LeAnna (Mom) #1

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"@MPetchenikWSB: Source tells me Leanna Harris will meet with #Atlanta atty L. Lin Wood to discuss defamation case vs. "tabloid" media. #HotCarDeath. #wsbtv."

WOW! Well, if she's in line at all with her buddy RH who she's doing it all for, she won't do that and open up all kinds of discovery in the civil suit. If she thinks the tabloid stories are bad, it's obvious she's never been on the receiving end of aggressive discovery procedures. Ok, if/when all charges are dropped and they are cleared she'd have the momentum. But right now? Terrible mistake and stupid to even let the rumor get out there.

In some way, though, it may indicate a real belief on her part that's she's innocent or she wouldn't want to go toe to toe with any media legal team on what is "true." If I were RH's attorney, and thank God I'm not, I'd be sweating any move she makes right now.
Her child is 4 weeks dead and her husband is sitting in jail, accused of causing it and she is looking at a defamation case. WTH I must have my priorities mixed up.

Well, haven't you heard, it's hard to judge people from outward appearances because people grieve differently.

It outwardly appears to me that LH need lots of $$$ to help with her grief
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Prosecutors say Ross Harris wanted to live a child- free life based on Internet searches they`ve uncovered that he made, allegedly. In addition to researching how long it takes a child to die in a hot car, cops claim he was obsessed with websites showing all different sorts of ways to die. And just five days before he left his son to die in a hot car, he watched a video of a vet demonstrating how unbelievably hot it gets inside a parked car in the summer.

Take a look at this very video from YouTube.


DR. ERNIE WARD, VETERINARIAN: I thought I would put myself in a parked car, and let`s see just how hot it gets. Come on.
A hundred and thirteen degrees. It`s awful. The only thought that`s going through my head right now is, I just -- I want out of the car. You know, it`s just -- everything in my body is saying, get out, get out, get out.


Det . Stoddard named the vet and the video in court.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you actually find the video on there that he described to you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Could you tell the judge in detail what this video depicts?

STODDARD: The video, and I believe it's - I might get the name wrong. It's like Ernie Ward (ph). And he is a veterinarian. And he's a very - he's an advocate for, of course, you know, animal care. And the veterinarian decides to do a demonstration about the dangers of leaving your animal in a car. So he goes out to a car, he sits in the car in the middle of the summer. It appears to be very hot outside. And he sits there for 30 minutes. And as he -- the video is about six minutes long. And through this video, he's showing you times and he's showing you temperature. The temperature in the car gets to over 117 degrees or around 117 degrees. And he starts to explain how horrible a feeling it is to be in this car. And he goes over it several times. He goes, this is horrible. He goes, imagine if you couldn't move. If I wasn't a thinking person, I could reason through this. That they are just trapped here in this car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, this video, was it something that you -- looking from your examination, that he viewed once?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many times did he view it?

STODDARD: He viewed it twice.

Thank you so much! And I actually watched that but forgot it!!

I understand what you are saying. But how different is this from those Mothers who watch as their husbands and boyfriends beat their children to death. Next to the article will be a picture of a darling child, dressed up and smiling...one recently was next to her birthday cake.

They look loved.

But the Mothers value the men so much that they can see the pain inflicted and turn away. Later they help in a coverup or lie to police.

It's sadly not uncommon.

"I'm doing this for you." What did that mean? Is LH stating this is a public show for YOU, Ross, not the last goodbye to our Baby? It is not just the fact that LH seems emotionless in the face of the terrible way her son died. She has plenty of emotion. But it is all for RH!!!

Her attorney misses the mark saying she does not want to cry or show emotion in public....she HAS! She is like a tigress, protecting her cub...but the cub is ROSS!

This is the disparity that the public is noticing about her.

She has shown plenty of emotion throughout this. But it is all about Ross, for Ross, not Cooper. Even her little list of why she would not bring Cooper back...wasn't that just a list of excuses as to why this child's death isn't such a bad thing...to excuse her husband? All about Ross again...

It's like if your husband breaks a favorite antique vase, you say.."well, it was old. The color wasn't great in this room. It leaked a bit. No problem." LH essentially gave a "no problem" speech defending her husband at her dead child's funeral!

Even when she finds out what happened...does she go to her child...or her husband? Who does she pick? I know it was too late to comfort Cooper but there is usually some instinct just to touch him, cover him...something. But she is instead...comforting the man who left him to die.

So her lawyer misunderstands. The public has seen plenty of fire and emotion and protective spirit from LH. It just hasn't been toward her Baby. It's been for her..."Man."

Brilliant post.

People react to grief very differently. Some go numb. Some bawl. I vomit. My closest friend goes stone-faced and catatonic. You cannot, in my humble opinion, judge someone's grief by their outward appearance as you cannot judge someone's guilt and/or involvement by their expression or appearance at a funeral. I recall reading general discussion threads here (on Somer Thompson) prior to joining Websleuths. This little girl had been abducted, raped and murdered on the way home from school in her own neighborhood after running off from her siblings. The things said about her mother's attire and demeanor the day Somer Thompson was buried were shameful. It later came out her mother had ZERO involvement. I know that this is a forum for crime sleuthing and part of that involves speculation. I don't really think judging someone's outward appearances as 'bad' or 'telling' is accurate or appropriate, though.

This is obviously just my opinion.

Absolutely. But this is not about one appearance at the PCH. Let's review:
1. At her son's funeral, she focuses on her husband. She speaks with him on the cell phone, has him on speaker phone to address the congregation, and again speaks with him on the cell as she follows behind her baby's casket.
2. She states, at her baby's funeral, "I'm doing this for you, Ross."
3. At her son's funeral, LH states that she would not have Cooper come back to life because in heaven, he will miss out on certain bad things on earth.
4. LH "coincidentally"researched hot car deaths and feared something like this would happen, before it did.
5. LH spoke with her husband for one minute only a half an hour or less before Cooper was found. Since he had already texted to ask what time she was going to pick up Cooper, what was that call about?
6. When she got to the daycare, she insisted that the only possibility was that her son baked to death, forgotten in a hot car. She refused to imagine any other possibility.
7. LH's mother screamed in agony when receiving the news that Cooper was dead. LH didn;t. Her mother asked why she wasn't crying.
8. LE states LH was unemotional when she found out her son was dead.
9. LH didn't ask to see her son when she found out he was dead. She asked to see her husband.
10. "Did you say too much?"
11. LH expressed no anger toward her husband that we are aware of.
12. LH doesn't show any of the signs of being in shock, or depressed, on medication or of grieving. She isn't pale. Her eyes aren't red. She doesn't tear up except when it concerns Ross. She shows no discernible changes in breathing, expression, temperature or skin coloring, when her son's agonizing condition is discussed. (Compare this to her mother, sitting behind her). She blithely makes her way to her seat and sits there chomping gum like she's at the DMV. Her look is total boredom, unconcern, except, apparently, when her husband's bail is mentioned. Then she perks up.

I agree that appearances cannot tell us everything. But when combined with various things, they can be incredible clues. That's why LE study suspects and POI's for their reactions to things.

LH is not in shock or privately grieving because, as stmarysmead stated, LH HAS indeed shown emotion. Just not for her baby:

Yes, her Mom knows her better than anyone, I totally agree. On the day of the PCH, there is a woman sitting either right next to her or in back of her that has an astonished look on her face as the info comes out about RH's sexting habits, his searches on the computer, etc. and she looks directly at LH as she is hearing this. I did not know at the time this was her mother. I do now and I find it interesting that this woman looks at her daughter as she's hearing these things and LH can barely muster a sigh. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors but I have a feeling this woman has been having some very long talks with her daughter and it's just possible this is how the truth is going to come out. That was her cherished grandson that lost his life and IMO she will get to the bottom of it.

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No, it's not just appearance, although that is shocking to me. It's everything.[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] [/FONT]
CNN @NewDay covered LH this morning (July 16th).

Here is the link to the full show transcript (of which LH is a segment):

Wife in Hot Car Death Breaks Silence


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The lack of her husband's name is a very telling point to me. Very different from her comments at the funeral where she was a stand by your man woman. You know, I love him. He's a wonderful husband. He's a wonderful father. I trust him. Now she's not saying anything. And I think there is something to be said for reading between the lines here. As a prosecutor, you know that there's things going on behind-the-scenes.

The prosecution is looking at two potential suspects here. It's very clear in the probable cause hearing they went out of their way to put on evidence about her when they didn't need to. It wasn't her probable cause hearing, showing that they are working towards mounting a case against her. They're still trying to decide, are we going to use her as a cooperative witness, is she going to be charged, or is there a possibility that they might turn her against him or him against her. The fact that this statement was so vague about the case, in fact, no mention of the case itself at all, lends the credibility that these discussions are going on.
It's things like this that make me sick. What does she think was going to happen? Not that it is right, but this is what happens when a crime is committed. It is a high profile case, so this is going to happen, people saying things about a spouse or family member. The last thing on the face of the earth, I would be doing is a lawsuit. It's a move like this that causes people to talk. Get your priorities in order, and good luck, it is, IMO, going to be hard to be successful in a lawsuit like this.

Do you think maybe the attorney is pumping her up to do this? More headlines for him?
If I was in her shoes, I would disappear to AL and unless I changed my mind about RH, I wouldn't even come out for the trial. (I'm really talking about her mind, not mine)
Well, haven't you heard, it's hard to judge people from outward appearances because people grieve differently.

It outwardly appears to me that LH need lots of $$$ to help with her grief

Don't they all?
Do you think maybe the attorney is pumping her up to do this? More headlines for him?
If I was in her shoes, I would disappear to AL and unless I changed my mind about RH, I wouldn't even come out for the trial. (I'm really talking about her mind, not mine)

Lin Wood doesn't need any free publicity. IMO

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Lin Wood doesn't need any free publicity. IMO

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You don't think he may want to be on all the news shows, talking up his high profile case, maybe looking to a future as a legal expert on (hehehe) HLN?
I don't know the man, but I've certainly seen others follow that path.

Our firm is led by L. Lin Wood who has developed a national reputation during his more than 36 years of experience as a trial lawyer focusing on civil litigation, representing individuals and corporations as plaintiffs or defendants in tort and business cases involving claims of significant damage. Mr. Wood also has extensive experience in First Amendment litigation and management of the media in high profile cases.
You don't think he may want to be on all the news shows, talking up his high profile case, maybe looking to a future as a legal expert on (hehehe) HLN?
I don't know the man, but I've certainly seen others follow that path.

Google him.
He's one of the best. He represented John, Patsy and Burke Ramsey.

He's not some two bit lawyer by any stretch.

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]Google him.
He's one of the best. He represented John, Patsy and Burke Ramsey.

He's not some two bit lawyer by any stretch.

Edited to add IIRC he represented the wrongly accused Olympic bomber as well.

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Wow. She's suing for defamation? Lin Wood? Just wow. Can this case get any more like the Anthony-circus?
Mr. Wood has been the lead attorney in many national, high profile cases, including serving as:

•lead civil attorney for the late Richard Jewell in matters arising out of reporting about Mr. Jewell in connection with the 1996 bombing of Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta

•lead civil attorney for Howard K. Stern in the prosecution and defense of defamation claims arising out of the death of Anna Nicole Smith

•lead attorney for John and the late Patsy Ramsey and their son in matters relating to the 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey in Boulder, Colorado

•attorney for Beth Holloway in matters relating to the media coverage of the May 2005 disappearance of her daughter, Natalee Holloway, in Aruba and in a pending civil action against the National Enquirer in federal court in Alabama

•attorney for Sharon Rocha in matters relating to the media coverage of the December 2002 murder of her daughter, Laci Peterson

•attorney for former U.S. Congressman Gary Condit in defamation matters relating to the May 2001 abduction and murder of Chandra Levy in Washington

more at this link

Wow. She's suing for defamation? Lin Wood? Just wow. Can this case get any more like the Anthony-circus?

Shhhh, don't type that too loud.

The grandparents might start acting the fool :hills:
OMG! A couple of our members totally called this last night!! :eek:

Add THIS to the list of odd things not in line with a grieving mother. I had a good friend that lost her 10 year old daughter to PAM. She spent the better part of her time in bed unable to function. How does LH has the strength and fortitude to talk to a lawyer about a lawsuit?

She makes me want to vomit. It is all about the $$$$ with these two

I wouldn't be able to properly function ever again. She really is a piece of work.
AT this point there is a rumored meeting. Her lawyers could have called them for her.
Do you think maybe the attorney is pumping her up to do this? More headlines for him?
If I was in her shoes, I would disappear to AL and unless I changed my mind about RH, I wouldn't even come out for the trial. (I'm really talking about her mind, not mine)

He is pretty famous now, but I suppose, why not? I would disappear, and more then likely not go outside my home for a very long time.
AT this point there is a rumored meeting. Her lawyers could have called them for her.

Yeah, but why Lin Wood? And where is she getting the money for him? He's expensive. I think she's going by the premise, "The best defense is a good offense"!
Shhhh, don't type that too loud.

The grandparents might start acting the fool :hills:

LOL. That tickled me.

Seriously, though, I'm scratching my head, can any of our legal experts weigh in here? What would be the grounds for this defamation suit? I haven't seen one media outlet come right out and say she's a murderer or an accomplice, yep, plenty of inferring, suggesting, surmising based on her demeanour, actions and words in the wake of Cooper's death but no more than there is in any other controversial case. I'm stunned by this latest development.
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