LeAnna (Mom) #1

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Just my opinion. What makes someone "deeply religious" ? Or, put another way, how does the public perceive this "religiosity"? Is believing that one's dead baby is "in a BETTER place" an indication of this? If so, in keeping with this conviction, why bring a child into this "broken" world in the first place? As to Leanna's involvement in the child's death, I'll go where the evidence winds up taking me, but for now I can't shake the suspicion that she was a willing participant in the death of her baby. If she is innocent "the public" needs more than a statement from her lawyer that she needs to grieve privately. Remember her statement (of many) at the funeral was "ross, I love you and I'm doing this for you." To repeat, JMO
As to LH.and premeditation....again, I'm thinking about those children beaten to death by the boyfriends. These mothers see signs way before...the violent reactions, the impatience, etc. But to keep the relationship, they choose to ignore the signs, excuse the first abuse as.."discipline." These Mothers rationalize. Then, after the fact, they coverup.

I wonder how much Cooper was starting to interfere with Dad's favorite perverted pastime. Those mornings after LH left, now that would be a prime time, still, in bed, to take the pictures of his erect penis for his "ladies." That would be a great time to start "communicating" ....easier than work. But..there's this kid. This active toddler. He needs to be changed, fed, dressed. He interrupts. He "breaks the mood." And if Dad has...problems....breaking the mood could make him angry.

LH looked so nonplussed at the hearing. Maybe she had caught him sexting before. Maybe she even knew he sexting with the Baby in the room. Maybe she saw that he had grown impatient with little Cooper. Maybe she knew he read about hot car deaths...and she read the same stuff, fearing what he might do.

But, like those other Mothers who just...let it happen...LH just convinced herself that nothing was THAT wrong.

But, when she walked into the daycare...she knew exactly what he had done!

So, she wasn't in on the premeditation exactly. She was just an enabler, IMO. And then, like these other Stand By Your Man Moms...she went all in to protect her Man.

I agree totally. I said before I don't think LH was in on this murder but I don't believe she was surprised by it either.
If Leanna was cleared, I don't think anyone can say she was accused by the media to the extent that Jewell was. He successfully filed lawsuits against a few outlets; I don't see how Leanna has any case at this point. Her lawyer had to know that the Jewell comparison would get a lot of scrutiny and attention, yet the statement is for the media to leave her alone, and an attempt to get sympathy?
Perhaps they were trying to keep the cell phone bill down? I don't know, we have unlimited texts. My son has had 10,000+ in a month... I guess
using wi - fi through work would not create txt fees?

One of them could have had work cell phone, I could see it might be a problem.
All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

When texting iphone to iphone it is sent via imessage unless you are out of a network area. So there's a good possibility that they did use the iphone text but the text came across as Imessages. The way to tell on an iphone is the messages boxes are blue when it's sending/recieving as an imessage and they are green when sending/receiving as a text. Imessages do not go towards your text numbers. As they are sent via the apple id system. They also do not show up on your bill. They also do not show up on your employer phone bill nor are they logged unless the company has a feature on it. But there is always the possibilty that they messaged through the app he was messaging other women through. I find that highly unlikely. I'm sure that was a hidden app that she had no clue about. Not sure if iphone have where you can make an app invisible. I know the blackberries do.

I think this case is going to have a lot of technical components to it. I hope LE can get a hold of all those messages. It will be interesting to find out if they are able to recover deleted messages. I'm thinking it's possible. We shall see.
It would be interesting to know if Leanna and hubs had a regular babysitter for Cooper. Weren't both families in Alabama? A sitter may be able to recall Saturday, February 15 when, reportedly the infamous selfie in the Buckhead area restaurant men's urinal was taken. The restaurant people were mortified to realize that it was indeed, their mens room, but they also realized that Ross had made reservations for that evening. If it was a belated valentine's day dinner and Leanna was there, then who was babysitting Cooper? If it wasn't Leanna, who was it? a bit off topic, sorry, but very curious! JMO
Just a thought, we know JRH has an iPhone, do we have any idea what type of phone LH has? I know my husband and I both have iPhones and use iMessage most of the time. Those iMessages do not show up on our AT&T wireless phone bills as it is an iPhone feature. That would explain why there are no texts between the 2 of them since May. With iMessage turned on only very few instances where the message has to go through as a text would show up in phone records.

That's a good idea and may be the case, but law enforcement didn't have the phone records yet. All they were going by was looking at RH's phone. I find it really hard to believe he hadn't texted anyone since May. Did he delete texts regularly? That seems weird if so. Is there some setting or app that deletes them automatically? I have an iPhone and my texts stay unless I delete them on purpose.
It just seems so odd for the two of them to call each other or use an IM app when texting is so easy. I think the actual phone records are going to tell so much.

SnapChat and WhatsApp are two messaging apps that are extremely popular with young people right now due to the fact that the messages and photos sent and received will self-destruct after a certain number of seconds so they become undetectable.

If RH and LH were using one of these messaging apps, their messages wouldn't show up on their phones, but I'm sure LE has a way to go to the app server and find their deleted messages.

I think once LE has the communication records in hand, they will have both a more complete picture of what happened and quite possibly the "smoking gun" for both RH and LH. As I said way back during the first week of this case it was my opinion that ..... the electronics will tell the tale.

BBM for focus:
If her job is as a Home Health Dietician, I'm not sure how the attention prevents her from going to her clients' homes. It's not like the media knows her schedule and would follow her around like paparazzi.

In my opinion,,,,, Yes they would. :twocents:
"We talked a little bit about these computers; have you guys done examinations on these computers?" asked Cobb prosecutor Chuck Boring of Detective Phil Stoddard as he sat on the witness stand in Harris probable cause hearing.

"We have," Stoddard responded.

"Are you finished with your examination of these computers?"

"We've only scratched the surface," Stoddard answered ominously.

"These experts in law enforcement have been trained in computer forensics," said Greg Evans of Hi Tech Crime Solutions. "They have the best software in the world that will go in and go through each sector. It may not take a day. It can take a month; it can take a week; or it can take 6 months depending on how much data you have on there."

Harris had access to at least three computers. And police say it's clear he was covering his tracks in all of them.

Prosecutor Boring to Stoddard: "Based upon your review of these computers and other devices he's had contact with is it obvious that he's deleted some of the things and from cross referencing these phones and items?"

Detective Stoddard "Yes."

But in cyberspace, "delete" doesn't mean "gone."

"When you delete a file on your computer, it's still there," explained computer security expert Evans. "It just renames the sector to say this is just unused space right now. And then something else can write over top of it."

Evans says the same applies to your tablets and cell phones. The files are there and not there. At the same time.

"People think 'Well, this is a cell phone. Once I delete a picture or text message or my contacts, it's gone'" said Evans. "No. Even when you hit 'reset' on your phone, that information is still stored on that hard drive."

There's plenty of privacy software out there to encrypt what you do and where you go on the web. For most folks it's not worth it, since they don't have anything to hide.

And that's very likely what Harris' defense team will say about him as well when his case goes to court.

Leanna definitely has a spin machine working for her at the moment. Interesting to compare her to Richard Jewell.

Yes Interesting. I find myself comparing both of these parents more to the Ramsey's. It's all about protecting themselves, not the child they lost.

Although Patsy managed to show a lot more grief than this woman has. Which of course would in Leanna's case is um none.
When texting iphone to iphone it is sent via imessage unless you are out of a network area. So there's a good possibility that they did use the iphone text but the text came across as Imessages. The way to tell on an iphone is the messages boxes are blue when it's sending/recieving as an imessage and they are green when sending/receiving as a text. Imessages do not go towards your text numbers. As they are sent via the apple id system. They also do not show up on your bill. They also do not show up on your employer phone bill nor are they logged unless the company has a feature on it. But there is always the possibilty that they messaged through the app he was messaging other women through. I find that highly unlikely. I'm sure that was a hidden app that she had no clue about. Not sure if iphone have where you can make an app invisible. I know the blackberries do.

I think this case is going to have a lot of technical components to it. I hope LE can get a hold of all those messages. It will be interesting to find out if they are able to recover deleted messages. I'm thinking it's possible. We shall see.

Inaccurate. But partly true and thank you for the details.

The part you are missing that makes this inaccurate is that apple users have ability to disable iMessage so that it's treated like ordinary sms/mms.

That is how I have my phone set up. iMessage is off. I don't like people to see if I've read their text or see if typing a response. Feels too invasive.

So it's possible, if they had iPhone, that iMessage was not enabled.

iMessage is not enabled by default btw - not on my phone at least. So you have to go out of your way to turn it on.
Was anyone else's head spinning when they read the atty statement?? About the part where she can never again tuck him in? I was screaming in my head- "she never again wants to!! She already declared that if given the chance to ever again do anything with Cooper, she wouldn't. She wouldn't bring him back!" UGH!!

I hope to God one of the talking heads picks up on the same and lam-blasts him for such an assenine statement. Clearly he doesn't read the press and people's major reactions to his own client. Epic fail.
I believe that statement was generated from someone in PR at her lawyer's firm, trying to get sympathy from the public. The statement was a joke and further made her look guilty. Does he think we're stupid??
I'm trying to maintain an open mind until trial...but if this is her devastated, nightmare face, I want to buy stock in what she's on.

This. I was 14 when my dad died of cancer. Way back then, people died at the hospital and because of his condition my parents both thought it better I did not see him toward the end (1968, different world, different parenting... they meant well). At any rate, the day he died I did not cry. Not even a little. I was a daddy's girl, and adored him.

So, to this day, I always give people a certain amount of leeway on grieving. No one could figure out why I was so strong. My own theory has always had to do with not seeing for the last couple of months. Because of that, the news of his death was very abstract to me, I think. Not really sure.

However, the night of the wake, although to this day, I don't remember this part, it took both of my brother in laws, one of whom was a very big, very tough Green Beret, to pull me, a skinny 14 year old, off the casket.

So, I could give LH a pass for her immediate lack of emotion. She could well have been in shock. But her behavior at both the funeral and the hearing? No. just no.

I tried to keep an open mind, but if anything this statement from her attorney has tipped me off the fence.
She is worried about her husband and herself.
SnapChat and WhatsApp are two messaging apps that are extremely popular with young people right now due to the fact that the messages and photos sent and received will self-destruct after a certain number of seconds so they become undetectable.

If RH and LH were using one of these messaging apps, their messages wouldn't show up on their phones, but I'm sure LE has a way to go to the app server and find their deleted messages.

Agreed, I have and use both apps on my phone. I use What's app to communicate with friends internationally, or if I'm on vacation out of the states. Snapchat , because friends use it and send me messages on it, but I still predominately text to communicate on a daily basis.

What's interesting to me is that a husband and wife hadn't had a text between them since May. That's just weird. They may have been using other apps for sure, but like you side, purposely and to hide things if they were :cow:. RH didn't seem to have a problem taking pictures of himself on his phone and using it to sext. For me, there is a disconnect there. He didn't seem to go out of his way in any way to hide that. It shows me that he wasn't trying to save on his "bill" by using apps as data is the thing that would be more expensive. Texting is generally unlimited and less of a worry on smartphone bills than data usage. Yknow?
I believe that statement was generated from someone in PR at her lawyer's firm, trying to get sympathy from the public. The statement was a joke and further made her look guilty. Does he think we're stupid??

Exactly exactly!!! And instead of sympathy it makes her look insensitive and selfish- as in "feel sorry for me, even though I'd never want anyone who ever loved Cooper to have him in their lives again."

I keep reminding myself that the twisted theory that its "selfish" to deny a child his place in heaven is completely and utterly disregard how selfish it is to deny the living souls on earth the privilege and joy to have that child in their lives (grandparents, family, unborn potential future offspring of that child). It's utterly selfish and absurd to think that a mother and/or father are the only people on the planet who are impacted by that child's life - and to express any notion that supports that ideology only demonstrates a true selfishness - which let me point out is NOT valued by GOD in any religious denomination - and any true so-called "extremely religious" person would already know that self-centeredness is discouraged.

LH knows this too - so I don't fall for it for one second. She was basically saying SHE didn't want to have to watch Cooper go through any of those (minor) life trivials - this was all about HER and what she wanted or didn't want to see Cooper experience. This is all about HER desires, with no regard for what Cooper may have wanted.

For all she knows, Cooper may have been a social butterfly and been the hit of the lunchroom, never sit alone, or be a wonderful magnetic person who finds the love of his life instead of finding heartbreak. His future was not hers to determine or state that she would deny him of that given the cance to get it back. This is ALL about her.

Ugh, I'm sorry but her brand of self-fixation defies my level of patience.... Sorry for venting
Her law firm might reconsider the person(s) they have spinning her PR. K-I-S-S is best. How about "Leanne is overwhelmed by the loss of her son and bewildered by the media scrutiny. She has continued to cooperate with investigators and fervently hopes there will be definitive answers soon regarding Cooper's death."

And of course we hope she is still cooperating with the investigators. I hope that she is part of trapping her husband.
Yes it would, but I don't believe he has an Apple computer or iPad from the items listed in the search warrant that I have seen. The investigators will likely have to go through Apple to gain access to the cloud to see if the messages store there. I'm not sure they store on the cloud, but they do sync between Apple devices.
It's not all that weird to delete your texts regularly. My husband deletes his every couple of days. He doesn't like looking through a long list of texts to find who he wants to text. Since he uses his phone for business and personal purposes he gets up to 200 hundred texts and iMessages a day. Of course JRH could have deleted his on purpose.
If Leanna was cleared, I don't think anyone can say she was accused by the media to the extent that Jewell was. He successfully filed lawsuits against a few outlets; I don't see how Leanna has any case at this point. Her lawyer had to know that the Jewell comparison would get a lot of scrutiny and attention, yet the statement is for the media to leave her alone, and an attempt to get sympathy?

I know these articles are 4-5 days old, but if Leanna was "cleared", and definitely not a suspect, I would think her own attorney would be singing this LOUDLY from the rooftops. Police are very carefully keeping her status fluid. There is definitely a reason for this, IMO. If she was cleared of all suspicion, they would just say so, since they have RH in custody.

Cobb County police spokesman Michael Bowman has also remained tight-lipped, neither confirming nor denying that Leanna Harris, a 30-year-old dietitian, is a suspect.

"She has been interviewed," he told reporters on Thursday, "and this case is still active and fluid."

I found this regarding iMessage and LE:


So iMessages may not be interceptable from a suspect’s cell carrier, but Apple has to be capable of handing them over when the authorities come knocking with a warrant. In fact, all Apple has to do is provide the cops with an appropriate authentication token and they should, in principle, be able to turn an ordinary iPhone into a de facto clone of the suspect’s own device—so that iMessages show up on the police phone in realtime just as the suspect receives or sends them.

Much more @ Link


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That is what I was wondering last night. I didn't have time to look into it with making dinner and participating in my real life.
"Leanna is living every parent's nightmare"


NO! It's your nightmare, not mine! My nightmare is someone else harming my kids - not me, husband or my family!!
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