Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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Put myself together now and am able to write...I wept for hours...for Laura, for Tim, for Sharlene who was stoic and brave and handled this tragedy with such a grace, for her daughter, for parents, for lost lives and broken friendship, for such a brutal and senseless tragedy....People - I am speaking from my heart!!!!- We must love and care about each other...the life is too short and it must not be each other and be kind to each best wishes to everybody in the new year!!!! SPECIAL THANK YOU TO JURY, JUDGE AND JILL CAMERON AND ENTIRE CROWN TEAM!!!!!!

Thank you for those beautiful words.
I agree. Be kind to each other everyone, and best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year.

Awaiting the third trial.
OUTCOME to be NEVER leaving jail for MURDERERS.
My 11:59 prediction was as I said, in a dream. But the dream was Thursday night so I expected it to be yesterday. And as I posted it here, I thought to myself... "no way will it be 11:59 now that I've typed it out loud."

Stuff like that happens to me often. Like I know how someone is going to finish a sentence. Sort of a deja vu thing. But I'm quite often wrong, so call me lucky. Maybe I'll by a lottery ticket today.

11.59. Paris, that is extraordinary. Good on you.
As sometimes you're wrong, buy stacks lottery tickets.

Walk through shopping centres, and buy raffle tickets for cars, holidays etc.
This is your lucky day.
It is so cool! But paris, wait for the dream to speak on it. ;)
11.59. Paris, that is extraordinary. Good on you.
As sometimes you're wrong, buy stacks lottery tickets.

Walk through shopping centres, and buy raffle tickets for cars, holidays etc.
This is your lucky day.
People were questioning me when I said I believed the purple slippers belonged to Laura, They were in a video and Pedo was chewing on them. I don't know why the Crown chose to post that video but maybe because they also felt the slippers belonged to Laura.
I felt it was significant because to me it showed the mindset of MS and DM both were in the video and talking casually while Pedo chewed on the slippers.
I also said and I am not 100% sure but one dress that MM had on in a photo looked identical to one that Laura was seen wearing.
I don't think it is a big stretch to think these two SOB would take any belongings to Laura and either give them to someone who have them at the Maplegate house.
They took her other belongings like the Ipad and red bag and gave them to MS.
DM tried to make it ludicrous to say the red bag could have been given to MS anytime not after her death. I doubt that I am sure it was given to him after her death.
That rap song no matter if MS or DM will ever confess to it , I believe 100% was about Laura, and obviously the jury also did.
When I see how MS was smirking and enjoying doing the rap it makes me feel sick. this was one sick SOB , cold , heartless, sadistic animal.
Trevor Dunn‏
BREAKING: Dellen Millard and Mark Smich found guilty of first degre murder of Laura Babcock

11:59. That's that time I had down for yesterday.

I recall your posting yesterday, you dream't that your sister picked the time or something like that? That is a bit freaky weird, but also cool!!
Trevor Dunn‏
47s47 seconds ago

Babcock's ex-boyfriend Shawn Lerner has arrived to court. Her mother hugs him.
Wow that warms my heart that he's there until the very end for Laura and her family. He is an angel in disguise. Merry Christmas everyone

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Ann Brocklehurst‏

Foreperson giving written recommendations to judge. 12 recommend consecutive, maximum Millard. 5 recommend for consec/ max for Smich, 7 have no recommendation for Smich
I think this proves their hang up was Smich IMO
DM was M1 all the way

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I cried listening and watching Clayton Babcock's statement. And Jill Cameron, only to be admired. When and if I'm asked who's a strong, intelligent, determined, and caring woman that I admire, it's going to be her name I say. I'm not into celebrity BS and there's too much admiration for celebrities. JC is an example of someone who young women in particular should see as a role model, and whom we can all see as an example.

DM is a sadist and a psychopath. I cannot wait until we never hear from or about him ever again. Just confess already to the murder of WM, 'cause you're done. Of course he won't because he still needs to be in some sort of spotlight to get any kind of attention.

Interesting on 7 jurors not weighing in on MS sentencing. That does tell one that they were embattled. All in all though, thankfully they came to the right decision and they leave sentencing in the capable hands of Justice Code. You know TD sees an opportunity though and I am sure he'll continue to work hard for MS.

Yes, I agree with you, but I do not see TD as any kind of hero. Because he took this case, he is probably more famous now than he has ever been, and other notorious criminals, many of them very rich, will now want to hire him when they are in trouble.

After the Karla Homolka debacle, in which he was involved, Judge Code must find this case, and the justice that two diabolical serial killers received to be gratifying. He knows evil when he sees it, and I think given the opportunity, he will give them both consecutive sentences to protect society. IMO
I cried listening and watching Clayton Babcock's statement. And Jill Cameron, only to be admired. When and if I'm asked who's a strong, intelligent, determined, and caring woman that I admire, it's going to be her name I say. I'm not into celebrity BS and there's too much admiration for celebrities. JC is an example of someone who young women in particular should see as a role model, and whom we can all

Interesting on 7 jurors not weighing in on MS sentencing. That does tell one that they were embattled. All in all though, thankfully they came to the right decision and they leave sentencing in the capable hands of Justice Code.

i suspect once those embattled jurors get home and start sifting through the evidence they weren't allowed to see or hear they won't feel embattled any more.
DeaconBroadie, With the complexities of this case, are you surprised that the Jurors never asked a single question/asked for clarification etc? Have you seen this before or do you believe it was the Crowns closing and Justice Code's charge to the jury that left little doubt?

I'm in no way questioning their decision as their verdicts are what I had hoped for. I guess I'm just surprised that nothing was asked. What do you attribute this to?

ETA: Thank you so much for your invaluable insight in this case.

I am quite surprised that there were no questions given the length of the charge and the complexities of the trial itself. In my experience, juries usually if not always come back with questions.

A possible explanation is that they had no difficulty with the law and they were just struggling with whether or not the possible innocent explanations for MS's actions and words that the Crown proved, raised a reasonable doubt.

As with many of us here, they must have eventually concluded that MS was either directly involved in the murder, or at the very least knew about it and either assisted or encouraged DM in carrying it out.

It's been very enjoyable being a part of the discussions here on WS, it's a great group of intelligent compassionate and inquisitive people and I have learned a lot as well.

I'll be around for the sentencing here and the WB trial next order to complete he trilogy!
In 2013, Sharlene Bosma stated ,
[FONT=&amp] “the devil led the vilest form of evil down my driveway, and it smiled at me before taking Tim away.”

These words were somewhat prophetic, as they were stated before all the sordid details were out.
Now, here we are, at the end of 2017, and Sharlene's words ring true, for we now know...

DMan and Say10, Demon and Satan, were on the loose the night that Laura was murdered, and again, the night when Tim was murdered.

Two long painful trials for the families, first the Tim Bosma trial, they lost. Tonight, the Laura Babcock trial, once again, they lost.
Twice on the loose, and twice on the lose. Truth triumphed over darkness. May Dman and Say10 rot in hell.

Big thanks to the Crown, Justice Code, the Babcocks, the Bosmas, Shawn Lerner.... and THE JURY!!
Cannot stop thinking about those you think that there is a slightest possibility that LE encouraged them and allowed them to be smuggled to find the way to the trial? and this is the reason why CN's got off so easily despite her involvement?
Well it is now several hours later and after 2 bloody caesars (as much as I felt I needed a drink every day following this horrible trial, I abstained). I feel so very good and safe here in Southern Ontario and it isn't the drink. The absolute certainty that Canada is the best place to live and that my neighbours (peers) can be trusted to step up and do what is right Thank you to all of you here, you have helped me to be a better citizen, may you all have a long outward breath and move on to a wonderful, peaceful holiday season filled with laughter and hugs. I luv you guys <3
Cannot stop thinking about those you think that there is a slightest possibility that LE encouraged them and allowed them to be smuggled to find the way to the trial? and this is the reason why CN's got off so easily despite her involvement?


The cops despise Noudga.

She got off with a reduced charge for the reasons that have been stated publicly and repeatedly.
Now that CN's involvement (letters) in these murders have concluded, I can't help but wonder why she kept them all? I keep wondering if her involvement was more than what has been exposed, and that her "note to self" about using such information for blackmail purposes was actually the reason.
Yep. I agree

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Cannot stop thinking about those you think that there is a slightest possibility that LE encouraged them and allowed them to be smuggled to find the way to the trial? and this is the reason why CN's got off so easily despite her involvement?

How would the cops &#8216;encourage&#8217; them? How could they be sure they wouldn&#8217;t be destroyed? Why would they sit on them for a year before executing a warrant?

This isn&#8217;t the movies, respectfully of course.

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