“What’s the gap?” Code queried. “You’re trying to characterize a failure to call a witness as a gap in the evidence.”
Even though Millard well knew, and the Crown explained again, why they chose to pass on Noudga, cancelling the plane ticket they’re arranged to bring her back to Toronto — from, apparently, Poland.
“There’s no gap in the evidence,” Code intoned. “The evidence is the letters.”
Those enormously damning letters that Noudga hadn’t destroyed.
Yet, disingenuously, Millard continued to claim that Noudga had a valuable story to tell, if they had let her. Presumably, he meant that she would perchance bolster his version of events — crucially, last seeing Babcock alive.

Code: “Is it your position that Ms. Noudga would say she was there and she could confirm it?”
Well, maybe. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve had contact with Miss Noudga. I cannot say what she would say.”

Code: “The overwhelming evidence is that the (alibi) evidence is false, because of the subsequent letters.”
And then the judge basically called out Millard on the game he was playing with the court — the obstructing, conniving, delaying game he’d played throughout trial.

“You didn’t want to call this witness any more than did the Crown.”

Lawyer linked to illegal smuggling of killer Dellen Millard's jailhouse letters

Deepak Paradkar denies any involvement or knowledge of how letters were sent back and forth
"I had no involvement in that," the lawyer told CBC News.
Paradkar never publicly disclosed why he walked away from the case.

"Mr. Paradkar agreed to withdraw, as he appeared to be the only counsel who could be implicated in the transporting of the Millard/Noudga letters out of the jail," reads a document signed by Ontario Superior Court Justice Michael Code, from pretrial motions in the Babcock trial.

According to pretrial documents on the issue from the Bosma case filed by Smich's lawyers, the letters "could only have been transported from the jail by a lawyer."

​"Police were advised by the security manager at the jail where Millard is housed that visits at the jail are not face to face, but rather through glass, such that nothing could be exchanged," reads the motion from Smich's lawyers.

Police were told by the prison's security manager that the only way letters could get out, if they weren't mailed, was through a lawyer, according to the motion.
"My lawyer wishes there was some elusive secret agent who could get to Andrew," Trehearne said Millard wrote.

While many lawyers give brief statements to reporters (if any at all) Paradkar is known for giving long interviews on the courthouse steps, answering any and all questions.
Until recently, his Instagram username was "@cocaine_lawyer." That account has since been deleted.

A Toronto Sun story detailed some of the posts from his account, like a shot of his yellow Lamborghini with the comment: "Cocaine pays lol!!!" as well as photos of police-seized drugs and guns with the caption, "100 kilos of K 4 kilos of cocaine, 5 guns, Uzi, glock — NOT GUILTY!"
Twas ten days before Christmas, on Websleuths
All were a waiting, praying, hoping for truths;
Then Saturday dawned, something was in the air
A feeling the jury, soon might be there;

When out in twitter there arose such a clatter,
Over to websleuths to see what was the matter.
Logged in, then reloaded to clear out the cache,
Was the news as hoped, or just more DM trash?

The jury was coming back, the poster did say...
Could the predictions be right, today is the day?
A verdict is in, Justice Code did announce!!
And all of us waiting... praying 2 counts!!

Then the most wonderful words, we did see
Both guilty of murder, in the 1st degree!!
Millard looked back, he spun in his chair
Looked at Linda, with a stare and a glare.

Many of us would have been tempted for sure,
to flip him the bird, or say things unpure.
But instead, Linda Babcock, gave him a smile...
strength that has carried them all through this trial.

This is a smile that we all should remember
A very good day, was this 16th of December
Today was the day, we know who was strong..
Today was the day, right triumphed over wrong,

The system worked, now both Smich and Millard
Are back in their cells, tightly locked up and barred.
Thanks to the Babcocks, Jill Cameron, Judge Code,
Them we admire, our respect is rightfully owed.

I have one more thing, before I drop out of sight,

(... see you again in March...)
You should be that poem on twitter where all the reporters and members of media can read it ,priceless.
I think it is possible she knew exactly what she was doing leaving those letters that would get DM convicted.
I disagree. I don't think she'd do that to him. She showed zero remorse for anything and was a complete b moo

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I disagree. I don't think she'd do that to him. She showed zero remorse for anything and was a complete b moo

Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk

I believe those letters were kept because DM knows how to manipulate emotion, but understands it only superficially. There are very, very few still besotted women who would not have kept those letters with their flowery, angsty expressions of love and desire. He manipulated her right into being unable to throw out the evidence he created. Well done, Don Juan.
I've been reading in various places from various mouths that it was the letters that got him (DM). (see examples below).

I just can't get over the incredible irony - those people - DM allies and supporters, who all thought, just as DM did, that they were above the law, and/or that the rules didn't apply to them (his mom, his gf, and that boastful, attention-seeking, ambulance-chasing, unethical lawyer who lives high on the hog by finding loopholes for cocaine and arms-dealing, (and worse) criminals and then publicly bragging about getting them off, even when evidence seems overwhelming - as if mocking our own criminal justice system) - all played a part in ensuring that that massive, damning letter-evidence was there in the end for the Crown to use against him, in not one, but two separate murder one trials. There was DM, spinning stories, tampering with witnesses, trying to control his outcome, through people willing to do whatever it took to help him succeed, and it ends up being the coup-de-grace that sinks him. 'Just deserts'. It just doesn't get better than that. moo.

I couldn't agree more! Great post! :goodpost:
You should be that poem on twitter where all the reporters and members of media can read it ,priceless.

Fantastic post!! I agree, share! I am so honored and happy to be among all of you amazing sleuthers here. I have learned so much by being here and formed attachments to fellow sleuthers on these threads over many years. See you for round #3 in March.
How would the cops ‘encourage’ them? How could they be sure they wouldn’t be destroyed? Why would they sit on them for a year before executing a warrant?

This isn’t the movies, respectfully of course.

Cops can come up with some very dirty tricks. First few nights of jail for Millard, there were two undercover officers in the cell with the end goal of trying to extract info about the whereabouts of TB.

CN was on the police radar the moment DM was arrested. She refused to give a police statement. Obviously the lawyer got the letters out, but that does not mean he gave them to CN. I think police knew there was some communication via the letters. Lets just say police investigated CN after half the letter were sent, she would know at that point destroying those letters would be serious crime. Police obviously caught wind of the letters somehow.
In the weeks and months that followed, Babcock's phone continued to receive countless calls from friends and family, desperate to reach her.
But the jury was told Millard never texted, never called Babcock, not once after that night.

This is what I was getting at a few days back when I was asking about the cellular data re: incoming calls.
It frustrates me that this PIVOTAL piece of information was never reported in tweets/articles before now ... but I am so, so happy that it was brought up, and that it was brought up for the jury.

THIS is huge. If I were on the jury, THIS piece of information would be very compelling for me.

In the weeks and months that followed, Babcock's phone continued to receive countless calls from friends and family, desperate to reach her.
But the jury was told Millard never texted, never called Babcock, not once after that night.

This is what I was getting at a few days back when I was asking about the cellular data re: incoming calls.
It frustrates me that this PIVOTAL piece of information was never reported in tweets/articles before now ... but I am so, so happy that it was brought up, and that it was brought up for the jury.

THIS is huge. If I were on the jury, THIS piece of information would be very compelling for me.

Absolutely. With the level of contact they'd had in the past, whatever disdain he might have had for Laura, it speaks volumes that he didn't reach out with a "Hey, everyone is looking for you" text. Of course, we all know why. It's just another piece of circumstantial evidence in the mountain of evidence against him.
In the weeks and months that followed, Babcock's phone continued to receive countless calls from friends and family, desperate to reach her.
But the jury was told Millard never texted, never called Babcock, not once after that night.

This is what I was getting at a few days back when I was asking about the cellular data re: incoming calls.
It frustrates me that this PIVOTAL piece of information was never reported in tweets/articles before now ... but I am so, so happy that it was brought up, and that it was brought up for the jury.

THIS is huge. If I were on the jury, THIS piece of information would be very compelling for me.

I think he brought out the fact that he hadn’t initiated communication with her in months though, so it wouldn’t be odd on it’s own that he didn’t try after early July. In fact I’m surprised that he didn’t text or call once or twice as a coverup. Guess he really thought he was that untouchable.
You have to wonder why CN was part of the Help Find Laura FB group. Did DM tell her to join it so as not to arouse suspicion or did she join on her own?

There are just SO MANY questions I still have.

Maybe someone will eventually develop a conscience and tell all to unburden themselves. I know, it's pie in the sky but I hope some day it happens.
Cops can come up with some very dirty tricks. First few nights of jail for Millard, there were two undercover officers in the cell with the end goal of trying to extract info about the whereabouts of TB.

CN was on the police radar the moment DM was arrested. She refused to give a police statement. Obviously the lawyer got the letters out, but that does not mean he gave them to CN. I think police knew there was some communication via the letters. Lets just say police investigated CN after half the letter were sent, she would know at that point destroying those letters would be serious crime. Police obviously caught wind of the letters somehow.

Re “Cops can come up with some very dirty tricks” ... using undercover agents to try to discover TB’s whereabouts is a “very dirty trick”? Hmmm. I don’t think so.

And how is it “obvious” that the police knew anything about the letters prior to discovering them in the search of Noudga’s home?

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You have to wonder why CN was part of the Help Find Laura FB group. Did DM tell her to join it so as not to arouse suspicion or did she join on her own?

There are just SO MANY questions I still have.

Maybe someone will eventually develop a conscience and tell all to unburden themselves. I know, it's pie in the sky but I hope some day it happens.

Whatever Christina did or didn’t know about Laura, I’m sure she’d join just for curiosity and for the gossip and the schadenfreude. All those inferior beings and their chatty angst would be catnip for her cold self absorption.

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