LeAnna (Mom) #1

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Yeah I can picture that! At the patients home they can watch the news together.
I was put on bed rest for 5 months with my son. I still had a job and insurance when he was born. I think she left her job. But what do I know?

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FWIW, I am pretty sure you have to "hire/retain" an attorney to get the benefit of attorney-client privilege....even if it's only a buck you have to pay them, before they can't share your conversations. Or am I completely out in left field?

No. You don't have to pay a dime for the privilege to kick in.

I have always believed it to be random. It would only make sense that they were there, looking at the scene, securing it, interviewing coworkers that may still be there. Retracing his steps from Chik-Fil-A.

What may or may not be random is LH showing up there and that being the place that she was notified of Cooper's death. Adamant that /Cooper had to be left in the car. She missed Ross' call from the scene shortly after Coop was "discovered" about 30 minutes before.

I'm not sure that it is entirely true about what she said about Ross' cell phone going directly to VM. He was using it, and his friends were able to send him a text regarding his no show at the movie at 5:30.

Now that I think about it, something is not right about LH claiming that RH's phone was going to VM. His friends could text him and get through, why couldn't she?

You can send text messages all you want to a phone that's shut off, dead or demolished.

Did she say it went straight to voicemail or just that it went to voicemail? There's a difference.

From link below:

The lawyer is very good. He knows what he's doing. It's a transparently self-serving statement to many of us but just like Jose Baez' sleazy smiles and obvious lying worked on the jurors, this statement, which is far better than what that windbag produced, will affect many.

I totally gave LH the benefit of the doubt after hearing what she said and did at the funeral. But seeing her gum chomping face at the prelim? Forget it. No way in hell can anyone tell me that's a grieving mother. She looked like she was in line at the DMV.

Now her lawyer is trying to repair the damage. It's also a primer for her from him on how grieving mothers should feel. He is coaching her on how to act.

Video Ross Harris watched TWICE the second time on June 13 2014.

5 days later Cooper was dead.

How Hot Does it Get in a Parked Car Dr Ernie Ward: http://youtu.be/JbOcCQ-y3OY

How do we know that's the video he watched? TIA?

I think the Richard Jewell analogy is a vague hint that there could be a lawsuit if they continue to investigate her. JMHO

There are no grounds for a lawsuit against LE. They are allowed to investigate.

@B_M: Since #LeannaHarris couldn't get the life insurance money is she now setting the stage to get money from a defamation suit? #HotCarDeath"

Hmm... Interesting

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

Defamation necessitates a lie. I see no lies so far.

They will wait to see if Leanna is charged, whether JRH did it intentionally is irrelevant since they wont be paying out to him. Even if she is charged they have to pay out to someone which is possibly the grandparents.

This is not true. Life insurance policies are payable to the beneficiaries- not their families. And many policies have clauses that preclude payout if the cause of death is murder by the beneficiary.
How do we know that's the video he watched? TIA

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Prosecutors say Ross Harris wanted to live a child- free life based on Internet searches they`ve uncovered that he made, allegedly. In addition to researching how long it takes a child to die in a hot car, cops claim he was obsessed with websites showing all different sorts of ways to die. And just five days before he left his son to die in a hot car, he watched a video of a vet demonstrating how unbelievably hot it gets inside a parked car in the summer.

Take a look at this very video from YouTube.


DR. ERNIE WARD, VETERINARIAN: I thought I would put myself in a parked car, and let`s see just how hot it gets. Come on.
A hundred and thirteen degrees. It`s awful. The only thought that`s going through my head right now is, I just -- I want out of the car. You know, it`s just -- everything in my body is saying, get out, get out, get out.


Det . Stoddard named the vet and the video in court.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you actually find the video on there that he described to you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Could you tell the judge in detail what this video depicts?

STODDARD: The video, and I believe it's - I might get the name wrong. It's like Ernie Ward (ph). And he is a veterinarian. And he's a very - he's an advocate for, of course, you know, animal care. And the veterinarian decides to do a demonstration about the dangers of leaving your animal in a car. So he goes out to a car, he sits in the car in the middle of the summer. It appears to be very hot outside. And he sits there for 30 minutes. And as he -- the video is about six minutes long. And through this video, he's showing you times and he's showing you temperature. The temperature in the car gets to over 117 degrees or around 117 degrees. And he starts to explain how horrible a feeling it is to be in this car. And he goes over it several times. He goes, this is horrible. He goes, imagine if you couldn't move. If I wasn't a thinking person, I could reason through this. That they are just trapped here in this car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, this video, was it something that you -- looking from your examination, that he viewed once?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many times did he view it?

STODDARD: He viewed it twice.
I get the impression that LH was passively involved in her attorney's statement. Because she is reportedly "deeply religious," she probably would have preferred the words "sex life" not be used and instead something more delicate such as "intimate life." This is just my opinion but it seems to again demonstrate a certain level of detachment on her part. I could be wrong but I thought it was worth asking to see if anyone else here got that same vibe.
I get the impression that LH was passively involved in her attorney's statement. Because she is reportedly "deeply religious," she probably would have preferred the words "sex life" not be used and instead something more delicate such as "intimate life." This is just my opinion but it seems to again demonstrate a certain level of detachment on her part. I could be wrong but I thought it was worth asking to see if anyone else here got that same vibe.
Intimacy, to me anyway, is so much more than a sex life. It's sharing your hopes and dreams, your nightmares, your soul with someone. The way it was reported she said it... sex wasn't the problem. Ross had unplugged awile ago imo.
I wonder if there is some conversation missing from what we have been told about Leanna going to daycare for Cooper and stating Oh Ross must have left him in the car. Did she go in to Cooper's room and was told by the teacher/aides that he wasn't there, so she walked to the desk confused, and then workers started looking in their logs/computers to see when he was checked in (because obviously this is a mistake!), and all the while Leanna is just bewildered. Then finally it hits her - Cooper must be in the car? That scenario seems more likely than the other.

I guess I have such a hard time thinking a mother could be party to this. Of course we have the Casey's of the world, BUT for a mother to go along with this - just doesn't make sense. Everyday we see moms who cover up for their husbands/boyfriends when discipline goes too far, they don't stand up for their kids, etc. And those cases are horrible and disgusting and I always feel mom should be punished even more than the man because her #1 job in the world was to protect her children.

But to let your baby die this horrible death - premeditated? This just takes it to a whole 'nother level.

I understand what you are saying. But how different is this from those Mothers who watch as their husbands and boyfriends beat their children to death. Next to the article will be a picture of a darling child, dressed up and smiling...one recently was next to her birthday cake.

They look loved.

But the Mothers value the men so much that they can see the pain inflicted and turn away. Later they help in a coverup or lie to police.

It's sadly not uncommon.

"I'm doing this for you." What did that mean? Is LH stating this is a public show for YOU, Ross, not the last goodbye to our Baby? It is not just the fact that LH seems emotionless in the face of the terrible way her son died. She has plenty of emotion. But it is all for RH!!!

Her attorney misses the mark saying she does not want to cry or show emotion in public....she HAS! She is like a tigress, protecting her cub...but the cub is ROSS!

This is the disparity that the public is noticing about her.

She has shown plenty of emotion throughout this. But it is all about Ross, for Ross, not Cooper. Even her little list of why she would not bring Cooper back...wasn't that just a list of excuses as to why this child's death isn't such a bad thing...to excuse her husband? All about Ross again...

It's like if your husband breaks a favorite antique vase, you say.."well, it was old. The color wasn't great in this room. It leaked a bit. No problem." LH essentially gave a "no problem" speech defending her husband at her dead child's funeral!

Even when she finds out what happened...does she go to her child...or her husband? Who does she pick? I know it was too late to comfort Cooper but there is usually some instinct just to touch him, cover him...something. But she is instead...comforting the man who left him to die.

So her lawyer misunderstands. The public has seen plenty of fire and emotion and protective spirit from LH. It just hasn't been toward her Baby. It's been for her..."Man."
Intimacy, to me anyway, is so much more than a sex life. It's sharing your hopes and dreams, your nightmares, your soul with someone. The way it was reported she said it... sex wasn't the problem. Ross had unplugged awile ago imo.

I am in complete agreement with you. I just meant that I was struck by the lack of delicacy with the wording of the attorney's statement. To me it is noteworthy only because LH would likely never use the terminology "sex life" and instead would use a term for sex life that is more acceptable in deeply religious circles. (What term do they use for that? Maybe it is simply not discussed so no term needed!) Part of can't help but hope she was uncomfortable with that terminology being used by her attorney. Boy does she have a rude awakening coming! (In my opinion.)
As to LH.and premeditation....again, I'm thinking about those children beaten to death by the boyfriends. These mothers see signs way before...the violent reactions, the impatience, etc. But to keep the relationship, they choose to ignore the signs, excuse the first abuse as.."discipline." These Mothers rationalize. Then, after the fact, they coverup.

I wonder how much Cooper was starting to interfere with Dad's favorite perverted pastime. Those mornings after LH left, now that would be a prime time, still, in bed, to take the pictures of his erect penis for his "ladies." That would be a great time to start "communicating" ....easier than work. But..there's this kid. This active toddler. He needs to be changed, fed, dressed. He interrupts. He "breaks the mood." And if Dad has...problems....breaking the mood could make him angry.

LH looked so nonplussed at the hearing. Maybe she had caught him sexting before. Maybe she even knew he sexting with the Baby in the room. Maybe she saw that he had grown impatient with little Cooper. Maybe she knew he read about hot car deaths...and she read the same stuff, fearing what he might do.

But, like those other Mothers who just...let it happen...LH just convinced herself that nothing was THAT wrong.

But, when she walked into the daycare...she knew exactly what he had done!

So, she wasn't in on the premeditation exactly. She was just an enabler, IMO. And then, like these other Stand By Your Man Moms...she went all in to protect her Man.

Yeah, I know it's pretty generic, pop psychology and yes, everyone grieves differently but LH thus far appears to be ticking very few of the boxes many people can relate to and that's probably why many people can't um, well, relate to her.

1. Denial - No. "Ross, must have left him in the car."
2. Anger - No. "Did you say too much?" "I'm doing this for you Ross."
3. Bargaining - No. "I wouldn't bring Cooper back even if I could."
4. Depression - Not established. Likely IMO.
5. Acceptance - Yes. Cooper's gone but that's ok, she can have more kids with her glorious family Leader.
But, like those other Mothers who just...let it happen...LH just convinced herself that nothing was THAT wrong.

I personally think she DID know. Remember the friend said that she wanted 3 or 4 children, but back in may when her friend brought up more kids LH said "This is not the time to discuss that".

To me that says something had changed big time and she knew about it.

Girlfriends and wives that are in "denial" wouldn't make such strong statements about something they had wanted so badly in their relationship (more kids), they would say something more upbeat like "I hope soon...maybe just need to get Daddy ready for the idea".
I personally think she DID know. Remember the friend said that she wanted 3 or 4 children, but back in may when her friend brought up more kids LH said "This is not the time to discuss that".

To me that says something had changed big time and she knew about it.

Girlfriends and wives that are in "denial" wouldn't make such strong statements about something they had wanted so badly in their relationship (more kids), they would say something more upbeat like "I hope soon...maybe just need to get Daddy ready for the idea".

I wonder, would that be around the time he failed to get the promotion/raise he'd applied for?
iirc that was in April but who knows when he told her.
I wonder, would that be around the time he failed to get the promotion/raise he'd applied for?

Yup, according to the timeline:

APRIL 2014 RH is unhappy w/Home Depot; says he was passed over for promotion. Feels angry.

Within two months of JUNE 18, 2014 RH accesses the “Child-Free” Sub-Reddit, reading at least 4 articles (and discussion threads?) on the subject. He researches “How to survive prison,” watches a TV program on the Turn Around (or Look Back) program, which reminds parents to always look in the back seat to prevent forgetting a child there; RH would later tell LE he had practiced it often. He also visits several web sites showing graphic images or videos of people dying or being killed.

MAY 2014 RH interviews with Chik-Fil-A Corporate; does not get the job. Feels depressed.

MAY 2014 (6 wks before 6/18/14) Cooper gets a new forward-facing big-boy car seat.

JUNE 5, 2014 RH is sexting w/a female whom he informs that his child and wife are present. When the other participant, upon learning this, asks RH whether he has any conscience at all, he answers: “Nope.”

~June 5, 2014 Although Cooper has been riding in his new car seat for ~4 weeks, RH switches with LH at this time, going back to using the too-small, rear-facing car seat Cooper will die in two weeks later, on June 18.

JUNE 13, 2014 RH watches a video for the second time: Veterinarian Ernie Ward's demonstration of the suffering dogs are subjected to when left in a hot car, including details of temperature increases and effects as time passes over a 30-minute period. [snipped]. (Unclear: date/time RH watched this video for the first time.)

Some time prior to the evening of JUNE 18, 2014 RH has deleted multiple records from his phones, computers, and presumably other electronic devices.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

JUNE 18, 2014 – the day of Cooper's death

One of the legal analysts on the Today Show (sorry, don't recall who) shared that she felt that this statement from the attorney was just an attempt to divert attention from LH's odd behavior.

The link is not up yet on their website, so take it as you will.
Leanna definitely has a spin machine working for her at the moment. Interesting to compare her to Richard Jewell.
He certainly used his phone to sext 6 different women all day. Therfore, using data which is more expensive than texts depending on a persons plan. So why would he not use it to communicate with his wife?

If they were communicating with apps, I do not believe it was to keep a bill down, but rather maybe purposeful, to hide what they may have been saying to each other.


SnapChat and WhatsApp are two messaging apps that are extremely popular with young people right now due to the fact that the messages and photos sent and received will self-destruct after a certain number of seconds so they become undetectable.

If RH and LH were using one of these messaging apps, their messages wouldn't show up on their phones, but I'm sure LE has a way to go to the app server and find their deleted messages.
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